* *Biologically Motivated Computer Vision
* Object classification using a fragment-based representation
* *Biologically Motivated Computer Vision
* 1-Click Learning of Object Models for Recognition
* Adaptive Hierarchical Model of the Ventral Visual Pathway Implemented on a Mobile Robot, An
* Analysis of the Motion Signal Distributions Emerging from Locomotion through a Natural Environment, An
* Attending to Motion: Localizing and Classifying Motion Patterns in Image Sequences
* Attentional Selection for Object Recognition: A Gentle Way
* Audio-Oculomotor Transformation
* Automatic Synthesis of Sequences of Human Movements by Linear Combination of Learned Example Patterns
* Binocular Stereo Algorithm for Log-Polar Foveated Systems, A
* Biological Motion of Speech
* Biologically Inspired Saliency Map Model for Bottom-up Visual Attention
* Biologically Motivated Scheme for Robust Junction Detection, A
* Computational Cortical Cell Models for Continuity and Texture
* Contour Detection by Synchronization of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
* Dynamics of Face Categorization
* Ecological Statistics of Contour Grouping
* Egocentric Direction and the Visual Guidance of Robot Locomotion Background, Theory and Implementation
* Evolving Vision-Based Flying Robots
* Extraction of Object Representations from Stereo Image Sequences Utilizing Statistical and Deterministic Regularities in Visual Data
* Face Reconstruction from Partial Information Based on a Morphable Face Model
* Facial and Eye Gaze Detection
* Gender Classification of Human Faces
* Goal Oriented Attention Guidance Model, A
* Hierarchical Selectivity for Object-Based Visual Attention
* How the Spatial Filters of Area V1 Can Be Used for a Nearly Ideal Edge Detection
* Image Reconstruction from Gabor Magnitudes
* Improved Contour Detection by Non-classical Receptive Field Inhibition
* Insect-Inspired Estimation of Self-Motion
* Interpreting LOC Cell Responses
* Iterative Tuning of Simple Cells for Contrast Invariant Edge Enhancement
* Learning to Act on Objects
* Medical Ultrasound Image Similarity Measurement by Human Visual System (HVS) Modelling
* Method of Extracting Objects of Interest with Possible Broad Application in Computer Vision, A
* Model of Contour Integration in Early Visual Cortex, A
* Modeling Insect Compound Eyes: Space-Variant Spherical Vision
* Modeling of Movement Sequences Based on Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Correspondence of Movement Primitives
* Neural Mechanisms of Visual Flow Integration and Segregation: Insights from the Pinna-Brelstaff Illusion and Variations of It
* Neural Model of Human Texture Processing: Texture Segmentation vs. Visual Search, A
* New Approach towards Vision Suggested by Biologically Realistic Neural Microcircuit Models, A
* New Robotics Platform for Neuromorphic Vision: Beobots, A
* Object Detection and Classification for Outdoor Walking Guidance System
* Object Detection in Natural Scenes by Feedback
* Object Perception: Generative Image Models and Bayesian Inference
* On Computing Visual Flows with Boundaries: The Case of Shading and Edges
* On the Role of Object-Specific Features for Real World Object Recognition in Biological Vision
* Prototypes of Biological Movements in Brains and Machines
* Qualitative Representations for Recognition
* Reading Speed and Superiority of Right Visual Field on Foveated Vision
* Recognizing Expressions by Direct Estimation of the Parameters of a Pixel Morphable Model
* Reconstruction of Subjective Surfaces from Occlusion Cues
* Role of Featural and Configural Information in Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Recognition
* Role of Propagation and Medial Geometry in Human Vision, The
* Rotation-Invariant Optical Flow by Gaze-Depended Retino-Cortical Mapping
* Scene-Centered Description from Spatial Envelope Properties
* Seeing People in the Dark: Face Recognition in Infrared Images
* Statistics of Second Order Multi-modal Feature Events and Their Exploitation in Biological and Artificial Visual Systems
* Stochastic Guided Search Model for Search Asymmetries in Visual Search Tasks
* Tracking through Optical Snow
* Ultra-Rapid Scene Categorization with a Wave of Spikes
* Understanding Human Behaviors Based on Eye-Head-Hand Coordination
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using a Colony of Cooperating Ants
* Unsupervised Learning of Visual Structure
* View-Based Recognition of Faces in Man and Machine: Re-visiting Inter-extra-Ortho
* Vision-Based Homing with a Panoramic Stereo Sensor
* Visual Attention Using Game Theory
* Visual Categorization: How the Monkey Brain Does It
66 for BMCV02