Index for virg

Virga, P.[Paola] Co Author Listing * Systematic Evaluation of Machine Translation Methods for Image and Video Annotation

Virga, S. Co Author Listing * Towards MRI-Based Autonomous Robotic US Acquisitions: A First Feasibility Study

Virghileanu, M.[Marina] Co Author Listing * Comparative Assessment of the Built-Up Area Expansion Based on Corine Land Cover and Landsat Datasets: A Case Study of a Post-Socialist City
* Evaluating the Territorial Impact of Built-Up Area Expansion in the Surroundings of Bucharest (Romania) through a Multilevel Approach Based on Landsat Satellite Imagery
* Forest Habitat Fragmentation in Mountain Protected Areas Using Historical Corona KH-9 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Pollution Monitoring with Sentinel-5P Satellite Imagery over Europe during the Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak
* Remote Sensing-Based Analysis of Urban Landscape Change in the City of Bucharest, Romania
Includes: Virghileanu, M.[Marina] Vîrghileanu, M.[Marina]

Virgil, C.[Clifton] Co Author Listing * Woody Plant Encroachment: Evaluating Methodologies for Semiarid Woody Species Classification from Drone Images

Virgili, M.[Massimo] Co Author Listing * Development of a Low-Cost Hydrophone for Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Dolphin's Vocalizations, The

Virgili, S.[Simone] Co Author Listing * Effects of Variable Eruption Source Parameters on Volcanic Plume Transport: Example of the 23 November 2013 Paroxysm of Etna
* Multi-Decadal Trends in Aerosol Optical Depth of the Main Aerosol Species Based on MERRA-2 Reanalysis: A Case Study in the Baltic Sea Basin
* On the Interplay between Desert Dust and Meteorology Based on WRF-Chem Simulations and Remote Sensing Observations in the Mediterranean Basin

Virgilio da Silva, L.E.[Luiz Eduardo] Co Author Listing * Two-dimensional dispersion entropy: An information-theoretic method for irregularity analysis of images

Virgilio G, V.R.[Victor R.] Co Author Listing * Vision-based Blind Spot Warning System by Deep Neural Networks
Includes: Virgilio G, V.R.[Victor R.] Virgilio G, V.R.[Víctor R.]

Virgilli, E.[Enrico] Co Author Listing * Joint LINET and ISS-LIS View of Lightning Distribution over the Mt. Cimone Area within the GAMMA-FLASH Program, A
* Study on TGF Detectability at 2165 m Altitude: Estimates for the Mountain-Based Gamma-Flash Experiment, A

Virgo, F.G.[Felix Giovanni] Co Author Listing * semantic typology of visually grounded paraphrases, The

Index for "v"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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