Rekik, A.[Ahmed]
Co Author Listing * New Visual Speech Recognition Approach for RGB-D Cameras, A
* novel 3D surface construction approach: Application to three-dimensional endoscopic data, A
Rekik, F.[Farah]
Co Author Listing * Performance Evaluation of Multiscale Covariance Descriptor in Underwater Object Detection
Rekik, I.
Co Author Listing * Diagnosing Autism Using T1-W MRI With Multi-Kernel Learning and Hypergraph Neural Network
* Dual-Layer Groupwise Registration for Consistent Labeling of Longitudinal Brain Images
* Federated Brain Graph Evolution Prediction Using Decentralized Connectivity Datasets With Temporally-Varying Acquisitions
* Graph Neural Networks in Network Neuroscience
* Identifying the best data-driven feature selection method for boosting reproducibility in classification tasks
* Malignant Brain Tumor Classification Using the Random Forest Method
* Multi-modal multiple kernel learning for accurate identification of Tourette syndrome children
* Tumor growth parameters estimation and source localization from a unique time point: Application to low-grade gliomas
Includes: Rekik, I. Rekik, I.[Isrem] Rekik, I.[Islem]
8 for Rekik, I.
Rekik, R.[Rim]
Co Author Listing * 4DHumanOutfit: A multi-subject 4D dataset of human motion sequences in varying outfits exhibiting large displacements
* Correspondence-Free Online Human Motion Retargeting
Rekik, W.[Wafa]
Co Author Listing * 3D+t Reconstruction in the Context of Locally Spheric Shaped Data Observation
* Object reconstruction in an image based on belief function representation
Includes: Rekik, W.[Wafa] Rekik, W.
Rekittke, J.
Co Author Listing * Application For 3d Scene Understanding In Detecting Discharge Of Domestic Waste Along Complex Urban Rivers