Index for keyst

Accelerometer-based correction of skewed horizon and keystone distortion in digital photography
Automatic keystone correction for smart projectors with embedded camera
Effective Method for Movable Projector keystone Correction, An
Enhancing Spatial Resolution of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Sensor's Intrinsic keystone Distortion
Focusing Translational Variant Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Using keystone Transform and Extended Nonlinear Chirp Scaling
Generalized Dechirp-keystone Transform for Radar High-Speed Maneuvering Target Detection and Localization
Ground Maneuvering Target Imaging and High-Order Motion Parameter Estimation Based on Second-Order keystone and Generalized Hough-HAF Transform
Highly Paralleled Low-Cost Embedded HEVC Video Encoder on TI keystone Multicore DSP
Joint keystone Correction and Shake Removal for a Hand Held Projector
keystone correction for stereoscopic cinematography
keystone-free hand-held mobile projection system, A
Novel Approach for ISAR Cross-Range Scaling Based on the Multidelay Discrete Polynomial- Phase Transform Combined With keystone Transform
Novel Imaging Method for Fast Rotating Targets Based on the Segmental Pseudo keystone Transform, A
Novel Robust Laser Tracking System with Automatic Environment Adaptation and keystone Correction, A
Radar Detection Method of Plasma-Sheath-Covered Target Based on the Improved keystone Algorithm, A
Real-time keystone correction for hand-held projectors with an RGBD camera
Refocusing of Ground Moving Targets with Doppler Ambiguity Using keystone Transform and Modified Second-Order Keystone Transform for Synthetic Aperture Radar
Refocusing of Ground Moving Targets with Doppler Ambiguity Using keystone Transform and Modified Second-Order Keystone Transform for Synthetic Aperture Radar
Robust Ground Moving-Target Imaging Using Deramp-keystone Processing
SAR Ground Moving Target Imaging Based on a New Range Model Using a Modified keystone Transform
To keystone or Not to Keystone, that is the Correction
To keystone or Not to Keystone, that is the Correction
22 for keystone

keystonedepth: History in 3D

Image multi-encryption architecture based on hybrid keystream sequence interspersed with Haar discrete wavelet transform

Are Digraphs Good for Free-Text keystroke Dynamics?
Artificial Rhythms and Cues for keystroke Dynamics Based Authentication
BeCAPTCHA-Type: Biometric keystroke Data Generation for Improved Bot Detection
Biometric Access Control Through Numerical Keyboards Based on keystroke Dynamics
Biometric Recognition Based on Free-Text keystroke Dynamics
Comparison of a Touch-Gesture- and a keystroke-Based Password Method: Toward Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Mobile User Authentication, A
Computer-access security systems using keystroke dynamics
Confounding Factors in keystroke Dynamics
Continual Retraining of keystroke Dynamics Based Authenticator
Contributions to empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords
Electromyograph and keystroke dynamics for spoof-resistant biometric authentication
empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords: A longitudinal study, An
Enhancing Login Security Through the Use of keystroke Input Dynamics
Framework for user behavioural biometric identification using a multimodal scheme with keystroke trajectory feature and recurrent neural network on a mobile platform
Free-text keystroke dynamics authentication for Arabic language
Freely typed keystroke dynamics-based user authentication for mobile devices based on heterogeneous features
GA SVM Wrapper Ensemble for keystroke Dynamics Authentication
GREYC keystroke: A benchmark for keystroke dynamics biometric systems
GREYC keystroke: A benchmark for keystroke dynamics biometric systems
Group Leakage Overestimates Performance: A Case Study in keystroke Dynamics
hybrid novelty score and its use in keystroke dynamics-based user authentication, A
Identity authentication based on keystroke dynamics for mobile device users
Investigation into keystroke Dynamics and Heart Rate Variability as Indicators of Stress, An
keystroke Biometric Recognition Studies on Long-Text Input under Ideal and Application-Oriented Conditions
keystroke Biometric System Using Wavelets
keystroke Dynamics as Part of Lifelogging
keystroke Dynamics Biometrics
keystroke dynamics for user authentication
keystroke Dynamics in a General Setting
keystroke dynamics with low constraints SVM based passphrase enrollment
keystroke Mobile Authentication: Performance of Long-Term Approaches and Fusion with Behavioral Profiling
Keyword-based approach for recognizing fraudulent messages by keystroke dynamics
Low Cost and Usable Multimodal Biometric System Based on keystroke Dynamics and 2D Face Recognition
Making impostor pass rates meaningless: A case of snoop-forge-replay attack on continuous cyber-behavioral verification with keystrokes
Mini-batch bagging and attribute ranking for accurate user authentication in keystroke dynamics
Mobile keystroke Biometrics Using Transformers
Mobile keystroke dynamics for biometric recognition: An overview
Non-conventional keystroke dynamics for user authentication
On the discriminability of keystroke feature vectors used in fixed text keystroke authentication
On the discriminability of keystroke feature vectors used in fixed text keystroke authentication
partially observable hidden Markov model and its application to keystroke dynamics, The
Password policy characteristics and keystroke biometric authentication
Retraining a Novelty Detector with Impostor Patterns for keystroke Dynamics-Based Authentication
SetMargin loss applied to deep keystroke biometrics with circle packing interpretation
Soft Biometrics for keystroke Dynamics
Touch keystroke dynamics for demographic classification
Towards Predicting Good Users for Biometric Recognition Based on keystroke Dynamics
User Classification for keystroke Dynamics Authentication
Utilizing overt and latent linguistic structure to improve keystroke-based authentication
wrapper based feature subset selection using ACO-ELM-ANP and GA-ELM-ANP approaches for keystroke dynamics authentication, A
50 for keystroke

Index for "k"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:10:16
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