Index for ejaz

Ejaz, M.[Mahnoor] * 2023: Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Mapping Tree Species Using WorldView-2 Imagery in the Agroforestry Landscape of West Africa, A

Ejaz, N.[Naveed] * 2012: Adaptive key frame extraction for video summarization using an aggregation mechanism
* 2013: Efficient visual attention based framework for extracting key frames from videos
* 2017: Movies tags extraction using deep learning
* 2023: Drought Monitoring Using Landsat Derived Indices and Google Earth Engine Platform: A Case Study from Al-Lith Watershed, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Includes: Ejaz, N.[Naveed] Ejaz, N. Ejaz, N.[Nuaman]

Ejaz, T.[Tahira] * 2010: Iterative tomographic image reconstruction by compressive sampling

Index for "e"

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