Index for loss

2D Wasserstein loss for robust facial landmark detection
2D-3D semantic segmentation using cardinality as higher-order loss
360° Surface Regression with a Hyper-Sphere loss
3C-Net: Category Count and Center loss for Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
3D Hand Pose Estimation via aligned latent space injection and kinematic losses
3D Hippocampus Segmentation Using a Hog Based loss Function with Majority Pooling
3D landmark-based face restoration for recognition using variational autoencoder and triplet loss
3S Technologies and Application for Dynamic Monitoring Soil and Water loss In the Yangtze River Basin, China
Abductive natural language inference by interactive model with structural loss
Abnormal-Aware loss and Full Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Based on Knowledge Distillation
Accelerated Glacier Area loss in the Zhetysu (Dzhungar) Alatau Range (Tien Shan) for the Period of 1956-2016
Accelerated WGAN update strategy with loss change rate balancing
Accounting for Signal loss Due to Dephasing in the Correction of Distortions in Gradient-Echo EPI Via Nonrigid Registration
Accuracy of a high-level, loss-tolerant video fingerprint for surveillance authentication
Accurate and Reliable Facial Expression Recognition Using Advanced Softmax loss With Fixed Weights
Accurate bounding-box regression with distance-IoU loss for visual tracking
Accurate Few-shot Object Detection with Support-Query Mutual Guidance and Hybrid loss
Accurate Maritime Radio Propagation loss Prediction Approach Employing Neural Networks, An
Accurate traffic light detection using deep neural network with focal regression loss
ACR loss: Adaptive Coordinate-based Regression Loss for Face Alignment
ACR loss: Adaptive Coordinate-based Regression Loss for Face Alignment
Activation Template Matching loss for Explainable Face Recognition
AdaCoSeg: Adaptive Shape Co-Segmentation With Group Consistency loss
Adaptation of MPEG Video in ATM Networks Using Forward loss/Error Recovery (FLER) Scheme
Adaptive Class Suppression loss for Long-Tail Object Detection
Adaptive Focal loss Function Based on Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Radar Signal Intra-Pulse Modulation Classification, An
adaptive index smoothing loss for face anti-spoofing, An
Adaptive Ladder loss for Learning Coherent Visual-Semantic Embedding
Adaptive loss function based least squares one-class support vector machine
Adaptive loss-Aware Quantization for Multi-Bit Networks
Adaptive Offline Quintuplet loss for Image-text Matching
Adaptive Proxy Anchor loss for Deep Metric Learning
Adaptive Range Guided Multi-view Depth Estimation with Normal Ranking loss
Adaptive Region-Specific loss for Improved Medical Image Segmentation
Adaptive Saliency Biased loss for Object Detection in Aerial Images
Adaptive Sparse Pairwise loss for Object Re-Identification
Adaptive Spatial Location With Balanced loss for Video Captioning
Adaptive Spatial-BCE loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Adaptive Weighted losses With Distribution Approximation for Efficient Consistency-Based Semi-Supervised Learning
Adaptive Weighting of Handcrafted Feature losses for Facial Expression Recognition
Adaptive Wing loss for Robust Face Alignment via Heatmap Regression
Addressing Missing Labels in Large-Scale Sound Event Recognition Using a Teacher-Student Framework With loss Masking
Adv-Depth: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With an Adversarial loss
Adversarial Background-aware loss for Weakly-supervised Temporal Activity Localization
Adversarial Defense Through High Frequency loss Variational Autoencoder Decoder and Bayesian Update With Collective Voting
Adversarial Segmentation loss for Sketch Colorization
Adversarial Unsupervised Video Summarization Augmented With Dictionary loss
AFLNet: Adversarial focal loss network for RGB-D salient object detection
Age-Oriented Face Synthesis With Conditional Discriminator Pool and Adversarial Triplet loss
Align and Attend: Multimodal Summarization with Dual Contrastive losses
ALL Snow Removed: Single Image Desnowing Algorithm Using Hierarchical Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Representation and Contradict Channel loss
Alternative Probabilistic Interpretation of the Huber loss, An
AM-LFS: AutoML for loss Function Search
AMC-loss: Angular Margin Contrastive Loss for Improved Explainability in Image Classification
AMC-loss: Angular Margin Contrastive Loss for Improved Explainability in Image Classification
Analysis and Optimization of loss Functions for Multiclass, Top-k, and Multilabel Classification
Analysis of Distortion due to Packet loss in Streaming Video Transmission over Wireless Communication Links
Analysis of Packet loss for Compressed Video: Effect of Burst Losses and Correlation Between Error Frames
Analysis of Packet loss for Compressed Video: Effect of Burst Losses and Correlation Between Error Frames
Analysis of Packet-loss-Induced Distortion in View Synthesis Prediction-Based 3D Video Coding
Analysis of V2V Broadcast Performance Limit for WAVE Communication Systems Using Two-Ray Path loss Model
Analyzing the Impact of Highways Associated with Farmland loss under Rapid Urbanization
Analyzing the Variety loss in the Context of Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction
Anchor loss: Modulating Loss Scale Based on Prediction Difficulty
Anchor loss: Modulating Loss Scale Based on Prediction Difficulty
Angular Margin Constrained loss for Automatic Liver Fibrosis Staging
Annual Change Detection by ASTER TIR Data and an Estimation of the Annual Coal loss and CO2 Emission from Coal Seams Spontaneous Combustion
Annual Detection of Forest Cover loss Using Time Series Satellite Measurements of Percent Tree Cover
Anticipating Traffic Accidents with Adaptive loss and Large-Scale Incident DB
AP-loss for Accurate One-Stage Object Detection
Appearance Label Balanced Triplet loss for Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification
Application of YOLOv5 for Point Label Based Object Detection of Black Pine Trees with Vitality losses in UAV Data
Approximately Optimal Assignment for Unequal loss Protection
APPSO-NN: An adaptive-probability particle swarm optimization neural network for sensorineural hearing loss detection
ARAPReg: An As-Rigid-As Possible Regularization loss for Learning Deformable Shape Generators
ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin loss for Deep Face Recognition
ARUBA: An Architecture-Agnostic Balanced loss for Aerial Object Detection
ASNA) An Attention-based Siamese-Difference Neural Network with Surrogate Ranking loss function for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
Assessing Post-Fire Effects on Soil loss Combining Burn Severity and Advanced Erosion Modeling in Malesina, Central Greece
Assessing quality of experience for high definition video streaming under diverse packet loss patterns
Assessing Surface Water losses and Gains under Rapid Urbanization for SDG 6.6.1 Using Long-Term Landsat Imagery in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
Assessing the Impact of the loss Function and Encoder Architecture for Fire Aerial Images Segmentation Using Deeplabv3+
Association loss for Visual Object Detection
Asymmetric loss For Multi-Label Classification
Asymmetric loss Functions for Noise-Tolerant Learning: Theory and Applications
Attention Voting Network with Prior Distance Augmented loss for 6DoF Pose Estimation
Attention-Based Knowledge Distillation in Scene Recognition: The Impact of a DCT-Driven loss
Attention-Driven loss for Anomaly Detection in Video Surveillance
Attribute-Centered loss for Soft-Biometrics Guided Face Sketch-Photo Recognition
Autoencoders with exponential deviation loss for weakly supervised anomaly detection
Autoloss-GMS: Searching Generalized Margin-based Softmax Loss Function for Person Re-identification
Autoloss-Zero: Searching Loss Functions from Scratch for Generic Tasks
Automated Catheter Localization in Volumetric Ultrasound Using 3D Patch-Wise U-Net with Focal loss
Automatic Detection of Emotional Changes Induced by Social Support loss Using fMRI
Automatic loss Function Search for Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using SegU-Net and a Modified Tversky loss Function With L1-Constraint
AutoPedestrian: An Automatic Data Augmentation and loss Function Search Scheme for Pedestrian Detection
Average Top-k Aggregate loss for Supervised Learning
Background-Aware Pooling and Noise-Aware loss for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Balance-batch: An Optimized Method for Semantic Segmentation loss Functions
Balanced Affinity loss for Highly Imbalanced Baggage Threat Contour-Driven Instance Segmentation
Balanced Energy Regularization loss for Out-of-distribution Detection
Batch feature standardization network with triplet loss for weakly-supervised video anomaly detection
Bayes discrimination with mean square error loss
Bayesian Hybrid loss for Hyperspectral SISR Using 3D Wide Residual CNN
Bayesian loss for Crowd Count Estimation With Point Supervision
Bayesian Triplet loss: Uncertainty Quantification in Image Retrieval
Best Neighborhood Matching: An Information loss Restoration Technique for Block Based Image Coding Systems
Better and Faster: Exponential loss for Image Patch Matching
Beyond Gradient Descent for Regularized Segmentation losses
Beyond Ranking loss: Deep Holographic Networks for Multi-Label Video Search
Beyond the Pixel-Wise loss for Topology-Aware Delineation
Beyond Triplet loss: A Deep Quadruplet Network for Person Re-identification
Beyond Triplet loss: Meta Prototypical N-Tuple Loss for Person Re-identification
Beyond Triplet loss: Meta Prototypical N-Tuple Loss for Person Re-identification
Beyond Triplet loss: Person Re-Identification With Fine-Grained Difference-Aware Pairwise Loss
Beyond Triplet loss: Person Re-Identification With Fine-Grained Difference-Aware Pairwise Loss
Bi-Center loss for Compound Facial Expression Recognition
Bi-Directional Exponential Angular Triplet loss for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Bias loss for Mobile Neural Networks
bidirectional fusion branch network with penalty term-based trihard loss for person re-identification, A
Block loss recovery using fractal extrapolation for fractal coded images
Bokeh-loss GAN: Multi-stage Adversarial Training for Realistic Edge-aware Bokeh
Boosting Few-Shot Learning With Adaptive Margin loss
Bootstrap Generalization Ability from loss Landscape Perspective
Bound estimation-based safe acceleration for maximum margin of twin spheres machine with pinball loss
Bounded exponential loss function based AdaBoost ensemble of OCSVMs
Box-Driven Class-Wise Region Masking and Filling Rate Guided loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Box2seg: Attention Weighted loss and Discriminative Feature Learning for Weakly Supervised Segmentation
Brain Age Estimation From MRI Using Cascade Networks With Ranking loss
Bridging Precision and Confidence: A Train-Time loss for Calibrating Object Detection
Building Detection from Satellite Imagery Using a Composite loss Function
Building Extraction Based on U-Net with an Attention Block and Multiple losses
Burst-loss-Resilient Packetization of Video
C-loss function for pattern classification, The
C2AM loss: Chasing a Better Decision Boundary for Long-Tail Object Detection
CAMRL: A Joint Method of Channel Attention and Multidimensional Regression loss for 3D Object Detection in Automated Vehicles
Can data placement be effective for Neural Networks classification tasks? Introducing the Orthogonal loss
CaPriDe Learning: Confidential and Private Decentralized Learning Based on Encryption-Friendly Distillation loss
Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Gated Recurrent Neural Networks and Global Extrema loss
CAT-DUnet: Enhancing Speech Dereverberation via Feature Fusion and Structural Similarity loss
Causal Analysis of Accuracy Obtained Using High-Resolution Global Forest Change Data to Identify Forest loss in Small Forest Plots
Cbwloss: Constrained Bidirectional Weighted Loss for Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Pose
CC-loss: Channel Correlation Loss for Image Classification
CC-loss: Channel Correlation Loss for Image Classification
CCPL: Contrastive Coherence Preserving loss for Versatile Style Transfer
Cell loss concealment and packetization in packet video
Cell-loss concealment in ATM video codecs
Cell-loss Concealment Technique for MPEG-2 Coded Video, A
Cell-loss concealment techniques for layered video codecs in an ATM network
Center Prediction loss for Re-identification
Centralized Large Margin Cosine loss for Open-Set Deep Palmprint Recognition
Certainty driven consistency loss on multi-teacher networks for semi-supervised learning
Characterizing packet-loss impairments in compressed video
Characterizing the Accelerated Global Carbon Emissions from Forest loss during 1985-2020 Using Fine-Resolution Remote Sensing Datasets
Chasing clouds: Differentiable volumetric rasterisation of point clouds as a highly efficient and accurate loss for large-scale deformable 3D registration
ChitChat: Making Video Chat Robust to Packet loss
Chunk incremental learning for cost-sensitive hinge loss support vector machine
Circle loss: A Unified Perspective of Pair Similarity Optimization
CLAREL: Classification via retrieval loss for zero-shot learning
Class Anchor Clustering: A loss for Distance-based Open Set Recognition
Class Prior-Free Positive-Unlabeled Learning with Taylor Variational loss for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
Class structure-aware adversarial loss for cross-domain human action recognition
Class-Agnostic Segmentation loss and Its Application to Salient Object Detection and Segmentation
Class-Balanced loss Based on Effective Number of Samples
Class-dependent, non-convex losses to optimize precision
Class-wise Difficulty-balanced loss for Solving Class-imbalance
Classification of Breast Cancer Histopathological Images using Convolutional Neural Networks with Hierarchical loss and Global Pooling
Classifier shared deep network with multi-hierarchy loss for low resolution face recognition
clDice: A Novel Topology-Preserving loss Function for Tubular Structure Segmentation
Cliffnet for Monocular Depth Estimation with Hierarchical Embedding loss
Closing the Gap Between Deep Neural Network Modeling and Biomedical Decision-Making Metrics in Segmentation via Adaptive loss Functions
Cloud Removal for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery Using Distortion Coding Network Combined with Compound loss Functions
Cluster-Promoting Quantization with Bit-Drop for Minimizing Network Quantization loss
CNN-Based Patch Matching for Optical Flow with Thresholded Hinge Embedding loss
CNN-Based Semantic Segmentation Using Level Set loss
Coarse scale cost-utility approach for efficient unequal loss protection
Coarse- and Fine-grained Attention Network with Background-aware loss for Crowd Density Map Estimation
Coding and cell-loss recovery in DCT-based packet video
Coherent Integration loss Due to Nonstationary Phase Noise in High-Resolution Millimeter-Wave Radars
Collective Activity Detection Using Hinge-loss Markov Random Fields
Color Image Inpainting via Robust Pure Quaternion Matrix Completion: Error Bound and Weighted loss
Combined center dispersion loss function for deep facial expression recognition
Combining of Multiple Deep Networks via Ensemble Generalization loss, Based on MRI Images, for Alzheimer's Disease Classification
Compact descriptors for sketch-based image retrieval using a triplet loss convolutional neural network
Comparing Correspondences: Video Prediction with Correspondence-wise losses
Comparison of CNNs and Vision Transformers-Based Hybrid Models Using Gradient Profile loss for Classification of Oil Spills in SAR Images
Complex loss optimization via dual decomposition
Composition loss for Counting, Density Map Estimation and Localization in Dense Crowds
Compound loss Function With Shape Aware Weight Map for Microscopy Cell Segmentation, A
Comprehensive Study on Center loss for Deep Face Recognition, A
Comprehensive Study on loss Functions for Cross-Factor Face Recognition, A
Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction Using a Generative Adversarial Network With a Cyclic loss
Concealed Attack for Robust Watermarking Based on Generative Model and Perceptual loss
Concealment of Whole-Picture loss in Hierarchical B-Picture Scalable Video Coding
Conditional Boundary loss for Semantic Segmentation
Cone beam computed tomography enhancement using feature-embedded variational autoencoder with a perceptual loss function
Consistent Cell Tracking in Multi-frames with Spatio-Temporal Context by Object-Level Warping loss
Constraint loss for Rotated Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
Content-independent and loss-pattern-aware distortion evaluation for streaming media
Context-Aware loss Function for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos, A
Contextual loss for Image Transformation with Non-aligned Data, The
Continual Learning by Asymmetric loss Approximation With Single-Side Overestimation
Continuous Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks: Novel Empirical losses and Label Input Mechanisms
Continuous Detection of Forest loss in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia Using Sentinel-1 Data
Contour Dice loss for Structures with Fuzzy and Complex Boundaries in Fetal MRI
Contour loss for instance segmentation via k-step distance transformation image
Contour-Aware loss: Boundary-Aware Learning for Salient Object Segmentation
Contrasting Forest loss and Gain Patterns in Subtropical China Detected Using an Integrated LandTrendr and Machine-Learning Method
Contrastive Feature loss for Image Prediction
Contrastive losses Are Natural Criteria for Unsupervised Video Summarization
Contrastive-center loss for deep neural networks
Control Distance IoU and Control Distance IoU loss for Better Bounding Box Regression
Controllable Fused Semantic Segmentation with Adaptive Edge loss for Remote Sensing Parsing
Convolution and Attention Neural Network with MDTW loss for Cross-Variable Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Image Series, A
Convolutional Photomosaic Generation via Multi-scale Perceptual losses
Cooperation of Boundary Attention and Negative Matrix L1 Regularization loss Function for Polyp Segmentation
Cooperative Estimation of Path loss in Interference Channels Without Primary-User CSI Feedback
Core Power losses Estimation of Wound Core Distribution Transformers with Support Vector Machines
Coronary Artery Centerline Tracking with the Morphological Skeleton loss
Correcting the Triplet Selection Bias for Triplet loss
Correction of Simple Contrast loss in Color Images
Correlation based universal image/video coding loss recovery
CosFace: Large Margin Cosine loss for Deep Face Recognition
Coulomb Force Inspired loss Function for High-Performance Pedestrian Detection, A
COVID-MTL: Multitask learning with Shift3D and random-weighted loss for COVID-19 diagnosis and severity assessment
CQ+ Training: Minimizing Accuracy loss in Conversion From Convolutional Neural Networks to Spiking Neural Networks
Crop loss Evaluation Using Digital Surface Models from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Data
Cross Modal Focal loss for RGBD Face Anti-Spoofing
Cross-Domain Matching with Squared-loss Mutual Information
Cross-Modal Center loss for 3D Cross-Modal Retrieval
Crowd counting by the dual-branch scale-aware network with ranking loss constraints
Crowd Counting via Segmentation Guided Attention Networks and Curriculum loss
CT Male Pelvic Organ Segmentation via Hybrid loss Network With Incomplete Annotation
Cu-net: Cascaded U-net with loss Weighted Sampling for Brain Tumor Segmentation
CUA loss: Class Uncertainty-Aware Gradient Modulation for Robust Object Detection
CurricularFace: Adaptive Curriculum Learning loss for Deep Face Recognition
Custom Weighted Balanced loss function for Covid 19 Detection from an Imbalanced CXR Dataset
Cutout with patch-loss augmentation for improving generative adversarial networks against instability
CYBORG: Blending Human Saliency Into the loss Improves Deep Learning-Based Synthetic Face Detection
Data Augmentation Using Corner CutMix and an Auxiliary Self-Supervised loss
Data-Adaptive loss Function for Incomplete Data and Incremental Learning in Semantic Image Segmentation, A
Deep Action Unit classification using a binned intensity loss and semantic context model
Deep Depth Estimation on 360° Images with a Double Quaternion loss
Deep Descriptor Learning with Auxiliary Classification loss for Retrieving Images of Silk Fabrics in the Context of Preserving European Silk Heritage
Deep embedding learning with adaptive large margin N-pair loss for image retrieval and clustering
Deep Four-Stream Siamese Convolutional Neural Network with Joint Verification and Identification loss for Person Re-Detection, A
Deep Fusion Feature Representation Learning With Hard Mining Center-Triplet loss for Person Re-Identification
Deep Gait Relative Attribute using a Signed Quadratic Contrastive loss
Deep Hashing Using Proxy loss on Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Deep Hashing With Multi-Central Ranking loss for Multi-Label Image Retrieval
Deep hashing with triplet quantization loss
Deep Learning loss Function Based on the Perceptual Evaluation of the Speech Quality, A
Deep Learning on Small Datasets without Pre-Training using Cosine loss
Deep Learning-Based Apple Detection with Attention Module and Improved loss Function in YOLO
Deep loss Driven Multi-Scale Hashing Based on Pyramid Connected Network
Deep Metric Learning with Angular loss
Deep metric learning with dynamic margin hard sampling loss for face verification
Deep Metric Learning with Hierarchical Triplet loss
Deep Metric Learning with Triplet-Margin-Center loss for Sketch Face Recognition
Deep Metric Learning With Tuplet Margin loss
Deep Network Architecture for Super-Resolution-Aided Hyperspectral Image Classification With Classwise loss, A
Deep Neural Networks for Quantitative Damage Evaluation of Building losses Using Aerial Oblique Images: Case Study on the Great Wall (China)
Deep Object Tracking With Shrinkage loss
Deep Regression Tracking with Shrinkage loss
Deep Representation Learning With Part loss for Person Re-Identification
Deep Semantic Parsing of Freehand Sketches With Homogeneous Transformation, Soft-Weighted loss, and Staged Learning
Deep Speaker Embedding Using Hybrid Network of Multi-Feature Aggregation and Multi-loss Fusion for TI-SV
Deep Supervised Hashing with Information loss
DeepContour: A deep convolutional feature learned by positive-sharing loss for contour detection
DeepFacade: A Deep Learning Approach to Facade Parsing With Symmetric loss
Deeply Associative Two-Stage Representations Learning Based on Labels Interval Extension loss and Group Loss for Person Re-Identification
Deeply Associative Two-Stage Representations Learning Based on Labels Interval Extension loss and Group Loss for Person Re-Identification
Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold loss for Cancer Detection in Automated Breast Ultrasound
DeepSolarEye: Power loss Prediction and Weakly Supervised Soiling Localization via Fully Convolutional Networks for Solar Panels
DeeSCo: Deep heterogeneous ensemble with Stochastic Combinatory loss for gaze estimation
Defect Inspection using Gravitation loss and Soft Labels
Defining a Threshold Value for Maximum Spatial Information loss of Masked Geo-Data
Delay in Arctic Sea Ice Freeze-Up Linked to Early Summer Sea Ice loss: Evidence from Satellite Observations
Delving in the loss landscape to embed robust watermarks into neural networks
Denoising the high dynamic range imaging process: A comparative study using SNR and detail loss criteria
Denoising the Optical Fiber Seismic Data by Using Convolutional Adversarial Network Based on loss Balance
DENSECL: Haze Mitigation Using Dense Blocks and Contrastive loss Regularization
Dermoscopic Image Segmentation Through the Enhanced High-Level Parsing and Class Weighted loss
Detection-Identification Balancing Margin loss for One-Stage Multi-Object Tracking
Determining Cover Management Factor with Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis for Improving Long-Term Soil loss Estimation in Watersheds
Development and validation of an artificial intelligence software for periodontal bone loss in panoramic imaging
Development of an automated method for detecting mammographic masses with a partial loss of region
Development of Building Inventory Data in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for Seismic loss Estimation
devil in the tail: Cluster consolidation plus cluster adaptive balancing loss for unsupervised person re-identification, The
Devil is in the Channels: Mutual-Channel loss for Fine-Grained Image Classification, The
DGW-YOLOv8: A small insulator target detection algorithm based on deformable attention backbone and WIoU loss function
DHA: Supervised Deep Learning to Hash with an Adaptive loss Function
Diag-IoU loss for Object Detection
Diagonal XOR-Based FEC Method to Improve Burst-loss Tolerance for 4K/8K UHDTV Transmission
Differentiable Histogram loss Functions for Intensity-based Image-to-Image Translation
Dilated Light-Head R-CNN using tri-center loss for driving behavior recognition
DisCo-CLIP: A Distributed Contrastive loss for Memory Efficient CLIP Training
Discriminability-enforcing loss to improve representation learning
Discriminant Deep Feature Learning based on joint supervision loss and Multi-layer Feature Fusion for heterogeneous face recognition
Discriminant Distribution-Agnostic loss for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
Discriminative Ensemble loss for Deep Neural Network on Classification of Ship-Radiated Noise
Discriminative Patch Descriptor Learning With Focal Triplet loss Function
Discriminative representation learning for person re-identification via multi-loss training
Discriminative Training of Deep Fully Connected Continuous CRFs With Task-Specific loss
Discrimloss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrect Samples Discrimination
Disentangled loss for Low-Bit Quantization-Aware Training
Dissecting Deep Metric Learning losses for Image-Text Retrieval
Distance Weighted loss for Forest Trail Detection Using Semantic Line
Distributed Multiple Description Video Coding on Packet loss Channels
Distributed Scheduling for Low-Delay and loss-Resilient Media Streaming With Network Coding
Distribution Cognisant loss for Cross-Database Facial Age Estimation With Sensitivity Analysis
Distribution Consistency loss for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Distribution-balanced loss for Multi-label Classification in Long-tailed Datasets
Distributional Robustness loss for Long-tail Learning
DisturbLabel: Regularizing CNN on the loss Layer
Do Different Deep Metric Learning losses Lead to Similar Learned Features?
Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation With Maximum Squares loss
DR loss: Improving Object Detection by Distributional Ranking
Dramatic loss of Agricultural Land Due to Urban Expansion Threatens Food Security in the Nile Delta, Egypt
Drivers of Forest loss in a Megadiverse Hotspot on the Pacific Coast of Colombia
Drop loss for Person Attribute Recognition With Imbalanced Noisy-Labeled Samples
DuaFace: Data uncertainty in angular based loss for face recognition
Dual Contrastive loss and Attention for GANs
Dual Domain Network for MRI Reconstruction Using Gabor loss, A
Dual loss for Manga Character Recognition with Imbalanced Training Data
DWT-based Video Data Hiding Robust to MPEG Compression And Frame loss
Dynamic Center Aggregation loss With Mixed Modality for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Dynamic consensus of multi-agent systems under Markov packet losses with defective transition probabilities
Dynamic loss for Robust Learning
Dynamic loss Reweighting Method Based on Cumulative Classification Scores for Long-Tailed Remote Sensing Image Classification
Dynamic Monitoring Of Soil And Water losses Using Remote Sensing And GIS Techniques: A Case Study Of Jialing River, Yangtze River, China
Dynamically adaptive adjustment loss function biased towards few-class learning
Dynamically Mitigating Data Discrepancy with Balanced Focal loss for Replay Attack Detection
Dynamics-aware loss for learning with label noise
Early Labeled and Small loss Selection Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
Earthquake-Damaged Buildings Detection in Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Object Context and Boundary Enhanced loss
Ecological and Environmental Effects of Estuarine Wetland loss Using Keyhole and Landsat Data in Liao River Delta, China
Effective End-to-End Vision Language Pretraining With Semantic Visual loss
Effects of Urban Expansion on Forest loss and Fragmentation in Six Megaregions, China
Effects of urban tree canopy loss on land surface temperature magnitude and timing
Efficient Bayesian Sequential Classification Under the Markov Assumption for Various loss Functions
Efficient Catheter Segmentation in 3D Cardiac Ultrasound using Slice-Based FCN With Deep Supervision and F-Score loss
Efficient Deterministic Search With Robust loss Functions for Geometric Model Fitting
Efficient error concealment for the whole-frame loss based on H.264/AVC
Efficient Learning for Discriminative Segmentation with Supermodular losses
Efficient loss Function by Minimizing the Detrimental Effect of Floating-Point Errors on Gradient-Based Attacks
Efficient Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming With Robust loss Functions
Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based loss Functions
Efficient packet loss protection for JPEG2000 images enabling backward compatibility with a standard decoder
Efficient Remote Photoplethysmography with Temporal Derivative Modules and Time-Shift Invariant loss
Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Zero Eigenvalue-Based losses
EL-GAN: Embedding loss Driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Lane Detection
ElasticFace: Elastic Margin loss for Deep Face Recognition
Electromagnetic Propagation of GPR Signals in Martian Subsurface Scenarios Including Material losses and Scattering
Eliminating Packet loss Accumulation in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems
Elliptic Energy loss for Rotated Object Detection in Aerial Images, The
Encouraging Intra-Class Diversity Through a Reverse Contrastive loss for Single-Source Domain Generalization
End-to-end cross-modality retrieval with CCA projections and pairwise ranking loss
End-to-End Learning for Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Video With Adaptive loss
End-to-end Triplet loss based Emotion Embedding System for Speech Emotion Recognition
Energy-Efficient Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Packet Delay and loss
EnhanceFace: Adaptive Weighted SoftMax loss for Deep Face Recognition
Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of depth maps subject to random loss
Enhancing convolutional neural networks for face recognition with occlusion maps and batch triplet loss
Enhancing Multi-View Stereo with Contrastive Matching and Weighted Focal loss
Enlargement or reduction of digital images with minimum loss of information
Ensuring quality of service for image transmission: Hybrid loss protection
Entropic Optimal Transport loss for learning deep neural networks under label noise in remote sensing images, An
Epistemic Uncertainty-Weighted loss for Visual Bias Mitigation
Equalization loss for Long-Tailed Object Recognition
Equalization loss v2: A New Gradient Balance Approach for Long-tailed Object Detection
Equalization losses: Gradient-Driven Training for Long-tailed Object Recognition, The
Equalized Focal loss for Dense Long-Tailed Object Detection
Equalized Margin loss for Face Recognition, An
ERN: Edge loss Reinforced Semantic Segmentation Network for Remote Sensing Images
Error Refactor loss based on error analysis in image classification
Error Resilience for Block loss with Overlapped Motion Compensation
Estimated Biomass loss Caused by the Vaia Windthrow in Northern Italy: Evaluation of Active and Passive Remote Sensing Options
Estimating Leymus chinensis loss Caused by Oedaleus decorus asiaticus Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Estimating Snow Water Equivalent with Backscattering at X and Ku Band Based on Absorption loss
Estimation of accurate effective loss rate for FEC video transmission
Estimation of Apple Flowering Frost loss for Fruit Yield Based on Gridded Meteorological and Remote Sensing Data in Luochuan, Shaanxi Province, China
Estimation of Soil losses By the Improved Tillage Homogenization Model And Rusle Model
Estimation of Surface Duct Using Ground-Based GPS Phase Delay and Propagation loss
Euler Characteristic Transform Based Topological loss for Reconstructing 3D Images from Single 2D Slices
European Framework for Recording and Sharing Disaster Damage and loss Data, A
Evaluating the influence of packet loss on visual quality of perception for high bandwidth automotive networks
Evaluating the losses and Recovery of GPP in the Subtropical Mangrove Forest Directly Attacked by Tropical Cyclone: Case Study in Hainan Island
Evaluation of loss Functions for Estimation of Latent Vectors from GAN
Evaluation of Soil loss by Water in Archaeological Landscapes by Using the (R)usle Model and GIS. The Case Study of Paphos District, Cyprus
Evaluation of temporal variation of video quality in packet loss networks
Evolving losses for Unsupervised Video Representation Learning
Excess Propagation loss Modeling of Semiclosed Obstacles for Intelligent Transportation System
Experimental Evaluation of Recent Face Recognition losses for Deepfake Detection, An
Experimental exploration on loss surface of deep neural network
Explicit loss-Error-Aware Quantization for Low-Bit Deep Neural Networks
Exploiting the Local Parabolic Landscapes of Adversarial losses to Accelerate Black-Box Adversarial Attack
Exploiting Web Images for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition via Dynamic loss Correction and Global Sample Selection
Exploiting Web Images for Semantic Video Indexing Via Robust Sample-Specific loss
Exploring Image Specific Structured loss for Image Annotation with Incomplete Labelling
Extending Ordinary-Label Learning losses to Complementary-Label Learning
Face recognition by landmark pooling-based CNN with concentrate loss
Face recognition using supervised probabilistic principal component analysis mixture model in dimensionality reduction without loss framework
Face Video Retrieval Based on the Deep CNN With RBF loss
Facial Expression Recognition by Multi-Scale CNN with Regularized Center loss
Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild via Deep Attentive Center loss
Fair loss: Margin-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Deep Face Recognition
FALF ConvNets: Fatuous auxiliary loss based filter-pruning for efficient deep CNNs
Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using a Combined loss
Fast and Accurate Road Crack Detection Based on Adaptive Cost-Sensitive loss Function
Fast and robust visual tracking with hard balanced focal loss and guided domain adaption
Fast generalized ramp loss support vector machine for pattern classification
Fast mode decision for H.264 video coding in packet loss environment
Fast Signal Recovery From Saturated Measurements by Linear loss and Nonconvex Penalties
Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Matter Estimation With F-MSE loss
Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration With Consistent loss for Object Detection
Feature selection based on loss-margin of nearest neighbor classification
Feature-metric loss for Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Egomotion
Featureless 2D-3D pose estimation by minimising an illumination-invariant loss
Feedback-driven loss function for small object detection
Finding Structure in Point Cloud Data with the Robust Isoperimetric loss
Finding the best not the most: regularized loss minimization subgraph selection for graph classification
Finding Your (3D) Center: 3d Object Detection Using a Learned loss
Fine-Grained Image Classification With Global Information and Adaptive Compensation loss
Fine-Grained Image Retrieval via Piecewise Cross Entropy loss
Fine-Grained Spatial Alignment Model for Person Re-Identification With Focal Triplet loss
Finger Vein Recognition and Intra-Subject Similarity Evaluation of Finger Veins using the CNN Triplet loss
First Assessment of Canopy Cover loss in Germany's Forests after the 2018-2020 Drought Years, A
Fitting Generalized Multivariate Huber loss Functions
Fixed simplex coordinates for angular margin loss in CapsNet
Fixing Defect of Photometric loss for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Flatter loss for Bias Mitigation in Cross-dataset Facial Age Estimation, A
FlowNet3D++: Geometric losses For Deep Scene Flow Estimation
Focal Combo loss for Improved Road Marking Extraction of Sparse Mobile LiDAR Scanning Point Cloud-Derived Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Focal Frequency loss for Image Reconstruction and Synthesis
Focal loss dense detector for vehicle surveillance
Focal loss for Dense Object Detection
Focal Text: an Accurate Text Detection with Focal loss
Focus Is All You Need: loss Functions for Event-Based Vision
Forest loss Related to Brazil Nut Production in Non-Timber Forest Product Concessions in a Micro-Watershed in the Peruvian Amazon
Fourier Descriptor loss and Polar Coordinate Transformation for Pericardium Segmentation
Fourier Space losses for Efficient Perceptual Image Super-Resolution
FPC-Net: Learning to detect face forgery by adaptive feature fusion of patch correlation with CG-loss
Frame loss concealment for 3D video decoders based on disparity-compensated motion field
Frame loss concealment for stereoscopic video based on inter-view similarity of motion and intensity difference
Frame loss visibility modeling of stereoscopic video for H.264/AVC-MVC
Frequency Feature Pyramid Network With Global-Local Consistency loss for Crowd-and-Vehicle Counting in Congested Scenes
Frequency-aware Discriminative Feature Learning Supervised by Single-Center loss for Face Forgery Detection
From Knowledge Distillation to Self-Knowledge Distillation: A Unified Approach with Normalized loss and Customized Soft Labels
Full-Reference Video Quality Assessment by Decoupling Detail losses and Additive Impairments
Fusion of multiple fingerprint matchers by single-layer perceptron with class-separation loss function
Fuzzy set-based Bernoulli Random Noise Weighted loss for unsupervised person re-identification
Fuzzy-Logic Congestion Control of Transcoded Video Streaming Without Packet loss Feedback
GAL: Geometric Adversarial loss for Single-View 3D-Object Reconstruction
GamutMLP: A Lightweight MLP for Color loss Recovery
GAN-based person search via deep complementary classifier with center-constrained Triplet loss
Gaploss: A Loss Function for Semantic Segmentation of Roads in Remote Sensing Images
GarNet++: Improving Fast and Accurate Static 3D Cloth Draping by Curvature loss
Gatha: Relational loss for enhancing text-based style transfer
General and Adaptive Robust loss Function, A
Generalization Matters: loss Minima Flattening via Parameter Hybridization for Efficient Online Knowledge Distillation
Generalized Characteristic Function loss for Crowd Analysis in the Frequency Domain
Generalized Face Anti-Spoofing via Multi-Task Learning and One-Side Meta Triplet loss
Generalized Focal loss V2: Learning Reliable Localization Quality Estimation for Dense Object Detection
Generalized Focal loss: Towards Efficient Representation Learning for Dense Object Detection
Generalized Intersection Over Union: A Metric and a loss for Bounding Box Regression
Generalized loss Based Geometric Unscented Kalman Filter for Robust Power System Forecasting-Aided State Estimation
Generalized loss Function for Crowd Counting and Localization, A
Generalized loss-Sensitive Adversarial Learning with Manifold Margins
Generalized multiple description coding through unequal loss protection
Generative Adversarial Network Using Weighted loss Map and Regional Fusion Training for LDR-to-HDR Image Conversion
Generative Adversarial Network-Based Image Super-Resolution Using Perceptual Content losses
Generative Adversarial Networks and Perceptual losses for Video Super-Resolution
Generative image deblurring based on multi-scaled residual adversary network driven by composed prior-posterior loss
Generative Model-Based loss to the Rescue: A Method to Overcome Annotation Errors for Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation
Generic Perceptual loss for Modeling Structured Output Dependencies
Geometric loss Functions for Camera Pose Regression with Deep Learning
Geometry-Aware Guided loss for Deep Crack Recognition
Geospatial Analysis of the Building Heat Demand and Distribution losses in a District Heating Network
Geospatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Intensity and Sediment Yield Using the Revised Universal Soil loss Equation (RUSLE) Model
Geospatial Technology Based Soil loss Estimation for Sustainable Urban Development of Butwal Submetropolitan City, Nepal
Gicoface: Global Information-Based Cosine Optimal loss for Deep Face Recognition
Glacier ice loss monitored through the Planet cubesat constellation
Glacier Mass loss during the 1960s and 1970s in the Ak-Shirak Range (Kyrgyzstan) from Multiple Stereoscopic Corona and Hexagon Imagery
Glacier Mass loss Simulation Based on Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Yala Glacier and the Qiyi Glacier in the Third Pole
GLaMa: Joint Spatial and Frequency loss for General Image Inpainting
Global Mangrove Watch: Monthly Alerts of Mangrove loss for Africa
Global Optimization: Combining Local loss With Result Ranking Loss in Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Global Optimization: Combining Local loss With Result Ranking Loss in Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Grad-FEC: Unequal loss Protection of Deep Features in Collaborative Intelligence
Graph Cuts loss to Boost Model Accuracy and Generalizability for Medical Image Segmentation
Graph Grouping loss for Metric Learning of Face Image Representations
Graph Pattern loss Based Diversified Attention Network For Cross-Modal Retrieval
Graphical Contrastive losses for Scene Graph Parsing
Gray Augmentation Exploration with All-Modality Center-Triplet loss for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Grid loss: Detecting Occluded Faces
Ground-to-Aerial Image Geo-Localization With a Hard Exemplar Reweighting Triplet loss
Group loss for Deep Metric Learning, The
Group loss++: A Deeper Look Into Group Loss for Deep Metric Learning, The
Group loss++: A Deeper Look Into Group Loss for Deep Metric Learning, The
Group Softmax loss with Discriminative Feature Grouping
Group-Group loss-Based Global-Regional Feature Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
Gully Erosion Monitoring Based on Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Boundary-Guided Pseudo-Label Generation Strategy and Adaptive loss Function
HAM-MFN: Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Multiscale Fusion Network With RAP loss
Handling packet loss in WebRTC
Hard Samples Based Margin loss for Face Verification
Hard-Negatives or Non-Negatives? A Hard-Negative Selection Strategy for Cross-Modal Retrieval Using the Improved Marginal Ranking loss
HD-YOLO: Using radius-aware loss function for head detection in top-view fisheye images
HeadPose-Softmax: Head pose adaptive curriculum learning loss for deep face recognition
Hierarchical Clustering With Hard-Batch Triplet loss for Person Re-Identification
Hierarchical Cross-Modal Talking Face Generation With Dynamic Pixel-Wise loss
Hierarchical Proxy-based loss for Deep Metric Learning
High-level prior-based loss functions for medical image segmentation: A survey
high-performance insulators location scheme based on YOLOv4 deep learning network with GDIoU loss function, A
High-Quality Virtual View Synthesis for Light Field Cameras Using Multi-loss Convolutional Neural Networks
High-Resolution Image Dehazing with Respect to Training losses and Receptive Field Sizes
Hinge loss bound approach for surrogate supervision multi-view learning
Homography loss for Monocular 3D Object Detection
Human Pose Estimation with Shape Aware loss
Human-Scene Network: A novel baseline with self-rectifying loss for weakly supervised video anomaly detection
HVS-Inspired Attention to Improve loss Metrics for CNN-Based Perception-Oriented Super-Resolution, A
Hybrid cell loss concealment methods for MPEG-II-based packet video
Hybrid loss for Multiclass and Structured Prediction, A
Hybrid loss Network for Localization of Image Manipulation, A
Hybrid loss with Network Trimming for Disease Recognition in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Hypergraph-Induced Semantic Tuplet loss for Deep Metric Learning
Hyperparameter-Free losses for Model-Based Monocular Reconstruction
Hyperspectral image classification via discriminative convolutional neural network with an improved triplet loss
Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Orthogonal Sparse Prior-Based Autoencoder With Hyper-Laplacian loss and Data-Driven Outlier Detection
Identification of Factors Influencing Locations of Tree Cover loss and Gain and Their Spatio-Temporally-Variant Importance in the Li River Basin, China
Identifying Reservoirs and Estimating Evaporation losses in a Large Arid Inland Basin in Northwestern China
Identity Preserving loss for Learned Image Compression
IHEM loss: Intra-Class Hard Example Mining Loss for Robust Face Recognition
IHEM loss: Intra-Class Hard Example Mining Loss for Robust Face Recognition
Image Clustering via Deep Embedded Dimensionality Reduction and Probability-Based Triplet loss
Image Dehazing by Joint Estimation of Transmittance and Airlight Using Bi-Directional Consistency loss Minimized FCN
Image Inpainting with Information loss Reduction and Texture-Structure Feature Fusion
Image Quality Assessment Based on Harmonics Gain/loss Information
Image Quality Assessment by Separately Evaluating Detail losses and Additive Impairments
Image Retrieval Based on Learning to Rank and Multiple loss
Image Super-Resolution Using CNN Optimised By Self-Feature loss
Imbalance-Aware Adaptive Margin loss for Fair Multi-Label Face Attribute Recognition
Imbalance-XGBoost: leveraging weighted and focal losses for binary label-imbalanced classification with XGBoost
Imbalanced Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition with Trigonometric loss and Attention Mechanism Convolutional Network
ImDeeplabV3plus with instance selective whitening loss in domain generalization semantic segmentation
Impact of Data loss for Prediction of Traffic Flow on an Urban Road Using Neural Networks
Impact of Packet loss and Google Congestion Control on QoE for WebRTC-Based Mobile Multiparty Audiovisual Telemeetings, The
Impact of Random and Burst Packet losses on H.264 Scalable Video Coding
Impacts of Climate Change, Glacier Mass loss and Human Activities on Spatiotemporal Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage of the Qaidam Basin, China
Impacts of Farmland loss on Regional Food Self-Sufficiency in Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration over Last Two Decades, The
Improved channel attention methods via hierarchical pooling and reducing information loss
Improved cross entropy loss for noisy labels in vision leaf disease classification
Improved fine-grained object retrieval with Hard Global Softmin loss objective
Improved interview video error concealment on whole frame packet loss
Improved LPI Radar Waveform Recognition Framework With LDC-Unet and SSR-loss, An
Improved Model Structure with Cosine Margin OIM loss for End-to-end Person Search
Improved model-free adaptive predictive control-based cooperative driving control for connected and automated vehicles subject to time-varying communication delays and packet losses at signal-free intersections
improved noise loss correction algorithm for learning from noisy labels, An
Improved Resilience for Video Over Packet loss Networks With MDC and Optimized Packetization
Improved triplet loss for domain adaptation
Improving Estimation of Forest Canopy Cover by Introducing loss Ratio of Laser Pulses Using Airborne LiDAR
Improving Face Recognition from Hard Samples via Distribution Distillation loss
Improving face representation learning with center invariant loss
Improving Image-based Localization with Deep Learning: The Impact of the loss Function
Improving metric-based few-shot learning with dynamically scaled softmax loss
Improving multiclass classification by deep networks using DAGSVM and Triplet loss
Improving Object Localization with Fitness NMS and Bounded IoU loss
Improving Point Cloud Based Place Recognition with Ranking-based loss and Large Batch Training
Improving Representation Consistency with Pairwise loss for Masked Face Recognition
Improving retinal vessel segmentation with joint local loss by matting
Improving Robotic Grasping on Monocular Images Via Multi-Task Learning and Positional loss
Improving Slice-Based Model for Person Re-ID with Multi-Level Representation and Triplet-Center loss
Improving Text-image Matching with Adversarial Learning and Circle loss for Multi-modal Steganography
Improvised contrastive loss for improved face recognition in open-set nature
In Defense of the Triplet loss Again: Learning Robust Person Re-Identification with Fast Approximated Triplet Loss and Label Distillation
In Defense of the Triplet loss Again: Learning Robust Person Re-Identification with Fast Approximated Triplet Loss and Label Distillation
Incomplete Descriptor Mining With Elastic loss for Person Re-Identification
Increased Mass loss of Glaciers in the Sawir Mountains of Central Asia between 1959 and 2021
Indirect Adversarial losses via an Intermediate Distribution for Training GANs
Inferring Mass loss by Measuring Contemporaneous Deformation around the Helheim Glacier, Southeastern Greenland, Using Sentinel-1 InSAR
Influence-Balanced loss for Imbalanced Visual Classification
Information loss and reconstruction in diffuse fluorescence tomography
Information loss of the Mahalanobis Distance in High Dimensions: Application to Feature Selection
Information loss recovery for block-based image coding techniques: A fuzzy logic approach
Information loss-Guided Multi-Resolution Image Fusion
Ingredient Prediction via Context Learning Network with Class-Adaptive Asymmetric loss
Instance Enhancing loss: Deep Identity-Sensitive Feature Embedding for Person Search
Instance Segmentation of Indoor Scenes Using a Coverage loss
Insuring Alpine Grasslands against Drought-Related Yield losses Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
Integrated Method Combining Remote Sensing Data and Local Knowledge for the Large-Scale Estimation of Seismic loss Risks to Buildings in the Context of Rapid Socioeconomic Growth: A Case Study in Tangshan, China, An
Integration graph attention network and multi-centre constrained loss for cross-modality person re-identification
Inter-class angular margin loss for face recognition
Intra-frame loss concealment based on directional extrapolation
Intra-Modal Constraint loss for Image-Text Retrieval
InverseForm: A loss Function for Structured Boundary-Aware Segmentation
Investigating loss Functions for Extreme Super-Resolution
Investigation into the effects of transmission-channel fidelity loss in RGBD sensor data for SLAM
IoU loss for 2D/3D Object Detection
IoU-Balanced loss functions for single-stage object detection
Island loss for Learning Discriminative Features in Facial Expression Recognition
Isolating Anthropogenic Wetland loss by Concurrently Tracking Inundation and Land Cover Disturbance across the Mid-Atlantic Region, U.S.
Isotonic Modeling with Non-Differentiable loss Functions with Application to Lasso Regularization
Joint identification-verification for person re-identification: A four stream deep learning approach with improved quartet loss function
Joint Intra and Multiple Description Coding for Packet loss Resilient Video Transmission
Joint source-channel coding optimization with packet loss resilience for video transmission
Jumping through Local Minima: Quantization in the loss Landscape of Vision Transformers
Kernel Mean P Power Error loss for Robust Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition
Kernel Square-loss Exemplar Machines for Image Retrieval
Key Point Sensitive loss for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
Knot Magnify loss for Face Recognition
Label Smoothing Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network with Triplet loss for SAR Ship Classification
Land Cover Classification from Satellite Imagery with U-Net and Lovasz-Softmax loss
Language Person Search with Pair-based Weighting loss
Large loss Matters in Weakly Supervised Multi-Label Classification
Large Scale Image Segmentation with Structured loss Based Deep Learning for Connectome Reconstruction
Large-scale Robust Deep AUC Maximization: A New Surrogate loss and Empirical Studies on Medical Image Classification
Layer-Wise Customized Weak Segmentation Block and AIoU loss for Accurate Object Detection
Layered Internet Video Adaptation (LIVA): Network-Assisted Bandwidth Sharing and Transient loss Protection for Video Streaming
Layered unequal loss protection with pre-interleaving for progressive image transmission over packet loss channels
Layered unequal loss protection with pre-interleaving for progressive image transmission over packet loss channels
Learning Crisp Boundaries Using Deep Refinement Network and Adaptive Weighting loss
Learning Deep Embeddings via Margin-Based Discriminate loss
Learning Descriptors With Cube loss for View-Based 3-D Object Retrieval
Learning discriminative features via weights-biased softmax loss
Learning Embeddings for Image Clustering: An Empirical Study of Triplet loss Approaches
Learning Imbalanced Datasets With Maximum Margin loss
Learning Intrinsic Image Decomposition by Deep Neural Network with Perceptual loss
Learning Joint Gait Representation via Quintuplet loss Minimization
Learning Local Image Descriptors with Deep Siamese and Triplet Convolutional Networks by Minimizing Global loss Functions
Learning loss for Active Learning
Learning mean progressive scattering using binomial truncated loss for image dehazing
Learning Metric Features for Writer-Independent Signature Verification using Dual Triplet loss
Learning Multiple Pixelwise Tasks Based on loss Scale Balancing
Learning Neural Networks with Ranking-Based losses for Action Retrieval
Learning Quintuplet loss for Large-Scale Visual Geolocalization
Learning Soft Estimator of Keypoint Scale and Orientation with Probabilistic Covariant loss
Learning Superpixels with Segmentation-Aware Affinity loss
Learning Symbolic Model-Agnostic loss Functions via Meta-Learning
Learning the Relation Between Similarity loss and Clustering Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
Learning the Relation Between Similarity loss and Clustering Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
Learning to Measure the Point Cloud Reconstruction loss in a Representation Space
Learning to Quantize Deep Networks by Optimizing Quantization Intervals With Task loss
Learning With Average Precision: Training Image Retrieval With a Listwise loss
Learning With Batch-Wise Optimal Transport loss for 3D Shape Recognition
Learning With Learned loss Function: Speech Enhancement With Quality-Net to Improve Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality
Less is Better: Exponential loss for Cross-Modal Matching
Level Ratio Based Inter and Intra Channel Prediction with Application to Stereo Audio Frame loss Concealment
Leveraging triplet loss for unsupervised action segmentation
Leveraging Uncertainty to Rethink loss Functions and Evaluation Measures for Egocentric Action Anticipation
Lidar-Imagery Fusion Reveals Rapid Coastal Forest loss in Delaware Bay Consistent with Marsh Migration
lightness-aware loss for low-light image enhancement, A
Linear classifier combination and selection using group sparse regularization and hinge loss
Linear-Covariance loss for End-to-End Learning of 6D Pose Estimation
LinkNet-Spectral-Spatial-Temporal Transformer Based on Few-Shot Learning for Mangrove loss Detection with Small Dataset
Local Image Descriptors with Statistical losses
Localized Triplet loss for Fine-grained Fashion Image Retrieval
LOL: Learning To Optimize loss Switching Under Label Noise
Long-Tailed Instance Segmentation Using Gumbel Optimized loss
Long-Term loss of Coral Reef in the Gulf of Aqaba Estimated from Historical Aerial Images
Look Deeper into Depth: Monocular Depth Estimation with Semantic Booster and Attention-Driven loss
loss Decomposition and Centroid Estimation for Positive and Unlabeled Learning
loss factors for learning Boosting ensembles from imbalanced data
loss Function Design for Data-Driven Predictors to Enhance the Energy Efficiency of Connected and Automated Vehicles
loss function search for person re-identification
loss functions for pose guided person image generation
loss Functions for Top-k Error: Analysis and Insights
loss Functions, Triplet Loss Function, Deep Learning, Neural Netowrks
loss Functions, Triplet Loss Function, Deep Learning, Neural Netowrks
loss Guided Activation for Action Recognition in Still Images
loss Max-Pooling for Semantic Image Segmentation
loss of Significance and Its Effect on Point Normal Orientation and Cloud Registration
loss Re-Scaling VQA: Revisiting the Language Prior Problem From a Class-Imbalance View
loss Rescaling by Uncertainty Inference For Single-Stage Object Detection
loss resilient H.263+ video over the Internet
loss reweight in scale dimension: A simple while effective feature selection strategy for anchor-free detectors
loss Surface of Deep Linear Networks Viewed Through the Algebraic Geometry Lens, The
loss Switching Fusion with Similarity Search for Video Classification
loss Visibility Optimized Real-Time Video Transmission Over MIMO Systems
loss-aware automatic selection of structured pruning criteria for deep neural network acceleration
loss-Based Attention for Interpreting Image-Level Prediction of Convolutional Neural Networks
loss-Resilient Coding of Texture and Depth for Free-Viewpoint Video Conferencing
loss-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Networks on Lipschitz Densities
loss-Specific Training of Non-Parametric Image Restoration Models: A New State of the Art
Lovasz Hinge: A Novel Convex Surrogate for Submodular losses, The
Lovasz-Softmax loss: A Tractable Surrogate for the Optimization of the Intersection-Over-Union Measure in Neural Networks, The
Low Complexity Progressive Bitstream Transmission System for Hybrid Channels with Correlated loss, A
Low Contrast Infrared Target Detection Method Based on Residual Thermal Backbone Network and Weighting loss Function
Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual loss
LRHW-AP: Using ranking-based metric as loss for Person Re-Identification
Maintaining Natural Image Statistics with the Contextual loss
Making Deep Neural Networks Robust to Label Noise: A loss Correction Approach
Margin loss Based on Adaptive Metric for Image Recognition
Margin loss: Making Faces More Separable
Margin losses for Training Conditional Random Fields
Marginal loss for Deep Face Recognition
Marsh loss Due to Cumulative Impacts of Hurricane Isaac and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in Louisiana
Mathematical Analysis of Learning loss for Active Learning in Regression, A
Matrix-Similarity Based loss Function and Feature Selection for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
MCP-Net: Introducing Patlak loss Optimization to Whole-Body Dynamic PET Inter-Frame Motion Correction
Mean-Variance loss for Deep Age Estimation from a Face
Mean-Variance loss for Monocular Depth Estimation
MELTR: Meta loss Transformer for Learning to Fine-tune Video Foundation Models
MES-loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning loss function
MES-loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning loss function
Meta Learning via Learned loss
Meta-Learning with Task-Adaptive loss Function for Few-Shot Learning
Meta-Tuning loss Functions and Data Augmentation for Few-Shot Object Detection
MetaCorrection: Domain-aware Meta loss Correction for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
MetaCOVID: A Siamese neural network framework with contrastive loss for n-shot diagnosis of COVID-19 patients
Metu loss: Metric Learning With Entangled Triplet Unified Loss
Metu loss: Metric Learning With Entangled Triplet Unified Loss
MFFA-SARNET: Deep Transferred Multi-Level Feature Fusion Attention Network with Dual Optimized loss for Small-Sample SAR ATR
Minimized Database of Unit Selection in Visual Speech Synthesis without loss of Naturalness
Minimum Margin loss for Deep Face Recognition
Mitigation of Visibility loss for Advanced Camera-Based Driver Assistance
Mixability of integral losses: A key to efficient online aggregation of functional and probabilistic forecasts
Mixture separability loss in a deep convolutional network for image classification
MKANet: An Efficient Network with Sobel Boundary loss for Land-Cover Classification of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery
Modeling and Analysis of Distortion Caused by Markov-Model Burst Packet losses in Video Transmission
Modeling and Simulation of HF Band Transmission loss Over China Oceans
Modeling Inter and Intra-Class Relations in the Triplet loss for Zero-Shot Learning
Modeling of packet-loss-induced distortion in 3-D synthesized views
Modeling of Transmission-loss-Induced Distortion in Decoded Video
modified contrastive loss method for face recognition, A
Monitoring and Assessment of Wetland loss and Fragmentation in the Cross-Boundary Protected Area: A Case Study of Wusuli River Basin
Monitoring And Estimation of Soil losses From Ephemeral Gully Erosion In Mediterranean Region Using Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Monitoring forest cover loss using multiple data streams, a case study of a tropical dry forest in Bolivia
Monitoring Forest loss in ALOS/PALSAR Time-Series with Superpixels
Monocular 3D object detection via Mask-Revised Network and quality perception loss
Monocular Depth Estimation Primed by Salient Point Detection and Normalized Hessian loss
Monocular depth estimation with SPN loss
Multi proxy anchor family loss for several types of gradients
Multi-Channel Multi-loss Deep Learning Based Compression Model of Color Images
Multi-class Cell Segmentation Using CNNs with F1-measure loss Function
multi-class COVID-19 segmentation network with pyramid attention and edge loss in CT images, A
Multi-Class Hinge loss for Conditional GANs, A
Multi-complementary and unlabeled learning for arbitrary losses and models
Multi-FoV Viewport-Based Visual Saliency Model Using Adaptive Weighting losses for 360° Images, A
Multi-hypothesis-Based Error Concealment for Whole Frame loss in HEVC
Multi-Illumination Fusion With Crack Enhancement Using Cycle-Consistent losses
Multi-label Classification with Partial Annotations using Class-aware Selective loss
Multi-label Contrastive Focal loss for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
Multi-Label Speech Emotion Recognition via Inter-Class Difference loss Under Response Residual Network
Multi-level Deep Learning Vehicle Re-identification using Ranked-based loss Functions
Multi-level feature fusion and multi-loss learning for person Re-Identification
Multi-loss Rebalancing Algorithm for Monocular Depth Estimation
Multi-loss Regularized Deep Neural Network
Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network for Action Tube Detection
Multi-loss Weighting with Coefficient of Variations
Multi-loss-Aware Channel Pruning of Deep Networks
Multi-Resolution Supervision Network with an Adaptive Weighted loss for Desert Segmentation
Multi-scale and Multi-stage Deraining Network with Fourier Space loss
Multi-Scale Pathological Fluid Segmentation in OCT With a Novel Curvature loss in Convolutional Neural Network
Multi-scale Processing of Noisy Images using Edge Preservation losses
Multi-Scale Spectral loss Revisited
Multi-Similarity loss With General Pair Weighting for Deep Metric Learning
Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Sentinel-2 with radiometric consistency losses and its effect on building delineation
Multi-Stream Fusion Network With Generalized Smooth L1 loss for Single Image Dehazing
Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking loss for Lung Nodule Analysis
Multi-task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics
Multi-utility Learning: Structured-Output Learning with Multiple Annotation-Specific loss Functions
Multi-view Consistency loss for Improved Single-image 3d Reconstruction of Clothed People
Multi-view Self-Constructing Graph Convolutional Networks with Adaptive Class Weighting loss for Semantic Segmentation
Multiclass Weighted loss for Instance Segmentation of Cluttered Cells
Multiframe Error Concealment for Whole-Frame loss in H.264/AVC
Multilabel predictions with sets of probabilities: The Hamming and ranking loss cases
Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Modality-Pairwise Unsupervised Contrastive loss
Multimodal Target Detection by Sparse Coding: Application to Paint loss Detection in Paintings
Multiobject Fusion With Minimum Information loss
Multiple Instance Triplet loss for Weakly Supervised Multi-Label Action Localisation of Interacting Persons
Multiple Positives Enhanced NCE loss for Image-Text Retrieval, A
Multisample-Based Contrastive loss for Top-K Recommendation
Multiscale Decomposition Prediction of Propagation loss in Oceanic Tropospheric Ducts
Multispectral-based Imaging and Machine Learning for Noninvasive Blood loss Estimation
Multistage Adversarial losses for Pose-Based Human Image Synthesis
Multivariate analysis of thalamo-cortical connectivity loss in TBI
Multiverse loss for Robust Transfer Learning, The
Mumford-Shah loss Functional for Image Segmentation With Deep Learning
Mutual exclusivity loss for semi-supervised deep learning
Negative Samples are at Large: Leveraging Hard-Distance Elastic loss for Re-identification
Neighborhood Adaptive loss Function for Deep Learning-Based Point Cloud Coding With Implicit and Explicit Quantization
Network Embedded FEC (NEF) for Video Multicast in Presence of Packet loss Correlation
Network-Based H.264/AVC Whole-Frame loss Visibility Model and Frame Dropping Methods
Networked multi-sensor fusion estimation with delays, packet losses and missing measurements
Neural Network Compression Using Higher-Order Statistics and Auxiliary Reconstruction losses
Neural Style Transfer With Adaptive Auto-Correlation Alignment loss
Neutral Cross-Entropy loss Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
New Bayesian Focal loss Targeting Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimate: Pollen Image Recognition
New Convex loss Function For Multiple Instance Support Vector Machines, A
New Distributional Ranking loss With Uncertainty: Illustrated in Relative Depth Estimation, A
New Insight on Soil loss Estimation in the Northwestern Region of the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt
New Techniques for Preserving Global Structure and Denoising with Low Information loss in Single-Image Super-Resolution
No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Considering Multi-loss Constraints
Noise-Sampling Cross Entropy loss: Improving Disparity Regression Via Cost Volume Aware Regularizer
Noisy Label Learning With Provable Consistency for a Wider Family of losses
Non-Uniform Illumination Underwater Image Enhancement via Minimum Weighted Error Entropy loss
Nonlinear Ranking loss on Riemannian Potato Embedding
Norm loss: An efficient yet effective regularization method for deep neural networks
Normalized Cut loss for Weakly-Supervised CNN Segmentation
Not All Frames Are Equal: Weakly-Supervised Video Grounding With Contextual Similarity and Visual Clustering losses
Novel Adaptive Kalman Filter With Unknown Probability of Measurement loss, A
Novel Approach to Quantized Matrix Completion Using Huber loss Measure, A
Novel CNN Training Framework: loss Transferring, A
Novel Communication Channel Model for Signal Propagation and loss Through Layered Earth
Novel Deeplabv3+ Network for SAR Imagery Semantic Segmentation Based on the Potential Energy loss Function of Gibbs Distribution, A
Novel Illumination-Invariant loss for Monocular 3D Pose Estimation, A
Novel loss for Change Point Detection Models With Time-Invariant Representations, A
novel multi-loss-based deep adversarial network for handling challenging cases in semi-supervised image semantic segmentation, A
NPT-loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Nearest Proxies Triplet
NPT-loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Nearest Proxies Triplet
nurbs-based error concealment technique for corrupted images from packet loss, A
Object Detection and Localization Using Deep Convolutional Networks with Softmax Activation and Multi-class Log loss
Object removal and loss concealment using neighbor embedding methods
Object Segmentation Using Pixel-Wise Adversarial loss
Object tracking based on Huber loss function
Objective quality assessment for image retargeting based on perceptual distortion and information loss
Occurrence of GPS loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-Solar Cycle Dataset and Its Relation to the Background Ionosphere
OCT chorio-retinal segmentation with adversarial loss
OCTA Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Vessel Thickness Inconsistency loss
Octuplet loss: Make Face Recognition Robust to Image Resolution
Offset Curves loss for Imbalanced Problem in Medical Segmentation
Oil and Water Separation Phenomenon Inspired loss for Feature Learning, The
OLE: Orthogonal Low-rank Embedding, A Plug and Play Geometric loss for Deep Learning
On Focal loss for Class-Posterior Probability Estimation: A Theoretical Perspective
On Orthogonal Projections for Dimension Reduction and Applications in Augmented Target loss Functions for Learning Problems
On Regression losses for Deep Depth Estimation
On Regularized losses for Weakly-supervised CNN Segmentation
On the exact minimization of saturated loss functions for robust regression and subspace estimation
On the Optimality of the Simple Bayesian Classifier under Zero-One loss
On the Robustness of Average losses for Partial-Label Learning
On the use of different loss functions in statistical pattern recognition applied to machine translation
One loss for Quantization: Deep Hashing with Discrete Wasserstein Distributional Matching
Online Determination of Track loss Using Template Inverse Matching
Online Extrinsic Calibration on LiDAR-Camera System with LiDAR Intensity Attention and Structural Consistency loss
Online Weight Pruning Via Adaptive Sparsity loss
OPAL: Occlusion Pattern Aware loss for Unsupervised Light Field Disparity Estimation
Open-set face recognition with maximal entropy and Objectosphere loss
Optimal and Linear F-Measure Classifiers Applied to Non-technical losses Detection
Optimal erasure protection for scalably compressed video streams with limited retransmission on channels with IID and bursty loss characteristics
Optimal FEC assignment for scalable video transmission over burst error channel with loss rate feedback
Optimal Packet loss Protection of Progressively Compressed 3-D Meshes
Optimization of Robust loss Functions for Weakly-Labeled Image Taxonomies
Optimization of Robust loss Functions for Weakly-Labeled Image Taxonomies: An ImageNet Case Study
Optimized filtering and reconstruction in predictive quantization with losses
Optimizing Complex loss Functions in Structured Prediction
Optimizing Nondecomposable loss Functions in Structured Prediction
Optimizing Selective ARQ for H.264 Live Streaming: A Novel Method for Predicting loss-Impact in Real Time
Orthogonal Projection loss
Orthogonality loss: Learning Discriminative Representations for Face Recognition
OTFace: Hard Samples Guided Optimal Transport loss for Deep Face Representation
Outlier-Suppressed Triplet loss with Adaptive Class-Aware Margins for Facial Expression Recognition
Overlap loss: Rethinking Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation in Crowded Scenes
Overview of compression and packet loss effects in speech biometrics
Packet loss protection of embedded data with fast local search
Packet loss Resilience of MPEG-2 Scalable Video Coding Algorithms
Packet loss resilient MPEG-4 compliant video coding for the Internet
Packet loss Resilient Transmission of 3D Models
Packet loss resilient transmission of MPEG video over the internet
Packet loss visibility across SD, HD, 3D, and UHD video streams
Packet losses and objective video quality metrics in H.264 video streaming
Packet-loss Resilient Internet Video Using MPEG-4 Fine Granular Scalability
Pan-Sharpening Based on CNN+ Pyramid Transformer by Using No-Reference loss
Pan-Sharpening With Color-Aware Perceptual loss And Guided Re-Colorization
Parallel Spectral-Spatial Attention Network with Feature Redistribution loss for Hyperspectral Change Detection
Paralleled attention modules and adaptive focal loss for Siamese visual tracking
Parameter Sharing Exploration and Hetero-Center Triplet loss for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
Parsing very high resolution urban scene images by learning deep ConvNets with edge-aware loss
Partially View-aligned Representation Learning with Noise-robust Contrastive loss
Partition and Reunion: A Viewpoint-Aware loss for Vehicle Re-Identification
Past and Future Trajectories of Farmland loss Due to Rapid Urbanization Using Landsat Imagery and the Markov-CA Model: A Case Study of Delhi, India
Patch loss: A generic multi-scale perceptual loss for single image super-resolution
Patch loss: A generic multi-scale perceptual loss for single image super-resolution
PatchBatch: A Batch Augmented loss for Optical Flow
Path loss Models for Low-Power, Low-Data Rate Sensor Nodes for Smart Car Parking Systems
Pedestrian Attribute Recognition Based on Mtcnn with Online Batch Weighted loss
PEFAT: Boosting Semi-Supervised Medical Image Classification via Pseudo-loss Estimation and Feature Adversarial Training
Penalizing Small Errors Using an Adaptive Logarithmic loss
Penalizing Top Performers: Conservative loss for Semantic Segmentation Adaptation
Pentuplet loss for Simultaneous Shots and Critical Points Detection in a Video
PercepPan: Towards Unsupervised Pan-Sharpening Based on Perceptual loss
Perceptual impact of burthy versus isolated packet losses in H.264 compressed video
Perceptual loss for Robust Unsupervised Homography Estimation
Perceptual losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution
Perceptual Quality Maximization for Video Calls With Packet losses by Optimizing FEC, Frame Rate, and Quantization
Perceptually Inspired Layout-Aware losses for Image Segmentation
Perceptually Unequal Packet loss Protection by Weighting Saliency and Error Propagation
Performance analysis and modeling of errors and losses over 802.11b LANs for high-bit-rate real-time multimedia
Permittivity Spectrum of Low-loss Liquid and Powder Geomaterials Using Multipoint Reentrant Cavities
Persistent Homology-Based Topological loss for CNN-Based Multiclass Segmentation of CMR, A
Person Re-id by Incorporating PCA loss in CNN
Person Re-identification Based on Feature Fusion and Triplet loss Function
Person Re-identification by Multi-Channel Parts-Based CNN with Improved Triplet loss Function
Personalized Representation With Contrastive loss for Recommendation Systems
Perspective-Aware loss Function for Crowd Density Estimation
PGA-Net: Polynomial Global Attention Network With Mean Curvature loss for Lane Detection
Photo Style Transfer With Consistency losses
Piou loss: Towards Accurate Oriented Object Detection in Complex Environments
Pix2pix Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with MLP loss Function for Cloud Removal in a Cropland Time Series
Pixel-Attention CNN With Color Correlation loss for Color Image Denoising
PLADE-Net: Towards Pixel-Level Accuracy for Self-Supervised Single-View Depth Estimation with Neural Positional Encoding and Distilled Matting loss
Plant Disease Recognition: A Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset and a Visual Region and loss Reweighting Approach
PML: Progressive Margin loss for Long-tailed Age Classification
Point Set Registration With Similarity and Affine Transformations Based on Bidirectional KMPE loss
Pose Guided Human Image Synthesis by View Disentanglement and Enhanced Weighting loss
Potential loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas
PPDL: Predicate Probability Distribution based loss for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
Precise Adjacent Margin loss for Deep Face Recognition
Predicting H.264 Packet loss Visibility using a Generalized Linear Model
Predicting Path loss Distributions of a Wireless Communication System for Multiple Base Station Altitudes from Satellite Images
Predicting slice loss distortion in H.264/AVC video for low complexity data prioritization
Predictive Communication Quality Control in Haptic Teleoperation With Time Delay and Packet loss
Predictive Prevention of loss of Vehicle Control for Roadway Departure Avoidance
Pretraining Image Encoders without Reconstruction via Feature Prediction loss
Progressive Erasing Network with consistency loss for fine-grained visual classification
Progressive Multi-View Learning Approach for Multi-loss Optimization in 3D Object Recognition, A
Progressive Self-Guided loss for Salient Object Detection
Projections onto the Overcomplete Basis Approach for Block loss Recovery, A
PROPEL: Probabilistic Parametric Regression loss for Convolutional Neural Networks
Prototype learning with margin-based conditional log-likelihood loss
Proxy Anchor loss for Deep Metric Learning
Pseudo loss active learning for deep visual tracking
Pseudo-loss Confidence Metric for Semi-supervised Few-shot Learning
Psychoacoustic Calibration of loss Functions for Efficient End-to-End Neural Audio Coding
Pyramidal Person Re-IDentification via Multi-loss Dynamic Training
Qamface: Quadratic Additive Angular Margin loss For Face Recognition
QuadNet: Quadruplet loss for multi-view learning in baggage re-identification
Quantification of loss of Access to Critical Services during Floods in Greater Jakarta: Integrating Social, Geospatial, and Network Perspectives
Quantifying Canopy Tree loss and Gap Recovery in Tropical Forests under Low-Intensity Logging Using VHR Satellite Imagery and Airborne LiDAR
Quantifying the Effects of Climate Change and Revegetation on Erosion-Induced Lateral Soil Organic Carbon loss on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Quantifying the loss of Coral from a Bleaching Event Using Underwater Photogrammetry and AI-Assisted Image Segmentation
QuatNet: Quaternion-Based Head Pose Estimation With Multiregression loss
RA loss: Relation-Aware Loss for Robust Person Re-identification
RA loss: Relation-Aware Loss for Robust Person Re-identification
Ramp loss based robust one-class SVM
Random Cycle loss and Its Application to Voice Conversion
Random epipolar constraint loss functions for supervised optical flow estimation
Range loss for Deep Face Recognition with Long-Tailed Training Data
Rank &Sort loss for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
Rank-Based Decomposable losses in Machine Learning: A Survey
Ranked List loss for Deep Metric Learning
Ranking loss: A Novel Metric Learning Method for Person Re-identification
RankMI: A Mutual Information Maximizing Ranking loss
RAO-UNet: a residual attention and octave UNet for road crack detection via balance loss
Rapid and Steady Mass loss of the Patagonian Icefields throughout the GRACE Era: 2002-2017, The
Rapid Mangrove Forest loss and Nipa Palm (Nypa fruticans) Expansion in the Niger Delta, 2007-2017
Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion-Compensated Prediction for Packet loss Resilient Video Coding
Rate-distortion optimized unequal loss protection for video transmission over packet erasure channels
Rate-Performance-loss Optimization for Inter-Frame Deep Feature Coding From Videos
Re-identification loss in Combination Spaces for Multiple Object Tracking
Re-weighting Linear Discrimination Analysis under ranking loss
Real-Time Deep Pose Estimation With Geodesic loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration
Recall@k Surrogate loss with Large Batches and Similarity Mixup
Recent Accelerating Glacier Mass loss of the Geladandong Mountain, Inner Tibetan Plateau, Estimated from ZiYuan-3 and TanDEM-X Measurements
Recognition of Action Units in the Wild with Deep Nets and a New Global-Local loss
Recognizing handwritten mathematical expressions via paired dual loss attention network and printed mathematical expressions
Reconstruction of Human-Induced Forest loss in China during 1900-2000
Recovery of video in the presence of packet loss using interleaving and spatial redundancy
Rectified Wing loss for Efficient and Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
recurrent cycle consistency loss for progressive face-to-face synthesis, A
Reduce Information loss in Transformers for Pluralistic Image Inpainting
Reduced-reference quality assessment with scalable overhead for video with packet loss
Reducing Data Complexity Using Autoencoders With Class-Informed loss Functions
Reducing FFT Scalloping loss Errors Without Multiplication
Reducing Information loss for Spiking Neural Networks
Reference frame selection for loss-resilient texture and depth map coding in multiview video conferencing
Region-wise loss for biomedical image segmentation
Registration loss Learning for Deep Probabilistic Point Set Registration
Regularized Hardmining loss for face recognition
Regularized loss for Weakly Supervised Single Class Semantic Segmentation
Regularized loss With Hyperparameter Estimation for Weakly Supervised Single Class Segmentation
Regularized margin-based conditional log-likelihood loss for prototype learning
Regularized Two Granularity loss Function for Weakly Supervised Video Moment Retrieval
Relation Preserving Triplet Mining for Stabilising the Triplet loss in Re-identification Systems
Relative Contrastive loss for Unsupervised Representation Learning
Remote Sensing Support for the Gain-loss Approach for Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Representation Learning Using Rank loss for Robust Neurosurgical Skills Evaluation
Repulsion loss: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd
Residual network with detail perception loss for single image super-resolution
Residual packet loss rate analysis of 2-D parity forward error correction
Resolution loss without imaging blur
Restoration of Bone-Conducted Speech With U-Net-Like Model and Energy Distance loss
Retain and Recover: Delving Into Information loss for Few-Shot Segmentation
Rethinking Feature Distribution for loss Functions in Image Classification
Rethinking preventing class-collapsing in metric learning with margin-based losses
Rethinking Triplet loss for Domain Adaptation
Retinal Vessel Segmentation With Skeletal Prior and Contrastive loss
Revised Contrastive loss for Robust Age Estimation from Face
Revisiting AP loss for Dense Object Detection: Adaptive Ranking Pair Selection
Revisiting AUC-Oriented Adversarial Training With loss-Agnostic Perturbations
Revisiting loss-Specific Training of Filter-Based MRFs for Image Restoration
Revisiting Rotation Averaging: Uncertainties and Robust losses
Revisiting Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation with Multi-Task loss and Skip-Memory
RGBT Tracking via Multi-Adapter Network with Hierarchical Divergence loss
Ring loss: Convex Feature Normalization for Face Recognition
Risk Assessment of Population loss Posed by Earthquake-Landslide-Debris Flow Disaster Chain: A Case Study in Wenchuan, China
RMLVQA: A Margin loss Approach For Visual Question Answering with Language Biases
RMP-loss: Regularizing Membrane Potential Distribution for Spiking Neural Networks
Road Extraction by Using Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Integrated Encoder-Decoder Network and Structural Similarity loss
Road Extraction in SAR Images Using Ordinal Regression and Road-Topology loss
Robust Algorithm of Multiquadric Method Based on an Improved Huber loss Function for Interpolating Remote-Sensing-Derived Elevation Data Sets, A
Robust Asymmetric loss for Multi-Label Long-Tailed Learning
Robust Cloth Warping via Multi-Scale Patch Adversarial loss for Virtual Try-On Framework
Robust Image Compressive Sensing Based on Truncated Cauchy loss and Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
Robust loss for Point Cloud Registration, A
Robust losses for Learning Value Functions
Robust Matrix Completion Based on Factorization and Truncated-Quadratic loss Function
Robust multi-source co-adaptation with adaptive loss minimization
Robust Normalized Softmax loss for Deep Metric Learning-Based Characterization of Remote Sensing Images With Label Noise
Robust one-class support vector machine with rescaled hinge loss function
Robust RGB-D Face Recognition Using Attribute-Aware loss
Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With a Layer-Specific loss Contribution and Majority Vote
Robust support vector machines based on the rescaled hinge loss function
Robust twin support vector regression based on rescaled Hinge loss
Robust Visual Tracking based on Adversarial Unlabeled Instance Generation with Label Smoothing loss Regularization
RobustNeRF: Ignoring Distractors with Robust losses
Rotation Consistent Margin loss for Efficient Low-Bit Face Recognition
Rotation-Invariant Feature Learning in VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images via Nested Siamese Structure With Double Center loss
RSDet++: Point-Based Modulated loss for More Accurate Rotated Object Detection
RUF: Effective Sea Ice Floe Segmentation Using End-to-End RES-UNET-CRF with Dual loss
RVFace: Reliable Vector Guided Softmax loss for Face Recognition
SACNN: Self-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising With Self-Supervised Perceptual loss Network
SAL: Selection and Attention losses for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Saliency based objective quality assessment of decoded video affected by packet losses
Saliency Detection via Global Context Enhanced Feature Fusion and Edge Weighted loss
Salient object detection via hybrid upsampling and hybrid loss computing
Salient Object Detection With lossless Feature Reflection and Weighted Structural Loss
Salient Object Detection With Purificatory Mechanism and Structural Similarity loss
Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization loss for Dense Object Detection
Sample-Based Forest Monitoring Strategy Using Landsat, AVHRR and MODIS Data to Estimate Gross Forest Cover loss in Malaysia between 1990 and 2005, A
sample-proxy dual triplet loss function for object re-identification, A
Samples with Low loss Curvature Improve Data Efficiency
Scalable audio coding for compression and loss resilient streaming
Scalable Hash From Triplet loss Feature Aggregation For Video De-duplication
Scale-aware hierarchical loss: A multipath RPN for multi-scale pedestrian detection
Scale-balanced loss for object detection
Scale-Varying Triplet Ranking with Classification loss for Facial Age Estimation
Scene Coordinate Regression with Angle-Based Reprojection loss for Camera Relocalization
Scene Flow Estimation from Point Clouds with Contrastive loss and Dual Pseudo Labels
Scfnet: A Spatial-channel Features Network Based on Heterocentric Sample loss for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
Score-Oriented loss (SOL) functions
ScoringNet: Learning Key Fragment for Action Quality Assessment with Ranking loss in Skilled Sports
SCRDet++: Detecting Small, Cluttered and Rotated Objects via Instance-Level Feature Denoising and Rotation loss Smoothing
Searching for Robustness: loss Learning for Noisy Classification Tasks
secure watermarking technique without loss of robustness, A
Seesaw loss for Long-Tailed Instance Segmentation
SeeThroughNet: Resurrection of Auxiliary loss by Preserving Class Probability Information
Segmentation of Head and Neck Organs at Risk Using CNN with Batch Dice loss
Segmenting Hepatic Lesions Using Residual Attention U-Net with an Adaptive Weighted Dice loss
Selecting and Interpreting Multiclass loss and Accuracy Assessment Metrics for Classifications with Class Imbalance: Guidance and Best Practices
Selecting High-Quality Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Bottom-Up Aggregated Attention and Phase-Aware loss
Selective Kernel and Motion-emphasized loss Based Attention-guided Network for HDR Imaging of Dynamic Scenes
Self-paced deep clustering with learning loss
Self-restrained triplet loss for accurate masked face recognition
Self-Supervised GANs via Auxiliary Rotation loss
Self-supervised Image Denoising with Downsampled Invariance loss and Conditional Blind-Spot Network
Self-Supervised Image-to-Point Distillation via Semantically Tolerant Contrastive loss
Self-supervised Learning with Local Contrastive loss for Detection and Semantic Segmentation
Semantic Cluster Unary loss for Efficient Deep Hashing
Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Outdoor Point Clouds by Encoder-Decoder Shared MLPs with Multiple losses
Semantic-Aware Triplet loss for Image Classification
Semantic-guided de-attention with sharpened triplet marginal loss for visual place recognition
SEMEDA: Enhancing segmentation precision with semantic edge aware loss
Semi-supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation Using Local Cross Triplet loss for Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Mri
Semi-Supervised Medical Image Semantic Segmentation with Multi-scale Graph Cut loss
Semi-Supervised Representation Learning via Triplet loss Based on Explicit Class Ratio of Unlabeled Data
Semisupervised Approach to Non Technical losses Detection
Sensitive loss: Improving accuracy and fairness of face representations with discrimination-aware deep learning
Sensitivity of model-based coded video to packet losses
Sentinel-1 Shadows Used to Quantify Canopy loss from Selective Logging in Gabon
Sequential Labeling with Structural SVM Under an Average Precision loss
Sequential labeling with structural SVM under the F1 loss
Set Augmented Triplet loss for Video Person Re-Identification
SetMargin loss applied to deep keystroke biometrics with circle packing interpretation
SFace: Sigmoid-Constrained Hypersphere loss for Robust Face Recognition
Shifting of the Migration Route of White-Naped Crane (Antigone vipio) Due to Wetland loss in China
Ship Detection via Multi-Scale Deformation Modeling and Fine Region Highlight-Based loss Function
Siamese target estimation network with AIoU loss for real-time visual tracking
Siamese Tracking Network With Informative Enhanced loss
Siamese visual tracking with multilayer feature fusion and corner distance IoU loss
Sigmoid loss for Language Image Pre-Training
Similar Finger Gesture Recognition using Triplet-loss Networks
Similarity Learning with Top-heavy Ranking loss for Person Re-identification
Similarity Retention loss (SRL) Based on Deep Metric Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Simple and Effective Out-of-Distribution Detection via Cosine-based Softmax loss
Simple Triplet loss Based on Intra/Inter-Class Metric Learning for Face Verification
Simple Yet Effective Fine-Tuning of Deep CNNs Using an Auxiliary Classification loss for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
Simulation of temporal coherence loss for repeat-pass synthetic aperture sonar
Single Image Reflection Separation with Perceptual losses
Single-loss Multi-task Learning For Improving Semantic Segmentation Using Super-Resolution
Single-Path Bit Sharing for Automatic loss-Aware Model Compression
single-stage face detection and face recognition deep neural network based on feature pyramid and triplet loss, A
Skewed loss Function for Correcting Predictive Bias in Brain Age Prediction, A
Slice Sorting for Unequal loss Protection of Video Streams
Slice-Based Super-Resolution Using Light-Weight Network With Relation loss
Sliced Wasserstein loss for Neural Texture Synthesis, A
Sliding-window packetization for unequal loss protection based multiple description coding
Sliding-Window Raptor Codes for Efficient Scalable Wireless Video Broadcasting With Unequal loss Protection
SLiKER: Sparse loss induced kernel ensemble regression
SO-softmax loss for discriminable embedding learning in CNNs
SoDeep: A Sorting Deep Net to Learn Ranking loss Surrogates
Soft Cross Entropy loss and Bottleneck Tri-Cost Volume For Efficient Stereo Depth Prediction
Soft Ranking Threshold losses for Image Retrieval
Softmax-Free loss Function Based on Predefined Optimal-Distribution of Latent Features for Deep Learning Classifier, A
SoftTriple loss: Deep Metric Learning Without Triplet Sampling
Solar: Second-order loss and Attention for Image Retrieval
Space-time Triplet loss Network for Dynamic 3d Face Verification
Spacecraft Pose Estimation Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation and on a 3D-Guided loss Combination
Spacing loss for Discovering Novel Categories
Sparse Needlets for Lighting Estimation with Spherical Transport loss
Spatial Assessment of Health Economic losses from Exposure to Ambient Pollutants in China
Spatial Consistency loss for Training Multi-Label Classifiers from Single-Label Annotations
Spatial Cross-Scale Attention Network and Global Average Accuracy loss for SAR Ship Detection, A
Spatial Focal loss for Pedestrian Detection in Fisheye Imagery
Spatial location constraint prototype loss for open set recognition
spatial-spectral semisupervised deep learning framework using siamese networks and angular loss, A
Spatial-Temporal Land loss Modeling and Simulation in a Vulnerable Coast: A Case Study in Coastal Louisiana
Spatially Quantifying Forest loss at Landscape-scale Following a Major Storm Event
Spatially-Correlative loss for Various Image Translation Tasks, The
Speaker-Independent Speech Animation Using Perceptual loss Functions and Synthetic Data
Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction and Classification by ANN Supervised With Center loss in Hyperspectral Imagery
Speech emotion recognition model based on Bi-GRU and Focal loss
Sphere loss: Learning Discriminative Features for Scene Classification in a Hyperspherical Feature Space
Spherical Space Domain Adaptation With Robust Pseudo-Label loss
Spline-based boundary loss concealment
Splitting Vs. Merging: Mining Object Regions with Discrepancy and Intersection loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Spoken language identification in unseen channel conditions using modified within-sample similarity loss
Square loss based regularized LDA for face recognition using image sets
SRDRL: A Blind Super-Resolution Framework With Degradation Reconstruction loss
SRLibrary: Comparing different loss functions for super-resolution over various convolutional architectures
SROBB: Targeted Perceptual loss for Single Image Super-Resolution
Stable least-squares matching for oblique images using bound constrained optimization and a robust loss function
STAR loss: Reducing Semantic Ambiguity in Facial Landmark Detection
Starting Time Selection and Scheduling Methods for Minimum Cell loss Ratio of Superposed VBR MPEG Video Traffic
State Representation Learning With Adjacent State Consistency loss for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Statistical Approach for Intensity loss Compensation of Confocal Microscopy Images, A
STCMH with minimal semantic loss
Steeringloss: A Cost-Sensitive Loss Function for the End-to-End Steering Estimation
Stereoscopic image quality assessment considering visual mechanism and multi-loss constraints
Stitch in Time Saves Nine: A Train-Time Regularizing loss for Improved Neural Network Calibration, A
Stochastic Frame Buffers for Rate-Distortion Optimized loss Resilient Video Communications
Stochastic Model-Based Heuristics for Fast Field of View loss Recovery in Urban Traffic Management Through Networks of Video Cameras
Strategy for Traffic Safety of Vehicular Platoons Under Connection loss and Time-Delay, A
Strong but Simple Baseline With Dual-Granularity Triplet loss for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
Structure-Guided Ranking loss for Single Image Depth Prediction
Structured Output Prediction with Hierarchical loss Functions for Seafloor Imagery Taxonomic Categorization
study of artificial speech quality assessors of VoIP calls subject to limited bursty packet losses, A
Style-Aware Content loss for Real-Time HD Style Transfer, A
Style-Aware Normalized loss for Improving Arbitrary Style Transfer
StyleFuse: An unsupervised network based on style loss function for infrared and visible image fusion
Subjective evaluation and statistical analysis for improved frame-loss error concealment of 3D videos
Subjective Quality Assessment of H.264/AVC Video Streaming with Packet losses
Subspace-PnP: A Geometric Constraint loss for Mutual Assistance of Depth and Optical Flow Estimation
Supervised Learning of Quantizer Codebooks by Information loss Minimization
Support Vector Machine Classifier via L_0/1 Soft-Margin loss
Support Vector Machine Classifier With Pinball loss
Support vector machine classifier with truncated pinball loss
SUPRA: Superpixel Guided loss for Improved Multi-modal Segmentation in Endoscopy
SURDS: Self-Supervised Attention-guided Reconstruction and Dual Triplet loss for Writer Independent Offline Signature Verification
SVMs multi-class loss feedback based discriminative dictionary learning for image classification
Syndrome-Based Robust Video Transmission Over Networks with Bursty losses
Synergistic Use of Single-Pass Interferometry and Radar Altimetry to Measure Mass loss of NEGIS Outlet Glaciers between 2011 and 2014
System for scanning documents without loss of image data
Systematic study and design of multimodal MRI image augmentation for brain tumor detection with loss aware exchange and residual networks
Tag2Pix: Line Art Colorization Using Text Tag With SECat and Changing loss
Taming the Cross Entropy loss
Target-Distractor Aware Deep Tracking With Discriminative Enhancement Learning loss
Task-Adaptive Feature Matching loss for Image Deblurring
Task-based Focal loss for Adversarially Robust Meta-Learning
Task-Specific loss for Robust Instance Segmentation With Noisy Class Labels
Teacher-Student Training and Triplet loss for Facial Expression Recognition under Occlusion
Temporal Consistency loss for High Resolution Textured and Clothed 3D Human Reconstruction from Monocular Video
Temporal Convolutional Network with Complementary Inner Bag loss for Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection
Test Time Adaptation with Regularized loss for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
Text-Guided Facial Image Manipulation for Wild Images via Manipulation Direction-Based loss
Texture Analysis of Retinal Images to Determine Nerve Fibre loss
Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet loss for Improving the Efficiency of Deep Distance Metric Learning, A
Threshold-Adaptive Unsupervised Focal loss for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
Time Ring Data: Definition and Application in Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Expansion and Forest loss
Topological loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image Segmentation Using Persistent Homology, A
Topology-Aware Focal loss for 3D Image Segmentation
Toward Multicenter Skin Lesion Classification Using Deep Neural Network With Adaptively Weighted Balance loss
Towards Accurate Medical Image Segmentation with Gradient-Optimized Dice loss
Towards Accurate One-Stage Object Detection With AP-loss
Towards Effective Instance Discrimination Contrastive loss for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Tracking Rates of Forest Disturbance and Associated Carbon loss in Areas of Illegal Amber Mining in Ukraine Using Landsat Time Series
TRACL: Temporal reconstruction and adaptive consistency loss for semi-supervised video semantic segmentation
Tradeoff between system profit and user delay/loss in providing near video-on-demand service
Traffic Sign Recognition With Hinge loss Trained Convolutional Neural Networks
Training a Task-Specific Image Reconstruction loss
Training deep retrieval models with noisy datasets: Bag exponential loss
Transfer Learning Through Weighted loss Function and Group Normalization for Vessel Segmentation from Retinal Images
Transformer-based Cascade Network with Boundary Enhancement loss for Retinal Vessel Segmentation, A
Transformer-based feature interactor for person re-identification with margin self-punishment loss
Tree Energy loss: Towards Sparsely Annotated Semantic Segmentation
Tree-Based Structural Twin Support Tensor Clustering with Square loss Function
Triangle Distance IoU loss, Attention-Weighted Feature Pyramid Network, and Rotated-SARShip Dataset for Arbitrary-Oriented SAR Ship Detection
Triple loss Based Framework for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
Triple-GAN: Progressive Face Aging with Triple Translation loss
Triple-loss driven generative adversarial network for pansharpening
Triplet loss in Siamese Network for Object Tracking
Triplet loss With Multistage Outlier Suppression and Class-Pair Margins for Facial Expression Recognition
Triplet-Center loss for Multi-view 3D Object Retrieval
Tropical Forest and Wetland losses and the Role of Protected Areas in Northwestern Belize, Revealed from Landsat and Machine Learning
Truncation Cross Entropy loss for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
Tunable Convolutions with Parametric Multi-loss Optimization
Tuning Modular Networks with Weighted losses for Hand-Eye Coordination
Tuning of the hyperparameters for L2-loss SVMs with the RBF kernel by the maximum-margin principle and the jackknife technique
Two-Level Attention Network With Multi-Grain Ranking loss for Vehicle Re-Identification
Two-Slope Path loss Model for Curved-Tunnel Environment With Concept of Break Point
Two-Stream Convolutional Long- and Short-Term Memory Model Using Perceptual loss for Sequence-to-Sequence Arctic Sea Ice Prediction
Two-Way Multi-Label loss
UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian Log-Likelihood loss
UMGAN: Generative adversarial network for image unmosaicing using perceptual loss
Uncertainty-aware GAN with Adaptive loss for Robust MRI Image Enhancement
Uncovering Dynamics of Global Mangrove Gains and losses
Understanding and combating robust overfitting via input loss landscape analysis and regularization
Understanding Center loss Based Network for Image Retrieval with Few Training Data
Understanding the Behaviour of Contrastive loss
Underwater Image Enhancement by Dehazing With Minimum Information loss and Histogram Distribution Prior
Underwater Image Enhancement via Minimal Color loss and Locally Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
Underwater image restoration based on minimum information loss principle and optical properties of underwater imaging
Unequal loss Protection for H.263 Compressed Video
Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion compensated video over the internet
Unequal loss-protected multiple description coding of scalable source streams using a progressive approach
UniFace: Unified Cross-Entropy loss for Deep Face Recognition
unified framework for non-negative matrix and tensor factorisations with a smoothed Wasserstein loss, A
Unified Framework of Surrogate loss by Refactoring and Interpolation, A
unified perspective of classification-based loss and distance-based loss for cross-view gait recognition, A
unified perspective of classification-based loss and distance-based loss for cross-view gait recognition, A
Uniform misclassification loss for unbiased model prediction
Unifying Distribution Alignment as a loss for Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning
Unifying Margin-Based Softmax losses in Face Recognition
Unifying Mutual Information View of Metric Learning: Cross-entropy vs. Pairwise losses, A
Unimodal-Concentrated loss: Fully Adaptive Label Distribution Learning for Ordinal Regression
Unknown Identity Rejection loss: Utilizing Unlabeled Data for Face Recognition
Unpaired Image-to-image Translation Using Adversarial Consistency loss
Unsupervised Change Detection Based on Image Reconstruction loss
Unsupervised Contour Tracking of Live Cells by Mechanical and Cycle Consistency losses
Unsupervised Cross Domain Person Re-Identification by Multi-loss Optimization Learning
Unsupervised deep clustering via contractive feature representation and focal loss
Unsupervised Deep Metric Learning with Transformed Attention Consistency and Contrastive Clustering loss
Unsupervised disparity estimation from light field using plug-and-play weighted warping loss
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Multi-loss Gap Minimization Learning for Person Re-Identification
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Feature-Whitening and Consensus loss
Unsupervised Extraction of Local Image Descriptors via Relative Distance Ranking loss
Unsupervised fisheye image correction through bidirectional loss with geometric prior
Unsupervised Image Restoration With Quality-Task-Perception loss
Unsupervised Monocular Estimation of Depth and Visual Odometry Using Attention and Depth-Pose Consistency loss
Unsupervised Single Image Dehazing Using Dark Channel Prior loss
Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) loss to Improve the Performance of Semantic Segmentation Networks, An
use of deep learning features in a hierarchical classifier learned with the minimization of a non-greedy loss function that delays gratification, The
Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Estimate Direct Tangible losses to Residential Properties from Flood Events: A Case Study of Cockermouth Following the Desmond Storm, The
Using Long-Term Earth Observation Data to Reveal the Factors Contributing to the Early 2020 Desert Locust Upsurge and the Resulting Vegetation loss
Using Multi-Resolution Satellite Data to Quantify Land Dynamics: Applications of PlanetScope Imagery for Cropland and Tree-Cover loss Area Estimation
Using the Triplet loss for Domain Adaptation in WCE
Utilizing Transfer Learning and a Customized loss Function for Optic Disc Segmentation from Retinal Images
Vanishing region loss for crowd density estimation
Variable-bit-rate HDTV codec with ATM-cell-loss compensation
VARID: Viewpoint-Aware Re-IDentification of Vehicle Based on Triplet loss
Vector-to-Vector Regression via Distributional loss for Speech Enhancement
Vegetation Productivity losses Linked to Mediterranean Hot and Dry Events
Versatile Model for Packet loss Visibility and its Application to Packet Prioritization, A
video coding method considering cell losses in ATM-based networks, A
Video feature tracking with loss-of-track detection
Visibility of individual packet losses in MPEG-2 video
Visible-infrared person re-identification using high utilization mismatch amending triplet loss
Vision based crown loss estimation for individual trees with remote aerial robots
Vision-Based System for Monitoring the loss of Attention in Automotive Drivers, A
Visual Object Tracking Based on Mutual Learning Between Cohort Multiscale Feature-Fusion Networks With Weighted loss
Visual Object Tracking by Using Ranking loss
Visual Object Tracking With Partition loss Schemes
Visual words assignment on a graph via minimal mutual information loss
Volume loss Assessment with MT-InSAR during Tunnel Construction in the City of Naples (Italy)
von Mises-Fisher loss: An Exploration of Embedding Geometries for Supervised Learning
Wasserstein loss based Deep Object Detection
Wasserstein loss for Image Synthesis and Restoration
Wasserstein loss With Alternative Reinforcement Learning for Severity-Aware Semantic Segmentation
Water Body Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images With Cascaded Fully-Convolutional Network and Variable Focal loss
Water loss Due to Increasing Planted Vegetation over the Badain Jaran Desert, China
WD-UNeXt: Weight loss function and dropout U-Net with ConvNeXt for automatic segmentation of few shot brain gliomas
Weakly Supervised Adaptive Triplet loss for Deep Metric Learning, A
Weakly Supervised Face Naming with Symmetry-Enhanced Contrastive loss
Weakly Supervised Forest Fire Segmentation in UAV Imagery Based on Foreground-Aware Pooling and Context-Aware loss
Weakly-Supervised Multiple Object Tracking Via A Masked Center Point Warping loss
Weakly-Supervised Structured Output Learning with Flexible and Latent Graphs Using High-Order loss Functions
Weather Radar Echo Extrapolation with Dynamic Weight loss
Weight-Guided loss for Long-Tailed Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
Weighted kappa loss function for multi-class classification of ordinal data in deep learning
Weighted linear loss multiple birth support vector machine based on information granulation for multi-class classification
Weighted loss functions to make risk-based language identification fused decisions
Wetland loss Identification and Evaluation Based on Landscape and Remote Sensing Indices in Xiong'an New Area
WHFL: Wavelet-Domain High Frequency loss for Sketch-to-Image Translation
Wing loss for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
X-net with Different loss Functions for Cell Image Segmentation
YOLO-Pose: Enhancing YOLO for Multi Person Pose Estimation Using Object Keypoint Similarity loss
Zero-DCE with HSV loss for Low-Light Image Enhancement
Zero-Shot Contrastive loss for Text-Guided Diffusion Image Style Transfer
µPEWFace: Parallel ensemble of weighted deep convolutional neural networks with novel loss functions for face-based authentication
1299 for loss

Index for "l"

Last update:18-Apr-24 12:23:06
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