Index for relu

Approximating relu Networks by Single-Spike Computation
AutoReP: Automatic relu Replacement for Fast Private Network Inference
Blues: Before-relu-estimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd Counting
Depth Selection for Deep relu Nets in Feature Extraction and Generalization
Driver Mental Fatigue Detection Based on Head Posture Using New Modified relu-BiLSTM Deep Neural Network
Dynamic relu
Global-connected network with generalized relu activation
If dropout limits trainable depth, does critical initialisation still matter? A large-scale statistical analysis on relu networks
L*relu: Piece-wise Linear Activation Functions for Deep Fine-grained Visual Categorization
Lightweight relu-Based Feature Fusion for Aerial Scene Classification, A
PEA: Improving the Performance of relu Networks for Free by Using Progressive Ensemble Activations
Randomized Gradient-Free Attack on relu Networks, A
Refinement and Universal Approximation via Sparsely Connected relu Convolution Nets
Rethinking relu to Train Better CNNs
Total contribution score and fuzzy entropy based two-stage selection of FC, relu and inverseReLU features of multiple convolution neural networks for erythrocytes detection
Why relu Networks Yield High-Confidence Predictions Far Away From the Training Data and How to Mitigate the Problem
16 for relu

Index for "r"

Last update:18-Apr-24 12:23:06
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