Index for dryd

Dryden, G. * 1997: Classification of LANDSAT Thematic Mapper Image Data, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona
* 2012: Fully automated 3D colon segmentation for early detection of colorectal cancer based on convex formulation of the active contour model
* 2015: Revamped fly-over for accurate colon visualisation in virtual colonoscopy
* 2023: Automatic Colorectal Polyps Detection Approach for Ct Colonography, An
Includes: Dryden, G. Dryden, G.[Gerald]

Dryden, G.W.[Gerald W.] * 2007: Geometric Features Based Framework for Colonic Polyp Detection using a New Color Coding Scheme
* 2008: Gaussian curvature flowmodel for colonic polyp detection in CT colonography
* 2009: On clinical validation of Fly-Over visualization technique for virtual colonoscopy
* 2009: variational framework for 3D colonic polyp visualization in virtual colonoscopy, A

Dryden, I.L. * 1995: understanding of muscle fibre images, An
* 1998: Statistical shape analysis
* 2007: Using social effects to guide tracking in complex scenes
* 2010: Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Shape Analysis and Its Applications in Image Understanding
* 2011: 2D nonrigid partial shape matching using MCMC and contour subdivision
* 2012: Fitting smoothing splines to time-indexed, noisy points on nonlinear manifolds
* 2017: TPS Direct Transport: A New Method for Transporting Deformations in the Size-and-Shape Space, The
Includes: Dryden, I.L. Dryden, I.L.[Ian L.]
7 for Dryden, I.L.

Dryden, N.[Nikoli] * 2024: Learning to Compose SuperWeights for Neural Parameter Allocation Search

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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