Online Pointers for Letter k

=> K'-Means algorithms for clustering analysis with frequency sensitive discrepancy metrics
=> K-anonymous clustering algorithm based on the analytic hierarchy process, A
=> k-attempt Thinning
=> K-Autoregressive Clustering: Application on Terahertz Image Analysis
=> K-Best Transformation Synchronization
=> K-center algorithm for hierarchical binary template matching
=> K-centered Patch Sampling for Efficient Video Recognition
=> K-convexity Shape Priors for Segmentation
=> K-CPD: Learning of overcomplete dictionaries for tensor sparse coding
=> K-D Decision Tree: An Accelerated and Memory Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classifier
=> k-dimensional Size Functions for Shape Description and Comparison
=> K-edge connected neighborhood graph for geodesic distance estimation and nonlinear data projection
=> k-eNSC: k-estimation for Normalized Spectral Clustering
=> K-gram Extensions of Terminal Distinguishable Languages
=> K-Graphs: An Algorithm for Graph Signal Clustering and Multiple Graph Learning
=> K-Hairstyle: A Large-Scale Korean Hairstyle Dataset for Virtual Hair Editing and Hairstyle Classification
=> k-Homotopic Thinning and a Torus-Like Digital Image in Z n, The
=> K-L Expansion as an Effective Feature Ordering Technique for Limited Training Sample Size, The
=> k-Labelsets for Multimedia Classification with Global and Local Label Correlation
=> K-Lane: Lidar Lane Dataset and Benchmark for Urban Roads and Highways
=> K-Matrix: A Novel Change-Pattern Mining Method for SAR Image Time Series
=> k-max distance in graphs and images, The
=> k-max Geodesic Distance and Its Application in Image Segmentation, A
=> K-means-based Algorithm for Projective Clustering, A
=> K-Means Algorithm to Identify k1-Most Demanding Products
=> k-means as a variational EM approximation of Gaussian mixture models
=> K-Means Based Multiple Objects Tracking with Long-Term Occlusion Handling
=> K-means based segmentation for real-time zenithal people counting
=> k-means clustering algorithm, A
=> K-Means Clustering Approach to UAS Classification via Graphical Signal Representation of Radio Frequency Signals for Air Traffic Early Warning
=> K-means Clustering Based Feature Consistency Alignment for Label-free Model Evaluation
=> K-means clustering for support construction in diffractive imaging
=> K-means clustering of proportional data using L1 distance
=> K-Means Clustering Versus Validation Measures: A Data-Distribution Perspective
=> k-means clustering with outlier removal
=> K-Means Color Image Quantization with Deterministic Initialization: New Image Quality Metrics
=> K-Means for noise-insensitive multi-dimensional feature learning
=> K-Means Hashing: An Affinity-Preserving Quantization Method for Learning Binary Compact Codes
=> K-means Iterative Fisher (KIF) unsupervised clustering algorithm applied to image texture segmentation
=> k-means Mask Transformer
=> k-means type clustering algorithm for subspace clustering of mixed numeric and categorical datasets, A
=> K-means: Clustering by gradual data transformation
=> K-means: Clustering by gradual data transformation
=> K-Medoids-Based Random Biometric Pattern for Cryptographic Key Generation
=> k-MLE for mixtures of generalized Gaussians
=> k-most suitable locations selection
=> k-MS: A novel clustering algorithm based on morphological reconstruction
=> K-nearest neighbor-based method for the restoration of damaged images, A
=> K-Nearest Neighbor Based Locally Connected Network for Fast Morphological Reconstruction in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
=> k-nearest neighbor based offline handwritten Gurmukhi character recognition
=> k-Nearest Neighbor Classification Using Dissimilarity Increments
=> K-Nearest Neighbor Finding Using MaxNearestDist
=> K-nearest neighbor search: Fast GPU-based implementations and application to high-dimensional feature matching
=> K-Nearest Neighbors Hashing
=> K-nearest Neighbour Query Performance Analyses On a Large Scale Taxi Dataset: Postgresql Vs. Mongodb
=> K-Nearest Oracle for Dynamic Ensemble Selection
=> K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quantification of Paired Echo Sequence
=> K-Nets: Clustering through nearest neighbors networks
=> k-NN Classification of Handwritten Characters Using a New Distortion-Tolerant Matching Measure
=> k-NN classification of handwritten characters via accelerated GAT correlation
=> k-NN classification of handwritten characters via accelerated GAT correlation
=> k-NN embeded space conditioning for enhanced few-shot object detection
=> K-nn Queries in Graph Databases Using M-Trees
=> K-NN Regression to Improve Statistical Feature Extraction for Texture Retrieval
=> K-Planes: Explicit Radiance Fields in Space, Time, and Appearance
=> K-plet and Coupled BFS: A Graph Based Fingerprint Representation and Matching Algorithm
=> K-polytopes: a superproblem of k-means
=> k-populations algorithm for clustering categorical data, A
=> k-quantiles: L1 distance clustering under a sum constraint
=> k-SALSA: k-Anonymous Synthetic Averaging of Retinal Images via Local Style Alignment
=> k-segments algorithm for finding principal curves, A
=> K-sets and k-swaps algorithms for clustering sets
=> K-Shot Contrastive Learning of Visual Features With Multiple Instance Augmentations
=> k-SLAM: A fast RGB-D SLAM approach for large indoor environments
=> K-Smallest Spanning Tree Segmentations
=> K-Space and Image-Space Combination for Motion-Induced Phase-Error Correction in Self-Navigated Multicoil Multishot DWI
=> K-Space Aware Multi-Static Millimeter-Wave Imaging
=> K-Space Based Regularization of a New Pulse-Echo Image Reconstruction Operator
=> k-Space Decomposition-Based 3-D Imaging With Range Points Migration for Millimeter-Wave Radar
=> k-Space Deep Learning for Accelerated MRI
=> K-space imaging algorithms applied to UWB SAR
=> k-Space Model of Movement Artefacts: Application to Segmentation Augmentation and Artefact Removal, A
=> K-space refinement in deep learning MR reconstruction via regularizing scan specific SPIRiT-based self consistency
=> k-space sharing 3D GRASE pseudocontinuous ASL method for whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity, A
=> k-support norm and convex envelopes of cardinality and rank, The
=> K-SVD Based Point Cloud Coding for RGB-D Video Compression Using 3D Super-point Clustering
=> K-SVD dictionary learning using a fast OMP with applications
=> K-SVD Meets Transform Learning: Transform K-SVD
=> K-SVD: An Algorithm for Designing Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation
=> K-tangent spaces on Riemannian manifolds for improved pedestrian detection
=> K-unknown models detection through clustering in blind source camera identification
=> K-voronoi diagrams computing in arbitrary domains
=> K-VQG: Knowledge-aware Visual Question Generation for Common-sense Acquisition
=> K-WEB: Nonnegative dictionary learning for sparse image representations
=> k closest pairs in spatial databases, The
=> K Nearest Classifier design, A
=> k nearest neighbour ensemble via extended neighbourhood rule and feature subsets, A
=> k Out of n Region-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography
=> k Out of n Region Incrementing Scheme in Visual Cryptography
=> K out of N Secret Sharing Scheme for Multiple Color Images with Steganography and Authentication
=> K speckle: space-time correlation function of doubly scattered light in an imaging system
=> K x K Thinning
=> k*-Means: A new generalized k-means clustering algorithm
=> k,n) threshold partial reversible AMBTC-based visual cryptography using one reference image, A
=> K. N. Toosi University of Technology
=> k/K-Nearest Neighborhood Criterion for Improvement of Locally Linear Embedding
=> K1-Map Reduction for Pattern Classifications, The
=> K1K2 Space in Range Image Analysis, The
=> K3DN: Disparity-Aware Kernel Estimation for Dual-Pixel Defocus Deblurring
=> Ka-Band Doppler Scatterometry over a Loop Current Eddy
=> Ka-Band Doppler Scatterometry: A Strong Wind Case Study
=> Ka-Band Dual Copolarized Empirical Model for the Sea Surface Radar Cross Section
=> Ka-Band Radar Cross-Section of Breaking Wind Waves
=> Ka-Band Wind Geophysical Model Function Using Doppler Scatterometer Measurements from the Air-Sea Interaction Tower Experiment, A
=> Kaczmarz Method for Solving Quadratic Equations
=> KAFD Arabic font database
=> Kai Style Calligraphic Beautification Method for Handwriting Chinese Character, A
=> KAIRA: The Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array: System Overview and First Results
=> KAIST Multi-Spectral Day/Night Data Set for Autonomous and Assisted Driving
=> KAIST: Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
=> Kal-Haiti: A Research Database For Risks Management And Sustainable Reconstruction In Haiti
=> Kalahari Wildfires Drive Continental Post-Fire Brightening in Sub-Saharan Africa
=> Kaleido-BERT: Vision-Language Pre-training on Fashion Domain
=> kaleidoscopic approach to surround geometry and reflectance acquisition, A
=> Kalman-Filter-Based Approach for Multisensor, Multitrack, and Multitemporal InSAR
=> Kalman-filter based spatio-temporal disparity integration
=> Kalman-Filtering Approach to High Dynamic Range Imaging for Measurement Applications, A
=> Kalman Approach for Stroke Order Recovering from Off-Line Handwriting, A
=> Kalman Filter-based Algorithms for Estimating Depth from Image Sequences
=> Kalman filter-based approach for adaptive restoration of in-vehicle camera foggy images, A
=> Kalman Filter-Based Channel Estimation for Mobile-to-Mobile and Relay Networks
=> Kalman Filter-Based Method to Generate Continuous Time Series of Medium-Resolution NDVI Images, A
=> Kalman Filter Approach for Accurate 3-D Motion Estimation from a Sequence of Stereo Images, A
=> Kalman Filter Approach for Accurate 3-D Motion Estimation from a Sequence of Stereo Images, A
=> Kalman Filter Approach for Denoising and Deblurring 3-D Microscopy Images, A
=> Kalman filter approach for uncertainty quantification in time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
=> Kalman Filter Approach to Direct Depth Estimation Incorporating Surface Structure, A
=> Kalman Filter Based Background Updating Algorithm Robust to Sharp Illumination Changes, A
=> Kalman Filter Based Feature Analysis for Tracking People from Airborne Images
=> Kalman Filter based leak localization applied to pneumatic systems
=> Kalman filter based video background estimation
=> Kalman Filter Disciplined Phase Gradient Autofocus for Stripmap SAR
=> Kalman Filter for Quasi-Dynamic o-d Flow Estimation/Updating, A
=> Kalman Filter for Spatial-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters
=> Kalman Filter Formulation of Low-Level Television Image Motion Estimation
=> Kalman filter in motion analysis from stereo image sequences, A
=> Kalman Filter Library
=> Kalman filter recipes for real-time image processing
=> Kalman Filter Underwater Passive Geomagnetic Navigation Technology Research Considering the Impact of Diurnal Variation
=> Kalman Filter, ANN-MLP, LSTM and ACO Methods Showing Anomalous GPS-TEC Variations Concerning Turkey's Powerful Earthquake (6 February 2023)
=> Kalman Filtered Bio Heat Transfer Model Based Self-adaptive Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Thermometry
=> Kalman filtered Compressed Sensing
=> Kalman Filtered MR Temperature Imaging for Laser Induced Thermal Therapies
=> Kalman Filtering Approach to 3-D IR Scene Prediction using Single-Camera Range Video, A
=> Kalman Filtering Approach to Multispectral Image Classification and Detection of Changes in Signature Abundance
=> Kalman filtering approach to stochastic global and region-of-interest tomography, A
=> Kalman Filtering Based Rate-Constrained Motion Estimation for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
=> Kalman Filtering for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
=> Kalman Filtering for Robust Identification of Face Images with Varying Expressions and Lighting Conditions
=> Kalman filtering for segment detection: application to music scores analysis
=> Kalman Filtering Method for 3-D Camera Motion Estimation from Image Sequences, A
=> Kalman filtering of pose estimates in applications of the RAPID video rate tracker
=> Kalman Filtering Perspective for Multiatlas Segmentation, A
=> Kalman filtering techniques for focal plane electric field estimation
=> Kalman Filtering with Optimally Scheduled Measurements in Bandwidth Limited Communication Media
=> Kalman Filters in Constrained Model Based Tracking
=> Kalman Prediction-Based Neighbor Discovery and Its Effect on Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
=> Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odometric Clustering for Video Frame Prediction and Anomaly Detection, A
=> KalmanFlow 2.0: Efficient Video Optical Flow Estimation via Context-Aware Kalman Filtering
=> KalmanFlow: Efficient Kalman Filtering for Video Optical Flow
=> KALMANSAC: Robust Filtering by Consensus
=> KAMA: 3D Keypoint Aware Body Mesh Articulation
=> KAN-AV dataset for audio-visual face and speech analysis in the wild
=> Kangaroo Vehicle Collision Detection Using Deep Semantic Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network
=> Kanji recognition in scene images without detection of text fields: robust against variation of viewpoint, contrast, and background texture
=> Kannada Alphabets Recognition With Application To Braille Translation
=> KANSEI Based Clothing Fabric Image Retrieval
=> KANTS: A Stigmergic Ant Algorithm for Cluster Analysis and Swarm Art
=> KAPLAN: A 3D Point Descriptor for Shape Completion
=> Kappa Angle Regression with Ocular Counter-Rolling Awareness for Gaze Estimation
=> KappaMask: AI-Based Cloudmask Processor for Sentinel-2
=> Karcher Mean in Elastic Shape Analysis
=> Karhunen-Loeve-transformation of functional optical imaging of brain activity-consequences and implications
=> Karhunen-Loeve Analysis of Dynamic Sequences of Thermographic Images for Early Breast Cancer Detection
=> Karhunen-Loeve Decomposition in the Presence of Symmetry--Part I
=> Karhunen-Loeve expansion of a set of rotated templates
=> Karhunen-Loeve Subspace
=> KaRIn Noise Reduction Using a Convolutional Neural Network for the SWOT Ocean Products
=> KaRIn on SWOT: Characteristics of Near-Nadir Ka-Band Interferometric SAR Imagery
=> Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
=> Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, China Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process, Logistic Regression, and InSAR Angular Distortion Approaches
=> Karst Depression Detection Using ASTER, ALOS/PRISM and SRTM-Derived Digital Elevation Models in the Bambuí Group, Brazil
=> KaryoNet: Chromosome Recognition With End-to-End Combinatorial Optimization Network
=> Karyotyping of human chromosomes in metaphase images using faster R-CNN and inception models
=> KASiam: Keypoints-Aligned Siamese Network for the Completion of Partial TLS Point Clouds
=> Katholieke University Leuven
=> Katholieke University Leuven
=> KAZE Features
=> KBody: Balanced monocular whole-body estimation
=> KBody: Towards general, robust, and aligned monocular whole-body estimation
=> KBStyle: Fast Style Transfer Using a 200 KB Network With Symmetric Knowledge Distillation
=> Kc and LAI Estimations Using Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Imagery for Vineyards Plots
=> kCCA Transformation-Based Radiometric Normalization of Multi-Temporal Satellite Images
=> KCFA-based missing area restoration including new priority estimation
=> KCNN: Extremely-Efficient Hardware Keypoint Detection with a Compact Convolutional Neural Network
=> KCRC-LCD: Discriminative kernel collaborative representation with locality constrained dictionary for visual categorization
=> KCS--New--New Kernel Family with Compact Support in Scale Space: Formulation and Impact
=> KD-DLGAN: Data Limited Image Generation via Knowledge Distillation
=> KD-Fixmatch: Knowledge Distillation Siamese Neural Networks
=> KD-Former: Kinematic and dynamic coupled transformer network for 3D human motion prediction
=> KD-MVS: Knowledge Distillation Based Self-supervised Learning for Multi-View Stereo
=> Kd-Tree-Based Outlier Detection Method for Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
=> Kd(PAR) and a Depth Based Model to Estimate the Height of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in an Oligotrophic Reservoir: A Case Study at Nova Avanhandava
=> KDA3D: Key-Point Densification and Multi-Attention Guidance for 3D Object Detection
=> KDD: A kernel density based descriptor for 3D point clouds
=> KDE Paring and a Faster Mean Shift Algorithm
=> KdO-Net: Towards Improving the Efficiency of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Applied in the 3D Pairwise Point Feature Matching
=> KE-GAN: Knowledge Embedded Generative Adversarial Networks for Semi-Supervised Scene Parsing
=> Kecor: Kernel Coding Rate Maximization for Active 3D Object Detection
=> Kecor: Kernel Coding Rate Maximization for Active 3D Object Detection
=> Keep an eye on faces: Robust face detection with heatmap-Assisted spatial attention and scale-Aware layer attention
=> Keep CALM and Improve Visual Feature Attribution
=> Keep CALM and Improve Visual Feature Attribution
=> Keep it accurate and diverse: Enhancing action recognition performance by ensemble learning
=> Keep It Simple with Time: A Reexamination of Probabilistic Topic Detection Models
=> Keep It SimPool:Who Said Supervised Transformers Suffer from Attention Deficit?
=> Keep It SimPool:Who Said Supervised Transformers Suffer from Attention Deficit?
=> Keep It SMPL: Automatic Estimation of 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Single Image
=> Keep it Unreal: Bridging the Realism Gap for 2.5D Recognition with Geometry Priors Only
=> Keep Me In, Coach!: A Computer Vision Perspective on Assessing ACL Injury Risk in Female Athletes
=> Keep Your Eye on the Puck: Automatic Hockey Videography
=> Keep your Eyes on the Lane: Real-time Attention-guided Lane Detection
=> KeepAugment: A Simple Information-Preserving Data Augmentation Approach
=> Keeping a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Calibrated
=> Keeping an eye on the ball
=> Keeping the Equilibrium: The Static Aspects of the Restoration Project. The Case Study of the Mother Church of San Cataldo (Sicily)
=> Keeping the vehicle on the road: A survey on on-road lane detection systems
=> Keio University
=> Kendall and Mallows Kernels for Permutations, The
=> Kendall Shape Space Approach to 3D Shape Estimation from 2D Landmarks, A
=> Kennaugh element framework for multi-scale, multi-polarized, multi-temporal and multi-frequency SAR image preparation, The
=> Kent mixture model for classification of remote sensing data on spherical manifolds
=> KEPLER: Keypoint and Pose Estimation of Unconstrained Faces by Learning Efficient H-CNN Regressors
=> KEPLER: Simultaneous estimation of keypoints and 3D pose of unconstrained faces in a unified framework by learning efficient H-CNN regressors
=> KERM: Knowledge Enhanced Reasoning for Vision-and-Language Navigation
=> Kernalised Multi-resolution Convnet for Visual Tracking
=> Kernel-Aware Burst Blind Super-Resolution
=> Kernel-Bandwidth Adaptation for Tracking Object Changing in Size
=> Kernel-Based 3D Tracking
=> Kernel-Based Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
=> Kernel-Based Approach for DBS Parameter Estimation, A
=> Kernel-based Bayesian clustering of computed tomography images for lung nodule segmentation
=> Kernel-Based Bayesian Filtering for Object Tracking
=> Kernel-based classification using quantum mechanics
=> Kernel-based convolution expansion for facial expression recognition
=> Kernel-Based Density Map Generation for Dense Object Counting
=> Kernel-based deterministic annealing algorithm for data clustering
=> Kernel-based Discrimination Framework for Solving Hypothesis Testing Problems with Application to Speaker Verification, A
=> Kernel-based distance metric learning for content-based image retrieval
=> Kernel-Based Domain-Invariant Feature Selection in Hyperspectral Images for Transfer Learning
=> Kernel-Based Edge-Preserving Methods for Abrupt Change Detection
=> Kernel-Based Face Hallucination via Dual Regularization Priors
=> Kernel-based feature aggregation framework in point cloud networks
=> Kernel-based feature extraction under maximum margin criterion
=> Kernel-Based Feature Relevance Analysis for ECG Beat Classification
=> Kernel-Based Framework for Multitemporal and Multisource Remote Sensing Data Classification and Change Detection
=> Kernel-Based Generalized Median Computation for Consensus Learning
=> Kernel-based Graph Convolutional Networks
=> Kernel-based hard clustering methods in the feature space with automatic variable weighting
=> Kernel-based hard clustering methods with kernelization of the metric and automatic weighting of the variables
=> Kernel-Based Head Tracker for Videophony
=> Kernel-based high-dimensional histogram estimation for visual tracking
=> Kernel-Based Image Filtering: Fast Algorithms and Applications
=> Kernel-Based Image Representation for Brain MRI Discrimination
=> Kernel-Based Implicit Regularization of Structured Objects
=> Kernel-Based Laplacian Smoothing Method for 3D Mesh Denoising
=> Kernel-Based Learning From Both Qualitative and Quantitative Labels: Application to Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Based on Multiparametric MR Imaging
=> Kernel-based learning of cast shadows from a physical model of light sources and surfaces for low-level segmentation
=> Kernel-based LIME with feature dependency sampling
=> Kernel-Based Low-Rank (KLR) Model for Low-Dimensional Manifold Recovery in Highly Accelerated Dynamic MRI, A
=> kernel-based method for fast and accurate computation of PHT in polar coordinates, A
=> Kernel-based method for tracking objects with rotation and translation
=> Kernel-Based Methods for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Kernel-Based Mixture Mapping for Image and Text Association
=> Kernel-Based MMSE Multimedia Signal Reconstruction and Its Application to Spatial Error Concealment
=> Kernel-Based Motion-Blurred Target Tracking
=> Kernel-Based Multifactor Analysis for Image Synthesis and Recognition
=> Kernel-Based Nonlinear Beamforming Construction Using Orthogonal Forward Selection With the Fisher Ratio Class Separability Measure
=> Kernel-Based Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing with Dictionary Pruning
=> Kernel-based object tracking using asymmetric kernels with adaptive scale and orientation selection
=> Kernel-based object tracking
=> Kernel-Based On-Line Object Tracking Combining both Local Description and Global Representation
=> Kernel-based optimized feature vectors selection and discriminant analysis for face recognition
=> Kernel-Based Optimum-Path Forest Classifier, A
=> kernel-based parametric method for conditional density estimation, A
=> Kernel-based Recognition of Human Actions Using Spatiotemporal Salient Points
=> Kernel-based regularized-angle spectral matching for target detection in hyperspectral imagery
=> Kernel-based representation for 2D/3D motion trajectory retrieval and classification
=> Kernel-Based Representation to Support 3D MRI Unsupervised Clustering, A
=> Kernel-Based Robust Tracking for Objects Undergoing Occlusion
=> Kernel-Based Semantic Hashing for Gait Retrieval
=> Kernel-based Signal Localization Method for NIRS Brain-computer Interfaces, A
=> Kernel-based sliding mode control for visual servoing system
=> kernel-based soft BER estimator for coded QAM transmission systems, A
=> Kernel-based sparse representation for gesture recognition
=> Kernel-based spectral color image segmentation
=> Kernel-Based Spectral Matched Signal Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection
=> kernel-based statistical analysis of the residual error in video coding, A
=> Kernel-Based Structural Binary Pattern Tracking
=> kernel-based subtractive clustering method, A
=> Kernel-Based Supervised Discrete Hashing for Image Retrieval
=> Kernel-based Template Alignment
=> Kernel-based Tracking from a Probabilistic Viewpoint
=> Kernel-based transition probability toward similarity measure for semi-supervised learning
=> Kernel-Based Unsupervised Change Detection of Agricultural Lands Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric SAR Data
=> Kernel-Bayesian Framework for Object Tracking
=> Kernel-Coefficient-Based Feature Method for Face Detection
=> Kernel-composition For Change Detection In Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data
=> Kernel-Driven BRDF Approach to Correct Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery over Forested Areas with Rugged Topography, A
=> Kernel-free video deblurring via synthesis
=> Kernel-mapped histograms of multi-scale LBPs for tree bark recognition
=> Kernel-PCA Analysis of Surface Normals for Shape-from-Shading
=> Kernel-Predictability: A New Information Measure and Its Application to Image Registration
=> Kernel-Weighted Graph Convolutional Network: A Deep Learning Approach for Traffic Forecasting
=> Kernel active contour
=> Kernel alignment for identifying objective criteria from brain MEG recordings in schizophrenia
=> Kernel alignment for unsupervised transfer learning
=> Kernel analysis on Grassmann manifolds for action recognition
=> Kernel analysis over Riemannian manifolds for visual recognition of actions, pedestrians and textures
=> Kernel and subspace methods for computer vision
=> Kernel Anomalous Change Detection for Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Kernel Approximation via Empirical Orthogonal Decomposition for Unsupervised Feature Learning
=> Kernel Archetypal Analysis for Clustering Web Search Frequency Time Series
=> Kernel Attention Transformer for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis and Assistant Cancer Diagnosis
=> Kernel auto-encoder for semi-supervised hashing
=> Kernel Autoassociator Approach to Pattern Classification, A
=> Kernel autoassociator with applications to visual classification
=> Kernel Aware Resampler
=> Kernel bandwidth estimation in methods based on probability density function modelling
=> Kernel Based Approach for High Dimensional Heterogeneous Image Features Management in CBIR Context
=> Kernel Based Image Registration Incorporating with Both Feature and Intensity Matching
=> Kernel Based Multi-object Tracking Using Gabor Functions Embedded in a Region Covariance Matrix
=> Kernel Based Multiple Cue Adaptive Appearance Model For Robust Real-time Visual Tracking
=> Kernel Based Nonlinear Subspace Projection Method for Reduction of Hyperspectral, Image Dimensionality, A
=> Kernel based sparse representation for face recognition
=> Kernel based sub-pixel motion estimation
=> Kernel Based Subspace Projection of Near Infrared Hyperspectral Images of Maize Kernels
=> Kernel Based Symmetry Measure
=> Kernel Bisecting k-means clustering for SVM training sample reduction
=> Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Stationary Velocity Fields and Wendland Basis Functions
=> Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-scale Diffeomorphic Image Registration
=> Kernel Centered Alignment Supervised Metric for Multi-Atlas Segmentation
=> Kernel classification rules in the presence of missing values
=> Kernel clustering-based discriminant analysis
=> Kernel Clustering: Density Biases and Solutions
=> Kernel Codebooks for Scene Categorization
=> Kernel collaboration representation-based manifold regularized model for unconstrained face recognition
=> Kernel collaborative face recognition
=> Kernel Collaborative Representation With Local Correlation Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Kernel Combination Through Genetic Programming for Image Classification
=> Kernel Combined Sparse Representation for Disease Recognition
=> Kernel Composition with the one-against-one Cascade for Integrating External Knowledge into SVM Classification
=> Kernel compressive sensing
=> Kernel Conditional Ordinal Random Fields for Temporal Segmentation of Facial Action Units
=> Kernel correlation-dissimilarity for Multiple Kernel k-Means clustering
=> Kernel Correlation as an Affinity Measure in Point-Sampled Vision Problems
=> Kernel correlation filter tracking strategy based on adaptive fusion response map
=> Kernel covariance image region description for object tracking
=> Kernel Cross-Modal Factor Analysis for Information Fusion With Application to Bimodal Emotion Recognition
=> Kernel cross-view collaborative representation based classification for person re-identification
=> Kernel Cuts: Kernel and Spectral Clustering Meet Regularization
=> Kernel Deep Regression Network for Touch-Stroke Dynamics Authentication
=> kernel density based approach for large scale image retrieval, A
=> Kernel Density Estimation and Intrinsic Alignment for Knowledge-Driven Segmentation: Teaching Level Sets to Walk
=> Kernel Density Estimation and Intrinsic Alignment for Shape Priors in Level Set Segmentation
=> Kernel density estimation based multichannel impulsive noise reduction filter
=> Kernel density estimation based on Ripley's correction
=> Kernel Density Estimation for Post Recognition Score Analysis
=> Kernel Density Estimation on Riemannian Manifolds: Asymptotic Results
=> Kernel Density Estimation on Spaces of Gaussian Distributions and Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
=> Kernel Density Estimation Using Joint Spatial-Color-Depth Data for Background Modeling
=> Kernel density estimation with adaptive varying window size
=> Kernel Density Estimator-Based Maximum A Posteriori Image Reconstruction Method for Dynamic Emission Tomography Imaging, A
=> Kernel dependence regularizers and Gaussian processes with applications to algorithmic fairness
=> Kernel descriptor based plant leaf identification
=> Kernel design for real-time denoising implementation in low-resolution images
=> Kernel Designs for Efficient Multiresolution Edge Detection and Orientation Estimation
=> Kernel dictionary learning based discriminant analysis
=> Kernel direct discriminant analysis and its theoretical foundation
=> Kernel Discriminant Analysis Based on Canonical Differences for Face Recognition in Image Sets
=> Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Positive Definite and Indefinite Kernels
=> Kernel discriminant analysis for regression problems
=> Kernel discriminant analysis of Block-wise Gaussian Derivative Phase Pattern Histogram for palmprint recognition
=> Kernel Discriminant Correlation Analysis: Feature Level Fusion for Nonlinear Biometric Recognition
=> Kernel Discriminant Embedding in face recognition
=> Kernel discriminant transformation for image set-based face recognition
=> Kernel discrimination via oblique projection
=> Kernel Distance Metric Learning Using Pairwise Constraints for Person Re-Identification
=> Kernel Domain Description with Incomplete Data: Using Instance-Specific Margins to Avoid Imputation
=> Kernel Dual Linear Regression for Face Image Set Classification
=> Kernel Eigenfaces vs. Kernel Fisherfaces: Face Recognition Using Kernel Methods
=> Kernel eigenmaps based multiscale sparse model for hyperspectral image classification
=> Kernel Eigenvoices (Revisited) for Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition
=> Kernel ELM and CNN Based Facial Age Estimation
=> Kernel embedding transformation learning for graph matching
=> Kernel Enhanced Informative Gabor Features for Face Recognition
=> Kernel Entropy Component Analysis-Based Robust Hyperspectral Image Supervised Classification
=> Kernel Entropy Component Analysis Pre-images for Pattern Denoising
=> Kernel Entropy Component Analysis
=> Kernel Entropy Discriminant Analysis for Dimension Reduction
=> Kernel entropy principal component analysis using Parzen estimator
=> Kernel estimation for motion blur removal using deep convolutional neural network
=> Kernel estimation from blurred edge profiles using Radon Transform for shaken images
=> Kernel estimation from salient structure for robust motion deblurring
=> Kernel Feature Cross-correlation For Unsupervised Quantification Of Damage From Windthrow In Forests
=> Kernel feature selection to fuse multi-spectral MRI images for brain tumor segmentation
=> Kernel Feature Selection with Side Data Using a Spectral Approach
=> Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Palmprint Recognition
=> Kernel Fisher Discriminant and Elliptic Shape Model for Automatic Measurement of Allergic Reactions
=> kernel fractional-step nonlinear discriminant analysis for pattern recognition, A
=> Kernel Framework for Content-Based Artist Recommendation System in Music, A
=> Kernel Fukunaga-Koontz Transform Subspaces For Enhanced Face Recognition
=> Kernel Function-tau-Wigner Distribution Associated With the Linear Canonical Transform
=> Kernel functions for robust 3D surface registration with spectral embeddings
=> Kernel fusion-refinement for semi-supervised nonlinear dimension reduction
=> Kernel fusion for better image deblurring
=> Kernel Fusion for Image Classification Using Fuzzy Structural Information
=> Kernel Fusion of Audio and Visual Information for Emotion Recognition
=> Kernel generalized Gaussian and robust statistical learning for abnormality detection in medical images
=> Kernel generalized nonlinear discriminant analysis algorithm for pattern recognition
=> Kernel Granger Causality Mapping Effective Connectivity on fMRI Data
=> Kernel Grassmannian distances and discriminant analysis for face recognition from image sets
=> Kernel Hetero-associative Memory for Robust Face Recognition
=> Kernel Hierarchical PCA for person re-identification
=> Kernel Homotopy based sparse representation for object classification
=> Kernel ICA: An alternative formulation and its application to face recognition
=> Kernel independent component analysis
=> Kernel indextng for relevance feedback image retrieval
=> Kernel integral images: A framework for fast non-uniform filtering
=> Kernel Joint Sparse Representation Based on Self-Paced Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Kernel k-Groups via Hartigan's Method
=> Kernel K-Means Sampling for Nystrom Approximation
=> Kernel Learning Algorithms for Face Recognition
=> Kernel Learning for Dynamic Texture Synthesis
=> Kernel Learning for Extrinsic Classification of Manifold Features
=> Kernel least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression classifier for pattern classification
=> Kernel Least Mean p-Power Algorithm
=> Kernel Least Mean Square with Single Feedback
=> Kernel Likelihood Estimation for Superpixel Image Parsing
=> kernel logic approach for face and non-face classification, A
=> Kernel Low-Rank and Sparse Graph for Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images
=> Kernel Low-Rank Multitask Learning in Variational Mode Decomposition Domain for Multi-/Hyperspectral Classification
=> Kernel low-rank representation with elastic net for China coastal wetland land cover classification using GF-5 hyperspectral imagery
=> Kernel machine-based one-parameter regularized Fisher discriminant method for face recognition
=> Kernel Machine Based Approach for Multi-View Face Recognition, A
=> Kernel Machine Based Learning for Multi-View Face Detection and Pose Estimation
=> Kernel map compression using generalized radial basis functions
=> Kernel Matched Signal Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection
=> Kernel Matched Subspace Detectors for Hyperspectral Target Detection
=> Kernel Matching Pursuit Approach to Man-Made Objects Detection in Aerial Images, A
=> Kernel matching pursuit classifier ensemble
=> Kernel matching pursuit for large datasets
=> Kernel matrix decomposition via empirical kernel map
=> Kernel matrix trimming for improved Kernel K-means clustering
=> Kernel Maximum Autocorrelation Factor and Minimum Noise Fraction Transformations
=> Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy for Region Merging Approach
=> Kernel maximum scatter difference based feature extraction and its application to face recognition
=> Kernel Mean P Power Error Loss for Robust Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition
=> Kernel Method Based On Topic Model For Very High Spatial Resolution (VHSR) Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
=> Kernel Methods for Nonlinear Discriminative Data Analysis
=> Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis
=> Kernel methods for point symmetry-based clustering
=> Kernel methods for weakly supervised mean shift clustering
=> Kernel Methods in Computer Vision
=> Kernel Methods in Hyperbolic Spaces
=> Kernel methods in orthogonalization of multi-and hypervariate data
=> Kernel Methods on Riemannian Manifolds with Gaussian RBF Kernels
=> Kernel Methods on the Riemannian Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
=> Kernel Metrics on Normal Cycles and Application to Curve Matching
=> Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation-Based Background Separation Model for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
=> Kernel Modeling Super-Resolution on Real Low-Resolution Images
=> Kernel modified optimal margin distribution machine for imbalanced data classification
=> Kernel Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function for Facial Expression Recognition
=> Kernel Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function for Online Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition
=> Kernel Modulation: A Parameter-Efficient Method for Training Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Kernel neural gas algorithms with application to cluster analysis
=> Kernel neural gas algorithms with application to cluster analysis
=> Kernel non-rigid structure from motion
=> Kernel Null Space Methods for Novelty Detection
=> Kernel on Graphs Based on Dictionary of Paths for Image Retrieval
=> Kernel Optimal Component Analysis
=> Kernel Optimization Based Semi-Supervised KBDA Scheme for Image Retrieval
=> Kernel Optimization in Discriminant Analysis
=> kernel optimization method based on the localized kernel Fisher criterion, A
=> Kernel Optimization Using a Generalized Eigenvalue Approach
=> Kernel optimization using nonparametric Fisher criterion in the subspace
=> Kernel oriented discriminant analysis for speaker-independent phoneme spaces
=> Kernel Orthogonal Mutual Subspace Method and Its Application to 3D Object Recognition, The
=> Kernel Orthogonal Subspace Projection for Hyperspectral Signal Classification
=> Kernel Partial least square based feature selection method, A
=> Kernel Partial Least Squares Based Hierarchical Building Change Detection Using High Resolution Aerial Images and Lidar Data
=> Kernel Partial Least Squares for person re-identification
=> Kernel Particle Filter for Real-Time 3D Body Tracking in Monocular Color Images
=> Kernel Particle Filter for Visual Quality Inspection from Monocular Intensity Images
=> Kernel Particle Filter for Visual Tracking
=> kernel particle filter multi-object tracking using gabor-based region covariance matrices, A
=> Kernel particle filter: iterative sampling for efficient visual tracking
=> kernel path algorithm for general parametric quadratic programming problem, A
=> Kernel PCA-based semantic feature estimation approach for similar image retrieval
=> Kernel PCA enabled bit-string representation for minutiae-based cancellable fingerprint template
=> Kernel PCA for HMM-Based Cursive Handwriting Recognition
=> Kernel PCA for novelty detection
=> Kernel PCA for road traffic data non-linear feature extraction
=> Kernel PCA of HOG features for posture detection
=> Kernel PLS regression for robust monocular pose estimation
=> Kernel Pooled Local Subspaces for Classification
=> Kernel Pooling for Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Kernel principal angles for classification machines with applications to image sequence interpretation
=> Kernel Principal Component Analysis and the construction of non-linear Active Shape Models
=> Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Texture Classification
=> Kernel Principal Component Analysis of Gabor Features for Palmprint Recognition
=> Kernel Procrustes
=> Kernel propagation strategy: A novel out-of-sample propagation projection for subspace learning
=> Kernel quadratic discriminant analysis for small sample size problem
=> Kernel Recursive Generalized Maximum Correntropy
=> Kernel Recursive Least Squares Algorithm Based on the Nystrom Method With k-Means Sampling
=> Kernel Reference Discriminant Analysis
=> Kernel Regression for Image Processing and Reconstruction
=> Kernel regression in mixed feature spaces for spatio-temporal saliency detection
=> Kernel Regularization for Image Restoration
=> Kernel Regularized Data Uncertainty for Action Recognition
=> Kernel Relative-prototype Spectral Filtering for Few-Shot Learning
=> Kernel Ridge Regression Hybrid Method for Wheat Yield Prediction with Satellite-Derived Predictors
=> Kernel RX-algorithm: A nonlinear anomaly detector for hyperspectral imagery
=> Kernel sample space projection classifier for pattern recognition
=> Kernel scatter-difference based discriminant analysis for face recognition
=> Kernel Self-Attention for Weakly-supervised Image Classification using Deep Multiple Instance Learning
=> Kernel Sharing With Joint Boosting For Multi-Class Concept Detection
=> Kernel Similarity Based AAMs for Face Recognition
=> Kernel Similarity Modeling of Texture Pattern Flow for Motion Detection in Complex Background
=> Kernel Slow Feature Analysis for Scene Change Detection
=> Kernel Sparse Multitask Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Empirical Mode Decomposition and Morphological Wavelet-Based Features
=> Kernel Sparse Representation for Image Classification and Face Recognition
=> Kernel sparse representation with local patterns for face recognition
=> Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds
=> Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering with a Spatial Max Pooling Operation for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Interpretation
=> Kernel sparse subspace clustering
=> Kernel sparse tracking with compressive sensing
=> Kernel Spectral Clustering for Dynamic Data
=> Kernel Spectral Correspondence Matching Using Label Consistency Constraints
=> Kernel Spectral Curvature Clustering (KSCC)
=> Kernel Spectral Matched Filter for Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Kernel spectral regression of perceived age from hybrid facial features
=> Kernel Square-Loss Exemplar Machines for Image Retrieval
=> Kernel subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
=> Kernel Subspace Integral Image Based Probabilistic Visual Object Tracking
=> Kernel subspace LDA with optimized kernel parameters on face recognition
=> Kernel subspace pursuit for sparse regression
=> Kernel Supervised Ensemble Classifier for the Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using Few Labeled Samples
=> kernel support vector machine-based feature selection approach for recognizing Flying Apsaras' streamers in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals, China, A
=> Kernel tapering: A simple and effective approach to sparse kernels for image processing
=> Kernel transform learning
=> Kernel Transformer Networks for Compact Spherical Convolution
=> kernel trick for sequences applied to text-independent speaker verification systems, A
=> Kernel two-dimensional ridge regression for subspace clustering
=> Kernel Uncorrelated Adjacent-class Discriminant Analysis
=> Kernel Uncorrelated and Orthogonal Discriminant Analysis: A Unified Approach
=> Kernel Weighted Scatter-Difference-Based Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
=> kernelHMM: Learning Kernel Combinations in Structured Output Domains, The
=> Kernelised Relaxation Labelling using Fokker-Planck Diffusion
=> Kernelising the Ihara Zeta Function
=> Kernelized Bayesian Matrix Factorization
=> Kernelized covariance for action recognition
=> Kernelized Cross-view Quadratic Discriminant Analysis for Person Re-Identification
=> Kernelized Dense Layers For Facial Expression Recognition
=> Kernelized dual regression incorporating local information for image set classification
=> Kernelized dynamic convolution routing in spatial and channel interaction for attentive concrete defect recognition
=> Kernelized Few-shot Object Detection with Efficient Integral Aggregation
=> Kernelized Fuzzy Modal Variation for Local Change Detection From Video Scenes
=> Kernelized locality-sensitive hashing for scalable image search
=> Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Hashing
=> Kernelized Manifold Mapping to Diminish the Effect of Adversarial Perturbations, A
=> Kernelized Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation
=> Kernelized Morphable Model for 3D Brain Tumor Analysis, A
=> Kernelized Multiview Projection for Robust Action Recognition
=> Kernelized Multiview Subspace Analysis By Self-Weighted Learning
=> Kernelized pyramid nearest-neighbor search for object categorization
=> Kernelized Relaxed Margin Components Analysis for Person Re-identification
=> Kernelized Saliency-Based Person Re-Identification Through Multiple Metric Learning
=> Kernelized Sorting
=> Kernelized Structural Classification for 3D Dogs Body Parts Detection
=> Kernelized structural SVM learning for supervised object segmentation
=> Kernelized Subspace Pooling for Deep Local Descriptors
=> Kernelized Subspace Ranking for Saliency Detection
=> Kernelized Supervised Laplacian Eigenmap for Visualization and Classification of Multi-Label Data
=> Kernelized support tensor train machines
=> Kernelized support vector machine with deep learning: An efficient approach for extreme multiclass dataset
=> Kernelized Temporal Cut for Online Temporal Segmentation and Recognition
=> Kernelized temporal locality learning for real-time visual tracking
=> Kernelized View Adaptive Subspace Learning for Person Re-identification
=> KernelNet: A Blind Super-Resolution Kernel Estimation Network
=> Kernels for acyclic digraphs
=> Kernels for Generalized Multiple-Instance Learning
=> Kernels for Visual Words Histograms
=> Kernels on bags for multi-object database retrieval
=> Kernels on Bags of Fuzzy Regions for Fast Object retrieval
=> Kernels, regularization and differential equations
=> KerNL: Kernel-Based Nonlinear Approach to Parallel MRI Reconstruction
=> KERTAS: dataset for automatic dating of ancient Arabic manuscripts
=> Kervolutional Neural Networks
=> Key-based melody segmentation for popular songs
=> Key-Component Detection On 3d Meshes Using Local Features
=> Key-components: detection of salient regions on 3D meshes
=> Key-Frame-Based Background Sprite Generation for Hole Filling in Depth Image-Based Rendering
=> Key-frame-based depth propagation for semi-automatic stereoscopic video conversion
=> Key-Frame-Oriented Video Browser, A
=> Key-frame based video fingerprinting by NMF
=> Key-Frame Extraction Using Weighted Multi-view Convex Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering
=> Key-Frame Selection and an LMedS-Based Approach to Structure and Motion Recovery
=> Key-frame selection for automatic summarization of surveillance videos: a method of multiple change-point detection
=> Key-Places Detection and Clustering in Movies Using Latent Aspects
=> Key-Point Sequence Lossless Compression for Intelligent Video Analysis
=> Key-Pose Prediction in Cyclic Human Motion
=> Key-Pose Similarity Algorithm for Motion Data Retrieval, A
=> Key-Region Detection for Document Images: Application to Administrative Document Retrieval
=> Key-segments for video object segmentation
=> Key-Track: A Lightweight Scalable LSTM-based Pedestrian Tracker for Surveillance Systems
=> Key-Word-Aware Network for Referring Expression Image Segmentation
=> Key Areas of Ecological Restoration in Inner Mongolia Based on Ecosystem Vulnerability and Ecosystem Service
=> Key binding biometrics-based remote user authentication scheme using smart cards
=> key binding system based on n-nearest minutiae structure of fingerprint, A
=> Key Derivation Scheme for Hierarchical Access Control to JPEG 2000 Coded Images, A
=> Key detection for a virtual piano teacher
=> Key Engineering Materials
=> Key extraction by image differentiation
=> Key Factors Driving the Development of New Towns by Mother Cities and Regions: Evidence from China, The
=> Key Factors for Improving the Resolution of Mapped Sea Surface Height from Multi-Satellite Altimeters in the South China Sea
=> Key Feature-Enhanced Network for Remote Sensing Object Detection, A
=> Key Frame-Based Activity Representation Using Antieigenvalues
=> Key frame-based video super-resolution using bi-directional overlapped block motion compensation and trained dictionary
=> Key Frame Estimation in Video Using Randomness Measure of Feature Point Pattern
=> Key Frame Extraction Based on Chaos Theory and Color Information for Video Summarization
=> Key frame extraction based on visual attention model
=> Key frame extraction for salient activity recognition
=> Key frame extraction for video summarization using local description and repeatability graph clustering
=> Key frame extraction from consumer videos using epitome
=> Key frame extraction from consumer videos using sparse representation
=> Key Frame Extraction in the Summary Space
=> Key Frame Mechanism for Efficient Conformer Based End-to-End Speech Recognition
=> Key Frame Proposal Network for Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos
=> Key frame selection based on Jensen-Rényi divergence
=> Key Frame Selection to Represent a Video
=> Key Frames Extraction Based on Local Features for Efficient Video Summarization
=> Key Independent Retrieval of Chaotic Encrypted Images
=> Key Joints Selection and Spatiotemporal Mining for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
=> Key Landmarks Detection of Cleft Lip-Repaired Partially Occluded Facial Images for Aesthetics Outcome Assessment
=> Key Object Driven Multi-category Object Recognition, Localization and Tracking Using Spatio-temporal Context
=> Key observation selection-based effective video synopsis for camera network
=> Key observation selection for effective video synopsis
=> Key Parts Context and Scene Geometry in Human Head Detection
=> Key Point-Based Driver Activity Recognition
=> Key Point-based Orientation Estimation of Strawberries for Robotic Fruit Picking
=> Key Point Detecting and Matching for Microscopic Images of MEMS Components Based on Template Method
=> Key Point Detection by Max Pooling for Tracking
=> Key point detection method for fish size measurement based on deep learning
=> Key Point Sensitive Loss for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
=> Key Points-based Indexing for Pre-attentive Similarities: The KIWI System
=> Key Points Estimation and Point Instance Segmentation Approach for Lane Detection
=> Key pose recognition toward sports scene using deeply-learned model
=> Key protected classification for collaborative learning
=> Key Reason of False Positive Misclassification for Accurate Large-Area Mangrove Classifications, The
=> Key Role Guided Transformer for Group Activity Recognition
=> Key Role of Geographic Information In Exposomics: The Example Of The H2020 Pulse Project, The
=> Key Techniques and Methods for Imaging Iris in Focus
=> Key techniques for classification of thorax diseases based on deep learning
=> Key Technology of Dynamic Visual Image Modeling Basing on Mobile Robot Self-Organizing Network
=> Key to Three-View Geometry, The
=> Key view selection in distributed multiview coding
=> Key views for visualizing large spaces
=> Key Volume Mining Deep Framework for Action Recognition, A
=> Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters Revisited
=> Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters
=> KeyEncoder: A secure and usable EEG-based cryptographic key generation mechanism
=> Keyframe-based Bi-Directional 2-D Mesh Representation for Video Object Tracking and Manipulation
=> Keyframe-based Real-time Camera Tracking
=> Keyframe-based recognition and localization during video-rate parallel tracking and mapping
=> Keyframe-Based User Interfaces for Digital Video
=> Keyframe-Based Video Summary Using Visual Attention Clues
=> Keyframe-Editable Real-Time Motion Synthesis
=> Keyframe-Guided Automatic Non-linear Video Editing
=> Keyframe Animation from Video
=> Keyframe Insights into Real-Time Video Tagging of Compressed UHD Content
=> Keyframe Reduction Techniques for Motion Capture Data
=> Keyframe Retrieval by Keypoints: Can Point-to-Point Matching Help?
=> Keyframe Selection for Camera Motion and Structure Estimation from Multiple Views
=> Keyframes detection and analysis in vocal folds recordings using hierarchical motion techniques and texture information
=> Keygraphs for Sign Detection in Indoor Environments by Mobile Phones
=> Keyhole-3D phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography: A time-resolved reconstruction method
=> Keynote lecture 1: Video analysis of human body
=> Keynote lecture 2: Riemannian manifolds, kernels and learning
=> Keynote lecture 2: Video synopsis
=> Keynote lecture 3: Intelligent transport systems (ITS) for next generation with advanced surveillance
=> Keynote lecture 3: On gait and soft biometrics for surveillance
=> Keynote speaker: An engineered microenvironment for manipulating cells in tissue regeneration: A way towards the development of bioartificial organs using mesenchymal stem cell
=> Keynote speaker: An experimental and computational framework to build a dynamic protein atlas for human cell division
=> Keynote speaker: Computer aided diagnostics in medicine: Discrimination for some lung diseases
=> Keynote speaker: Electromagnetic performances analysis of an ultra-wideband antenna in microwave breast imaging
=> Keynote speaker: Interacting in spatial augmented reality
=> Keynote speaker: Nano-cancer technology: New diagnostic and therapeutic devices
=> Keynote speaker: Sensing motion on wild data and virtual reality application
=> Keynote speaker: State of the art brain PET inserts for the existing MRI system
=> Keynote: The Biography of Objects
=> Keynote: Using The Getty Vocabularies to Connect Resources in a Linked And Open World: Growing Potential Through Contributions
=> Keynotes: Deep learning for visual understanding: Effectiveness vs. efficiency
=> Keynotes: From geo-referenced pixels to knowledge
=> Keynotes: Multimedia-the past, today, and the future
=> Keypoint-Aligned Embeddings for Image Retrieval and Re-identification
=> Keypoint-based 4-Points Congruent Sets: Automated marker-less registration of laser scans
=> Keypoint-Based Analysis of Sonar Images: Application to Seabed Recognition
=> Keypoint-Based Approach toward Scenery Character Detection, A
=> Keypoint-Based Detection of Near-Duplicate Image Fragments Using Image Geometry and Topology
=> Keypoint-Based Feature Matching For Partial Person Re-Identification
=> Keypoint-based Gaze Tracking
=> Keypoint-based Global Association Network for Lane Detection, A
=> Keypoint-Based Keyframe Selection
=> keypoint-based method for background modeling and foreground detection using a PTZ camera, A
=> keypoint-based object detection method with wide dual-path backbone network and attention modules, A
=> Keypoint-Based Region Duplication Forgery Detection Algorithm, A
=> Keypoint-graph-driven learning framework for object pose estimation
=> keypoint approach for change detection between SAR images based on graph theory, A
=> Keypoint Aware Robust Representation for Transformer-Based Re-Identification of Occluded Person
=> Keypoint based autonomous registration of terrestrial laser point-clouds
=> Keypoint based comprehensive copy-move forgery detection
=> Keypoint based weakly supervised human parsing
=> Keypoint Communities
=> Keypoint descriptor matching with context-based orientation estimation
=> Keypoint Descriptors for Matching Across Multiple Image Modalities and Non-linear Intensity Variations
=> Keypoint Detection and Local Feature Matching for Textured 3D Face Recognition
=> Keypoint Detection and Matching on High Resolution Spherical Images
=> Keypoint Detection Based on the Unimodality Test of HOGs
=> Keypoint detection by cascaded FAST
=> Keypoint Detection in RGBD Images Based on an Anisotropic Scale Space
=> Keypoint Encoding for Improved Feature Extraction From Compressed Video at Low Bitrates
=> Keypoint Extraction and Selection for Object Recognition
=> Keypoint Identification and Feature-Based 3D Face Recognition
=> Keypoint induced distance profiles for visual recognition
=> Keypoint matching and image registration using sparse representations
=> Keypoint Matching for Non-Rigid Object via Locally Consistent Visual Pattern Mining
=> Keypoint Recognition Using Randomized Trees
=> Keypoint Recognition with Histograms of Normalized Colors
=> Keypoint Recognition with Two-Stage Randomized Trees
=> Keypoint Signatures for Fast Learning and Recognition
=> Keypoint trajectory coding on compact descriptor for video analysis
=> Keypoint Transfer for Fast Whole-Body Segmentation
=> Keypoint Transformer: Solving Joint Identification in Challenging Hands and Object Interactions for Accurate 3D Pose Estimation
=> KeypointDeformer: Unsupervised 3D Keypoint Discovery for Shape Control
=> KeypointMask: A Real-Time Instance Segmentation for Oblique Object Detection in Robotic Picking
=> KeypointNeRF: Generalizing Image-Based Volumetric Avatars Using Relative Spatial Encoding of Keypoints
=> KeypointNet: A Large-Scale 3D Keypoint Dataset Aggregated From Numerous Human Annotations
=> Keypoints-based surface representation for 3D modeling and 3D object recognition
=> Keypoints and Local Descriptors of Scalar Functions on 2D Manifolds
=> Keypoints based enhanced multiple copy-move forgeries detection system using density-based spatial clustering of application with noise clustering algorithm
=> Keypoints Dictionary Learning for Fast and Robust Alignment
=> Keypoints from Symmetries by Wave Propagation
=> Keypoints Selection in the Gauss Laguerre Transformed Domain
=> KeyPose: Multi-View 3D Labeling and Keypoint Estimation for Transparent Objects
=> Keyrtual: A Lightweight Virtual Musical Keyboard Based on RGB-D and Sensors Fusion
=> Keys to Better Image Inpainting: Structure and Texture Go Hand in Hand
=> KeyShip: Towards High-Precision Oriented SAR Ship Detection Using Key Points
=> keystone-free hand-held mobile projection system, A
=> Keystone correction for stereoscopic cinematography
=> KeystoneDepth: History in 3D
=> Keystroke Biometric Recognition Studies on Long-Text Input under Ideal and Application-Oriented Conditions
=> Keystroke Biometric System Using Wavelets
=> Keystroke Dynamics as Part of Lifelogging
=> Keystroke dynamics for user authentication
=> Keystroke Dynamics in a General Setting
=> Keystroke dynamics with low constraints SVM based passphrase enrollment
=> Keystroke Mobile Authentication: Performance of Long-Term Approaches and Fusion with Behavioral Profiling
=> KeyTr: Keypoint Transporter for 3D Reconstruction of Deformable Objects in Videos
=> Keyword-Aware Relative Spatio-Temporal Graph Networks for Video Question Answering
=> Keyword-based approach for recognizing fraudulent messages by keystroke dynamics
=> Keyword-based image color re-rendering with semantic segmentation
=> Keyword-based Vehicle Retrieval
=> Keyword-guided word spotting in historical printed documents using synthetic data and user feedback
=> Keyword clustering for automatic categorization
=> Keyword Detection for Spontaneous Speech
=> Keyword Extraction from a Single Document Using Centrality Measures
=> keyword retrieval system for historical Mongolian document images, A
=> Keyword Spotting and Retrieval of Document Images Captured by a Digital Camera
=> Keyword spotting for self-training of BLSTM NN based handwriting recognition systems
=> Keyword Spotting Framework Using Dynamic Background Model
=> Keyword Spotting from Online Chinese Handwritten Documents Using One-vs-All Trained Character Classifier
=> Keyword Spotting in Document Images through Word Shape Coding
=> Keyword spotting in handwritten documents based on a generic text line HMM and a SVM verification
=> Keyword spotting in historical handwritten documents based on graph matching
=> Keyword Spotting in Offline Chinese Handwritten Documents Using a Statistical Model
=> Keyword Spotting in Online Chinese Handwritten Documents with Candidate Scoring Based on Semi-CRF Model
=> Keyword Spotting in Online Handwritten Documents Containing Text and Non-text Using BLSTM Neural Networks
=> Keyword Spotting In Poorly Printed Documents Using Pseudo-2D Hidden Markov-Models
=> Keyword spotting in unconstrained handwritten Chinese documents using contextual word model
=> Keyword weight optimization using gradient strategies in event focused web crawling
=> Keyword weight optimization using gradient strategies in event focused web crawling
=> Keywords to visual categories: Multiple-instance learning for weakly supervised object categorization
=> KFBin: Kalman Filter-Based Approach for Document Image Binarization
=> KFC: An Efficient Framework for Semi-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
=> KFNet: Learning Temporal Camera Relocalization Using Kalman Filtering
=> KG-Based Integrated UAV Approach for Engineering Semantic Trajectories in the Cultural Heritage Documentation Domain, A
=> KG-SP: Knowledge Guided Simple Primitives for Open World Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
=> KGBoost: A classification-based knowledge base completion method with negative sampling
=> KGBR Viewpoint-Lighting Ambiguity and its Resolution by Generic Constraints, The
=> KGBR viewpointlighting ambiguity, The
=> KGCN-LSTM: A graph convolutional network considering knowledge fusion of point of interest for vehicle trajectory prediction
=> KGSR: A kernel guided network for real-world blind super-resolution
=> KHATT: An open Arabic offline handwritten text database
=> KHATT: Arabic Offline Handwritten Text Database
=> Khoral Research, Inc
=> Khoros Software Development Environment for Image and Signal Processing, The
=> Khoros Software Development Environment for Image and Signal Processing, The
=> Kick Back & Relax: Learning to Reconstruct the World by Watching SlowTV
=> Kick Back & Relax: Learning to Reconstruct the World by Watching SlowTV
=> Kidney image classification using transfer learning with convolutional neural network
=> kidney segmentation approach from DCE-MRI using level sets, A
=> Kidney segmentation using 3D U-Net localized with Expectation Maximization
=> Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
=> KIDS (knowledge-based diagnosis system)-a specialized architecture
=> KidsRoom: A Perceptually-Based Interactive and Immersive Story Environment, The
=> Kilimanjaro Ice Cliff Monitoring With Close Range Photogrammetry
=> Kill Two Birds with One Stone: Urban Tree Species Classification Using Bi-Temporal Pléiades Images to Study Nesting Preferences of an Invasive Bird
=> Killing Four Birds with one Gaussian Process: The Relation between different Test-Time Attacks
=> Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Efficient and Robust Training of Face Recognition CNNs by Partial FC
=> KillingFusion: Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction without Correspondences
=> KiloNeRF: Speeding up Neural Radiance Fields with Thousands of Tiny MLPs
=> Kimberley Climate Change Visioning
=> Kimera
=> Kind of Effective Method for Interference Image Binarization, A
=> Kind of Simulation Method about the Spray Head Movement Based on Image Chromaticity Array, A
=> Kinect-Based Approach for 3D Pavement Surface Reconstruction and Cracking Recognition, A
=> Kinect-based automatic scoring system for spasmodic torticollis
=> Kinect-based gait analysis for automatic frailty syndrome assessment
=> Kinect-Based Gait Analysis for People Recognition Over Time
=> Kinect-based multimodal gesture recognition using a two-pass fusion scheme
=> Kinect-Based Real-Time RGB-D Image Fusion Method
=> Kinect-Based System for Balance Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients, A
=> Kinect-Based System to Assess Lymphedema Impairments in Breast Cancer Patients, A
=> Kinect-Based Wearable Face Recognition System to Aid Visually Impaired Users, A
=> Kinect-Like 3D camera
=> Kinect-Like Depth Data Compression
=> Kinect-Variety Fusion: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Artifacts-Free 3DTV Content Generation
=> Kinect and IMU Sensors Imprecisions Compensation Method for Human Limbs Tracking
=> Kinect Depth Holes Filling by Similarity and Position Constrained Sparse Representation
=> Kinect Depth Inpainting via Graph Laplacian with TV21 Regularization
=> Kinect depth map based enhancement for low light surveillance image
=> Kinect depth restoration via energy minimization with TV21 regularization
=> Kinect depth stream pre-processing for hand gesture recognition
=> Kinect Development Kit: A Toolkit for Gesture- and Speech-Based Human-Machine Interaction
=> Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
=> Kinect Identity: Technology and Experience
=> Kinect Modelling of Chest Compressions: A Feasibility Study for Chest Compression Depth Measurement Using Digital Strategies
=> Kinect range sensing: Structured-light versus Time-of-Flight Kinect
=> Kinect Shadow Detection and Classification
=> Kinect unbiased
=> Kinect V2 and RGB Stereo Cameras Integration for Depth Map Enhancement
=> Kinect vs. Low-cost Inertial Sensing for Gesture Recognition
=> KinectAvatar: Fully Automatic Body Capture Using a Single Kinect
=> KinectFaceDB: A Kinect Database for Face Recognition
=> Kinecting the dots: Particle based scene flow from depth sensors
=> Kinecting to Mathematics through Embodied Interactions
=> KinectScenes: Robust Real-Time RGB-D Fusion for Animal Behavioural Monitoring
=> Kinematic-aware Hierarchical Attention Network for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
=> Kinematic-based human motion analysis in infrared sequences
=> Kinematic-Geometric Approach to Spatial Interpretation of Line Drawings, A
=> Kinematic 3d Object Detection in Monocular Video
=> Kinematic and deformation analysis of 4-D coronary arterial trees reconstructed from cine angiograms
=> Kinematic and Microphysical Characteristics of Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Zhengzhou City on 20 July 2021 Observed with Dual-Polarization Radars and Disdrometers, The
=> Kinematic Calibration of an Active Binocular Head for Online Computation of the Epipolar Geometry
=> Kinematic calibration of an active camera system
=> Kinematic Calibration of the KTH Head-Eye System
=> Kinematic Calibration of the KTH Head-Eye System
=> Kinematic Chain Space for Monocular Motion Capture, A
=> Kinematic Constrained Cascaded Autoencoder for Real-Time Hand Pose Estimation
=> Kinematic Design for Platoon-Lane-Change Maneuvers
=> Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestrial, and Maritime Environments
=> Kinematic Gesture Representation Based on Shape Difference VLAD for Sign Language Recognition, A
=> Kinematic GPR-TPS Model for Infrastructure Asset Identification with High 3D Georeference Accuracy Developed in a Real Urban Test Field
=> Kinematic jump processes for monocular 3D human tracking
=> Kinematic Model for Swarm Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking, A
=> Kinematic Modeling of Head-Neck Movements
=> Kinematic Pose Rectification for Performance Analysis and Retrieval in Sports
=> Kinematic Precise Point Positioning Using Multi-Constellation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Observations
=> Kinematic Reeb Graph Extraction Based on Heat Diffusion
=> Kinematic Rupture Process and Its Implication of a Thrust and Strike-Slip Multi-Fault during the 2021 Haiti Earthquake
=> Kinematic self retargeting: A framework for human pose estimation
=> Kinematic sets for real-time robust articulated object tracking
=> Kinematic Skeleton Extraction Based On Motion Boundaries for 3D Dynamic Meshes
=> Kinematic Spline Curves: A temporal invariant descriptor for fast action recognition
=> Kinematic Structure Correspondences via Hypergraph Matching
=> Kinematic Tracking of Rehabilitation Patients With Markerless Pose Estimation Fused with Wearable Inertial Sensors
=> Kinematic Variables Estimation using Eye-in-Hand Robot Camera System
=> Kinematic ZTD Estimation from Train-Borne Single-Frequency GNSS: Validation and Assimilation
=> Kinematical Analysis of Synthetic Dynamic Signatures Using the Sigma-Lognormal Model
=> Kinematics-aware spatial-temporal feature transform for 3D human pose estimation
=> Kinematics-based Extraction of Salient 3D Human Motion Data for Summarization of Choreographic Sequences
=> Kinematics-based tracking of human walking in monocular video sequences
=> Kinematics Analysis Multimedia System for Rehabilitation
=> Kinematics and Eye Movements for a Two-Eyed Robot Head, The
=> Kinematics from Lines in a Single Rolling Shutter Image
=> Kinematics modeling network for video-based human pose estimation
=> Kinematics modeling network for video-based human pose estimation
=> Kinematics of Active Landslides in Achaia (Peloponnese, Greece) through InSAR Time Series Analysis and Relation to Rainfall Patterns
=> Kinematics of the heart: strain-rate imaging from time-resolved three-dimensional phase contrast MRI
=> KINET: A Non-Invasive Method for Predicting Ki67 Index of Glioma
=> Kinetic Algorithms For Harbour Management
=> Kinetic depth images: flexible generation of depth perception
=> Kinetic locally minimal triangulation: theoretical evaluation and combinatorial analysis
=> Kinetic measures for distinguishing vulnerable from stable atherosclerotic plaque with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
=> Kinetic Modeling of Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Pyruvate Metabolism in the Human Brain
=> Kinetic Parameter Estimation From Renal Measurements With a Three-Headed SPECT System: A Simulation Study
=> Kinetic Pseudo-energy History for Human Dynamic Gestures Recognition
=> Kinetic Quantitation of Cerebral PET-FDG Studies Without Concurrent Blood Sampling: Statistical Recovery of the Arterial Input Function
=> Kinetics Human Action Video Dataset, The
=> Kinetics Human Action Video Dataset, The
=> Kinetics Of 18f-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake In The Choroid Plexus, The
=> King's College London
=> King's College London
=> King's Graph-Based Neighbor-Vehicle Mapping Framework
=> King-Kong Effects: Improving sensation of walking in VR with visual and tactile vibrations at each step, The
=> KING: Generating Safety-Critical Driving Scenarios for Robust Imitation via Kinematics Gradients
=> Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Geospatial Information Infrastructure: An Initial Study
=> Kingston University, London
=> Kingston University, London
=> Kinship-Guided Age Progression
=> Kinship classification based on discriminative facial patches
=> Kinship classification by modeling facial feature heredity
=> Kinship Classification through Latent Adaptive Subspace
=> Kinship Identification Through Joint Learning Using Kinship Verification Ensembles
=> Kinship Representation Learning with Face Componential Relation
=> Kinship Representation Learning with Face Componential Relation
=> Kinship similarity for open sets
=> Kinship Verification Based on Cross-Generation Feature Interaction Learning
=> Kinship verification based on status-aware projection learning
=> Kinship Verification from Faces via Similarity Metric Based Convolutional Neural Network
=> Kinship verification from facial images and videos: human versus machine
=> Kinship Verification From Gait?
=> Kinship Verification on Families in the Wild with Marginalized Denoising Metric Learning
=> Kinship Verification through Transfer Learning
=> Kinship verification using multi-level dictionary pair learning for multiple resolution images
=> Kinship verification using multiview hybrid distance learning
=> Kinship verification using neighborhood repulsed correlation metric learning
=> Kinship Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Kinshipgan: Synthesizing of Kinship Faces from Family Photos by Regularizing a Deep Face Network
=> Kinstyle: A Strong Baseline Photorealistic Kinship Face Synthesis with an Optimized Stylegan Encoder
=> KIPPI: KInetic Polygonal Partitioning of Images
=> Kirchhoff-Based Shape Reconstruction Algorithm for the Multimonostatic Configuration: The Realistic Case of Buried Pipes, A
=> Kirchhoff migration of 2-D post-stack seismic data after subband decomposition
=> Kirini: An Interactive Projection-mapping Installation for Storytelling About Mediterranean Beekeeping Heritage
=> KISS+ for Rapid and Accurate Pedestrian Re-Identification
=> KitBit: A New AI Model for Solving Intelligence Tests and Numerical Series
=> Kitchen activity recognition based on scene context
=> Kite Recognition by Means of Graph Matching
=> Kits for Patients with Transtibial Amputation in the Pre- and Post-prosthetic Phases
=> KITTI-360: A Novel Dataset and Benchmarks for Urban Scene Understanding in 2D and 3D
=> KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite, The
=> KitWare, Inc
=> KiU-Net: Overcomplete Convolutional Architectures for Biomedical Image and Volumetric Segmentation
=> KiUT: Knowledge-injected U-Transformer for Radiology Report Generation
=> KIZUKI Processing for Visual Inspection: A Smart Pattern Pop-Out Algorithm Based on Human Visual Architecture
=> Kl-Divergence-Based Region Proposal Network For Object Detection
=> KL based data fusion for target tracking
=> KL divergence based agglomerative clustering for automated Vitiligo grading
=> KLA Tencor
=> KLDA: An Iterative Approach to Fisher Discriminant Analysis
=> Klein-Bottle-Based Dictionary for Texture Representation, A
=> KloudNet: Deep Learning for Sky Image Analysis and Irradiance Forecasting
=> KLT Feature Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Airborne Videos
=> KLT: An Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
=> KLUM: An Urban VNIR and SWIR Spectral Library Consisting of Building Materials
=> KMapper: A Field Geological Survey System
=> Kml-based Approach for Distributed Collaborative Interpretation Of Remote Sensing Images In The Geo-browser, A
=> KMOD: a new support vector machine kernel with moderate decreasing for pattern recognition. Application to digit image recognition
=> KMOD: A two-parameter SVM kernel for pattern recognition
=> Knapsack Intersection Graphs and Efficient Computation of Their Maximal Cliques
=> Knee Articular Cartilage Segmentation from MR Images: A Review
=> Knee Cartilage Defect Assessment by Graph Representation and Surface Convolution
=> Knee Osteoarthritis Detection Using Power Spectral Density: Data from the OsteoArthritis Initiative
=> Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-to-Stand Handrail Positions
=> Knee Point Detection in BIC for Detecting the Number of Clusters
=> Kneed Walker for human pose tracking, The
=> KNEEL: Knee Anatomical Landmark Localization Using Hourglass Networks
=> Knight Tour Patterns: Novel Handcrafted Feature Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition
=> KNN-based color line model for image matting
=> kNN-Based Feature Learning Network for Semantic Segmentation of Point Cloud Data
=> KNN-Based Radar Detector for Coherent Targets in Non-Gaussian Noise, A
=> KNN Based Denoising Algorithm for Photon-Counting LiDAR: Numerical Simulation and Parameter Optimization Design
=> kNN Classification with an Outlier Informative Distance Measure
=> kNN Hashing with Factorized Neighborhood Representation
=> KNN Local Attention for Image Restoration
=> KNN Matting
=> KNN Matting
=> KnobCollector: Custom Device Controller for Dynamic Real-Time Subjective Data Collection in Virtual Reality
=> Knock! Knock! Who is it? probabilistic person identification in TV-series
=> Knockoff filter-based feature selection for discrimination of non-small cell lung cancer in CT image
=> Knockoff Nets: Stealing Functionality of Black-Box Models
=> Knockoffs-SPR: Clean Sample Selection in Learning With Noisy Labels
=> Knot Detection from Accumulation Map by Polar Scan
=> Knot Detection in X-Ray CT Images of Wood
=> Knot detection in X-ray images of wood planks using dictionary learning
=> Knot Magnify Loss for Face Recognition
=> Knot segmentation in 3D CT images of wet wood
=> Knot Segmentation in Noisy 3D Images of Wood
=> Know More Say Less: Image Captioning Based on Scene Graphs
=> Know What Your Neighbors Do: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
=> Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for Low-Shot Learning
=> Know Your Limits: Accuracy of Long Range Stereoscopic Object Measurements in Practice
=> Know Your Surroundings: Exploiting Scene Information for Object Tracking
=> Know Your Surroundings: Panoramic Multi-Object Tracking by Multimodality Collaboration
=> Knowing a Good HOG Filter When You See It: Efficient Selection of Filters for Detection
=> Knowing My Village from the Sky: A Collaborative Spatial Learning Framework to Integrate Spatial Knowledge of Stakeholders in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
=> Knowing Verb From Object: Retagging With Transfer Learning on Verb-Object Concept Images
=> Knowing What Happened: Automatic Documentation of Image Analysis Processes
=> Knowing What it is: Semantic-Enhanced Dual Attention Transformer
=> Knowing What it is: Semantic-Enhanced Dual Attention Transformer
=> Knowing What to Label for Few Shot Microscopy Image Cell Segmentation
=> Knowing What to Learn: A Metric-Oriented Focal Mechanism for Image Captioning
=> Knowing When to Look for What and Where: Evaluating Generation of Spatial Descriptions with Adaptive Attention
=> Knowing When to Look: Adaptive Attention via a Visual Sentinel for Image Captioning
=> Knowing When to Stop: Evaluation and Verification of Conformity to Output-Size Specifications
=> Knowing when you don't: Bag of visual words with reject option for automatic visual inspection of bulk materials
=> Knowing Where I Am: Exploiting Multi-Task Learning for Multi-view Indoor Image-based Localization
=> Knowing Where to Focus: Event-aware Transformer for Video Grounding
=> Knowing Where to Focus: Event-aware Transformer for Video Grounding
=> Knowing Where to Look? Analysis on Attention of Visual Question Answering System
=> Knowing who to listen to: Prioritizing experts from a diverse ensemble for attribute personalization
=> Knowledge-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Spotlight SAR Filtered Backprojection Imagery
=> Knowledge-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Spotlight SAR Range Migration Algorithm Imagery
=> Knowledge-Aided Ground Moving Target Relocation for Airborne Dual-Channel Wide-Area Radar by Exploiting the Antenna Pattern Information
=> Knowledge-assisted semantic video object detection
=> Knowledge-Assisted Visualization of Multi-Level Origin-Destination Flows Using Ontologies
=> Knowledge-Augmented Contrastive Learning for Abnormality Classification and Localization in Chest X-rays with Radiomics using a Feedback Loop
=> Knowledge-Augmented Multimodal Deep Regression Bayesian Networks for Emotion Video Tagging
=> Knowledge-Augmented Visual Question Answering With Natural Language Explanation
=> Knowledge-Augmented Visual Question Answering With Natural Language Explanation
=> Knowledge-aware deep framework for collaborative skin lesion segmentation and melanoma recognition
=> Knowledge-Aware Federated Active Learning with Non-IID Data
=> Knowledge-Aware Federated Active Learning with Non-IID Data
=> Knowledge-Aware Global Reasoning for Situation Recognition
=> Knowledge-Aware Prompt Tuning for Generalizable Vision-Language Models
=> Knowledge-Based Adaptive Detection: Joint Exploitation of Clutter and System Symmetry Properties
=> Knowledge-based adaptive thresholding segmentation of digital subtraction angiography images
=> Knowledge-Based Analysis of Carotid Angiograms
=> Knowledge-Based Approach for Detecting Unattended Packages in Surveillance Video, A
=> Knowledge-Based Approach for Script Recognition Without Training, A
=> knowledge-based approach for video event detection using spatio-temporal sliding windows, A
=> Knowledge-based Approach On Globeland30 Incremental Updating: A Case Study Of Built-up Area, A
=> knowledge-based approach to automatic detection of the spinal cord in ct images, A
=> knowledge-based approach to domain-specific compressed video analysis, A
=> Knowledge-based approach to image interpretation
=> Knowledge-Based Approach to Integration of Image Processing Procedures, A
=> knowledge-based approach to pattern generation, A
=> Knowledge-Based Approach to Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Cervical Spine, A
=> Knowledge-Based Approach to the Detection, Tracking and Classification of Target Formations in Infrared Image Sequences, A
=> knowledge-based approach to the iris segmentation problem, A
=> Knowledge-based Approach to Urban Feature Classification Using Aerial Imagery with Lidar Data, A
=> knowledge-based approach to volumetric medical image segmentation, A
=> Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence Systems in Aerospace and Industry
=> Knowledge-Based Automated Vectorizing System for Geographic Information System, A
=> Knowledge-based automatic extraction of multi-structured light stripes
=> Knowledge-Based Automatic Feature Extraction
=> Knowledge-Based Auxiliary Channel STAP for Target Detection in Shipborne HFSWR, A
=> Knowledge-Based Building Detection and Description: 1997-1998
=> Knowledge-Based Building Reconstruction from Terrestrial Video Sequences
=> Knowledge-Based Classification of CZCS Images and Monitoring of Red Tides off the West Florida Shelf
=> Knowledge-Based Classification of Grassland Ecosystem Based on Multi-Temporal WorldView-2 Data and FAO-LCCS Taxonomy
=> Knowledge-based clustering scheme for collection management and retrieval of library books
=> Knowledge-Based Coding of Objects for Multisource Surveillance Video Data
=> Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Malignant Lung Nodule Classification on Chest CT
=> Knowledge-based Control of Vision Systems
=> Knowledge-based Control of Vision Systems
=> Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads Using Post-Disaster High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
=> Knowledge-based document analysis system
=> Knowledge-Based Document Analysis
=> Knowledge-based ECG interpretation: a critical review
=> Knowledge-Based Embodied Question Answering
=> Knowledge-based enhancement of megavoltage images in radiation therapy using a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system
=> Knowledge-Based Filtering Method for Open Relations among Geo-Entities, A
=> Knowledge-based Framework for Automatic Semantisation And Reconstruction of Military Architecture On City-scale Models
=> Knowledge-Based Framework for Image Enhancement in Aviation Security, A
=> Knowledge-based gear-position decision
=> Knowledge-Based Generalized Side-Lobe Canceller for Ionospheric Clutter Suppression in HFSWR
=> Knowledge-Based Image Processing for Classification and Recognition in Surveillance Applications
=> Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Environment for Document Processing, A
=> Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Systems: A Survey
=> Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Using Incomplete and Generic Models
=> Knowledge-Based Improvement of Automatic Image Interpretation for Restricted Scenes: Two Case Studies
=> Knowledge-based interpretation of MR brain images
=> Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data with the Interimage System: Major Characteristics and Recent Developments
=> Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Images
=> Knowledge-based interpretation of thyroid scintigrams
=> Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Utility Maps
=> Knowledge-Based Matching for 3D Radiotherapy Planning
=> Knowledge-based methods for classifier combination: An experimental investigation
=> Knowledge-Based Modeling of Buildings in Dense Urban Areas by Combining Airborne LiDAR Data and Aerial Images
=> Knowledge-Based Multitarget Ship Tracking for HF Surface Wave Radar Systems
=> Knowledge-based numeric open caption recognition for live sportscast
=> Knowledge-based Object Detection In Laser Scanning Point Clouds
=> Knowledge-Based Organ Identification from CT Images
=> Knowledge-based part correspondence
=> Knowledge-based part correspondence
=> Knowledge-Based Picture Understanding of Weather Charts
=> Knowledge-based power line detection for UAV surveillance and inspection systems
=> Knowledge-Based Reasoning Network for Object Detection
=> Knowledge-Based Recognition of Utility Map Sub-Diagrams
=> knowledge-based recognition system for historical Mongolian documents, A
=> Knowledge-Based Recommendation for On-Demand Mapping: Application to Nautical Charts
=> Knowledge-based registration & segmentation of the left ventricle: A level set approach
=> Knowledge-Based Representation Learning for Nucleus Instance Classification From Histopathological Images
=> Knowledge-Based Robotic Assembly Cell, A
=> Knowledge-Based Search Strategy for Optimally Structuring the Terrain Dependent Rational Function Models, A
=> Knowledge-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Enhanced Recognition of Handwritten Courtesy Amounts, A
=> Knowledge-based segmentation and labeling of brain structures from MRI images
=> Knowledge-Based Segmentation of SAR Data with Learned Priors
=> Knowledge-based segmentation of SAR images
=> Knowledge-Based Segmentation of Sonar Data
=> knowledge-based segmentation system for handwritten dates on bank cheques, A
=> Knowledge-Based Shape-from-Shading
=> Knowledge-Based Step Length Estimation Method Based on Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Sensor Fusion Algorithms for a Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System, A
=> Knowledge-based sub-pattern segmentation: Decompositions of Chinese characters
=> Knowledge-Based Supervised Learning Methods in a Classical Problem of Video Object Tracking
=> Knowledge-Based System for Context Dependent Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data, A
=> Knowledge-Based System for Recognizing Man-Made Objects in Aerial Images, A
=> Knowledge-Based System for Satellite Image Interpretation, A
=> knowledge-based table recognition method for Chinese bank statement images, A
=> Knowledge-Based Temporal Planning Approach for Urban Traffic Control, A
=> Knowledge-Based Thinning Algorithm, A
=> Knowledge-Based Topic Model for Multi-Modal Social Event Analysis
=> Knowledge-Based Topic Model for Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization
=> Knowledge-based topological reconstruction for building facade surface patches
=> Knowledge-Based Understanding of Road Maps and Other Line Images
=> Knowledge-Based Updating of Maps by Interpretation of Aerial Images
=> Knowledge-based Video Question Answering with Unsupervised Scene Descriptions
=> Knowledge-based Visual Context-Aware Framework for Applications in Robotic Services
=> Knowledge-Based Visual Question Generation
=> Knowledge-Directed Interpretation of Mechanical Engineering Drawings
=> Knowledge-Directed Vision: Control, Learning, and Integration
=> Knowledge-Discounted Event Detection in Sports Video
=> Knowledge-Driven Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
=> Knowledge-Driven GeoAI: Integrating Spatial Knowledge into Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Mars Crater Detection
=> Knowledge-Driven Geospatially Enabled Framework for Geological Big Data, A
=> Knowledge-Driven Saliency: Attention to the Unseen
=> Knowledge-driven segmentation of the central sulcus from human brain MR images
=> Knowledge-Driven Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition
=> Knowledge-driven understanding of images in comic books
=> Knowledge-Embedded Mutual Guidance for Visual Reasoning
=> Knowledge-Embedded Routing Network for Scene Graph Generation
=> Knowledge-Enabled Generation of Semantically Annotated Image Sequences of Manipulation Activities from VR Demonstrations
=> Knowledge-Enhanced Causal Reinforcement Learning Model for Interactive Recommendation
=> Knowledge-Enhanced Mobile Video Broadcasting Framework With Cloud Support
=> Knowledge-Enriched Attention Network With Group-Wise Semantic for Visual Storytelling
=> Knowledge-Enriched Distributional Model Inversion Attacks
=> Knowledge-Guided And Hyper-Attention Aware Joint Network For Benign-Malignant Lung Nodule Classification
=> Knowledge-guided automatic thresholding for 3-dimensional display of head MRI images
=> Knowledge-Guided Blind Image Quality Assessment With Few Training Samples
=> Knowledge-Guided Deep Fractal Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation
=> Knowledge-Guided Fusion Visualisation Method of Digital Twin Scenes for Mountain Highways, A
=> Knowledge-Guided Intelligent Analysis Method of Geographic Digital Twin Models: A Case Study on the Diagnosis of Geometric Deformation in Tunnel Excavation Profiles, A
=> Knowledge-guided left ventricular boundary detection
=> Knowledge-Guided Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for General Image Recognition
=> Knowledge-Induced Multiple Kernel Fuzzy Clustering
=> Knowledge-Informed and Pareto-Based Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Land-Use Allocation, A
=> Knowledge-Spreader: Learning Semi-Supervised Facial Action Dynamics by Consistifying Knowledge Granularity
=> Knowledge acquisition for image analysis using hypermedia interface
=> Knowledge Acquisition for Image Understanding Research
=> Knowledge Acquisition for Visual Question Answering via Iterative Querying
=> Knowledge Acquisition Technique for Recognizing Handprinted Chinese Characters, A
=> Knowledge Adaptation for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
=> Knowledge Adaptation with Partially Shared Features for Event Detection Using Few Exemplars
=> Knowledge aggregation networks for class incremental learning
=> Knowledge Aided Consistency for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
=> Knowledge Amalgamation for Object Detection With Transformers
=> Knowledge and Data-Driven Mapping of Environmental Status Indicators from Remote Sensing and VGI
=> Knowledge and Spatial Pyramid Distance-Based Gated Graph Attention Network for Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation
=> Knowledge and the Visual Process: Content, Form and Use
=> Knowledge and topology: A two layer spatially dependent graph neural networks to identify urban functions with time-series street view image
=> Knowledge And Valorization Of Historical Sites Through 3d Documentation And Modeling
=> Knowledge as action: A cognitive framework for indoor scene classification
=> Knowledge As Priors: Cross-Modal Knowledge Generalization for Datasets Without Superior Knowledge
=> Knowledge Assisted Analysis and Categorization for Semantic Video Retrieval
=> Knowledge Base for Automatic Feature Recognition from Point Clouds in an Urban Scene, A
=> Knowledge base graph embedding module design for Visual question answering model
=> Knowledge based (re-)clustering
=> Knowledge Based 3d Building Model Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks From Lidar And Aerial Imageries
=> Knowledge Based Activity Recognition with Dynamic Bayesian Network
=> knowledge based approach for a fast image retrieval system, A
=> Knowledge Based Approach to Automatic Image Registration, A
=> knowledge based architecture for the virtual restoration of ancient photos, A
=> Knowledge Based Assistant for the Selection of Edge Detectors
=> Knowledge based cluster ensemble for 3D head model classification
=> Knowledge Based Fingerprint Image Enhancement
=> Knowledge Based Image Enhancement Using Neural Networks
=> Knowledge Based Image Interpretation System, A
=> Knowledge Based Integration of IU Algorithms
=> Knowledge Based Integration of IU Algorithms
=> Knowledge based ISOETRP clustering procedure
=> Knowledge Based Optimal Recommendation of Spatial Technologies for Documentation of Buildings
=> Knowledge Based Pattern-Context-Aware Stereo Analysis and Its Applications
=> Knowledge Based Radar Detection, Tracking and Classification
=> Knowledge Based Recognition of Man-Made Objects
=> Knowledge Based Reconstruction of Building Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
=> Knowledge based reconstruction of buildings
=> Knowledge based search of character strings in line drawings
=> Knowledge Based System for Diagnosing Spinal Deformations: Moire Pattern Analysis and Interpretation, A
=> knowledge based system for measuring faces, A
=> Knowledge Based View Control of a Neural 3-D Object Recognition System
=> Knowledge Caching for Sensor-Based Systems
=> Knowledge Capture and Replay for Continual Learning
=> Knowledge Combination to Learn Rotated Detection without Rotated Annotation
=> Knowledge components detection in User-Generated Content
=> Knowledge Condensation Distillation
=> Knowledge Conditioned Variational Learning for One-Class Facial Expression Recognition
=> Knowledge discovery in medical and biological datasets using a hybrid Bayes classifier/evolutionary algorithm
=> Knowledge discovery in WSN using mobile agents
=> Knowledge Discovery Method for Landslide Monitoring Based on K-Core Decomposition and the Louvain Algorithm, A
=> Knowledge Discovery Web Service for Spatial Data Infrastructures
=> Knowledge Distillation and Student-Teacher Learning for Visual Intelligence: A Review and New Outlooks
=> Knowledge Distillation as Efficient Pre-training: Faster Convergence, Higher Data-efficiency, and Better Transferability
=> Knowledge Distillation Beyond Model Compression
=> Knowledge Distillation for 6D Pose Estimation by Aligning Distributions of Local Predictions
=> Knowledge Distillation for Action Anticipation via Label Smoothing
=> Knowledge Distillation for Fast and Accurate Monocular Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices
=> Knowledge Distillation for Human Action Anticipation
=> Knowledge distillation for incremental learning in semantic segmentation
=> Knowledge Distillation for Low-Power Object Detection: A Simple Technique and Its Extensions for Training Compact Models Using Unlabeled Data
=> Knowledge Distillation for Multi-Target Domain Adaptation in Real-Time Person Re-Identification
=> Knowledge Distillation from End-To-End Image Compression to VVC Intra Coding for Perceptual Quality Enhancement
=> Knowledge Distillation Hashing for Occluded Face Retrieval
=> Knowledge Distillation Inspired Fine-Tuning Of Tucker Decomposed CNNS and Adversarial Robustness Analysis
=> Knowledge Distillation Meets Self-Supervision
=> Knowledge distillation methods for efficient unsupervised adaptation across multiple domains
=> Knowledge Distillation of Grassmann Manifold Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
=> Knowledge Distillation of Vision Transformers and Convolutional Networks to Predict Inflammatory Bowel Disease
=> Knowledge Distillation Using GANs for Fast Object Detection
=> Knowledge Distillation via Instance Relationship Graph
=> Knowledge Distillation via Multi-Teacher Feature Ensemble
=> Knowledge Distillation via Route Constrained Optimization
=> Knowledge Distillation via the Target-aware Transformer
=> Knowledge Distillation with a Precise Teacher and Prediction with Abstention
=> Knowledge Distillation with Feature Maps for Image Classification
=> Knowledge Distillation with the Reused Teacher Classifier
=> Knowledge distillation: A good teacher is patient and consistent
=> Knowledge Distillation: A Survey
=> Knowledge Driven Interface to Determine Degree of Exposure of Young Adult to Pedophile Online
=> Knowledge driven temporal activity localization
=> Knowledge driven weights estimation for large-scale few-shot image recognition
=> Knowledge Embedding with Geospatial Distance Restriction for Geographic Knowledge Graph Completion
=> Knowledge Enhanced Neural Networks for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
=> Knowledge Evolution in Neural Networks
=> Knowledge Evolution Learning: A Cost-Free Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Framework for High-Resolution Land Cover Classification
=> Knowledge Exchange Between Domain-Adversarial and Private Networks Improves Open Set Image Classification
=> Knowledge Expansion and Consolidation for Continual Traffic Prediction With Expanding Graphs
=> Knowledge extraction from crowdsourced data for the enrichment of road networks
=> Knowledge from Markers in Watershed Segmentation
=> Knowledge Gaps and Impact of Future Satellite Missions to Facilitate Monitoring of Changes in the Arctic Ocean
=> Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identification, A
=> Knowledge graph based methods for record linkage
=> Knowledge Graph Construction for Subsurface Objects Including Uncertainty and Time Variation
=> Knowledge Graph Construction to Facilitate Indoor Fire Emergency Evacuation
=> Knowledge Graph Convolutional Networks Method for Countryside Ecological Patterns Recommendation by Mining Geographical Features, A
=> Knowledge Graph Embedding with Multiple Relation Projections
=> Knowledge Graph Representation Learning-Based Forest Fire Prediction
=> Knowledge Graph Representation of Multi-Source Urban Storm Surge Hazard Information Based on Spatio-Temporal Coding and the Hazard Events Ontology Model
=> Knowledge Guided Deep Learning for General-purpose Computer Vision Applications
=> Knowledge Guided Disambiguation for Large-Scale Scene Classification With Multi-Resolution CNNs
=> Knowledge guided learning: Open world egocentric action recognition with zero supervision
=> Knowledge Informed Sequential Scene Graph Verification Using VQA
=> knowledge infrastructure for intelligent query answering in location-based services, A
=> Knowledge Leverage from Contours to Bounding Boxes: A Concise Approach to Annotation
=> Knowledge Management System for Intelligent Retrieval of Geo-Spatial Imagery, A
=> Knowledge Management Using Ontology on the Domain of Artworks Conservation
=> Knowledge memorization and generation for action recognition in still images
=> Knowledge Mining and Transferring for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
=> Knowledge Mining with Scene Text for Fine-Grained Recognition
=> Knowledge Modeling for Heritage Conservation Process: From Survey To HBIM Implementation
=> Knowledge modeling for privacy-by-design in smart surveillance solution
=> Knowledge points navigation based on three-way concept lattice for autonomous learning
=> Knowledge Proxy Intervention for Deconfounded Video Question Answering
=> Knowledge Representation and Inference for Grasp Affordances
=> Knowledge representation and semantic annotation of multimedia content
=> Knowledge Representation for the Generation of Quantified Natural Language Descriptions of Vehicle Traffic in Image Sequences
=> Knowledge representation for vision: an associative network for single object representation and recognition
=> Knowledge Restore and Transfer for Multi-Label Class-Incremental Learning
=> Knowledge Restore and Transfer for Multi-Label Class-Incremental Learning
=> Knowledge Source for Describing Stereoscopically Viewed Textured Surfaces
=> Knowledge Structuring and Constraint Satisfaction: The Mapsee Approach
=> Knowledge Structuring Technique for Image Classification, A
=> Knowledge Synthesizing Approach for Classification of Visual Information, A
=> Knowledge transduction for cross-domain few-shot learning
=> Knowledge Transfer and Crowdsourcing in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
=> Knowledge Transfer Dehazing Network for NonHomogeneous Dehazing
=> Knowledge transfer evolutionary search for lightweight neural architecture with dynamic inference
=> Knowledge Transfer for Face Verification Using Heterogeneous Generalized Operational Perceptrons
=> Knowledge Transfer for Scene-Specific Motion Prediction
=> Knowledge transfer for spectral clustering
=> Knowledge Transfer for Writer Identification
=> Knowledge Transfer Graph for Deep Collaborative Learning
=> Knowledge Transfer in Vision Recognition: A Survey
=> Knowledge Transfer via Dense Cross-layer Mutual-distillation
=> Knowledge Transfer: Formalising an interpretation key
=> Knowledge Transferred Fine-Tuning for Anti-Aliased Convolutional Neural Network in Data-Limited Situation
=> Knowledge Within: Methods for Data-Free Model Compression, The
=> Known-Artist Live Song Identification Using Audio Hashprints
=> Known Operator Learning Enables Constrained Projection Geometry Conversion: Parallel to Cone-Beam for Hybrid MR/X-Ray Imaging
=> Known Unknowns: Novelty Detection in Condition Monitoring
=> Known Vulnerabilities of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Status, and Potential Mitigation Techniques
=> Knuckle Print Biometrics and Fusion Schemes: Overview, Challenges, and Solutions
=> KOALAnet: Blind Super-Resolution using Kernel-Oriented Adaptive Local Adjustment
=> Koc University
=> Kode Vicious Plays in Traffic
=> KoDF: A Large-scale Korean DeepFake Detection Dataset
=> Koenderink Corner Points
=> Kohonen's SOM with cache
=> Kohonen Networks For Multiscale Image Segmentation
=> KOHTD: Kazakh offline handwritten text dataset
=> Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy in the setting of fuzzy sets for image texture analysis and classification, The
=> Kolmogorov-Smirnov and ROC curve metrics for binary classification performance assessment are equivalent
=> Kolmogorov and Zabih's Graph Cuts Stereo Matching Algorithm
=> Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem and Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression
=> Kolmogorov superposition theorem for image compression
=> Kolor Autopano
=> KOMPSAT-2 Direct Sensor Modeling and Geometric Calibration/Validation
=> KOMPSAT-3 Digital Elevation Model Correction Based on Point-to-Surface Matching
=> Konica Minolta 3-D
=> KonIQ-10k: An Ecologically Valid Database for Deep Learning of Blind Image Quality Assessment
=> Konzeption und Genauigkeitsabschätzungen für eine Bestimmung der äußeren Orientierung eines Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
=> Koopman-Theoretic Modeling of Quasiperiodically Driven Systems: Example of Signalized Traffic Corridor
=> Koopman Operator Applications in Signalized Traffic Systems
=> Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
=> Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
=> Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
=> Korea University
=> KoreALBERT: Pretraining a Lite BERT Model for Korean Language Understanding
=> Korean-English bilingual videotext recognition for news headline generation based on a split-merge strategy
=> Korean Lunar Lander: Concept Study For Landing-site Selection For Lunar Resource Exploration
=> Korean Sign Language Dataset for Action Recognition, The
=> Kornia: an Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch
=> Kosko Subsethood Fuzzy Associative Memory (KS-FAM): Mathematical Background and Applications in Computer Vision, The
=> KPCA for semantic object extraction in images
=> KPCA Plus LDA: A Complete Kernel Fisher Discriminant Framework for Feature Extraction and Recognition
=> KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Clouds
=> KPI-BERT: A Joint Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Model for Financial Reports
=> kPose: A New Representation For Action Recognition
=> KPPF: Keypoint-Based Point-Pair-Feature for Scalable Automatic Global Registration of Large RGB-D Scans
=> Kpsnet: Keypoint Detection and Feature Extraction for Point Cloud Registration
=> KPTransfer: Improved Performance and Faster Convergence from Keypoint Subset-Wise Domain Transfer in Human Pose Estimation
=> Krasnoselskii-Mann Algorithm With an Improved EM Preconditioner for PET Image Reconstruction, A
=> Krawtchouk Moments for Gait Phase Detection
=> KRF-SLAM: A Robust AI SLAM Based On Keypoint Resampling And Fusion
=> Kriging and Local Polynomial Methods for Blending Satellite-Derived and Gauge Precipitation Estimates to Support Hydrologic Early Warning Systems
=> KrishnaCam: Using a longitudinal, single-person, egocentric dataset for scene understanding tasks
=> KRISP: Integrating Implicit and Symbolic Knowledge for Open-Domain Knowledge-Based VQA
=> KritiKal Solutions
=> KRMARO: Aerial Detection of Small-Size Ground Moving Objects Using Kinematic Regularization and Matrix Rank Optimization
=> KRNet: Towards Efficient Knowledge Replay
=> KRNN: k Rare-class Nearest Neighbour classification
=> Kronecker-Basis-Representation Based Tensor Sparsity and Its Applications to Tensor Recovery
=> Kronecker-Markov Prior for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
=> Kronecker-Product Gain-Shape Vector Quantization for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image-Coding
=> Kronecker Compressed Sensing formulation for energy efficient EEG sensing, A
=> Kronecker Compressive Sensing
=> Kronecker least angle regression for unsupervised unmixing of hyperspectral imaging data
=> Kronecker Product Approximation for Preconditioning in Three-Dimensional Imaging Applications
=> Kronecker product graph matching
=> Kronecker Product Model for Repeated Pattern Detection on 2D Urban Images, A
=> KRRNet: Keypoint Relational Regression Network for Bottom-Up Anchor-Free Object Detection
=> Kruppa's Equations Derived from the Fundamental Matrix
=> Kruppa equation based camera calibration from homography induced by remote plane
=> Kruppa Equation Revisited: its Renormalization and Degeneracy
=> KRUS: A Knowledge-Based Road Scene Understanding System
=> Krylov subspace iterative techniques: on the detection of brain activity with electrical impedance tomography
=> KS-FQA: Keyframe selection based on face quality assessment for efficient face recognition in video
=> KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a ConvNet Operates Outside of Its Specifications
=> KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a Multiclass Classifier Operates Outside of Its Specifications
=> KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a Multiclass Classifier Operates Outside of Its Specifications
=> KSL-Guide: A Large-scale Korean Sign Language Dataset Including Interrogative Sentences for Guiding the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
=> KSM: Fast Multiple Task Adaption via Kernel-wise Soft Mask Learning
=> KSR-BOF: a new and exemplified method (as KSRs method) for image classification
=> KSRG: Knowledge-Aware Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks
=> KSS-ICP: Point Cloud Registration Based on Kendall Shape Space
=> KST-GCN: A Knowledge-Driven Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
=> KT-GAN: Knowledge-Transfer Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
=> KText: Arbitrary shape text detection using modified K-Means
=> KTH-TIPS and KTH-TIPS2 image databases, The
=> KTN: Knowledge Transfer Network for Learning Multiperson 2D-3D Correspondences
=> KTransGAN: Variational Inference-Based Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Conditional Generative Learning
=> Ku-, X- and C-Band Microwave Backscatter Indices from Saline Snow Covers on Arctic First-Year Sea Ice
=> Ku-/Ka-Band Extrapolation of the Altimeter Cross Section and Assessment With Jason2/AltiKa Data
=> Ku-Band Sea Surface Radar Backscatter at Low Incidence Angles under Extreme Wind Conditions
=> KU-HAR: An open dataset for heterogeneous human activity recognition
=> Ku Band Terrestrial Radar Observations by Means of Circular Polarized Antennas
=> Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
=> Kullback-Leibler boosting
=> Kullback-Leibler Distance Optimization for Non-rigid Registration of Echo-Planar to Structural Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
=> Kullback-Leibler Divergence Approach to Blind Image Restoration, A
=> Kullback-Leibler Divergence Between Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions
=> Kullback-Leibler Kernel as a Framework for Discriminant and Localized Representations for Visual Recognition, The
=> Kullback Leibler Divergence Based Curve Matching Method
=> Kumamoto University
=> Kumaraswamy Distribution Based Bi-histogram Equalization for Enhancement of Microscopic Images
=> Kurtosis-Based Approach to Detect RFI in SMOS Image Reconstruction Data Processor, A
=> Kurtosis-based no-reference quality assessment of JPEG2000 images
=> Kurtosis-based noise estimation and multiscale energy to denoise ECG signal
=> Kurtosis and skewness at pixel level as input for SOM networks to iris recognition on mobile devices
=> Kvasir-instrument: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool Segmentation Dataset in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
=> Kvasir-seg: A Segmented Polyp Dataset
=> Kvazaar HEVC still image coding on Raspberry Pi 2 for low-cost remote surveillance
=> KVD: Scale invariant keypoints by combining visual and depth data
=> KVGCN: A KNN Searching and VLAD Combined Graph Convolutional Network for Point Cloud Segmentation
=> KVT: k-NN Attention for Boosting Vision Transformers
=> KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation framework
=> KXNet: A Model-Driven Deep Neural Network for Blind Super-Resolution
=> Kyoto University
=> Kyoto University
=> Kyushu Decorative Tumuli Project: From e-Heritage to Cyber-Archaeology
=> Kyushu University
=> Kyushu University

Index for "l"

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