4.7 Physics Based Vision

Chapter Contents (Back)
Physics Based Vision.

Healey, G.B., Shafer, S.A., Wolff, L.B.,
Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Color,
Jones & BartlettBoston, 1992. Introduction:
HTML Version. BibRef 9200

Wolff, L.B., Shafer, S.A., Healey, G.B.,
Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Radiometry,
Jones & BartlettBoston, 1992. BibRef 9200

Wolff, L.B., Shafer, S.A., Healey, G.B.,
Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Shape Recovery,
Jones & BartlettBoston, 1992. BibRef 9200

Healey, G.B., and Jain, R.,
Physics-Based Machine Vision: Introduction,
JOSA-A(11), No. 11, November 1994, pp. 2922. Introduction to the special issue.
HTML Version. BibRef 9411

Jerome, J.H., Bukata, R.P., Miller, J.R.,
Remote-Sensing Reflectance and Its Relationship to Optical-Properties of Natural-Waters,
JRS(17), No. 16, November 10 1996, pp. 3135-3155. 9611

Lai, S.H., Vemuri, B.C.,
Physically-Based Adaptive Preconditioning for Early Vision,
PAMI(19), No. 6, June 1997, pp. 594-607.
Optical Flow. Surface Reconstruction. Shape from Shading. BibRef
Physically-Based and Adaptive Preconditioners for Early Vision,
PBMCV95(SESSION 5) Used in conjunction with conjugate gradient solution algorithm. Compared with other preconditioning methods. Applied to surface reconstruction and optical flow. Wavelets are used as an approximation to the ideal Fourier domain implementation. Compares the technique: Standard numerical Conjugate Gradient approach, and (Hierarchical basis conjugate gradient)
See also Fast Surface Interpolation Using Hierarchical Basis Functions. and: Wavelet basis with diagonal preconditioning:
See also Fast Surface Interpolation Using Multiresolution Wavelet Transform. BibRef

Chapter on Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar continues in
Perceptual Grouping, Perceptual Organization Techniques, Saliency .

Last update:Apr 10, 2024 at 09:54:40