Index for aiza

Aizawa, A.[Akiko] Co Author Listing * Context-Patch Face Hallucination Based on Thresholding Locality-Constrained Representation and Reproducing Learning
* Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable

Aizawa, H.[Haruya] Co Author Listing * Color-image decomposition utilizing inter-channel color cross-correlations with its application to denoising
* Disentangle, Assemble, and Synthesize: Unsupervised Learning to Disentangle Appearance and Location
* Image-processing approach via nonlinear image-decomposition for a digital color camera
* Neural Density-Distance Fields
* Viewpoint-agnostic Image Rendering
Includes: Aizawa, H.[Haruya] Aizawa, H.[Hiroaki]

Aizawa, K. Co Author Listing * 128X128 pixels image sensor for on-sensor-compression
* 360° Single Image Super Resolution via Distortion-Aware Network and Distorted Perspective Images
* 3D Video Compression Based on Extended Block Matching Algorithm
* 3D Video Segmentation Using Point Distance Histograms
* adaptive video stabilization method for reducing visually induced motion sickness, An
* Affective Audio-Visual Words and Latent Topic Driving Model for Realizing Movie Affective Scene Classification
* Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimation Using a Separate Formulation with Virtual Residuals, The
* Algorithms for connected component labeling based on quadtrees
* All-focused Image Generation and 3d Modeling of Microscopic Images of Insects
* Analysis and synthesis of facial image sequences in model-based image coding
* Arbitrary view and focus image generation: rendering object-based shifting and focussing effect by linear filtering
* Automatic preview video generation for mesh sequences
* Billboard Saliency Detection in Street Videos for Adults and Elderly
* Boosting VLAD with double assignment using deep features for action recognition in videos
* Building a Manga Dataset Manga109 With Annotations for Multimedia Applications
* City-view image location identification by multiple geo-social media and graph-based image cluster refinement
* Coarse-to-fine strategy for efficient cost-volume filtering
* Comprehensive Comparisons of Uniform Quantizers for Deep Image Compression
* Constant-Time Algorithm for Finding Neighbors in Quadtrees, A
* Construction of large-scale virtual environment by fusing range data,texture images, and airborne altimetry data
* Content-Adaptive Optimization Framework for Universal Deep Image Compression
* Context-Patch Face Hallucination Based on Thresholding Locality-Constrained Representation and Reproducing Learning
* COO: Comic Onomatopoeia Dataset for Recognizing Arbitrary or Truncated Texts
* Cooperative estimation of human motion and surfaces using multiview videos
* Cross-Domain Weakly-Supervised Object Detection Through Progressive Domain Adaptation
* Deformation-based data reduction of Time-Varying Meshes for displaying on mobile terminals
* Degree of loop assessment in microvideo
* Depth Estimation for Synthesizing Arbitrary View Images by Random Access IBR Sensor Array
* Depth Estimation Using an Infrared Dot Projector and an Infrared Color Stereo Camera
* Depth map inpainting and super-resolution based on internal statistics of geometry and appearance
* Depth video camera based temporal alpha matting for natural 3D scene generation
* Detecting Dominant Motion Flows in Unstructured/Structured Crowd Scenes
* Detection and Tracking of Facial Features by Using a Facial Feature Model and Deformable Circular Template
* Digital Circles
* Digital Images of Geometric Pictures
* Digital Squares
* Digital watermarking using inter-block correlation
* Direct Filtering Method for Image based rendering
* Distance Surface for Event-Based Optical Flow
* Dual-ERP Representation for Object Detection in 360° Images
* Emerging Issues for Multimedia Analysis and Applications
* Estimating Human Body and Head Orientation Change to Detect Visual Attention Direction
* Estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for model-based video coding
* Estimation of Impression Associated With Portraits Using Facial Landmarks and Visual Features
* Estimation of Semantic Impressions from Portraits
* Evaluating the Stability of Deep Image Quality Assessment with Respect to Image Scaling
* Fast and Robust Estimation for Unit-Norm Constrained Linear Fitting Problems
* Fast Nonlinear Image Unblending
* Few-Shot Font Generation with Deep Metric Learning
* Food Image Recognition by Personalized Classifier
* Generation of Arbitrarily Focused Images by Using Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Geometrically Invariant Object-Based Watermarking using SIFT Feature
* Geometry compression for time-varying meshes using coarse and fine levels of quantization and run-length encoding
* Grammars on the Hexagonal Array
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Video Transformers
* Highly Accurate Food/Non-Food Image Classification Based on a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperlapse generation of omnidirectional videos by adaptive sampling based on 3D camera positions
* Identification Of Buildings In Street Images Using Map Information
* Image Content Manipulation by Fusing Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Implementations of on Sensor Image Compression and Comparisons Between Pixel and Column Parallel Architectures
* Implicit 3D Approach to Image Generation: Object-Based Visual Effects by Linear Processing of Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Impression Estimation for Deformed Portraits With a Landmark-Based Ranking Network
* Improving the Quality of Illustrations: Transforming Amateur Illustrations To A Professional Standard
* Interacting with location-based multimedia using sketches
* Interactive Multimedia Diary for the Home, An
* Interactive Refinement and Editing for Time-Varying Mesh
* Interactive region segmentation for manga
* Internal noise-induced contrast enhancement of dark images
* Intra texture prediction based on repetitive pixel replenishment
* Inverse Filters for Reconstruction of Arbitrarily Focused Images from Two Differently Focused Images
* Iterative Reconstruction of an All-Focused Image by Using Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Joint Optimization Framework for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Large-Scale Geosocial Multimedia
* Large-scale image and video search: Challenges, technologies, and trends
* layered method for determining manga text bubble reading order, A
* Learned Image Compression with Super-Resolution Residual Modules and DISTS Optimization
* Local and Global Optimization Techniques in Graph-Based Clustering
* log-normal distribution of the size of objects in daily meal images and its application to the efficient reduction of object proposals, The
* Marker-less human pose estimation and surface reconstruction using a segmented model
* Mask-SLAM: Robust Feature-Based Monocular SLAM by Masking Using Semantic Segmentation
* Mixed spatial and SNR scalability for TVM geometry coding
* Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Time-Varying Mesh
* Model-Based Analysis-Synthesis Image Coding (MBASIC) System for a Person's Face
* Model-Based Image-Coding: Advanced Video Coding Techniques for Very-Low Bit-Rate Applications
* Motion Editing in 3D Video Database
* Motion Segmentation for 3D Video Based on Spherical Registration
* Movie Map for Virtual Exploration in a City
* Multi-media Ambiance Communication based on Actual Moving Pictures
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Tracking Using Visual Information and WI-Fl Location Estimation
* Multi-stage object classification featuring confidence analysis of classifier and inclined local Naive Bayes nearest neighbor
* Multi-task Curriculum Framework for Open-set Semi-supervised Learning
* multiple person eye contact (MPEC) teleconferencing system, A
* Mutual Information in 3D Video
* New Approach to Depth Range Detection by Producing Depth-dependent Blurring Effect, A
* New Design and Implementation of On-sensor-compression
* New Image Sensor with Space Variant Sampling Control on a Focal Plane, A
* Noise attenuation performance of mura apertures in photographic cameras
* Noise-Avoidance Sampling for Annotation Missing Object Detection
* Noisy Localization Annotation Refinement for Object Detection
* novel approach for combined rotational and translational motion estimation using Frame Projection Warping, A
* novel image sensor for video compression, A
* novel image-based rendering method by linear filtering of multiple focused images acquired by a camera array, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Object-Aware Instance Labeling for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* object-based non-blind watermarking that is robust to non-linear geometrical distortion attacks, An
* On a Relationship Between Graph L-Systems and Picture Languages
* On Sensor Image Compression
* On sensor image compression for high pixel rate imaging: pixel parallel and column parallel architectures
* On the Recognition of Properties of Three-Dimensional Pictures
* Optical Flow Based Line Drawing Frame Interpolation Using Distance Transform to Support Inbetweenings
* Panel Position Notes: Video Coding: Present and Future
* Parsing of two-dimensional images represented by quadtree adjoining grammars
* Patch-based compression for Time-Varying Meshes
* Person Tracking and Multicamera Video Retrieval Using Floor Sensors in a Ubiquitous Environment
* Personalized Classifier for Food Image Recognition
* Personalized Food Image Classifier Considering Time-Dependent and Item-Dependent Food Distribution
* Photometric Stereo Using Constrained Bivariate Regression for General Isotropic Surfaces
* Photometric Stereo Using Sparse Bayesian Regression for General Diffuse Surfaces
* Pixel Independent Random Access Image Sensor for Real Time Image-based Rendering System
* PQTable: Fast Exact Asymmetric Distance Neighbor Search for Product Quantization Using Hash Tables
* PQTable: Nonexhaustive Fast Search for Product-Quantized Codes Using Hash Tables
* Producing Object-Based Special Effects by Fusing Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Producing object-based special visual effects by integrating multiple differently focused images: Implicit 3D Approach to Image Content Manipulation
* Quadtree Adjoining Grammar
* Quality Enhancement of Conventional Compression with a Learned Side Bitstream
* Real-Time Image Processing by Using Image Compression Sensor
* Real-time objects tracking by using smart image sensor and FPGA
* Recognition of Multiple Food Items in A Single Photo for Use in A Buffet-Style Restaurant
* Reconstructing Arbitrarily Focused Images From Two Differently Focused Images Using Linear Filters
* Reconstructing Dense Light Field From Array of Multifocus Images for Novel View Synthesis
* Registration and Blur Estimation Methods for Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Reinforcing the Robustness of a Deep Neural Network to Adversarial Examples by Using Color Quantization of Training Image Data
* Relationship Between Coordinate Grammars and Path Controlled Graph Grammars
* Relationship Between Visual Complexity and Aesthetics: Application to Beauty Prediction of Photos
* Repositioning the salient region of videos by using active illumination
* Residual Expansion Algorithm: Fast and Effective Optimization for Nonconvex Least Squares Problems
* Restorable Visible and Infrared Image Fusion
* Restoration and demosaicing for pixel mixture images in dsc video clips
* Rethinking Rotation in Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning: Adaptive Positive or Negative Data Augmentation
* Robust photometric stereo using sparse regression
* Robust Watermark Extraction Using SVD-Based Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
* Scale Drift Correction of Camera Geo-Localization Using Geo-Tagged Images
* Searching for nearest neighbors with a dense space partitioning
* Selection/substitution of Visual Features for Object Tracking
* Self-Labeling Framework for Open-Set Domain Adaptation With Few Labeled Samples
* Self-similarity-based partial near-duplicate video retrieval and alignment
* SIFT-Based Non-blind Watermarking Robust to Non-linear Geometrical Distortions
* Significance of Softmax-Based Features in Comparison to Distance Metric Learning-Based Features
* Sketch simplification by classifying strokes
* Sketch-Based Spatial Queries for Retrieving Human Locomotion Patterns From Continuously Archived GPS Data
* Sketch2Manga: Sketch-based manga retrieval
* Software Based Object Tracking with Visual Feature Integration
* Some Results Concerning Connected Fuzzy Digital Pictures
* Spatially variant flexible sampling control integrated on an image sensor
* Spatio-Temporal Vector of Locally Max Pooled Features for Action Recognition in Videos
* Spatio-Temporal VLAD Encoding for Human Action Recognition in Videos
* Structural Motion Segmentation Based on Probabilistic Clustering
* Summarization of 3D Video by Rate-Distortion Trade-off
* Summarizing Wearable Video
* SVG Vector Font Generation for Chinese Characters with Transformer
* teleconferencing system capable of multiple person eye contact (MPEC) using half mirrors and cameras placed at common points of extended lines of gaze, A
* Temporal Segmentation of 3-D Video by Histogram-Based Feature Vectors
* Text detection in manga by combining connected-component-based and region-based classifications
* Three dimensional modeling of large-scale real environment by fusing range data, texture images, and airborne altimetry data
* Time-Varying Mesh Compression Using an Extended Block Matching Algorithm
* Tracking of humans and estimation of body/head orientation from top-view single camera for visual focus of attention analysis
* Tracking Persons using Particle Filter Fusing Visual and Wi-Fi Localizations for Widely Distributed Camera
* Translating Adult's Focus of Attention to Elderly's
* Translation of Illustration Artist Style Using Sailormoonredraw Data
* TriDepth: Triangular Patch-Based Deep Depth Prediction
* Two Approaches for Image-Processing Based High Resolution Image Acquisition
* Ubiquitous Home: Retrieval of Experiences in a Home Environment
* Ultra Low Bitrate Learned Image Compression by Selective Detail Decoding
* Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo by Stepwise Optimization Using Principal Components of Isotropic BRDFs
* Universal Deep Image Compression via Content-Adaptive Optimization with Adapters
* Unknown Class Label Cleaning for Learning with Open-Set Noisy Labels
* Unsupervised Embedding Learning by Noisy Similarity Label Optimization
* Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Detection by Maximum Classifier Discrepancy
* Very high resolution imaging scheme with multiple different-aperture cameras
* View-Based Web Page Retrieval using Interactive Sketch Query
* Virtual view generation by linear processing of two differently focused images
* Virtual view synthesis through linear processing without geometry
* What If We Only Use Real Datasets for Scene Text Recognition? Toward Scene Text Recognition With Fewer Labels
* Wide dynamic range imaging by sensitivity adjustable cmos image sensor
* Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Variational Mapping
Includes: Aizawa, K. Aizawa, K.[Kiyoharu] Aizawa, K.[Kunio]
185 for Aizawa, K.

Aizawa, N.[Natsuki] Co Author Listing * Image restoration with 2-D non-separable oversampled lapped transforms

Aizawa, T.[Tomoyoshi] Co Author Listing * Action recognition from extremely low-resolution thermal image sequence
* Deformed and Touched Characters Recognition
* Human Tracking Using a Far-Infrared Sensor Array and a Thermo-Spatial Sensitive Histogram
* LFIR2Pose: Pose Estimation from an Extremely Low-resolution FIR image Sequence
* Shape modeling system
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition with Stochastic Dissimilarity in Japanese On-Line Input System (JOLIS)-1/1.5
Includes: Aizawa, T.[Tomoyoshi] Aizawa, T. Aizawa, T.[Tamio]

Index for "a"

Last update:28-Aug-24 16:53:10
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