Index for witk

Witkam, A.P. * 1974: Optimizing Curve Segmentation in Computer Graphics

Witkin, A.P.[Andrew P.] * 1980: Shape from Contour
* 1980: Statistical Technique for Recovering Surface Orientation from Texture in Natural Imagery, A
* 1981: Recovering Intrinsic Scene Characteristics for Images
* 1981: Recovering Surface Shape and Orientation from Texture
* 1982: Intensity-Based Edge Classification
* 1982: Modeling and Using Physical Constraints in Scene Analysis
* 1982: Modeling and Using Physical Constraints in Scene Analysis
* 1983: On the Role of Structure in Vision
* 1983: What is Perceptual Organization for?
* 1984: Scale Space Filtering: A New Approach to Multi-Scale Descriptions
* 1984: Scale Space Filtering: A New Approach to Multi-Scale Descriptions
* 1986: Signal Matching Through Scale Space
* 1986: Uniqueness of the Gaussian Kernel for Scale-Space Filtering
* 1987: Analyzing Oriented Patterns
* 1987: Energy Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering Shape and Non-rigid Motion
* 1987: Energy constraints on parameterized models
* 1987: Scale-Space Filtering
* 1987: Signal Matching Through Scale Space
* 1987: Snakes: Active Contour Models
* 1987: Stereo Matching as Constrained Optimization Using Scale Continuation Methods
* 1987: Symmetry-Seeking Models and 3D Object Reconstruction
* 1987: Symmetry-Seeking Models and 3D Object Reconstruction
* 1988: Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering 3D Shape and Nonrigid Motion
* 1988: Deformable models
* 1988: Physically Based Modeling for Vision And Graphics
* 1988: Physically Based Models with Rigid and Deformable Components
* 1988: Snakes: Active Contour Models
* 1988: Spacetime constraints
* 1990: Visual Tracking with Deformation Models
* 1991: Creating and Manipulating Constrained Models
* 1991: Differential Manipulation
* 1991: Manipulating Surfaces Differentially
* 1991: Visual Tracking with Deformation Models
* 1992: Variational surface modeling
* 1995: Motion warping
Includes: Witkin, A.P.[Andrew P.] Witkin, A.P.
35 for Witkin, A.P.

Witkosky, R.A.[Rebecca A.] * 2020: Lavic Lake Fault: A Long-Term Cumulative Slip Analysis via Combined Field Work and Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing, The

Witkovsky, V.[Viktor] * 2009: Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects in Epo doping-control
Includes: Witkovsky, V.[Viktor] Witkovský, V.[Viktor]

Witkowski, B.[Benoit] * 2020: Studying Land Cover Changes in a Malaria-Endemic Cambodian District: Considerations and Constraints

Witkowski, K.[Karol] * 2021: Reconstruction of Nineteenth-Century Channel Patterns of Polish Carpathians Rivers from the Galicia and Bucovin a Map (1861-1864)

Witkowski, M.[Marcin] * 2021: Split Bregman Approach to Linear Prediction Based Dereverberation With Enforced Speech Sparsity

Witkowski, W.T.[Wojciech T.] * 2020: Satellite-Based Monitoring and Modeling of Ground Movements Caused by Water Rebound

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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