@string{GW09 = "International Gesture Workshop"} @string{GW07 = "International Gesture Workshop"} @string{GW05 = "International Gesture Workshop"} @string{GW03 = "International Gesture Workshop"} @string{GW99 = "International Gesture Workshop"} @string{AMFG23 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG21 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG18 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG17 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG15 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG13 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG10 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG07 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{AMFG03 = "International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures"} @string{RATFG01 = "International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems"} @string{RATFG99 = "International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems"} @string{MTPH07 = "Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans"} @string{SoMoF21 = "Human Trajectory and Pose Dynamics Forecasting in the Wild"} @string{NavigatePose22 = "Visual Perception for Navigation in Human Environments: The JackRabbot Human Body Pose Dataset and Benchmark"} @string{HumanPose18 = "Human Pose, Motion, Activities and Shape in 3D"} @string{FaceCVHum12 = "Workshop on Face Analysis: The Intersection of Computer Vision and Human Perception"} @string{BCVI12 = "Biological and Computer Vision Interfaces"} @string{3DUI15 = "3D User Interfaces"} @string{3DUI14 = "3D User Interfaces"} @string{3DUI13 = "3D User Interfaces"} @string{3DUI12 = "3D User Interfaces"} @string{CVinHRC21 = "Computer Vision in Human-Robot Collaborative Factories of the Future"} @string{CMHRI22 = "Cross-Modal Human-Robot Interaction"} @string{CVforHRI10 = "Computer Vision for Human-Robot Interaction"} @string{HCI11 = "Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{HCI09 = "Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{V4HCI06 = "Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{VHCI05 = "Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{RealTimeHCI04 = "Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{HCICV16 = "Meeting HCI with CV"} @string{HICV11 = "Human Interaction in Computer Vision"} @string{CVHCI07 = "Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{CVHCI06 = "Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{CVHCI05 = "Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{CVHCI04 = "Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{Face106-20 = "The 2nd Grand Challenge of 106-Point Facial Landmark Localization"} @string{BenchFace11 = "Benchmarking Facial Image Analysis Technologies"} @string{POV11 = "Human-Computer Interaction"} @string{ACVHL10 = "Advancing Computer Vision with Humans in the Loop"} @string{Faces08 = "Faces in Real-Life Images: Detection, Alignment, and Recognition"} @string{ACHI08 = "International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction"} @string{ISHAPE22 = "Intelligent Systems in Human and Artificial Perception"} @string{CVVRHC98 = "Workshop on Computer Vision for Virtual Reality Based Human Communications"} @string{MPeople99 = "IEEE International Workshop on Modelling People"} @string{T-CAP22 = "Towards a Complete Analysis of People: From Face and Body to Clothes"} @string{AVBPA05 = "Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication"} @string{AVBPA03 = "Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication"} @string{AVBPA01 = "Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication"} @string{AVBPA99 = "Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication"} @article{bb2254, AUTHOR = "Smeraldi, F. and Bigun, J.", TITLE = "Preface, AVBPA", JOURNAL = PRL, VOLUME = "24", YEAR = "2003", NUMBER = "13", MONTH = "September", PAGES = "2103-2104", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list20.html#TT1152"} @string{Biometrics23 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics22 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics21 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics20 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics18 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics17 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics16 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics15 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics14 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics13 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics12 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics11 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics10 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics09 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics08 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics07 = "Biometrics"} @string{Biometrics06 = "Biometrics"} @string{BTAS09 = "Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems"} @string{BTAS08 = "Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems"} @string{BTAS07 = "Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems"} @string{ICB09 = "Biometric Authentication"} @string{ICB07 = "Biometric Authentication"} @string{ICB06 = "Biometric Authentication"} @string{IWBRS05 = "Biometric Authentication"} @string{ICBA04 = "Biometric Authentication"} @string{BioAW04 = "Biometric Authentication"} @string{SoftBio17 = "Soft Biometrics"} @string{SoftBio14 = "Soft Biometrics"} @string{Gaze23 = "Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild"} @string{Gaze22 = "Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild"} @string{Gaze21 = "Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild"} @string{Gaze19 = "Workshop on Gaze Sensing and Interactions"} @string{Gaze10 = "Workshop on Gaze Sensing and Interactions"} @string{ETTAC20 = "Eye Tracking Techniques, Applications and Challenges"} @string{EyeTrack21 = "Eye Tracking for VR and AR"} @string{EyeTrack19 = "Eye Tracking for VR and AR"} @string{COST08 = "Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions"} @string{FBE20 = "Workshop on Facial and Body Expressions, micro-expressions and behavior recognition"} @string{Affect16 = "Context-Based Affect Recognition and Affective Face In-the-Wild"} @string{AUVi21 = "Affective Understanding in Video"} @string{DeepAffective17 = "Deep Affective Learning and Context Modeling"} @string{CV4AC16 = "Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing"} @string{CV4AC15 = "Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing"} @string{CV4AC14 = "Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing"} @string{UCCV14 = "User-Centered Computer Vision"}