Index for weru

Weru, V. * 2023: Why is the Winner the Best?

Weruaga, L. * 2003: 3D mechanical characterization of artificial muscles with stereoscopic computer vision and active contours
* 2003: Estimating volumetric motion in human thorax with parametric matching constraints
* 2004: Convergence analysis of active contours in image segmentation
* 2004: Frequency Domain Formulation of Active Parametric Deformable Models
* 2004: Fuzzy non-rigid motion estimation robust to rotation
* 2005: Mechanical Characterization of the Life Cycle of Artificial Muscles Through Stereoscopic Computer Vision and Active Contours
* 2005: Multiple Feature Models for Image Matching
* 2008: Convergence analysis of active contours
* 2015: Exact NLMS Algorithm with L_p-Norm Constraint
* 2016: Optimal Sparsity Tradeoff in L_0-NLMS Algorithm
Includes: Weruaga, L. Weruaga, L.[Luis]
10 for Weruaga, L.

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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