Bissacco, A.[Alessandro]
Co Author Listing * Classification and Recognition of Dynamical Models: The Role of Phase, Independent Components, Kernels and Optimal Transport
* Classifying Human Dynamics Without Contact Forces
* Fast Human Pose Estimation using Appearance and Motion via Multi-Dimensional Boosting Regression
* Hierarchical Text Spotter for Joint Text Spotting and Layout Analysis
* Hybrid Dynamical Models of Human Motion for the Recognition of Human Gaits
* Large-scale privacy protection in Google Street View
* model (In)validation approach to gait recognition, A
* Modeling and Learning Contact Dynamics in Human Motion
* Modeling and Synthesis of Facial Motion Driven by Speech
* On the Blind Classification of Time Series
* PhotoOCR: Reading Text in Uncontrolled Conditions
* Recognition of Human Gaits
* Tour the world: Building a web-scale landmark recognition engine
* Towards End-to-End Unified Scene Text Detection and Layout Analysis
Includes: Bissacco, A.[Alessandro] Bissacco, A.
14 for Bissacco, A.
Bissaco, A.
Co Author Listing * Towards Unconstrained End-to-End Text Spotting
Bisschops, R.
Co Author Listing * Optimization for Medical Image Segmentation: Theory and Practice When Evaluating With Dice Score or Jaccard Index
Bissessar, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Recognizing People and Their Activities in Surveillance Video: Technology State of Readiness and Roadmap
Bisset, R.R.[Rosie R.]
Co Author Listing * Reversed Surface-Mass-Balance Gradients on Himalayan Debris-Covered Glaciers Inferred from Remote Sensing
Bissi, L.[Lucia]
Co Author Listing * Automated defect detection in uniform and structured fabrics using Gabor filters and PCA
Bisson, K.M.[Kelsey M.]
Co Author Listing * Satellite Lidar Measurements as a Critical New Global Ocean Climate Record
Bisson, M.[Marina]
Co Author Listing * High-Resolution and Accurate Topography Reconstruction of Mount Etna from Pleiades Satellite Data
* Multitemporal and Multisensor InSAR Analysis for Ground Displacement Field Assessment at Ischia Volcanic Island (Italy)
Bissonnette, L.C.[Laurent C.]
Co Author Listing * Performance measurement system with fluorescent markers for golf equipment
Bissoto, A.[Alceu]
Co Author Listing * Artifact-based Domain Generalization of Skin Lesion Models
* Debiasing Skin Lesion Datasets and Models? Not So Fast
* Evaluation of Self-supervised Pre-training for Skin-lesion Analysis, An
* Even small correlation and diversity shifts pose dataset-bias issues
* GAN-Based Data Augmentation and Anonymization for Skin-Lesion Analysis: A Critical Review
* Key Patches Are All You Need: A Multiple Instance Learning Framework For Robust Medical Diagnosis
* MMIST-ccRCC: A Real World Medical Dataset for the Development of Multi-Modal Systems
Includes: Bissoto, A.[Alceu] Bissoto, A.
7 for Bissoto, A.