Index for wesl

Wesley, A.[Avinash] * 2012: Comparative Analysis of Thermal and Visual Modalities for Automated Facial Expression Recognition, A

Wesley, E.J.[Elizabeth Jane] * 2019: Greenspace Pattern and the Surface Urban Heat Island: A Biophysically-Based Approach to Investigating the Effects of Urban Landscape Configuration

Wesley, L.P. * 1982: Use of an Evidential Based Model for Representing Knowledge and Reasoning about Images in the VISIONS System, The
* 1982: Use of an Evidential Based Model for Representing Knowledge and Reasoning about Images in the VISIONS System, The
* 1991: Theory, Implementation, and Practice of Evidential Reasoning, The

Wesley, R.[Richard] * 1997: Advanced tools for speech synchronized animation
* 1997: Advanced tools for speech synchronized animation
* 1997: Advanced tools for speech synchronized animation

Weslien, P.[Per] * 2019: Challenges and Best Practices for Deriving Temperature Data from an Uncalibrated UAV Thermal Infrared Camera
* 2021: Upscaling Northern Peatland CO2 Fluxes Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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