Khel, M.H.K.
Standard Author Listing
with: Greaney, P.: GSTGM: Graph, spatial-temporal attention and generative b...
with: McAfee, M.: GSTGM: Graph, spatial-temporal attention and generative ba...
with: Meehan, K.: GSTGM: Graph, spatial-temporal attention and generative ba...
with: Moffett, S.: GSTGM: Graph, spatial-temporal attention and generative b...
Khelalef, A.
Standard Author Listing
with: Ababsa, F.: Simple Human Activity Recognition Technique Using DCT, A
with: Benoudjit, N.: Simple Human Activity Recognition Technique Using DCT, A
Kheldouni, A.
Standard Author Listing
with: Boumhidi, J.: Study of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Tran...
Khelifi, A.
Standard Author Listing
with: Alksas, A.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on Integ...
with: Altaweel, M.: Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep Le...
with: Basmaji, T.: Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep Lea...
with: Contractor, S.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on I...
with: Contractor, S.: Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions in 3D CT Scans ...
with: El Baz, A.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on Integ...
with: El Baz, A.: Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions in 3D CT Scans Usin...
with: El Baz, A.: Precise Statistical Approach for Leaf Segmentation
with: Ghazal, M.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on Integ...
with: Ghazal, M.: Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep Lear...
with: Ghazal, M.: Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions in 3D CT Scans Usin...
with: Ghazal, M.: Precise Statistical Approach for Leaf Segmentation
with: Li, Z.: Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep Learning...
with: Mahmoud, A.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on Inte...
with: Mahmoud, A.: Precise Statistical Approach for Leaf Segmentation
with: Shaker, S.: Precise Statistical Approach for Leaf Segmentation
with: Shalaby, A.: Precise Statistical Approach for Leaf Segmentation
with: Sharafeldeen, A.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on...
with: Sharafeldeen, A.: Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions in 3D CT Scan...
with: Squitieri, A.: Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep L...
with: van Bogaert, E.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on ...
with: Yaghi, M.: Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on Integr...
with: Yaghi, M.: Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions in 3D CT Scans Using...
23 for Khelifi, A.
Khelifi, B.
Standard Author Listing
with: Alimi, M.A.: Unsupervised categorization of heterogeneous text images ...
with: Mullot, R.: Unsupervised categorization of heterogeneous text images b...
with: Zaghden, N.: Unsupervised categorization of heterogeneous text images ...
Khelifi, F.
Standard Author Listing
with: Akbari, Y.: PRNU-Net: a Deep Learning Approach for Source Camera Model...
with: Al Ani, M.: novel image filtering approach for sensor fingerprint esti...
with: Al Ani, M.: Weighted averaging-based sensor pattern noise estimation f...
with: Al Maadeed, S.: PRNU-Net: a Deep Learning Approach for Source Camera M...
with: Almaadeed, N.: PRNU-Net: a Deep Learning Approach for Source Camera Mo...
with: Almaghtuf, J.: Fast and efficient difference of block means code for p...
with: Almaghtuf, J.: Self-geometric relationship filter for efficient SIFT k...
with: Bouridane, A.: Exploiting chrominance planes similarity on listless qu...
with: Bouridane, A.: Fast and efficient difference of block means code for p...
with: Bouridane, A.: improved wavelet-based image watermarking technique, An
with: Bouridane, A.: Joined Spectral Trees for Scalable SPIHT-Based Multispe...
with: Bouridane, A.: novel image filtering approach for sensor fingerprint e...
with: Bouridane, A.: On the Optimum Multiplicative Watermark Detection in th...
with: Bouridane, A.: Optimum Detection of Multiplicative-Multibit Watermarki...
with: Bouridane, A.: Perceptual Video Hashing for Content Identification and...
with: Bouridane, A.: PRNU-Net: a Deep Learning Approach for Source Camera Mo...
with: Bouridane, A.: SPECK-Based Lossless Multispectral Image Coding
with: Bouridane, A.: Weighted averaging-based sensor pattern noise estimatio...
with: Boussakta, S.: Exploiting chrominance planes similarity on listless qu...
with: Ipson, S.: Robust image watermarking via geometrically invariant featu...
with: Jiang, J.: Analysis of the Security of Perceptual Image Hashing Based ...
with: Jiang, J.: K-NN Regression to Improve Statistical Feature Extraction f...
with: Jiang, J.: Perceptual Image Hashing Based on Virtual Watermark Detection
with: Jiang, J.M.: Robust image watermarking via geometrically invariant fea...
with: Kurugollu, F.: improved wavelet-based image watermarking technique, An
with: Kurugollu, F.: Joined Spectral Trees for Scalable SPIHT-Based Multispe...
with: Kurugollu, F.: On the Optimum Multiplicative Watermark Detection in th...
with: Kurugollu, F.: SPECK-Based Lossless Multispectral Image Coding
with: Lawgaly, A.: novel image filtering approach for sensor fingerprint est...
with: Lawgaly, A.: Weighted averaging-based sensor pattern noise estimation ...
with: Nasir, I.: Robust image watermarking via geometrically invariant featu...
with: Ngadiran, R.: Exploiting chrominance planes similarity on listless qua...
with: Thompson, A.I.: improved wavelet-based image watermarking technique, An
with: Zebbiche, K.: Efficient wavelet-based perceptual watermark masking for...
with: Zebbiche, K.: Optimum Detection of Multiplicative-Multibit Watermarkin...
35 for Khelifi, F.
Khelifi, L.
Standard Author Listing
with: Mignotte, M.: GCE-based model for the fusion of multiples color image ...
with: Mignotte, M.: MC-SSM: Nonparametric Semantic Image Segmentation With t...
with: Mignotte, M.: multi-objective approach based on TOPSIS to solve the im...
with: Mignotte, M.: Multi-Objective Decision Making Approach for Solving the...
with: Mignotte, M.: new multi-criteria fusion model for color textured image...
with: Mignotte, M.: Novel Fusion Approach Based on the Global Consistency Cr...
with: Mignotte, M.: Semantic image segmentation using the ICM algorithm
7 for Khelifi, L.
Khelifi, R.
Standard Author Listing
with: Adel, M.: Spatial and spectral dependance co-occurrence method for mul...
with: Adel, M.: Texture classification for multi-spectral images using spati...
with: Bourennane, S.: Spatial and spectral dependance co-occurrence method f...
with: Bourennane, S.: Texture classification for multi-spectral images using...
Khelifi, S.F.
Standard Author Listing
with: Boudihir, M.E.: Application of Radon Transform to Lane Boundaries Trac...
with: Boudihir, M.E.: Compressed Telesurveillance Video Database Retrieval U...
with: Nourine, R.: Application of Radon Transform to Lane Boundaries Tracking
with: Nourine, R.: Compressed Telesurveillance Video Database Retrieval Usin...
Khelladi, F.
Standard Author Listing
with: Basset, M.: Emergency Hierarchical Guidance Control Strategy for Auton...
with: Boudali, M.: Emergency Hierarchical Guidance Control Strategy for Auto...
with: Cassaro, M.: Emergency Hierarchical Guidance Control Strategy for Auto...
with: Orjuela, R.: Emergency Hierarchical Guidance Control Strategy for Auto...
with: Roos, C.: Emergency Hierarchical Guidance Control Strategy for Autonom...
Khellaf, A.
Standard Author Listing
with: Beghdadi, A.: Noise-Filtering Method Using a Local Information Measure...
Khellah, F.
Standard Author Listing
with: Allen, M.: Statistical Processing of Large Image Sequences
with: Fieguth, P.W.: Statistical Processing of Large Image Sequences
with: Murray, M.J.: Statistical Processing of Large Image Sequences
Khellat Kihel, S.
Standard Author Listing
with: Muhammad, J.: Gender and ethnicity recognition based on visual attenti...
with: Sun, Z.A.: Gender and ethnicity recognition based on visual attention-...
with: Tistarelli, M.: Gender and ethnicity recognition based on visual atten...