Index for lbp

2D-lbp: An Enhanced Local Binary Feature for Texture Image Classification
3D lbp-Based Rotationally Invariant Region Description
Active Contour Model Guided by lbp Distributions, An
Adaptive e-lbp for Background Subtraction
Age categorization via ECOC with fused gabor and lbp features
Age Classification in Unconstrained Conditions Using lbp Variants
Appearance-Based Approach to Assistive Identity Inference Using lbp and Colour Histograms, An
Arabic Writer Identification Using Local Binary Patterns (lbp) of Handwritten Fragments
Asymmetric 3D/2D face recognition based on lbp facial representation and canonical correlation analysis
Automated screening of glaucoma stages from retinal fundus images using BPS and lbp based GLCM features
Automatic Detection of the Carotid Artery Location from Volumetric Ultrasound Images Using Anatomical Position-Dependent lbp Features
Automatic Eye Localization; Multi-block lbp vs. Pyramidal LBP Three-Levels Image Decomposition for Eye Visual Appearance Description
Automatic Eye Localization; Multi-block lbp vs. Pyramidal LBP Three-Levels Image Decomposition for Eye Visual Appearance Description
Automatic nesting seabird detection based on boosted HOG-lbp descriptors
Block lbp Displacement Based Local Matching Approach for Human Face Recognition
Boosted local structured HOG-lbp for object localization
Boosting 3D lbp-based face recognition by fusing shape and texture descriptors on the mesh
Boosting Small-Data Performance of lbp: A Case Study in Celiac Disease Diagnosis
Cancelable Knuckle Template Generation Based on lbp-CNN
Chi-Squared-Transformed Subspace of lbp Histogram for Visual Recognition, A
Classification of EEG signals for detection of epileptic seizure activities based on lbp descriptor of time-frequency images
Coherence Analysis of Metrics in lbp Space for Interactive Face Retrieval
Collaborative representation based face classification exploiting block weighted lbp and analysis dictionary learning
Collaborative representation with HM-lbp features for palmprint recognition
Color texture representation using circular-processing based Hue-lbp for histo-pathology image analysis
Combining Color Fractal with lbp Information for Flood Segmentation in UAV-Based Images
Combining lbp and SIFT in Sparse Coding for Categorizing Scene Images
Combining lbp Difference and Feature Correlation for Texture Description
Combining Modified lbp and Weighted SRC for Palmprint Recognition
Compact lbp and WLBP descriptor with magnitude and direction difference for face recognition
Comparative Evaluation of Classical Methods, Optimized Gabor Filters and lbp for Texture Feature Selection and Classification
constructive genetic algorithm for lbp in face recognition, A
Contact Lens Detection Based on Weighted lbp
Defect inspection of medicine vials using lbp features and SVM classifier
Description and retrieval of geometric patterns on surface meshes using an edge-based lbp approach
Detection of Video-Based Face Spoofing Using lbp and Multiscale DCT
Dissimilarity Representations Based on Multi-Block lbp for Face Detection
DLSANet: Facial expression recognition with double-code lbp-layer spatial-attention network
Dominant lbp Considering Pattern Type for Facial Image Representation
Double Complete D-lbp with Extreme Learning Machine Auto-Encoder and Cascade Forest for Facial Expression Analysis
Efficient lbp-Based Descriptor for Facial Depth Images Applied to Gender Recognition Using RGB-D Face Data, An
Empirical Evaluation of Generic Weighted Cubicle Pattern and lbp Derivatives for Abnormality Detection in Mammogram Images
Enhanced Line Local Binary Patterns (EL-lbp): An Efficient Image Representation for Face Recognition
Evaluation of lbp and Deep Texture Descriptors with a New Robustness Benchmark
Evaluation of lbp and HOG Descriptors for Clothing Attribute Description
Evaluation of lbp Variants in Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation Using Machine Learning
Evaluation of real-time lbp computing in multiple architectures
Evaluation of robustness against rotation of lbp, CCR and ILBP features in granite texture classification
Extended lbp Operator to Characterize Event-Address Representation Connectivity
Extending lbp and Convolution-Like Operations on the Mesh
Face and Palmprint Recognition Using Hierarchical Multiscale Adaptive lbp with Directional Statistical Features
Face anti-spoofing detection based on DWT-lbp-DCT features
Face Detection Based on Multi-Block lbp Representation
Face Recognition Based on GPPBTF and lbp With Classifier Fusion
Face recognition based on lbp and orthogonal rank-one tensor projections
Face Recognition Using lbp Eigenfaces
Face recognition using lbp for personal image management system and its analysis
Face Recognition Using TOF, lbp and SVM in Thermal Infrared Images
Facial Expression Recognition Based on Fusion Features of lbp and Gabor with LDA
Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Region Specific Dense Optical Flow and lbp Features
Facial Landmarks Detection Using Extended Profile lbp-Based Active Shape Models
Fast and Accurate Human Detection Using a Cascade of Boosted MS-lbp Features
Fast human detection using mi-sVM and a cascade of HOG-lbp features
Fast human detection using selective block-based HOG-lbp
Fast lbp Face Detection on Low-Power SIMD Architectures
Fusing Gabor and lbp Feature Sets for Kernel-Based Face Recognition
Gabor-lbp Based Region Covariance Descriptor for Person Re-identification
Gaze tracking by Binocular Vision and lbp features
Global weighted lbp based entropy features for the assessment of pulmonary hypertension
Grayscale-inversion and rotation invariant image description with sorted lbp features
Haralick feature extraction from lbp images for color texture classification
Hierarchical multiscale lbp for face and palmprint recognition
High-Speed Target Tracking System Based on a Hierarchical Parallel Vision Processor and Gray-Level lbp Algorithm
Histogram of DMHI and lbp images to represent human actions
HOG-lbp Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling, An
Human Action Recognition Using lbp-TOP as Sparse Spatio-Temporal Feature Descriptor
Human face recognition under occlusion using lbp and entropy weighted voting
Hybrid Background Model Using Spatial-Temporal lbp
improved lbp algorithm for texture and face classification, An
Incorporating Texture Intensity Information into lbp-Based Operators
Incorporating Two First Order Moments into lbp-Based Operator for Texture Categorization
Incremental Learning for Video-Based Gait Recognition With lbp Flow
Is block matching an alternative tool to lbp for face recognition?
Joint-scale lbp: a new feature descriptor for texture classification
Kernel-mapped histograms of multi-scale lbps for tree bark recognition
lbp and Irregular Graph Pyramids
lbp Based Line-Wise Script Identification
lbp Channels for Pedestrian Detection
lbp Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification
lbp Encoding Schemes Jointly Utilizing the Information of Current Bit and Other LBP Bits
lbp Encoding Schemes Jointly Utilizing the Information of Current Bit and Other LBP Bits
lbp features for breast cancer detection
lbp histogram selection for supervised color texture classification
lbp with Six Intersection Points: Reducing Redundant Information in LBP-TOP for Micro-expression Recognition
lbp with Six Intersection Points: Reducing Redundant Information in LBP-TOP for Micro-expression Recognition
lbp-Based Active Contour Algorithm for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation, An
lbp-based biometric hashing scheme for human authentication
lbp-Based Edge-Texture Features for Object Recognition
lbp-based periocular recognition on challenging face datasets
lbp-based progressive feature aggregation network for low-light image enhancement
lbp-Based Segmentation of Defocus Blur
lbp-Flow and Hybrid Encoding for Real-Time Water and Fire Classification
lbp-guided active contours
lbp-Motivated Colour Texture Classification
lbp-Structure Optimization With Symmetry and Uniformity Regularizations for Scene Classification
lbp-TOP Based Countermeasure against Face Spoofing Attacks
lbp-TOP for Volume Lesion Classification in Breast DCE-MRI
lbp-TOP: A Tensor Unfolding Revisit
Learning 3D structure from 2D images using lbp features
Learning Discriminative lbp-Histogram Bins for Facial Expression Recognition
Learning lbp structure by maximizing the conditional mutual information
Local Binary Patterns, lbp, Point Features
Local Features, lbp, Patterns, for Pedestrian Detection, People Detection
LPGAN: A lbp-Based Proportional Input Generative Adversarial Network for Image Fusion
MANOVA of Major Factors of RIU-lbp Feature for Face Recognition, A
Mean lbp and modified fuzzy C-means weighted hybrid feature for illumination invariant mean-shift tracking
Mesh-lbp: A Framework for Extracting Local Binary Patterns From Discrete Manifolds, The
Mesh-lbp: Computing Local Binary Patterns on Discrete Manifolds, The
Monocular Human Detection System Based on EOH and Oriented lbp Features, A
Monogenic-lbp: A new approach for rotation invariant texture classification
Multi-scale active patches fusion based on spatiotemporal lbp-TOP for micro-expression recognition
Multi-Scale lbp Texture Feature Learning Network for Remote Sensing Interpretation of Land Desertification
Multibiometric System Using Level Set, Modified lbp and Random Forest
New Bag of Words lbp (BoWL) Descriptor for Scene Image Classification, A
new fuzzy segmentation approach based on S-FCM type 2 using lbp-GCO features, A
new image division for lbp method to improve face recognition under varying lighting conditions, A
new multiclass SVM algorithm and its application to crowd density analysis using lbp features, A
New Study On Wood Fibers Textures: Documents Authentication Through lbp Fingerprint, A
Novel 3D Gradient lbp Descriptor for Action Recognition, A
novel face recognition method based on fusion of lbp and HOG, A
Novel Pedestrian Detector on Low-Resolution Images: Gradient lbp Using Patterns of Oriented Edges, A
Novel Ship Detection Method For Large-scale Optical Satellite Images Based On Visual lbp Feature And Visual Attention Model, A
Occluded face recognition based on the improved SVM and block weighted lbp
OLED panel defect detection using local inlier-outlier ratios and modified lbp
On the Effects of Illumination Normalization with lbp-Based Watchlist Screening
Optimized Deep CNN with Deviation Relevance-based lbp for Skin Cancer Detection: Hybrid Metaheuristic Enabled Feature Selection
Optimizing lbp Structure For Visual Recognition Using Binary Quadratic Programming
Pairwise Rotational-Difference lbp for Fine-Grained Leaf Image Retrieval
Patchy aurora image segmentation based on block threshold lbp
Pedestrian detection in single frame by edgelet-lbp part detectors
Persistence Based on lbp Scale Space
Pose-robust face recognition with Huffman-lbp enhanced by Divide-and-Rule strategy
Random forest and rotation forest ensemble methods for classification of epileptic EEG signals based on improved 1D-lbp feature extraction
RBM-lbp: Joint Distribution of Multiple Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
Revisiting lbp-Based Texture Models for Human Action Recognition
Robust and Compact Descriptor Based on Center-Symmetric lbp, A
Robust face anti-spoofing using CNN with lbp and WLD
Robust Facial Landmark Localization Using lbp Histogram Correlation Based Initialization
Robust Head-Shoulder Detection by PCA-Based Multilevel HOG-lbp Detector for People Counting
Robust Texture Classification by Aggregating Pixel-Based lbp Statistics
Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence among Adjacent lbps
Rotation invariant texture classification using adaptive lbp with directional statistical features
Rotation invariant texture classification using lbp variance (LBPV) with global matching
Self-adaptive Feature Fusion Method for Improving lbp for Face Identification
Shape Classification According to lbp Persistence of Critical Points
Shrink boost for selecting multi-lbp histogram features in object detection
simple pedestrian detection using lbp-based patterns of oriented edges, A
Some variants of spiral lbp in texture recognition
Sparse radial sampling lbp for writer identification
Spatio-temporal lbp Based Moving Object Segmentation in Compressed Domain
Speeding Up HOG and lbp Features for Pedestrian Detection by Multiresolution Techniques
Spotting micro-movements in image sequence by introducing intelligent cubic-lbp
Stagged multi-scale lbp for pedestrian detection
Structured Micro-Pattern Based lbp Features for Classification of Masses in Dense Breasts
Target segmentation of industrial smoke image based on lbp Silhouettes coefficient variant (LBPSCV) algorithm
Texture Analysis Based on Saddle Points-Based BEMD and lbp
Texture Classification Using Multi-dimensional lbp Variance
Texture Classification Using Rotation Invariant lbp Based on Digital Polygons
Texture Segmentation using lbp embedded Region Competition
Topology-based image segmentation using lbp pyramids
Towards Automated Multiscale Imaging and Analysis in TEM: Glomerulus Detection by Fusion of CNN and lbp Maps
Track fast-moving tiny flies by adaptive lbp feature and cascaded data association
Training-Based Gradient lbp Feature Models for Multiresolution Texture Classification
Underwater image enhancement via lbp-based attention residual network
Unusual Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Bag of lbps in Spatio-Temporal Patches
Using large color lbp in generalized hough transform
Video Texture Synthesis With Multi-Frame lbp-TOP and Diffeomorphic Growth Model
Vitality Assessment of Boar Sperm Using an Adaptive lbp Based on Oriented Deviation
Weighty lbp: A New Selection Strategy of LBP Codes Depending on Their Information Content
Weighty lbp: A New Selection Strategy of LBP Codes Depending on Their Information Content
181 for lbp

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Last update:18-Apr-24 12:23:06
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