Index for wara

Waraich, M.M.[Mustansar Mahmood] * 2018: Classification of normal and abnormal brain MRI slices using Gabor texture and support vector machines
* 2019: Automated and reliable brain radiology with texture analysis of magnetic resonance imaging and cross datasets validation
* 2019: Computer aided diagnosis of brain abnormalities using texture analysis of MRI images

Waraich, S.A.[Saad Ahmed] * 2019: Auto SVD Clutter Filtering for US Doppler Imaging Using 3D Clustering Algorithm

Warakagoda, N.[Narada] * 2022: Challenges of Labelling Unknown Seabed Munition Dumpsites from Acoustic and Optical Surveys: A Case Study at Skagerrak

Waranusast, R. * 2013: Interactive tangible user interface for music learning
* 2013: Machine vision techniques for motorcycle safety helmet detection

Warashina, T. * 2003: Video transcoding based on optimal frame rate estimation

Index for "w"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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