Caltabiano, T.[Tommaso]
Co Author Listing * Inferences on the 2021 Ongoing Volcanic Unrest at Vulcano Island (Italy) through a Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Surveillance Network
* Infrared Hyperspectral and Ultraviolet Remote Measurements of Volcanic Gas Plume at Mt Etna during IMAGETNA Campaign
* Near Real-Time Monitoring of the Christmas 2018 Etna Eruption Using SEVIRI and Products Validation
* Quantitative Retrieval of Volcanic Sulphate Aerosols from IASI Observations
* Tracing Magma Migration at Mt. Etna Volcano during 2006-2020, Coupling Remote Sensing of Crater Gas Emissions and Ground Measurement of Soil Gases
* VEI 2 Christmas 2018 Etna Eruption: A Small But Intense Eruptive Event or the Starting Phase of a Larger One?, The
Caltagirone, L.
Co Author Listing * Learning Traversability From Point Clouds in Challenging Scenarios
Caltana, E.[Elena]
Co Author Listing * Classification of Lung Nodules on Ct via Pseudo-colour Images and Deep Features from Pre-trained Convolutional Networks
Calton, B.[Ben]
Co Author Listing * Overview of Operational Global and Regional Ocean Colour Essential Ocean Variables Within the Copernicus Marine Service