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"http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92698"} @inproceedings{bb95879, AUTHOR = "Wu, K. and Levine, M.D.", TITLE = "Shape Approximation: From Multiview Range Images to Parametric Geons", BOOKTITLE = ICPR94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "A:622-625", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92699"} @inproceedings{bb95880, AUTHOR = "Wu, K. and Levine, M.D.", TITLE = "3D Object Representation Using Parametric Geons", BOOKTITLE = McGill, YEAR = "1993", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92700"} @article{bb95881, AUTHOR = "Tagare, H.D. and Vos, F.M. and Jaffe, C.C. and Duncan, J.S.", TITLE = "Arrangement: A Spatial Relation Between Parts for Evaluating Similarity of Tomographic Section", JOURNAL = PAMI, VOLUME = "17", YEAR = "1995", NUMBER = "9", MONTH = "September", PAGES = "880-893", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92701"} @inproceedings{bb95882, AUTHOR = "Tagare, H.D. and Jaffe, C.C. and Duncan, J.S.", TITLE = "Arrangement: A Spatial Relation for Describing and Comparing Part Embeddings", BOOKTITLE = ICPR92, YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "I:91-94", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92702"} @article{bb95883, AUTHOR = "Munck Fairwood, R.C. and Du, L.", TITLE = "Shape Using Volumetric Primitives", JOURNAL = IVC, VOLUME = "11", YEAR = "1993", NUMBER = "6", MONTH = "July", PAGES = "364-371", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92703"} @article{bb95884, AUTHOR = "Wang, D.M. and Haese Coat, V. and Ronsin, J.", TITLE = "Shape Decomposition and Representation Using a Recursive Morphological Operation", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "28", YEAR = "1995", NUMBER = "11", MONTH = "November", PAGES = "1783-1792", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92704"} @inproceedings{bb95885, AUTHOR = "Ayoung Chee, N. and Dudek, G. and Ferrie, F.P.", TITLE = "A Hybrid Approach to 3D Representation", BOOKTITLE = ORCV96, YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "321", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92705"} @inproceedings{bb95886, AUTHOR = "Ferrie, F.P. and Mathur, S. and Soucy, G.", TITLE = "Feature Extraction for 3D Model Building and Recognition", BOOKTITLE = "3DORS93", YEAR = "1993", PAGES = "xx", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92706"} @article{bb95887, AUTHOR = "Arcelli, C. and Serino, L.", TITLE = "From Discs to Parts of Visual Form", JOURNAL = IVC, VOLUME = "15", YEAR = "1997", NUMBER = "1", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "1-10", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92707"} @article{bb95888, AUTHOR = "Wu, K.N. and Levine, M.D.", TITLE = "3-D Shape Approximation Using Parametric Geons", JOURNAL = IVC, VOLUME = "15", YEAR = "1997", NUMBER = "2", MONTH = "February", PAGES = "143-158", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92708"} @article{bb95889, AUTHOR = "Nishida, H.", TITLE = "Structural Feature-Extraction Using Multiple Bases", JOURNAL = CVIU, VOLUME = "62", YEAR = "1995", NUMBER = "1", MONTH = "July", PAGES = "78-89", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92709"} @article{bb95890, AUTHOR = "Nishida, H.", TITLE = "A Structural Approach to Representation of Curved Objects", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "30", YEAR = "1997", NUMBER = "1", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "45-56", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92710"} @article{bb95891, AUTHOR = "Pilu, M. and Fisher, R.B.", TITLE = "Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion", JOURNAL = IVC, VOLUME = "15", YEAR = "1997", NUMBER = "8", MONTH = "August", PAGES = "563-573", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92711"} @inproceedings{bb95892, AUTHOR = "Fisher, R.B. and Pilu, M.", TITLE = "Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion", BOOKTITLE = BMVC96, YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "Features, Segmentation", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92711"} @inproceedings{bb95893, AUTHOR = "Fisher, R.B. and Pilu, M.", TITLE = "Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion", BOOKTITLE = DAI, YEAR = "1996", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92711"} @inproceedings{bb95894, AUTHOR = "Fisher, R.B. and Pilu, M.", TITLE = "Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion", BOOKTITLE = Edinburgh, YEAR = "1996", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92711"} @inproceedings{bb95895, AUTHOR = "Pilu, M. and Fisher, R.B.", TITLE = "Recognition of Geons by Parametric Deformable Contour Models", BOOKTITLE = ECCV96, YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "I:71-82", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92712"} @inproceedings{bb95896, AUTHOR = "Pilu, M. and Fisher, R.B.", TITLE = "Recovery of Generic Solid Parts by Parametrically Deformable Aspects", BOOKTITLE = DAI, YEAR = "1996", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92713"} @inproceedings{bb95897, AUTHOR = "Pilu, M. and Fisher, R.B.", TITLE = "Recovery of Generic Solid Parts by Parametrically Deformable Aspects", BOOKTITLE = Edinburgh, YEAR = "1996", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92713"} @article{bb95898, AUTHOR = "Pilu, M. and Fisher, R.B.", TITLE = "Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from a Single Image", JOURNAL = RobAS, VOLUME = "21", YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "107-122", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92714"} @inproceedings{bb95899, AUTHOR = "Fisher, R.B. and Pilu, M.", TITLE = "Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from a Single Image", BOOKTITLE = DAI, YEAR = "1996", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe481.html#TT92714"}