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        AUTHOR = "Duta, I.C. and Liu, L. and Zhu, F. and Shao, L.",
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        AUTHOR = "Taha, A. and Shrivastava, A. and Davis, L.S.",
        TITLE = "Knowledge Evolution in Neural Networks",
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        AUTHOR = "Taha, A. and Chen, Y.T. and Misu, T. and Shrivastava, A. and Davis, L.S.",
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        TITLE = "Dual Residual Networks Leveraging the Potential of Paired Operations
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        AUTHOR = "Zhao, X. and Li, W. and Zhang, Y. and Zhang, F. and Chang, S. and Feng, Z.",
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        AUTHOR = "Li, X. and Li, W. and Xu, X. and Du, Q.",
        TITLE = "CascadeNet: Modified ResNet with Cascade Blocks",
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        AUTHOR = "Oyallon, E. and Belilovsky, E. and Zagoruyko, S. and Valko, M.",
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        AUTHOR = "Oyallon, E. and Belilovsky, E. and Zagoruyko, S.",
        TITLE = "Scaling the Scattering Transform: Deep Hybrid Networks",
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        AUTHOR = "Zhang, X. and Huang, S. and Zhang, X. and Wang, W. and Wang, Q. and Yang, D.",
        TITLE = "Residual Inception: A New Module Combining Modified Residual with
Inception to Improve Network Performance",
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        AUTHOR = "Yu, X. and Yu, Z.D. and Ramalingam, S.",
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        AUTHOR = "Ye, K. and Kovashka, A. and Sandler, M. and Zhu, M.L. and Howard, A. and Fornoni, M.",
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        TITLE = "MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks",
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        AUTHOR = "Lettry, L. and Vanhoey, K. and Van Gool, L.J.",
        TITLE = "DARN: A Deep Adversarial Residual Network for Intrinsic Image
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        AUTHOR = "Wang, F. and Jiang, M.Q. and Qian, C. and Yang, S. and Li, C. and Zhang, H.G. and Wang, X.G. and Tang, X.",
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        AUTHOR = "Han, D.Y. and Kim, J. and Kim, J.",
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        AUTHOR = "Figurnov, M. and Collins, M.D. and Zhu, Y.K. and Zhang, L. and Huang, J. and Vetrov, D. and Salakhutdinov, R.",
        TITLE = "Spatially Adaptive Computation Time for Residual Networks",
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        AUTHOR = "Xie, S. and Girshick, R. and Dollar, P. and Tu, Z. and He, K.",
        TITLE = "Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks",
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        AUTHOR = "Liu, Y. and Guo, Y.M. and Bakker, E.M. and Lew, M.S.",
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        TITLE = "Convolutional Residual Network for Grasp Localization",
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        TITLE = "Sparse Dictionary Learning for Identifying Grasp Locations",
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        TITLE = "Geometric neurocomputing for pattern recognition and pose estimation",
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