Index for vigl

Vigliar, M.[Mario] * 2014: SASCr3: A Real Time Hardware Coprocessor for Stereo Correspondence

Vigliensoni, G. * 2017: Pixel-wise binarization of musical documents with convolutional neural networks
* 2017: Pixelwise classification for music document analysis
* 2017: Staff-Line Detection on Grayscale Images with Pixel Classification
Includes: Vigliensoni, G. Vigliensoni, G.[Gabriel]

Viglino, J.M. * 2001: Cadastre map assembling: a puzzle game resolution
* 2003: Vector Approach for Automatic Interpretation of the French Cadatral Map, A

Vigliola, L.[Laurent] * 2022: Combining Passive Acoustics and Environmental Data for Scaling Up Ecosystem Monitoring: A Test on Coral Reef Fishes

Vigliotti, L.[Luigi] * 2019: Reconstruction of a Segment of the UNESCO World Heritage Hadrian's Villa Tunnel Network by Integrated GPR, Magnetic-Paleomagnetic, and Electric Resistivity Prospections

Vigliotti, M.[Marco] * 2021: Actual and Forecasted Vulnerability Assessment to Seawater Intrusion via GALDIT-SUSI in the Volturno River Mouth (Italy)

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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