        AUTHOR = "Ahn, J. and Kwak, S.",
        TITLE = "Learning Pixel-Level Semantic Affinity with Image-Level Supervision
for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation",
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        AUTHOR = "Shang, C. and Li, H.L. and Qiu, H.Q. and Wu, Q.B. and Meng, F.M. and Zhao, T. and Ngan, K.N.",
        TITLE = "Cross-Modal Recurrent Semantic Comprehension for Referring Image
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        AUTHOR = "Hu, Y. and Wang, Q.X. and Shao, W.Q. and Xie, E. and Li, Z.G. and Han, J.G. and Luo, P.",
        TITLE = "Beyond One-to-One: Rethinking the Referring Image Segmentation",
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        AUTHOR = "Lee, J. and Lee, S.J. and Nam, J. and Yu, S. and Do, J. and Taghavi, T.",
        TITLE = "Weakly Supervised Referring Image Segmentation with Intra-Chunk and
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        AUTHOR = "Liu, F. and Liu, Y.H. and Kong, Y.Q. and Xu, K. and Zhang, L. and Yin, B.C. and Hancke, G. and Lau, R.",
        TITLE = "Referring Image Segmentation Using Text Supervision",
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        AUTHOR = "Xu, Z. and Chen, Z.H. and Zhang, Y. and Song, Y.B. and Wan, X. and Li, G.B.",
        TITLE = "Bridging Vision and Language Encoders:
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        AUTHOR = "Yu, S. and Seo, P.H. and Son, J.",
        TITLE = "Zero-shot Referring Image Segmentation with Global-Local Context
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        AUTHOR = "Kim, N. and Kim, D. and Kwak, S. and Lan, C.L. and Zeng, W.J.",
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        AUTHOR = "Wang, Z.Q. and Lu, Y. and Li, Q. and Tao, X.Q. and Guo, Y.D. and Gong, M.M. and Liu, T.L.",
        TITLE = "CRIS: CLIP-Driven Referring Image Segmentation",
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        AUTHOR = "Yang, S. and Xia, M. and Li, G.B. and Zhou, H.Y. and Yu, Y.Z.",
        TITLE = "Bottom-Up Shift and Reasoning for Referring Image Segmentation",
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        AUTHOR = "Jing, Y. and Kong, T. and Wang, W. and Wang, L. and Li, L. and Tan, T.N.",
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        AUTHOR = "Hui, T.R. and Liu, S. and Huang, S.F. and Li, G.B. and Yu, S. and Zhang, F. and Han, J.Z.",
        TITLE = "Linguistic Structure Guided Context Modeling for Referring Image
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        TITLE = "A Context-Based Network For Referring Image Segmentation",
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Last update:Jul 18, 2024 at 20:50:34