Index for ersi

Ersi, C.[Cha] * 2022: Temporal and Spatial Changes in Evapotranspiration and Its Potential Driving Factors in Mongolia over the Past 20 Years
* 2023: Comparison of Phenological Parameters Extracted from SIF, NDVI and NIRv Data on the Mongolian Plateau

Ersi, E.F.[Ehsan Fazl] * 2005: Rotation-Invariant Facial Feature Detection Using Gabor Wavelet and Entropy
* 2006: Local Feature Matching For Face Recognition
* 2007: Local Graph Matching for Face Recognition
Includes: Ersi, E.F.[Ehsan Fazl] Ersi, E.F.

Index for "e"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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