@article{bb226600, AUTHOR = "Li, F. and Dai, Q.H. and Xu, W.L. and Er, G.H.", TITLE = "Statistical modeling and many-to-many matching for view-based 3D object retrieval", JOURNAL = SP:IC, VOLUME = "25", YEAR = "2010", NUMBER = "1", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "18-27", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221555"} @article{bb226601, AUTHOR = "Tang, J.H. and Li, H.J. and Qi, G.J. and Chua, T.S.", TITLE = "Image Annotation by Graph-Based Inference With Integrated Multiple/Single Instance Representations", JOURNAL = MultMed, VOLUME = "12", YEAR = "2010", NUMBER = "2", MONTH = "February", PAGES = "131-141", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221556"} @article{bb226602, AUTHOR = "Rasche, C.", TITLE = "An Approach to the Parameterization of Structure for Fast Categorization", JOURNAL = IJCV, VOLUME = "87", YEAR = "2010", NUMBER = "3", MONTH = "May", PAGES = "xx-yy", BIBSOURCE = 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"2007", PAGES = "II: 255-264", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221623"} @inproceedings{bb226669, AUTHOR = "Waydo, S. and Koch, C.", TITLE = "Unsupervised Category Discovery in Images Using Sparse Neural Coding", BOOKTITLE = BMVC07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "xx-yy", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221624"} @inproceedings{bb226670, AUTHOR = "Qayyum, Z.U. and Cohn, A.G.", TITLE = "Image Retrieval through Qualitative Representations over Semantic Features", BOOKTITLE = BMVC07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "xx-yy", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221625"} @inproceedings{bb226671, AUTHOR = "Balikai, A. and Hall, P.M.", TITLE = "Depiction Inviariant Object Matching", BOOKTITLE = BMVC12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "56", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221626"} @inproceedings{bb226672, AUTHOR = "Song, Y.Z. and Arbelaez, P. and Hall, P.M. and Li, C. and 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"http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221630"} @inproceedings{bb226676, AUTHOR = "Anan, H. and Maly, K. and Zubair, M.", TITLE = "Efficient discovery service for a digital library of 3D models", BOOKTITLE = "3DIM05", YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "492-498", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221631"} @inproceedings{bb226677, AUTHOR = "Barnard, K. and Fan, Q.F.", TITLE = "Reducing correspondence ambiguity in loosely labeled training data", BOOKTITLE = CVPR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "1-8", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221632"} @inproceedings{bb226678, AUTHOR = "Marszalek, M. and Schmid, C.", TITLE = "Constructing Category Hierarchies for Visual Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ECCV08, YEAR = "2008", PAGES = "IV: 479-491", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221633"} @inproceedings{bb226679, AUTHOR = "Marszalek, M. and Schmid, C.", TITLE = "Semantic Hierarchies for Visual Object Recognition", BOOKTITLE = CVPR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "1-7", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221634"} @inproceedings{bb226680, AUTHOR = "Kushal, A. and Schmid, C. and Ponce, J.", TITLE = "Flexible Object Models for Category-Level 3D Object Recognition", BOOKTITLE = CVPR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "1-8", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221635"} @inproceedings{bb226681, AUTHOR = "Gan, T.S.Y. and Drummond, T.W.", TITLE = "Differentiating Between Many Similar Features using Relational Information in Space and Scale", BOOKTITLE = ICPR06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "II: 638-641", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221636"} @inproceedings{bb226682, AUTHOR = "Lee, S. and Yoon, S. and Yun, I.D. and Kim, D.H. and Lee, K.M. and Lee, S.U.", TITLE = "A New 3-D Model Retrieval System Based on Aspect-Transition Descriptor", BOOKTITLE = ECCV06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "IV: 543-554", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221637"} @inproceedings{bb226683, AUTHOR = "Matei, B.C. and Sawhney, H.S. and Spence, C.D.", TITLE = "Identification of Highly Similar 3D Objects Using Model Saliency", BOOKTITLE = ECCV06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "IV: 476-489", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221638"} @inproceedings{bb226684, AUTHOR = "Tan, Y. and Matei, B.C. and Sawhney, H.S.", TITLE = "Exploiting Model Similarity for Indexing and Matching to a Large Model Database", BOOKTITLE = ECCV06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "II: 536-548", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221639"} @inproceedings{bb226685, AUTHOR = "Teynor, A. and Burkhardt, H.", TITLE = "Fast Codebook Generation by Sequential Data Analysis for Object Classification", BOOKTITLE = ISVC07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "I: 610-620", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221640"} @inproceedings{bb226686, AUTHOR = "Winn, J. and Jojic, N.", TITLE = "LOCUS: Learning Object Classes with Unsupervised Segmentation", BOOKTITLE = ICCV05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "I: 756-763", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221641"} @inproceedings{bb226687, AUTHOR = "Bouchard, G. and Triggs, B.", TITLE = "Hierarchical Part-Based Visual Object Categorization", BOOKTITLE = CVPR05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "I: 710-715", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221642"} @inproceedings{bb226688, AUTHOR = "Wong, H.S. and Cheung, K.K.T. and Sha, Y. and Ip, H.H.S.", TITLE = "Indexing and retrieval of 3D models by unsupervised clustering with hierarchical SOM", BOOKTITLE = ICPR04, YEAR = "2004", PAGES = "IV: 613-616", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221643"} @inproceedings{bb226689, AUTHOR = "Cheung, K.K.T. and Ip, H.H.S.", TITLE = "Semantic retrieval by spatial relationships", BOOKTITLE = ICPR02, YEAR = "2002", PAGES = "III: 16-19", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221644"} @inproceedings{bb226690, AUTHOR = "Wang, L. and Manjunath, B.S.", TITLE = "A semantic representation for image retrieval", BOOKTITLE = ICIP03, YEAR = "2003", PAGES = "II: 523-526", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221645"} @inproceedings{bb226691, AUTHOR = "Yu, M. and Atmosukarto, I. and Leow, W.K. and Huang, Z.Y. and Xu, R.", TITLE = "3D model retrieval with morphing-based geometric and topological feature maps", BOOKTITLE = CVPR03, YEAR = "2003", PAGES = "II: 656-661", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221646"} @inproceedings{bb226692, AUTHOR = "Haseyama, M. and Matsumura, A.", TITLE = "A cartoon character retrieval system including trainable scheme", BOOKTITLE = ICIP03, YEAR = "2003", PAGES = "III: 37-40", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221647"} @inproceedings{bb226693, AUTHOR = "Czuni, L. and Csordas, D.", TITLE = "Depth-Based Indexing and Retrieval of Photographic Images", BOOKTITLE = VLBV03, YEAR = "2003", PAGES = "76-83", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221648"} @inproceedings{bb226694, AUTHOR = "Distasi, R. and Nappi, M. and Tucci, M. and Vitulano, S.", TITLE = "CONTEXT: a technique for image retrieval integrating CONtour and TEXTure information", BOOKTITLE = CIAP01, YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "224-229", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221649"} @inproceedings{bb226695, AUTHOR = "Gregory, L. and Kittler, J.V.", TITLE = "Using contextual information for image retrieval", BOOKTITLE = CIAP01, YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "230-235", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221650"} @inproceedings{bb226696, AUTHOR = "Yi, J.H.", TITLE = "Probabilistic Hypothesis Generation for Rapid 3D Object Recognition", BOOKTITLE = VF01, YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "630 ff.", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221651"} @inproceedings{bb226697, AUTHOR = "Wood, M.E.J. and Campbell, N.W. and Thomas, B.T.", TITLE = "Employing Region Features for Searching an Image Database", BOOKTITLE = BMVC97, YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "xx-yy", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221652"} @inproceedings{bb226698, AUTHOR = "Suematsu, N. and Ishida, Y. and Hayashi, A. and Kanbara, T.", TITLE = "Region-Based Image Retrieval using Wavelet Transform", BOOKTITLE = VI02, YEAR = "2002", PAGES = "9", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221653"} @inproceedings{bb226699, AUTHOR = "Wang, W. and Song, Y.Q. and Zhang, A.D.", TITLE = "Semantics-Based Image Retrieval by Region Saliency", BOOKTITLE = CIVR02, YEAR = "2002", PAGES = "29-37", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/applicat812.html#TT221654"}