Rogic, L.[Luka]
Co Author Listing * Unrecorded Tundra Fires in Canada, 1986-2022
Rogic, N.[Nikola]
Co Author Listing * Characterizing and Mapping Volcanic Flow Deposits on Mount St. Helens via Dual-Band SAR Imagery
* Impact of Dynamic Emissivity-Temperature Trends on Spaceborne Data: Applications to the 2001 Mount Etna Eruption, The
* Role of Emissivity in Lava Flow Distance-to-Run Estimates from Satellite-Based Volcano Monitoring
* Spaceborne EO and a Combination of Inverse and Forward Modelling for Monitoring Lava Flow Advance
Rogier, C.[Christophe]
Co Author Listing * Re-emerging Malaria Vectors In Rural Sahel (nouna, Burkina Faso): The Paluclim Project
Rogiers, S.Y.[Suzy Y.]
Co Author Listing * Identifying Individual Nutrient Deficiencies of Grapevine Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging