Index for dun_

Dun, J.W.[Jia Wei] * 2021: Detection and Mapping of Active Landslides before Impoundment in the Baihetan Reservoir Area (China) Based on the Time-Series InSAR Method
Includes: Dun, J.W.[Jia Wei] Dun, J.W.[Jia-Wei]

Dun, X.[Xiong] * 2018: Depth and Transient Imaging with Compressive SPAD Array Cameras
* 2018: On-Orbit Non-Uniformity Correction Method with Modulated Internal Calibration Sources for Infrared Remote Sensing Systems, The
* 2024: Learning spatial-spectral dual adaptive graph embedding for multispectral and hyperspectral image fusion

Dun, Y.J.[Yu Jie] * 2015: Fine-Resolution Frequency Estimator in the Odd-DFT Domain, A
* 2022: Annular-Graph Attention Model for Personalized Sequential Recommendation
* 2023: CSDA: Learning Category-Scale Joint Feature for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* 2023: Learning Data-Driven Vector-Quantized Degradation Model for Animation Video Super-Resolution
* 2023: SCGNet: Shifting and Cascaded Group Network
Includes: Dun, Y.J.[Yu Jie] Dun, Y.J.[Yu-Jie]

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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