Index for wasi

Wasielewski, D.[Daniel] * 2020: Near-Field Remote Sensing of Surface Velocity and River Discharge Using Radars and the Probability Concept at 10 U.S. Geological Survey Streamgages

Wasik, Z. * 2002: Robust color segmentation for the RoboCup domain

Wasilewski, P.[Piotr] * 2015: Concept Synthesis Using Logic of Prototypes and Counterexamples: A Graded Consequence Approach

Wasilkowski, G.W. * 1988: Computational Aspects of Determining Optical Flow
* 1989: Computing Optical Flow
* 1991: Discontinuity Detection and Thresholding: A Stocastic Approach
* 1993: New Zero-Crossing-Based Discontinuity Detector, A
* 1993: Optimal Zero-Crossing-Based Discontinuity Detector, An

Wasim, S.T.[Syed Talal] * 2023: Self-regulating Prompts: Foundational Model Adaptation without Forgetting
* 2023: Video-FocalNets: Spatio-Temporal Focal Modulation for Video Action Recognition
* 2023: Vita-CLIP: Video and text adaptive CLIP via Multimodal Prompting

Index for "w"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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