@inproceedings{bb338100, AUTHOR = "Cheng, B.B. and Stanley, R.J. and Antani, S. and Thoma, G.R.", TITLE = "Graphical Figure Classification Using Data Fusion for Integrating Text and Image Features", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR13, YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "693-697", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332405"} @inproceedings{bb338101, AUTHOR = "Tataw, O.M. and Rakthanmanon, T. and Keogh, E.J.", TITLE = "Clustering of Symbols Using Minimal Description Length", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR13, YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "180-184", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332406"} @inproceedings{bb338102, AUTHOR = "Do, T.H. and Tabbone, S. and Terrades, O.R.", TITLE = "New Approach for Symbol Recognition Combining Shape Context of Interest Points with Sparse Representation", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR13, YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "265-269", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332407"} @inproceedings{bb338103, AUTHOR = "Santosh, K.C. and Wendling, L. and Lamiroy, B.", TITLE = "Relation Bag-of-Features for Symbol Retrieval", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR13, YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "768-772", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332408"} @inproceedings{bb338104, AUTHOR = "Dutta, A. and Llados, J. and Bunke, H. and Pal, U.", TITLE = "Near Convex Region Adjacency Graph and Approximate Neighborhood String Matching for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR13, YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "1078-1082", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332409"} @inproceedings{bb338105, AUTHOR = "Su, F. and Lu, T.", TITLE = "Discriminative Weighting and Subspace Learning for Ensemble Symbol Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR13, YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "1088-1092", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332410"} @inproceedings{bb338106, AUTHOR = "Su, F. and Yang, L. and Lu, T.", TITLE = "Ensemble symbol recognition with Hough forest", BOOKTITLE = ICPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "1659-1662", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332411"} @inproceedings{bb338107, AUTHOR = "Battiato, S. and Farinella, G.M. and Giudice, O. and Puglisi, G.", TITLE = "Aligning Bags of Shape Contexts for Blurred Shape Model based symbol classification", BOOKTITLE = ICPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "1598-1601", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332412"} @inproceedings{bb338108, AUTHOR = "Boumaiza, A. and Tabbone, S.A.", TITLE = "Impact of a codebook filtering step on a galois lattice structure for graphics recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "278-281", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332413"} @inproceedings{bb338109, AUTHOR = "Yagi, T. and Miyao, H. and Maruyama, M.", TITLE = "Robust on-line handwritten object retrieval using a similarity measure based on overlap area of circles", BOOKTITLE = ICPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "721-724", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332414"} @inproceedings{bb338110, AUTHOR = "Weber, J. and Tabbone, S.A.", TITLE = "Symbol spotting for technical documents: An efficient template-matching approach", BOOKTITLE = ICPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "669-672", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332415"} @inproceedings{bb338111, AUTHOR = "Nayef, N. and Afzal, M.Z. and Breuel, T.M.", TITLE = "Learning feature weights of symbols, with application to symbol spotting", BOOKTITLE = ICPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "2371-2374", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332416"} @inproceedings{bb338112, AUTHOR = "Gao, J.L. and Zhou, Y. and Barner, K.E.", TITLE = "View: Visual Information Extraction Widget for improving chart images accessibility", BOOKTITLE = ICIP12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "2865-2868", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332417"} @inproceedings{bb338113, AUTHOR = "Rajamani, K. and Sampathkumar, J.", TITLE = "Graphic-object detection in documents", BOOKTITLE = IMVIP12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "36-39", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332418"} @inproceedings{bb338114, AUTHOR = "Dutta, A. and Gibert, J. and Llados, J. and Bunke, H. and Pal, U.", TITLE = "Combination of product graph and random walk kernel for symbol spotting in graphical documents", BOOKTITLE = ICPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "1663-1666", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332419"} @inproceedings{bb338115, AUTHOR = "Broelemann, K. and Dutta, A. and Jiang, X.Y. and Llados, J.", TITLE = "Hierarchical Graph Representation for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Document Images", BOOKTITLE = SSSPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "529-538", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332420"} @inproceedings{bb338116, AUTHOR = "Zelnik Manor, L. and Friedman, I.", TITLE = "'Dancing icons' detection", BOOKTITLE = IWMV11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "110-111", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332421"} @inproceedings{bb338117, AUTHOR = "Boumaiza, A. and Tabbone, S.", TITLE = "A Novel Approach for Graphics Recognition Based on Galois Lattice and Bag of Words Representation", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "829-833", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332422"} @inproceedings{bb338118, AUTHOR = "Yang, S. and Wang, Y.Y.", TITLE = "Segmentation of Graphical Objects as Maximally Stable Salient Regions", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "187-191", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332423"} @inproceedings{bb338119, AUTHOR = "Li, J.P. and Mouchere, H. and Viard Gaudin, C.", TITLE = "Symbol Knowledge Extraction from a Simple Graphical Language", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "608-612", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332424"} @inproceedings{bb338120, AUTHOR = "Khare, A. and Jeph, P. and Ghosh, H.", TITLE = "Content-based classification of graphical document images", BOOKTITLE = EUVIP10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "241-246", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332425"} @inproceedings{bb338121, AUTHOR = "Frejlichowski, D.", TITLE = "Recognition of Trademarks during Sport Television Broadcasts", BOOKTITLE = ICIAR11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "II: 380-388", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332426"} @inproceedings{bb338122, AUTHOR = "Agrawal, M. and Zotov, A. and Ye, M. and Raghupathy, S.", TITLE = "Context Aware On-line Diagramming Recognition", BOOKTITLE = FHR10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "682-687", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332427"} @inproceedings{bb338123, AUTHOR = "Bhuvanagiri, K. and Daga, A.V. and Ramachandrula, S. and Kompalli, S.", TITLE = "Hand-Drawn Symbol Spotting Using Semi-definite Programming Based Sub-graph Matching", BOOKTITLE = FHR10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "283-288", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332428"} @inproceedings{bb338124, AUTHOR = "Pratihar, S. and Pal, S. and Bhowmick, P. and Biswas, A. and Bhattacharya, B.B.", TITLE = "Recognition of Hand-Drawn Graphs Using Digital-Geometric Techniques", BOOKTITLE = FHR10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "89-94", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332429"} @inproceedings{bb338125, AUTHOR = "Nayef, N. and Breuel, T.M.", TITLE = "Statistical Grouping for Segmenting Symbols Parts from Line Drawings, with Application to Symbol Spotting", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "364-368", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332430"} @inproceedings{bb338126, AUTHOR = "Nayef, N. and Breuel, T.M.", TITLE = "Graphical symbol retrieval using a branch and bound algorithm", BOOKTITLE = ICIP10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "2153-2156", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332431"} @inproceedings{bb338127, AUTHOR = "Schietse, J. and Eakins, J.P. and Veltkamp, R.C.", TITLE = "Practice and challenges in trademark image retrieval", BOOKTITLE = CIVR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "518-524", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332432"} @inproceedings{bb338128, AUTHOR = "van Leuken, R.H. and Demirci, M.F. and Hodge, V.J. and Austin, J. and Veltkamp, R.C.", TITLE = "Layout indexing of trademark images", BOOKTITLE = CIVR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "525-532", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332433"} @inproceedings{bb338129, AUTHOR = "Alt, H. and Scharf, L. and Scholz, S.", TITLE = "Probabilistic matching and resemblance evaluation of shapes in trademark images", BOOKTITLE = CIVR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "533-540", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332434"} @inproceedings{bb338130, AUTHOR = "Cura, E. and Tepper, M. and Mejail, M.E.", TITLE = "Content-Based Emblem Retrieval Using Zernike Moments", BOOKTITLE = CIARP10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "79-86", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332435"} @inproceedings{bb338131, AUTHOR = "Su, F. and Lu, T. and Yang, R.", TITLE = "Symbol Recognition by Multiresolution Shape Context Matching", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "1319-1323", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332436"} @inproceedings{bb338132, AUTHOR = "Su, F. and Lu, T. and Yang, R.", TITLE = "Symbol Recognition Combining Vectorial and Pixel-Level Features for Line Drawings", BOOKTITLE = ICPR10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "1892-1895", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332437"} @inproceedings{bb338133, AUTHOR = "Forczmanski, P. and Frejlichowski, D.", TITLE = "Robust Stamps Detection and Classification by Means of General Shape Analysis", BOOKTITLE = ICCVG10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "I: 360-367", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332438"} @inproceedings{bb338134, AUTHOR = "Pu, Y.Y. and Su, Y. and Wei, X.M. and Qian, W.H. and Zhao, Z.P. and Xu, D.", TITLE = "A system used for collecting and managing graphic elements of Yunnan heavy color painting", BOOKTITLE = IASP10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "155-158", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332439"} @inproceedings{bb338135, AUTHOR = "Sutthiwan, P. and Cai, X. and Shi, Y.Q. and Zhang, H.", TITLE = "Computer graphics classification based on Markov process model and boosting feature selection technique", BOOKTITLE = ICIP09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "2913-2916", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332440"} @inproceedings{bb338136, AUTHOR = "Nguyen, T.O. and Tabbone, S.A. and Boucher, A.", TITLE = "A Symbol Spotting Approach Based on the Vector Model and a Visual Vocabulary", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "708-712", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332441"} @inproceedings{bb338137, AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y. and Shi, G.S. and Wang, K.", TITLE = "A SVM-HMM Based Online Classifier for Handwritten Chemical Symbols", BOOKTITLE = ICPR10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "1888-1891", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332442"} @inproceedings{bb338138, AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y. and Shi, G.S. and Yang, J.F.", TITLE = "HMM-Based Online Recognition of Handwritten Chemical Symbols", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "1255-1259", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332443"} @inproceedings{bb338139, AUTHOR = "Landre, J. and Morain Nicolier, F. and Ruan, S.", TITLE = "Ornamental Letters Image Classification Using Local Dissimilarity Maps", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "186-190", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332444"} @inproceedings{bb338140, AUTHOR = "Katona, E.", TITLE = "A Graph Based Data Model for Graphics Interpretation", BOOKTITLE = GbRPR09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "72-81", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332445"} @inproceedings{bb338141, AUTHOR = "Lu, X. and Wang, J. and Mitra, P. and Giles, C.L.", TITLE = "Automatic Extraction of Data from 2-D Plots in Documents", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "188-192", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332446"} @inproceedings{bb338142, AUTHOR = "Yu, Y. and Zhang, W. and Liu, W.", TITLE = "A New Syntactic Approach to Graphic Symbol Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "516-520", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332447"} @inproceedings{bb338143, AUTHOR = "Keshari, B. and Watt, S.M.", TITLE = "Hybrid Mathematical Symbol Recognition Using Support Vector Machines", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "859-863", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332448"} @inproceedings{bb338144, AUTHOR = "Costagliola, G. and Deufemia, V. and Risi, M.", TITLE = "Using Grammar-Based Recognizers for Symbol Completion in Diagrammatic Sketches", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "1078-1082", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332449"} @inproceedings{bb338145, AUTHOR = "Char, B.W. and Watt, S.M.", TITLE = "Representing and Characterizing Handwritten Mathematical Symbols through Succinct Functional Approximation", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "1198-1202", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332450"} @inproceedings{bb338146, AUTHOR = "Zhang, W. and Liu, W.", TITLE = "A New Vectorial Signature for Quick Symbol Indexing, Filtering and Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "536-540", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332451"} @inproceedings{bb338147, AUTHOR = "Huang, B.Q. and Kechadi, M.T.", TITLE = "An HMM-SNN Method for Online Handwriting Symbol Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICIAR06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "II: 897-905", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332452"} @inproceedings{bb338148, AUTHOR = "Raveaux, R. and Barbu, E. and Locteau, H. and Adam, S. and Heroux, P. and Trupin, E.", TITLE = "A Graph Classification Approach Using a Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Application to Symbol Recognition", BOOKTITLE = GbRPR07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "361-370", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332453"} @inproceedings{bb338149, AUTHOR = "Barbu, E. and Raveaux, R. and Locteau, H. and Adam, S. and Heroux, P. and Trupin, E.", TITLE = "Graph Classification Using Genetic Algorithm and Graph Probing Application to Symbol Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICPR06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "III: 296-299", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332454"} @inproceedings{bb338150, AUTHOR = "Yang, L. and Huang, W.H. and Tan, C.L.", TITLE = "Semi-automatic Ground Truth Generation for Chart Image Recognition", BOOKTITLE = DAS06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "324-335", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332455"} @inproceedings{bb338151, AUTHOR = "Huang, W.H. and Tan, C.L. and Leow, W.K.", TITLE = "Associating text and graphics for scientific chart understanding", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "II: 580-584", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332456"} @inproceedings{bb338152, AUTHOR = "Kim, K.B. and Kim, S.S. and Ha, S.A.", TITLE = "Recognition of Passports Using a Hybrid Intelligent System", BOOKTITLE = ICIAR05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "540-548", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332457"} @inproceedings{bb338153, AUTHOR = "Keyes, L. and O'Sullivan, A. and Winstanley, A.", TITLE = "Graphical object recognition using statistical language models", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "II: 1095-1099", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332458"} @inproceedings{bb338154, AUTHOR = "Yamamoto, Y. and Kawamura, K. and Watanabe, H.", TITLE = "Bit Rate Reduction of Vector Representation of Binary Images", BOOKTITLE = ICIP06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "3105-3108", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332459"} @inproceedings{bb338155, AUTHOR = "Shen, D.F. and Jin, L. and Chang, H.T. and Wu, H.H.P.", TITLE = "Trademark Retrieval Based On Block Feature Index Code", BOOKTITLE = ICIP05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "III: 177-180", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332460"} @inproceedings{bb338156, AUTHOR = "Arrivault, D. and Richard, N. and Bouyer, P.", TITLE = "A Fuzzy Hierarchical Attributed Graph Approach for Handwritten Hieroglyphs Description", BOOKTITLE = CAIP05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "748", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332461"} @inproceedings{bb338157, AUTHOR = "Arrivault, D. and Richard, N. and Bouyer, P.", TITLE = "A fuzzy hierarchical attributed graph approach for handwritten Egyptian hieroglyphs description and matching", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "II: 898-902", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332462"} @inproceedings{bb338158, AUTHOR = "Sadykhov, R.K. and Podenok, L.P. and Samokhval, V.A. and Uvarov, A.A.", TITLE = "The System for Handwritten Symbol and Signature Recognition Using FPGA Computing", BOOKTITLE = ICIAR04, YEAR = "2004", PAGES = "I: 447-454", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332463"} @inproceedings{bb338159, AUTHOR = "Steck, H. and Jaakkola, T.S.", TITLE = "Predictive Discretization During Model Selection", BOOKTITLE = DAGM04, YEAR = "2004", PAGES = "1-8", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332464"} @inproceedings{bb338160, AUTHOR = "He, J. and Downton, A.C.", TITLE = "Configurable Text Stamp Identification Tool with Application of Fuzzy Logic", BOOKTITLE = DAS04, YEAR = "2004", PAGES = "201-212", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332465"} @inproceedings{bb338161, AUTHOR = "Antonacopoulos, A. and Kennedy, D.P.", TITLE = "An Automated Tachograph Chart Analysis System", BOOKTITLE = DAS02, YEAR = "2002", PAGES = "544 ff.", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332466"} @inproceedings{bb338162, AUTHOR = "Antonacopoulos, A. and Kennedy, A.P.", TITLE = "Information extraction from complex circular charts", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR01, YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "784-787", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332467"} @inproceedings{bb338163, AUTHOR = "Frelicot, C. and Remi, C. and Courtellemont, P.", TITLE = "School level recognition from children's drawings and writings", BOOKTITLE = ICPR02, YEAR = "2002", PAGES = "III: 493-496", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332468"} @inproceedings{bb338164, AUTHOR = "Kwan, P.W.H. and Toraichi, K. and Kameyama, K. and Kawazoe, F. and Nakamura, K.", TITLE = "Tast: Trademark Application Assistant", BOOKTITLE = ICIP02, YEAR = "2002", PAGES = "I: 884-887", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332469"} @inproceedings{bb338165, AUTHOR = "Chakraborty, A.", TITLE = "A Fast Method for Identifying Graphical Objects in Large Engineering Drawings", BOOKTITLE = ICIP01, YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "I: 794-797", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332470"} @inproceedings{bb338166, AUTHOR = "Liang, J. and Phillips, I.T. and Chalana, V. and Haralick, R.M.", TITLE = "A Methodology for Special Symbol Recognitions", BOOKTITLE = ICPR00, YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "Vol IV: 11-14", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332471"} @inproceedings{bb338167, AUTHOR = "Vogel, J. and Balke, W.T. and Kießling, e.", TITLE = "(Semi-) Automatic Segmentation in Historic Collections of Heraldic Images", BOOKTITLE = ICPR00, YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "Vol I: 478-481", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332472"} @inproceedings{bb338168, AUTHOR = "Zhou, Y.P. and Tan, C.L.", TITLE = "Hough Technique for Bar Charts Detection and Recognition in Document Images", BOOKTITLE = ICIP00, YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "Vol II: 605-608", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332473"} @inproceedings{bb338169, AUTHOR = "Parker, J.R. and Pivovarov, J.", TITLE = "A Demonstration of Handprinted Symbol Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICCV01, YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "II: 740", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332474"} @inproceedings{bb338170, AUTHOR = "Parker, J.R. and Pivovarov, J. and Royko, D.", TITLE = "Vector Templates for Symbol Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICPR00, YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "Vol II: 602-605", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332475"} @inproceedings{bb338171, AUTHOR = "Parker, J.R.", TITLE = "Vector templates and handprinted digit recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICPR94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "B:457-459", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332476"} @inproceedings{bb338172, AUTHOR = "Tatemura, J. and Santini, S. and Jain, R.", TITLE = "Social and content-based information filtering for a Web graphics recommender system", BOOKTITLE = CIAP99, YEAR = "1999", PAGES = "842-847", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332477"} @inproceedings{bb338173, AUTHOR = "Kasturi, R. and Tofani, P.", TITLE = "Segmentation of Text From Color Map Images", BOOKTITLE = ICPR98, YEAR = "1998", PAGES = "Vol I: 945-947", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332478"} @inproceedings{bb338174, AUTHOR = "Ah Soon, C. and Masini, G. and Tombre, K. and Dosch, P. and Habed, A.", TITLE = "Stable, Robust and Off-The-Shelf Methods for Graphics Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICPR98, YEAR = "1998", PAGES = "Vol I: 406-408", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332479"} @inproceedings{bb338175, AUTHOR = "Lank, E. and Blostein, D.", TITLE = "N-Grams: A Well-Structured Knowledge Representation for Recognition of Graphical Documents", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR97, YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "801-804", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332480"} @inproceedings{bb338176, AUTHOR = "Koppen, M. and Lohmann, L. and Nickolay, B.", TITLE = "An Image Consulting Framework for Document Analysis of Internet Graphics", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR97, YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "819-822", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332481"} @inproceedings{bb338177, AUTHOR = "Ben Amara, N.E. and Belaid, A.", TITLE = "Printed Paw Recognition Based on Planar Hidden Markov Models", BOOKTITLE = ICPR96, YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "II: 220-224", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332482"} @inproceedings{bb338178, AUTHOR = "Chen, Y. and Lin, T.", TITLE = "Simulation of Closure Process for Line Patterns", BOOKTITLE = ICPR96, YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "II: 215-219", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332483"} @inproceedings{bb338179, AUTHOR = "Della Ventura, A. and Schettini, R.", TITLE = "Graphic symbol recognition using a signature technique", BOOKTITLE = ICPR94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "B:533-535", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332484"} @inproceedings{bb338180, AUTHOR = "Taxt, T. and Bjerde, K.W.", TITLE = "Classification of Handwritten Vector Symbols Using Elliptic Fourier Descriptors", BOOKTITLE = ICPR94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "B:123-128", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332485"} @inproceedings{bb338181, AUTHOR = "Casey, R. and Boyer, S. and Healey, P. and Miller, A. and Oudot, B. and Zilles, K.", TITLE = "Optical Recognition of Chemical Graphics", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR93, YEAR = "1993", PAGES = "627-632", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332486"} @inproceedings{bb338182, AUTHOR = "Hamada, A.H.", TITLE = "A New System for the Analysis of Schematic Diagrams", BOOKTITLE = ICDAR93, YEAR = "1993", PAGES = "369-372", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332487"} @inproceedings{bb338183, AUTHOR = "Benjamin, D. and Forgues, P. and Gulko, E. and Massicotte, J.B. and Meubus, C.", TITLE = "The Use of High-Level Knowledge for Enhanced Entry of Engineering Drawings", BOOKTITLE = ICPR88, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "I: 119-124", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332488"} @inproceedings{bb338184, AUTHOR = "Yaginuma, Y. and Sakauchi, M.", TITLE = "Efficient intermediary shape representation method for graphical data", BOOKTITLE = ICPR92, YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "III:176-179", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332489"} @inproceedings{bb338185, AUTHOR = "Lu, W. and Ohsawa, Y. and Sakauchi, M.", TITLE = "A Database Capture System for Mechanical Drawings Using an Efficient Multi-Dimensional Graphical Data Structure", BOOKTITLE = ICPR88, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "I: 266-269", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332490"} @inproceedings{bb338186, AUTHOR = "Maderlechner, G. and Jeppsson, O.", TITLE = "Representation, Classification and Modelling of Graphs for Efficient Pattern Recognition in Line Images", BOOKTITLE = ICPR88, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "II: 678-680", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332491"} @inproceedings{bb338187, AUTHOR = "Kojima, H. and Toida, T.", TITLE = "On-Line Hand-Drawn Line-Figure Recognition and Its Application", BOOKTITLE = ICPR88, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "II: 1138-1142", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332492"} @inproceedings{bb338188, AUTHOR = "Tsuji, Y.", TITLE = "Document Image Analysis for Generating Syntactic Structure Description", BOOKTITLE = ICPR88, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "II: 744-747", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332493"} @inproceedings{bb338189, AUTHOR = "Futrelle, R.P.", TITLE = "Strategies for Diagram Understanding: Generalized Equivalence, Spatial/Object Pyramids and Animate Vision", BOOKTITLE = ICPR90, YEAR = "1990", PAGES = "I: 403-408", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332494"} @inproceedings{bb338190, AUTHOR = "Shimaya, A. and Yoroizawa, I. and Kosugi, M.", TITLE = "An interpretative model of overlapped figures", BOOKTITLE = ICPR92, YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "II:170-173", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332495"} @inproceedings{bb338191, AUTHOR = "Shimaya, A. and Yoroizawa, I.", TITLE = "Automatic Creation of Reasonable Interpretations for Complex Line Figures", BOOKTITLE = ICPR90, YEAR = "1990", PAGES = "I: 480-484", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332496"} @inproceedings{bb338192, AUTHOR = "Simon, J.C. and Baret, O.", TITLE = "Regularities and Singularities in Line Pictures", BOOKTITLE = SDIA92, YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "xx-yy", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332497"} @inproceedings{bb338193, AUTHOR = "Shimotsuji, S.", TITLE = "A Robust Drawing Recognition System Based On Contour Shape Analysis", BOOKTITLE = ICPR90, YEAR = "1990", PAGES = "I: 717-719", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332498"} @inproceedings{bb338194, AUTHOR = "Pan, S.X. and Liu, J.G. and Peng, J.X. and Wang, G.", TITLE = "The design and implementation of dip arrow plot pattern recognition system", BOOKTITLE = ICPR88, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "II: 703-705", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332499"} @inproceedings{bb338195, AUTHOR = "Nakano, Y. and Fujisawa, H. and Kunisaki, O. and Okada, K. and Hananoi, T.", TITLE = "A Document Understanding System Incorporating with Character Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICPR86, YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "801-803", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332500"} @inproceedings{bb338196, AUTHOR = "Kasturi, R. and Shih, C. and Fletcher, L.A.", TITLE = "An Approach for Automatic Recognition of Graphics", BOOKTITLE = ICPR86, YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "877-879", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332501"} @inproceedings{bb338197, AUTHOR = "Abe, K. and Azumatani, Y. and Kukouda, M. and Suzuki, S.", TITLE = "Discrimination of Symbols, Lines, and Characters in Flow Chart Recognition", BOOKTITLE = ICPR86, YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "1071-1074", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332502"} @inproceedings{bb338198, AUTHOR = "Tou, J.T. and Ferng, W.M.", TITLE = "Computer Analysis of Network Pictures", BOOKTITLE = ICPR78, YEAR = "1978", PAGES = "630-634", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char978.html#TT332503"} @article{bb338199, AUTHOR = "Jain, A.K. and Vailaya, A.", TITLE = "Shape-Based Retrieval: A Case-Study with Trademark Image Databases", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "31", YEAR = "1998", NUMBER = "9", MONTH = "September", PAGES = "1369-1390", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char979lo1.html#TT332506"}