Tost, D.
Co Author Listing * Features Detection and Navigation on Neurovascular Trees
* wise cursor: assisted selection in 3D serious games, The
Includes: Tost, D. Tost, D.[Dani]
Tosta, T.A.A.[Thaina A. A.]
Co Author Listing * Detection of Covid-19 in Chest X-ray Images Using Percolation Features and Hermite Polynomial Classification
Includes: Tosta, T.A.A.[Thaina A. A.] Tosta, T.A.A.[Thaína A. A.]
Toste, C.[Clayton]
Co Author Listing * Shape-Guided Diffusion with Inside-Outside Attention
Toste, D.L.A.[David L. A.]
Co Author Listing * Security identification system
Tosteberg, P.[Patrik]
Co Author Listing * Deep Projective 3D Semantic Segmentation
Toster, G.[Gerhard]
Co Author Listing * Opportunistic Human Activity and Context Recognition
* Quantifying Gait Similarity: User Authentication and Real-World Challenge
Includes: Toster, G.[Gerhard] Töster, G.[Gerhard] (Maybe also Toester, G.)
Tosteson, T.D.
Co Author Listing * Confidence maps and confidence intervals for near infrared images in breast cancer
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part I-theory and simulations
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part II-experimental interpretation
Tosti, F.[Fabio]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Gradient Joint Inversion of DC Resistivity and Gravity Gradient Data: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Geoscience, Heritage, and the Built Environment
* Diagnosing Emerging Infectious Diseases of Trees Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* Displacement Monitoring in Airport Runways by Persistent Scatterers SAR Interferometry
* Enhanced Data Processing Framework for Mapping Tree Root Systems Using Ground Penetrating Radar, An
* Entropy-Based Analysis of GPR Data for the Assessment of Railway Ballast Conditions, An
* Health Monitoring of Tree Trunks Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* Mapping and Assessment of Tree Roots Using Ground Penetrating Radar with Low-Cost GPS
* Satellite Remote Sensing and Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Transport Infrastructure Monitoring: Advances, Challenges and Perspectives
* Structural Assessment via Ground Penetrating Radar at the Consoli Palace of Gubbio (Italy)
* Use of Ground Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography for the Detection of Decay and Cavities in Tree Trunks, The
Includes: Tosti, F.[Fabio] Tosti, F. Tosti, F.[Francesco]
10 for Tosti, F.