Index for tri

Action recognition using tri-view constraints
Adaptive tri-direction edge detection operators based on the spiral architecture
Comparison of SIFT, Bi-SIFT, and tri-SIFT and their frequency spectrum analysis
Deblurring Vein Images and Removing Skin Wrinkle Patterns by Using tri-band Illumination
Deep feature extraction with tri-channel textual feature map for text classification
Dilated Light-Head R-CNN using tri-center loss for driving behavior recognition
Discovery of the tri-edge inequality with binary vector dissimilarity measures
Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Asymmetric Tri-Way Faster-RCNN
Empirical Observations and Formulations of tri-Class Traffic Flow Properties for Design of Traffic Signals
Enhanced Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Information Oriented Angle-Based Local Tri-Directional Weber Patterns
Enhanced Face Recognition Using Adaptive Local tri Weber Pattern with Improved Deep Learning Architecture
Estimation and analysis of along-track attitude jitter of ZiYuan-3 satellite based on relative residuals of tri-band multispectral imagery
Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photoacoustic, and Thermoacoustic tri-Modal Volumetric Imaging, An
Exploring Weighted Dual Graph Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization Based Collaborative Filtering Framework for Multi-Label Annotation of Remote Sensing Images
Extraction of Seismic Wavelets Based on the tri-Spectrum Least Square
fast tri-factorization method for low-rank matrix recovery and completion, A
Full-Range Virtual Try-On with Recurrent tri-Level Transform
Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Derived from tri-Stereo Satellite Imagery
genetics-motivated unsupervised model for tri-subject kinship verification, A
Hybrid Contrastive Learning of tri-Modal Representation for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Hybrid machine learning and optimisation method to solve a tri-level road network protection problem
Identifying Sheep Activity from tri-Axial Acceleration Signals Using a Moving Window Classification Model
Implementation and Applications of tri-State Self-Organizing Maps on FPGA
Implementation of 3d Cadastre With Indigenous Knowledge Concept of tri Hita Karana in Bali Island, Indonesia
improved change detection approach using tri-temporal logic-verified change vector analysis, An
Learning a discriminative sparse tri-value transform
Learning From Noisy Correspondence With tri-Partition for Cross-Modal Matching
Machine learning-based tri-stage classification of Alzheimer's progressive neurodegenerative disease using PCA and mRMR administered textural, orientational, and spatial features
Matrix Tri-Factorization with Manifold Regularizations for Zero-Shot Learning
Method and apparatus for automatic extraction of fingerprint cores and tri-radii
Mixup Asymmetric Tri-Training for Heartbeat Classification Under Domain Shift
MTFH: A Matrix Tri-Factorization Hashing Framework for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval
MTNet: Mutual tri-training network for unsupervised domain adaptation on person re-identification
New Rotation Feature for Single tri-axial Accelerometer Based 3D Spatial Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
Novel tri-Training Technique for Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Diversity Measurement, A
Novel tri-Training Technique for the Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Regularized Local Discriminant Embedding Feature Extraction, A
Object virtual viewing using adaptive tri-view morphing
On designing an unconstrained tri-band pupil detection system for human identification
On the Use of tri-Stereo Pleiades Images for the Morphometric Measurement of Dolines in the Basaltic Plateau of Azrou (Middle Atlas, Morocco)
OTAvatar: One-Shot Talking Face Avatar with Controllable tri-Plane Rendering
P3-CABAC: A Nonstandard tri-Thread Parallel Evolution of CABAC in the Manycore Era
Palmprint recognition based on the line feature local tri-directional patterns
PET-NeuS: Positional Encoding tri-Planes for Neural Surfaces
Photometric Surface Analysis in a Tri-Luminal Environment
Plateau limit-based tri-histogram equalisation for image enhancement
Pleiades tri-Stereo Data for Glacier Investigations: Examples from the European Alps and the Khumbu Himal
Predicting Sugarcane Harvest Date and Productivity with a Drone-Borne tri-Band SAR
Real-Time Mission-Motion Planner for Multi-UUVs Cooperative Work Using tri-Level Programing
Real-time walkthrough of outdoor scenes using tri-view morphing
Remote Sensing-Based Fractal Analysis and Scale Dependence Associated with Forest Fragmentation in an Amazon tri-National Frontier
Satellite-Derived Topography and Morphometry for VHR Coastal Habitat Mapping: The Pleiades-1 tri-Stereo Enhancement
Scan line optimization for tri stereo planetary images
Semi-automatic City Model Extraction from tri-stereoscopic VHR Satellite Imagery
Semi-Supervised PolSAR Image Classification Based on Improved tri-Training With a Minimum Spanning Tree
Simultaneous Image Classification and Annotation via Biased Random Walk on tri-relational Graph
Smartphone Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry from a Boat for Coastal Cliff Face Monitoring Compared with Pleiades tri-Stereoscopic Imagery and Unmanned Aerial System Imagery
Soft Cross Entropy Loss and Bottleneck tri-Cost Volume For Efficient Stereo Depth Prediction
SS-TBN: A Semi-Supervised tri-Branch Network for COVID-19 Screening and Lesion Segmentation
STBD: a simple tri-bit binary descriptor for point matching
Strivec: Sparse Tri-Vector Radiance Fields
Temporal-Relational hypergraph tri-Attention networks for stock trend prediction
TP-LSD: tri-points Based Line Segment Detector
tri-attention enhanced graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition, A
tri-Attention fusion guided multi-modal segmentation network, A
tri-Camera High-Speed Videogrammetry for Three-Dimensional Measurement of Laminated Rubber Bearings Based on the Large-Scale Shaking Table
tri-Clustered Tensor Completion for Social-Aware Image Tag Refinement
tri-Clustering Based Exploration of Temporal Resolution Impacts on Spatio-Temporal Clusters in Geo-Referenced Time Series
tri-CNN: A Three Branch Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification
tri-directional gradient operators for hexagonal image processing
tri-Focal Tensor-Based Multiple Video Synchronization With Subframe Optimization
tri-HGNN: Learning triple policies fused hierarchical graph neural networks for pedestrian trajectory prediction
tri-Level Modality-Information Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
tri-level optimization-based image rectification for polydioptric cameras
tri-Map Self-Validation Based on Least Gibbs Energy for Foreground Segmentation
tri-MipRF: Tri-Mip Representation for Efficient Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
tri-MipRF: Tri-Mip Representation for Efficient Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
tri-modal Person Re-identification with RGB, Depth and Thermal Features
tri-objective optimization-based cascade ensemble pruning for deep forest
tri-Perspective View for Vision-Based 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction
tri-space and ranking based heterogeneous similarity measure for cross-media retrieval
tri-State Median Filter for Image Denoising
tri-Stereo Model Orientation of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Combining Ground Control Points and Lines
tri-Subject Kinship Verification: Understanding the Core of A Family
tri-subjects kinship verification: Understanding the core of a family
tri-Tracking: Combining Three Independent Views for Robust Visual Tracking
tri-view morphing
triCoS: A Tri-level Class-Discriminative Co-segmentation Method for Image Classification
Using tri-training to exploit spectral and spatial information for hyperspectral data classification
Validation of Pleiades tri-Stereo DSM in Urban Areas
Video object pursuit by tri-tracker with on-line learning from positive and negative candidates
Visual tracking in complex scenes through pixel-wise tri-modeling
Weightlessness feature: A novel feature for single tri-axial accelerometer based activity recognition
Word level identification of Kannada, Hindi and English scripts from a tri-lingual document
93 for tri

Index for "t"

Last update:18-Apr-24 12:23:06
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