Journals starting with cvws

CVWS82 * *IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision, Representation and Control
* 3-D Shape from Contour and Selective Confirmation
* Automatic Registration of Landsat MSS Images to Digital Elevation Models
* Computational Paradigm for Deriving Local Surface Orientation from Local Textural Properties, A
* Connectionist Model of Form Perception, A
* Gradient Space under Orthography and Perspective
* Integration of Motion Information along Contours, The
* Interpreting Time-Varying Image: The Planatary Assumption
* Local Analysis of the Image limitations and Uses of Shading
* Matching High Level Features of an Aerial Image with a Map or Another Image
* Motion Analysis via Local Translational Processing
* Paradigms for Control of Vision Using Inference in Networks
* Picture Decomposition Algorithm Using a Pictoral Information Measure, A
* Representation and Traversal of Images in the Hexagonal Field
* Segmentation of Textured Scenes Using Motion Information
* Shape Description Using Surface Triangularization
* Symbolic Matching of Images and Scene Models
* Topographic Classification of Digital Image Intensity Surfaces
* Toward a Data Model for Integrated Pictorial Databases
* Use of an Evidential Based Model for Representing Knowledge and Reasoning about Images in the VISIONS System, The
* Using Rough Relational Models for Geometric Reasoning
21 for CVWS82

CVWS84 * *IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision, Representation and Control
* Analysis of Interest Operators for FIDO, An
* Augmented Medial Axis Transform
* Axial Motion Stereo
* Boundary Chains from Quadcodetrees
* Choosing a Basis for Perceptual Space
* Computation of Optical Flow and Rigid Motion
* Computational Paradigm for Three-Dimensional Scene Analysis, A
* Connected Component Algorithm on the Non-Von Supercomputer, The
* Connectionist Model of Extrapersonal Space, A
* Control Strategy for an Expert Vision System Using Quadtree Refinement
* Cooperative Computation and Time
* Curvature Primal Sketch, The
* Direct Processing of Curvilinear Sensor Motion from a Sequence of Perspective Images
* Edge-Face Graph Representations of Solid Objects
* Establishing Correspondence of Non-Rigid Objects Using Smoothness of Motion
* Facet Approach to Shape from Shading, The
* Hierarchical Knowledge-Directed Object Extraction using a Combined Region and Line Representation
* Image Flow Paradigm, An
* Map-Guided Feature Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* Matching Closed Contours
* Motion Segmentation and Estimation by Constraint Line Filtering
* Multiple Channel Model for Perception of Optical Flow, A
* Multiple Resolution Representation and Probabilistic Matching of 2-D Gray-Scale Shape
* New Invariants for Three Dimensional Recognition
* Note on Using the Fractal Dimension for Segmentation, A
* Parallel Image Processing with the Shuffle Exchange Network
* Property Spheres: A New Representation for 3-D Object Recognition
* Recognition with Range and Intensity Data
* Refined Technique for Stereo Depth Perception, A
* Relative Elevation Determination from Landsat Imagery
* Representation and Tracking of Point Structures Using Stereovision
* Representation of Shape, The
* Scaling Theorems for Zero-Crossings
* Spatial Reasoning from Line Drawings of Polyhedra
35 for CVWS84

CVWS85 * *IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision, Representation and Control
* Active Perception vs. Passive Perception
* Computer Vision Theory: The Lack Thereof
* Determination of the Identity, Position and Orientation of the Topmost Object in a Pile
* Distributed Processing for Multiresolution Dynamic Scene Analysis
* Edge Detection with Subpixel Precision
* Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis: A Technique for Analyzing Sequences
* Fast Hough Transform
* Fast Stereovision Matcher Based on Prediction and Recursive Verification of Hypothesis, A
* Hypothesis-Based Geometric Reasoning About Perspective Images
* I've seen your demo; so what?
* Inferring Local Surface Orientation with the Aid of Grid Coding
* Information Based Complexity Applied to Optimal Recovery of the 2 1/2-D Sketch
* Introducing a Smoothness Constraint in a Matching Approach for the Computation of Optical Flow Fields
* Matching Depth Maps Obtained by Passive Stereo
* Motion Stereo for Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles in a Passageway
* On the Uniqueness of Image Flow Solutions for Planar Surfaces in Motion
* Pulse and Staircase Models for Detecting Edges at Multiple Resolution
* Reconstruction and Matching of 3-D Objects using Quadtrees/Octrees
* Sigma Image Understanding System, The
* Structure and Motion from Images Fact and Fiction
* Structure-from-Motion without the Rigidity Assumption
* Task Frames in Visuo-Motor Coordination
* Velocity Extraction without Form Interpretation
24 for CVWS85

CVWS87 * *IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision, Representation and Control
* Adaptive Multiscale Feature Extraction from Range Data
* Algorithm for Matching 3-D Line Segments with Application to Multiple-Object Motion Estimation, An
* Aspect Graphs for Convex Planar-Face Objects
* CAGD Based Computer Vision
* Compact Multiresolution Representation: The Wavelet Model, A
* Computation of Motion-in-Depth Parameters Using Stereoscopic Motion Constraints
* Correcting Matches and Inferring Surface Patches in Passive Stereo
* Correspondence in Presence of Occlusion
* Detection, Localization, and Estimation of Edges
* Direct Recovery of Depth-map I: Differential Methods
* DRACAP: Drawing Capture for Electronic Schematics
* Edge Detection in Feature Space
* Edge Detection with Gaussian Filters at Multiple Scales
* Finding Motion Parameters from Spherical Flow Fields (or the Advantages of Having Eyes in the Back of Your Head)
* Generating Robust Operators from Specialized Ones
* Geometric Modelling with Generalized Cylinders
* Geometry Guided Incremental Segmentation
* GROPER: A Grouping Based Recognition System for Two Dimensional Objects
* Integrating Information from Multiple Views
* Interpretation of Optical Flow by Rotational Decoupling
* Model-Based Silhouette Recognition
* Modeling Sensor Detectability and Reliability for Model-Based Vision
* Motion Detection in Spatio-Temporal Space
* Network Approach to Reconstructions from Zero-Crossings, A
* On Curve Matching
* Orientation Selection to Optical Flow: A Computational Perspective
* Perceptual Grouping with Applications to 3D Shape Extraction
* Pose Estimation from Corresponding Point Data
* Qualitative Approach for Recovering Relative Depths in Dynamic Scenes, A
* Reading Chess
* Recognition of Two-Dimensional Objects Using Hypothesis Integration Techniques
* Scale Space and Edge Detection using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Shape from Polarization Images
* Silhouette-Slice Theorems
* Triangulation Errors in Stereo Algorithms
* Tunable Facet Model Likelihood Generators for Boundary Pixel Detection
* Using Depth-is-Positive Constraint to Recover Translational Motion
* Vision Constraint Recognition System: Analysing the Role of Reasoning in High Level Vision, The
* Visual Strategies for Mobile Robot Navigation
40 for CVWS87

Index for "c"

Last update:15-Sep-24 16:52:41
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