Index for doci

Docimo, A. * 2000: Design and Analysis of a Forward-adaptive Wavelet Image Coder

Docimo, L.[Ludovico] * 2019: Skin Lesions Classification: A Radiomics Approach with Deep CNN
* 2022: Leveraging CycleGAN in Lung CT Sinogram-free Kernel Conversion

Docio Fernandez, L.[Laura] * 2015: Assessing speaker independence on a speech-based depression level estimation system
* 2021: Isolated Sign Language Recognition with Multi-Scale Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks
Includes: Docio Fernandez, L.[Laura] Docio-Fernandez, L.[Laura] Docío-Fernández, L.[Laura]

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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