Index for butl

Butler, A.[Anthony] Co Author Listing * Aligning Bone Tumour Radiology and Histology Data - How Could We Close the Loopƒ
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Spectral CT
Includes: Butler, A.[Anthony] Butler, A.

Butler, A.P. Co Author Listing * Energy Calibration of the Pixels of Spectral X-ray Detectors
* Segmentation enhances material analysis in multi-energy CT: A simulation study

Butler, A.P.H. Co Author Listing * Charge sharing between pixels in the spectral Medipix2 x-ray detector
* Medipix imaging: Evaluation of datasets with PCA
* Physiological gating of the MARS spectral micro CT scanner

Butler, C.[Caitlyn] Co Author Listing * Multi-Sensor Approach to Characterize Winter Water-Level Drawdown Patterns in Lakes, A

Butler, D.A. Co Author Listing * Distortion-Correction Scheme for Industrial Machine-Vision Applications, A

Butler, D.E.[Darren E.] Co Author Listing * Real-Time Adaptive Foreground/Background Segmentation

Butler, D.J.[Daniel J.] Co Author Listing * Lessons and Insights from Creating a Synthetic Optical Flow Benchmark
* Naturalistic Open Source Movie for Optical Flow Evaluation, A

Butler, D.R.[David R.] Co Author Listing * Glacier Ice Thickness Estimation and Future Lake Formation in Swiss Southwestern Alps: The Upper Rhône Catchment: A VOLTA Application
* Local- and Regional-Scale Forcing of Glacier Mass Balance Changes in the Swiss Alps

Butler, G.A. Co Author Listing * vector field approach to cluster analysis, A

Butler, J. Co Author Listing * Armagh Observatory: Historic Building Information Modelling For Virtual Learning In Building Conservation
* Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration and Performance
* Heatmap-Supplemented R-CNN Trained Using an Inflated IoU for Small Object Detection, A
* JPSS-1 VIIRS Radiometric Characterization and Calibration Based on Pre-Launch Testing
* Overall Assessment of JPSS-2 VIIRS Radiometric Performance Based on Pre-Launch Testing, An
* Prelaunch Radiometric Characterization and Calibration of the S-NPP VIIRS Sensor
Includes: Butler, J. Butler, J.[James] Butler, J.[Justin]

Butler, J.J. Co Author Listing * Calibration Strategy for the Earth Observing System (EOS)-AM1 Platform
* Lunar Calibration and Performance for S-NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands
* MODIS and VIIRS Calibration History and Future Outlook
* Overall Assessment of JPSS-3 VIIRS Radiometric Performance Based on Pre-Launch Testing, An
* Sensitivity of Intercalibration Uncertainty of the CLARREO Reflected Solar Spectrometer Features
Includes: Butler, J.J. Butler, J.J.[James J.]

Butler, K.[Kurt] Co Author Listing * Differential Measure of the Strength of Causation, A

Butler, M.B. Co Author Listing * Resolving Ultrasound Contrast Microbubbles Using Minimum Variance Beamforming

Butler, M.D.[Marlow D.] Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for recording image details of the palm of a hand

Butler, M.P. Co Author Listing * Neural recurrent estimator to gray scale image restoration based on 2D Kalman filtering

Butler, N. Co Author Listing * Matching Stereo Satellite Images

Butler, P.[Patrick] Co Author Listing * framework for intelligence analysis using spatio-temporal storytelling, A
* Satellite Imagery Analysis: What Can Hospital Parking Lots Tell Us about a Disease Outbreak?
* Three-Dimensional Sensing, Graphics, and Interactive Control in a Human-Machine System for Decontamination and Decommissioning Applications
Includes: Butler, P.[Patrick] Butler, P.

Butler, P.H. Co Author Listing * Charge sharing between pixels in the spectral Medipix2 x-ray detector
* Energy Calibration of the Pixels of Spectral X-ray Detectors
* Medipix imaging: Evaluation of datasets with PCA
* Physiological gating of the MARS spectral micro CT scanner
* Segmentation enhances material analysis in multi-energy CT: A simulation study

Butler, S.[Suzanne] Co Author Listing * Combined Random Forest and OBIA Classification Scheme for Mapping Smallholder Agriculture at Different Nomenclature Levels Using Multisource Data (Simulated Sentinel-2 Time Series, VHRS and DEM), A
* Film Sequence Generation Strategies for Automatic Intelligent Video Editing
* Filmic space-time diagrams for video structure representation
Includes: Butler, S.[Suzanne] Butler, S.[Sean]

Butler, Z.[Zachary] Co Author Listing * Analyzing Interactions in Paired Egocentric Videos
* Toward Integrated Scene Text Reading
Includes: Butler, Z.[Zachary] Butler, Z.

Index for "b"

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