@article{bb136300, AUTHOR = "Hasan, M.M. and Islam, A.S.M.S. and Rahman, M.S. and Rahman, M.S.", TITLE = "Order preserving pattern matching revisited", JOURNAL = PRL, VOLUME = "55", YEAR = "2015", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "15-21", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern612.html#TT132307"} @article{bb136301, AUTHOR = "Vaiciukynas, E. and Ulicny, M. and Pashami, S. and Nowaczyk, S.", TITLE = "Learning Low-Dimensional Representation of Bivariate Histogram Data", JOURNAL = ITS, VOLUME = "19", YEAR = "2018", NUMBER = "11", MONTH = "November", PAGES = "3723-3735", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern612.html#TT132308"} @article{bb136302, AUTHOR = "Aksac, A. and Ozyer, T. and Alhajj, R.", TITLE = "CutESC: Cutting edge spatial clustering technique based on proximity graphs", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "96", YEAR = "2019", PAGES = "106948", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern612.html#TT132309"} @article{bb136303, AUTHOR = "Wang, J.C. and 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