Index for parg

Parga, C.D.[Cesar D.] Co Author Listing * S2-LOR: Supervised Stream Learning for Object Recognition
Includes: Parga, C.D.[Cesar D.] Parga, C.D.[César D.]

Pargal, S.[Sourabh] Co Author Listing * Inverting Aboveground Biomass-Canopy Texture Relationships in a Landscape of Forest Mosaic in the Western Ghats of India Using Very High Resolution Cartosat Imagery
* Spatial-spectral endmember extraction for spaceborne hyperspectral data

Pargas, R.P. Co Author Listing * Automatic-Measurement Extraction for Apparel from a Three-Dimensional Body Scan

Parger, M.[Mathias] Co Author Listing * Collaborative Control for Geometry-conditioned PBR Image Generation
* DeltaCNN: End-to-End CNN Inference of Sparse Frame Differences in Videos
* MotionDeltaCNN: Sparse CNN Inference of Frame Differences in Moving Camera Videos with Spherical Buffers and Padded Convolutions

Pargeter, B.[Bill] Co Author Listing * email: Pargeter, B.[Bill]: wtp-a AT ugrad cs york ac uk

Pargiela, K.[Karolina] Co Author Listing * Semantic Segmentation-Driven Integration of Point Clouds from Mobile Scanning Platforms in Urban Environments

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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