Index for drey

Dreyer, J.B.B.[Jaqueline B. B.] * 2023: Leaf-Level Field Spectroscopy to Discriminate Invasive Species (Psidium guajava L. and Hovenia dulcis Thunb.) from Native Tree Species in the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest

Dreyer, M.[Maximilian] * 2023: Revealing Hidden Context Bias in Segmentation and Object Detection through Concept-specific Explanations

Dreyfus Schmidt, L.[Leo] * 2022: Performance Prediction Under Dataset Shift
Includes: Dreyfus Schmidt, L.[Leo] Dreyfus-Schmidt, L.[Léo]

Dreyfus, G. * 1992: Handwritten Digit Recognition by Neural Networks with Single-Layer Training

Dreyfuss, J.[Jeremie] * 2007: Optimal Reduced Representation of a MoG with Applicatios to Medical Image Database Classification, An
* 2008: Simplifying Mixture Models Using the Unscented Transform

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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