Index for eitz

Eitz, M. * 2012: SHREC'12 Track: Sketch-Based 3d Shape Retrieval

Eitzen, Z.A.[Zachary A.] * 2020: Uncertainties in CERES Top-of-Atmosphere Fluxes Caused by Changes in Accompanying Imager

Eitzinger, C.[Christian] * 2008: Increasing Classification Robustness with Adaptive Features
* 2008: On-Line Interactive Self-adaptive Image Classification Framework, An
* 2009: Human-Machine Interaction Issues in Quality Control Based on Online Image Classification
* 2009: Quantitative Evaluation of Texture Feature Robustness and Interpolation Behaviour, A
* 2009: Texture features corresponding to human touch feeling
* 2010: Assessment of the influence of adaptive components in trainable surface inspection systems
* 2010: Impact of object extraction methods on classification performance in surface inspection systems
* 2014: Making Tactile Textures with Predefined Affective Properties
* 2015: Accurate fibre orientation measurement for carbon fibre surfaces
* 2016: On improving performance of surface inspection systems by online active learning and flexible classifier updates
Includes: Eitzinger, C.[Christian] Eitzinger, C.
10 for Eitzinger, C.

Eitzinger, J.[Josef] * 2019: Performance of the State-Of-The-Art Gridded Precipitation Products over Mountainous Terrain: A Regional Study over Austria

Index for "e"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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