Index for klos

Klos, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bjerke, J.W.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curves...
     with: Bochenek, Z.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curves...
     with: Bogusz, J.: Optimal Strategy of a GPS Position Time Series Analysis fo...
     with: Jarocinska, A.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curv...
     with: Lavender, S.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curves...
     with: Pokonieczny, K.: Optimal Strategy of a GPS Position Time Series Analys...
     with: Raczko, E.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curves a...
     with: Tommervik, H.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curve...
     with: Zagajewski, B.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curv...
     with: Ziolkowski, D.: Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curv...
10 for Klos, A.

Klos, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Droszcz, A.: Beamforming of LOFAR Radio-Telescope for Passive Radioloc...
     with: Jedrzejewski, K.: Beamforming of LOFAR Radio-Telescope for Passive Rad...
     with: Kulpa, K.: Beamforming of LOFAR Radio-Telescope for Passive Radiolocat...
     with: Pozoga, M.: Beamforming of LOFAR Radio-Telescope for Passive Radioloca...

Klos, V.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Niamut, O.A.: Advanced interactive television services require content...
     with: Stokking, H.M.: Advanced interactive television services require conte...
     with: van Deventer, M.O.: Advanced interactive television services require c...
     with: Walraven, F.A.: Advanced interactive television services require conte...

Klose, A.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hanson, K.M.: Gradient-based iterative image reconstruction scheme for...
     with: Hielscher, A.H.: Gradient-based iterative image reconstruction scheme ...

Klose, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abraham, S.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Brostow, G.J.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Eisemann, M.: Towards Plenoptic Raumzeit Reconstruction
     with: Forstner, W.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Gehrig, S.K.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Imiya, A.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Jahne, B.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Kondermann, D.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Lipski, C.: Correspondence and Depth-Image Based Rendering a Hybrid Ap...
     with: Lipski, C.: virtual video camera: Simplified 3DTV acquisition and proc...
     with: Magnor, M.: Correspondence and Depth-Image Based Rendering a Hybrid Ap...
     with: Magnor, M.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Magnor, M.: Towards Plenoptic Raumzeit Reconstruction
     with: Magnor, M.: virtual video camera: Simplified 3DTV acquisition and proc...
     with: Mayer, H.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Mester, R.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Pajdla, T.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Reulke, R.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
     with: Ruhl, K.: virtual video camera: Simplified 3DTV acquisition and proces...
     with: Zimmer, H.: On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
20 for Klose, F.

Klose, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Heise, P.: PM-Huber: PatchMatch with Huber Regularization for Stereo M...
     with: Heise, P.: Variational PatchMatch MultiView Reconstruction and Refinem...
     with: Jensen, B.: PM-Huber: PatchMatch with Huber Regularization for Stereo ...
     with: Jensen, B.: Variational PatchMatch MultiView Reconstruction and Refine...
     with: Knoll, A.: Multi-target and Multi-camera Object Detection with Monte-C...
     with: Knoll, A.: PM-Huber: PatchMatch with Huber Regularization for Stereo M...
     with: Knoll, A.: Real-Time Articulated Hand Detection and Pose Estimation
     with: Knoll, A.: Variational PatchMatch MultiView Reconstruction and Refinem...
     with: Panin, G.: Multi-target and Multi-camera Object Detection with Monte-C...
     with: Panin, G.: Real-Time Articulated Hand Detection and Pose Estimation
10 for Klose, S.

Klose, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ehricke, H.H.: Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-B...
     with: Kumar, V.: Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-Beam ...
     with: Otto, K.M.: Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-Beam...

Klose, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aoki, Y.: Secrets of Event-Based Optical Flow, Depth and Ego-Motion Es...
     with: Gallego, G.: Secrets of Event-Based Optical Flow, Depth and Ego-Motion...
     with: Shiba, S.: Secrets of Event-Based Optical Flow, Depth and Ego-Motion E...

Klosowski, J.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Krishnan, S.: Guided image upsampling using bitmap tracing

Kloss, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baron, A.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Begue, N.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Bencherif, H.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oc...
     with: Berthet, G.: Stratospheric Aerosol Characteristics from the 2017-2019 ...
     with: Berthet, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Clerbaux, C.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: Coheur, P.F.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: Duflot, V.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocean...
     with: Jegou, F.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Keckhut, P.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Khaykin, S.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Krysztofiak, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over ...
     with: Kudo, R.: Stratospheric Aerosol Characteristics from the 2017-2019 Vol...
     with: Madhavan, B.L.: Stratospheric Aerosol Characteristics from the 2017-20...
     with: Payen, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Portafaix, T.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oc...
     with: Querel, R.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocean...
     with: Ratnam, M.V.: Stratospheric Aerosol Characteristics from the 2017-2019...
     with: Robinson, J.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: Sellitto, P.: Stratospheric Aerosol Characteristics from the 2017-2019...
     with: Smale, D.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Smale, P.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Veremes, H.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
23 for Kloss, C.

Kloss, G.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hawick, K.A.: Gaining colour stability in live image capturing
     with: Johnson, M.J.: Gaining colour stability in live image capturing
     with: Reyes, N.H.: Dynamic colour adaptation for colour object tracking
     with: Reyes, N.H.: Gaining colour stability in live image capturing
     with: Shin, H.: Dynamic colour adaptation for colour object tracking

Kloss, R.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jordao, A.: Boosted Projection: An Ensemble of Transformation Models
     with: Schwartz, W.R.: Boosted Projection: An Ensemble of Transformation Models

Klossa, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Angulo, J.: Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Coordinates. ...
     with: Flandrin, G.: Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Coordinates...
     with: Luengo Oroz, M.A.: Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Coordi...

Klostermann, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Leibe, B.: Unsupervised Learning of Shape-Motion Patterns for Objects ...
     with: Osep, A.: Unsupervised Learning of Shape-Motion Patterns for Objects i...
     with: Stuckler, J.: Unsupervised Learning of Shape-Motion Patterns for Objec...

Klostermann, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Follmann, P.: Learning to See the Invisible: End-to-End Trainable Amod...
     with: Nig, R.K.: Learning to See the Invisible: End-to-End Trainable Amodal ...
     with: Rtinger, P.H.: Learning to See the Invisible: End-to-End Trainable Amo...
     with: Ttger, T.B.: Learning to See the Invisible: End-to-End Trainable Amoda...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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