Index for wuth

Wuth, J.[Jorge] * 2023: HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classification of Low-Frequency Acoustic Signals from Baleen Whales, Earthquakes, and Air Guns off Chile, An

Wuthrich, C. * 2002: Ambiguous Digitizations by Dilation
Includes: Wuthrich, C. Wüthrich, C. (Maybe also Wuethrich, C.)

Wuthrich, C.A. * 1991: Algorithmic Comparison Between Square- and Hexagonal-Based Grids, An

Wuthrich, M.[Markus] * 2009: Language Model Integration for the Recognition of Handwritten Medieval Documents
Includes: Wuthrich, M.[Markus] Wüthrich, M.[Markus] (Maybe also Wuethrich, M.)

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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