Index for wala

Walach, D.[Daniel] * 2021: Application of TLS Remote Sensing Data in the Analysis of the Load-Carrying Capacity of Structural Steel Elements

Walach, E. * 1992: Intelligent Forms Processing System
* 2009: Word-Based Adaptive OCR for Historical Books
* 2011: Hybrid Approach to Adaptive OCR for Historical Books
* 2012: Identification of Malignant Breast Tumors Based on Acoustic Attenuation Mapping of Conventional Ultrasound Images
* 2015: Semantic Description of Medical Image Findings: Structured Learning approach
* 2016: Learning to Count with CNN Boosting
Includes: Walach, E. Walach, E.[Eugene] Walach, E.[Elad]

Walach, R.[Rony] * 2020: Hyperspectral-Physiological Phenomics System: Measuring Diurnal Transpiration Rates and Diurnal Reflectance, A

Walambe, R.[Rahee] * 2021: Evaluating the Performance of Ensemble Methods and Voting Strategies for Dense 2D Pedestrian Detection in the Wild
* 2022: Few-Shot learning for face recognition in the presence of image discrepancies for limited multi-class datasets
* 2022: RestoreX-AI: A Contrastive Approach towards Guiding Image Restoration via Explainable AI Systems
* 2023: WEDGE: A multi-weather autonomous driving dataset built from generative vision-language models

Walas, K.[Krzysztof] * 1900: UoB highly occluded object challenge (UoB-HOOC)
* 2015: Categorisation of 3D Objects in Range Images Using Compositional Hierarchies of Parts Based on MDL and Entropy Selection Criteria
* 2018: Summary of the 4th International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose, A
* 2021: Autonomous, Onboard Vision-Based Trash and Litter Detection in Low Altitude Aerial Images Collected by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Walawalkar, D.[Devesh] * 2020: Online Ensemble Model Compression Using Knowledge Distillation

Index for "w"

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