Index for mfcc

Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged mfcc and linear discriminant analysis
Cat Face Recognition Based on mfcc and GMM
Estimating Speaker Height and Subglottal Resonances Using mfccs and GMMs
FPGA-based real-time mfcc extraction for automatic audio indexing on FM broadcast data
Is masking a relevant aspect lacking in mfcc? A speaker verification perspective
Isolated spoken word recognition using packed-mfcc on padded-voice signal for unscripted languages
Multimodal vehicle type classification using convolutional neural network and statistical representations of mfcc
Multitapering and a wavelet variant of mfcc in speech recognition
Novel Windowing Technique for Efficient Computation of mfcc for Speaker Recognition, A
Perceptually Weighted Analysis-by-Synthesis Vector Quantization for Low Bit Rate mfcc Codec
Speaker recognition based on dynamic mfcc parameters
unique approach in text independent speaker recognition using mfcc feature sets and probabilistic neural network, A
12 for mfcc

Index for "m"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:24:38
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