Update Dates 1507

1507 * *Boom Times for the New Camera Boom
* *CRV
* *CVS
* *Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart
* *MVA
* *U. V. Helava Award: Best Paper Volumes 87-98 (2014), The
* 10-Year Cloud Fraction Climatology of Liquid Water Clouds over Bern Observed by a Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer, A
* 3-D Stent Detection in Intravascular OCT Using a Bayesian Network and Graph Search
* 3D Farnebäck Optic Flow for Extended Field of View of Echocardiography
* 3D hand skeleton model estimation from a depth image
* 3D human gesture recognition using integral imaging
* 3D lung nodule candidate detection in multiple scales
* 3D Microendoscopic Electrical Impedance Tomography for Margin Assessment During Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy
* 3D Object Pose Refinement in Range Images
* 3D Palmprint Identification Using Block-Wise Features and Collaborative Representation
* 3D reconstruction from photographs by CMP SfM web service
* 3D vs. 2D: On the Importance of Registration for Hallucinating Faces Under Unconstrained Poses
* Accounting and Accountability in Content Distribution Architectures: A Survey
* Accuracy Assessment of LiDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Models Based on Approximation Theory
* Accuracy Improvement for Depth from Small Irregular Camera Motions and Its Performance Evaluation
* Accurate and robust registration of high-speed railway viaduct point clouds using closing conditions and external geometric constraints
* Action recognition in bed using BAMs for assisted living and elderly care
* Active learning combining uncertainty and diversity for multi-class image classification
* Adaptive learning region importance for region-based image retrieval
* Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Multi-object Tracker
* Adaptive sampling for compressed sensing based image compression
* Adaptive Weighted Neighbors Lossless Image Coding
* Adjusted Spectral Matched Filter for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Affine hull based target representation for visual tracking
* Affine invariant visual phrases for object instance recognition
* Age-invariant face recognition system using combined shape and texture features
* Algorithm for Surface Current Retrieval from X-band Marine Radar Images, An
* Anisotropic adaptive method for triangular meshes smoothing
* Annotation driven MAP search space estimation for sliding-window based person detection
* Application of Diffuse Optical Reflectance to Measure Myocardial Wall Thickness and Presence of Infarct Scar: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
* Application of GRNN neural network in non-texture image inpainting and restoration
* Application of the General Shape Analysis in Determining the Class of Binary Object Silhouettes in the Video Surveillance System
* Application of the Polar: Fourier Greyscale Descriptor to the Automatic Traffic Sign Recognition
* Arabic-Latin Offline Signature Recognition Based on Shape Context Descriptor
* ASIFT-Based Local Registration Method for Satellite Imagery, An
* Assessing Metrics for Estimating Fire Induced Change in the Forest Understorey Structure Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Assessing the Impact of Seasonal Population Fluctuation on Regional Flood Risk Management
* Assessing the performance of a charge-while-driving system in urban arterial roads: insight from a microsimulation model
* Assessment of Myofiber Orientation in High Resolution Phase-Contrast CT Images
* Assessment of Retinal Vascular Changes Through Arteriolar-to-Venular Ratio Calculation
* Assessment of Septal Motion Abnormalities in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients Using Computer Simulations
* At all Costs: A Comparison of Robust Cost Functions for Camera Correspondence Outliers
* Attributed Relational Graph-Based Learning of Object Models for Object Segmentation
* Augmenting off-the-shelf paper maps using intersection detection and geographical information systems
* Automated 3D Scene Reconstruction from Open Geospatial Data Sources: Airborne Laser Scanning and a 2D Topographic Database
* Automated Detection of Aortic Root Landmarks in Preprocedure CT Angiography Images for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Patients
* Automated Localization of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Potential-K-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Automated Quantification of Myocardial Infarction Using a Hidden Markov Random Field Model and the EM Algorithm
* Automated visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets in heavily cluttered dynamic environments
* Automated Wheat Disease Classification Under Controlled and Uncontrolled Image Acquisition
* Automatic 3D industrial point cloud modeling and recognition
* Automatic Detection of Immunogold Particles from Electron Microscopy Images
* Automatic grape bunch detection in vineyards for precise yield estimation
* Automatic LV Feature Detection and Blood-Pool Tracking from Multi-plane TEE Time Series
* Automatic Nacre Thickness Measurement of Tahitian Pearls
* Automatic Planning of Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery
* Automatic registration of optical aerial imagery to a LiDAR point cloud for generation of city models
* Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae in Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Ship Detection in SAR Images Using Multi-Scale Heterogeneities and an A Contrario Decision
* Automatic target recognition by infrared and visible image matching
* Autonomous underwater vehicle for advanced exploration of polar environments
* Background replacement using chromatic adaptation transform for visual communication
* Backscatter Analysis Using Multi-Temporal and Multi-Frequency SAR Data in the Context of Flood Mapping at River Saale, Germany
* Bag of Micro-Movements for Human Activity Recognition, The
* Bag of words representation and SVM classifier for timber knots detection on color images
* Battle for Filter Supremacy: A Comparative Study of the Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter and the Sliding Window Filter, The
* Bayesian Approach to Sparse Model Selection in Statistical Shape Models, A
* Bayesian Formulation of Gradient Orientation Matching
* Being in Two Places at Once: Smooth Visual Path Following on Globally Inconsistent Pose Graphs
* Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3D CT and MRI Datasets
* Beyond thinking in common categories: Predicting obstacle vulnerability using large random codebooks
* Biased discriminant analysis with feature line embedding for interactive image retrieval
* Bidirectional Mesh-Based Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* bio-inspired center-surround model for salience computation in images, A
* Biologically-Inspired Supervised Vasculature Segmentation in SLO Retinal Fundus Images
* Biometric Analysis of Human Ear Matching Using Scale and Rotation Invariant Feature Detectors
* Biometric template protection for speaker recognition based on universal background models
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Through Wakeby Statistics Model
* Boosted pedestrian detector adaptation in specific scenes
* Boosting of Image Denoising Algorithms
* Bundle adjustment revisited for SLAM with RGBD sensors
* Calibration and object correspondence in camera networks with widely separated overlapping views
* Calibration of hyperspectral close-range pushbroom cameras for plant phenotyping
* Calibration of multiple fish-eye cameras using a wand
* Camera-Based Lane Marking Detection for ADAS and Autonomous Driving
* Can Speedup Assist Accuracy? An On-Board GPU-Accelerated Image Georeference Method for UAVs
* Cardiac Fibers Estimation from Arbitrarily Spaced Diffusion Weighted MRI
* Cardiac Motion Estimation Using Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging Tested in a Finite Element Model of Cardiac Mechanics
* Cascade of forests for face alignment
* CBIR Service for Object Identification
* Cell Detection From Redundant Candidate Regions Under Nonoverlapping Constraints
* Centroid prior topic model for multi-label classification
* Character extraction by integrating color into edge-based methods
* Characterization of Medical Images Using Edge Density and Local Directional Pattern (LDP)
* Characterization of Myocardial Velocities by Multiple Kernel Learning: Application to Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
* Characterizing the Pixel Footprint of Satellite Albedo Products Derived from MODIS Reflectance in the Heihe River Basin, China
* cheaper way for robocars to avoid pedestrians, A
* Circle-based eye center localization (CECL)
* Classification of Tooth Shapes for Human Identification Purposes: An Experimental Comparison of Selected Simple Shape Descriptors
* Classifying dynamic textures via spatiotemporal fractal analysis
* closed-form estimate of 3D ICP covariance, A
* Collection of SAR Methodologies for Monitoring Wetlands, A
* Color image processing from the physical, psychological, and biological viewpoints
* Color Space Identification for Image Display
* Colour image steganography method based on sparse representation
* Combined generation of road marking and road sign databases applied to consistency checking of pedestrian crossings
* combined total variation and bilateral filter approach for image robust super resolution, A
* Community detection for graph-based similarity: Application to protein binding pockets classification
* Comparative Evaluation of 3D Pose Estimation of Industrial Objects in RGB Pointclouds
* Comparison of Feature Detectors and Descriptors in RGB-D SLAM Methods, A
* comparison of four relative radiometric normalization (RRN) techniques for mosaicing H-res multi-temporal thermal infrared (TIR) flight-lines of a complex urban scene, A
* Comparison of Statistical Features for Medical Colour Image Classification
* Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the Complete Mitral Valve Geometry for the Development of a Population-Averaged Model, A
* Compressive Sensing Approach to Describe Indoor Scenes for Blind People, A
* Compressive sensing reconstruction using collaborative sparsity among color channels
* Computational Modelling of Low Voltage Resonant Drift of Scroll Waves in the Realistic Human Atria
* Computer Vision Based Autonomous Robotic System for 3D Plant Growth Measurement
* Computer vision-based approach for rite decryption in old societies
* Computer-aided analysis of fluorescein angiograms using colour leakage maps
* Conception and Implementation of an OGC-Compliant Sensor Observation Service for a Standardized Access to Raster Data
* Connectivity-based error evaluation for ellipse fitting
* Context-aware vocabulary tree for mobile landmark recognition
* Contextualized Relevance Evaluation of Geographic Information for Mobile Users in Location-Based Social Networks
* Continuous camera placement using multiple objective optimisation process
* Correcting Time-Continuous Emotional Labels by Modeling the Reaction Lag of Evaluators
* Correspondence rejection by trilateration for 3D point cloud registration
* Coupled Projections for Adaptation of Dictionaries
* Covert Photo Classification by Fusing Image Features and Visual Attributes
* CPS: 3D Compositional Part Segmentation through Grasping
* CRF learning with CNN features for image segmentation
* Cross-Frame Ultrasonic Color Doppler Flow Heart Image Unwrapping
* Cross-Layer Fairness-Driven Concurrent Multipath Video Delivery Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Cross-view gait recognition by fusion of multiple transformation consistency measures
* D2CO: Fast and Robust Registration of 3D Textureless Objects Using the Directional Chamfer Distance
* Data-Driven Feature Learning for Myocardial Segmentation of CP-BOLD MRI
* Data-Driven Model Reduction for Fast, High Fidelity Atrial Electrophysiology Computations
* dataset for computer-vision-based PCB analysis, A
* Deep feature learning with relative distance comparison for person re-identification
* Deep Learning Architectures for Soil Property Prediction
* deep reinforcement learning approach to character segmentation of license plate images, A
* Deep-Learning Approach to Facial Expression Recognition with Candid Images, A
* Deinterlacing algorithm using gradient-guided interpolation and weighted average of directional estimation
* Dense Depth Map Reconstruction from Sparse Measurements Using a Multilayer Conditional Random Field Model
* Dependence on the display methods of change in accommodation and convergence when a target moves along the depth direction
* Depth Map Rasterization Using Triangulation and Color Consistency for Various Sampling Structures
* Derivation of an Observer Model Adapted to Irregular Signals Based on Convolution Channels
* Design and ARM-Embedded Implementation of a Chaotic Map-Based Real-Time Secure Video Communication System
* Detecting Parked Vehicles in Static Images Using Simple Spectral Features in the SM4Public System
* Detection and Segmentation of Quasi-Planar Surfaces Through Expectation Maximization Under a Planar Homography Constraint
* Determining Anisotropic Myocardial Stiffness from Magnetic Resonance Elastography: A Simulation Study
* Development of a High Resolution BRDF/Albedo Product by Fusing Airborne CASI Reflectance with MODIS Daily Reflectance in the Oasis Area of the Heihe River Basin, China
* Development of a Low Cost Gamma-Ray Imaging System Using Handheld Scintillation Detectors for Visual Surveying of Radiation Fields with Robots
* Development of design and operation supporting techniques for product inspection devices using virtual devices
* Differential Optical Flow Estimation Under Monocular Epipolar Line Constraint
* Digging the METEOSAT Treasure: 3 Decades of Solar Surface Radiation
* Digital image watermarking based on regularized filter
* Digital image watermarking on illumination component
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images Based on Sparse Discriminant Manifold Embedding
* Dimensionality Reduction of Proportional Data Through Data Separation Using Dirichlet Distribution
* Direct Parametric Image Reconstruction in Reduced Parameter Space for Rapid Multi-Tracer PET Imaging
* Discriminating motion patterns of ACL reconstructed patients from healthy individuals
* discriminative cascade CNN model for offline handwritten digit recognition, A
* Discriminative feature learning from big data for visual recognition
* Discriminative learning of apparel features
* Discussion on a method to extract scallop using line convergence index filter from granule-sand seabed videos
* Displacement Reconstructions in Ultrasound Elastography
* Distributed sigma point information filters for target tracking in camera networks
* Diverse Scene Stitching from a Large-Scale Aerial Video Dataset
* Document image dataset indexing and compression using connected components clustering
* Does the Visibility of Greenery Increase Perceived Safety in Urban Areas? Evidence from the Place Pulse 1.0 Dataset
* Dorsal hand vein recognition based on EP-tree
* Drifter Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring
* Driver fatigue evaluation model with integration of multi-indicators based on dynamic Bayesian network
* Droughts and Floods in the La Plata Basin in Soil Moisture Data and GRACE
* Dynamic Perceptual Attribute-Based Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Gesture Recognition
* Dynamic Remote Sensing Data-Driven Approach for Oil Spill Simulation in the Sea, A
* Dynamic Time Warping for Music Retrieval Using Time Series Modeling of Musical Emotions
* Dynamic Vegetation Senescence Indicator for Near-Real-Time Desert Locust Habitat Monitoring with MODIS, A
* Early Identification of Land Degradation Hotspots in Complex Bio-Geographic Regions
* early-warning system for your bike, An
* Earth Observation for Ecosystems Monitoring in Space and Time: A Special Issue in Remote Sensing
* Eco-driving at signalised intersections for electric vehicles
* Economic Assessment of the Use Value of Geospatial Information
* Effect of spider-web-plot in MR brain image classification
* Effective fusing the factored matrices in dual tensors for action recognition
* Effective speaker spotting for watch-list detection of fraudsters in telephone banking
* effective use of adaptive combination of visual features to retrieve image semantics from a hierarchical image database, An
* effective vector model for global-contrast-based saliency detection, An
* Effects of Interactive Sonification on Emotionally Expressive Walking Styles
* Efficient Eye Tracking Using POMDP for Robust Human Computer Interaction, An
* efficient forgery detection algorithm for object removal by exemplar-based image inpainting, An
* efficient FPGA implementation of the Harris corner feature detector, An
* Efficient Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Patient-Specific Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Tumors
* Efficient Media Retrieval from Non-Cooperative Queries
* Efficient Method for Extracting Key-Frames from 3D Human Joint Locations for Action Recognition, An
* Efficient Numerical Schemes for Computing Cardiac Electrical Activation over Realistic Purkinje Networks: Method and Verification
* Efficient Robust Conditional Random Fields
* Efficient saliency analysis based on wavelet transform and entropy theory
* Efficient three dimensional rotation estimation for camera-based OCR
* Egocentric articulated pose tracking for action recognition
* Egocentric Daily Activity Recognition via Multitask Clustering
* Embedded human-following mobile-robot with an RGB-D camera
* Emotional and Social Signals: A Neglected Frontier in Multimedia Computing?
* Empirical Results of a Surface-Level GNSS-R Experiment in a Wave Channel
* Energy performance in railway services: A calculation methodology and the influence of operation parameters
* Enhanced Residual Orientation for Improving Fingerprint Quality
* Enhanced surface normal computation by exploiting RGB-D sensory information
* Enhancing Pure-Pixel Identification Performance via Preconditioning
* Ensemble manifold regularized sparse low-rank approximation for multiview feature embedding
* Entire shape scan system with multiple pro-cams using texture information and accurate silhouette creating technique
* Epidermis segmentation in skin histopathological images based on thickness measurement and k-means algorithm
* Estimating Cotton Nitrogen Nutrition Status Using Leaf Greenness and Ground Cover Information
* Estimating Forest fAPAR from Multispectral Landsat-8 Data Using the Invertible Forest Reflectance Model INFORM
* Estimating Leaf Bulk Density Distribution in a Tree Canopy Using Terrestrial LiDAR and a Straightforward Calibration Procedure
* Estimating Pasture Quality of Fresh Vegetation Based on Spectral Slope of Mixed Data of Dry and Fresh Vegetation: Method Development
* Estimating the Number of Clusters with Database for Texture Segmentation Using Gabor Filter
* Estimation of face parameters using correlation analysis and a topology preserving prior
* Evaluation of ALOS PALSAR Data for High-Resolution Mapping of Vegetated Wetlands in Alaska
* Evaluation of BRDF Archetypes for Representing Surface Reflectance Anisotropy Using MODIS BRDF Data
* Evaluation of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from FY-3B/VIRR Data in an Arid Area of Northwestern China
* Evaluation of Three MODIS-Derived Vegetation Index Time Series for Dryland Vegetation Dynamics Monitoring
* Evolution of Programs for Segmentation of Microscopic Images
* Exemplar based Deep Discriminative and Shareable Feature Learning for scene image classification
* Expanding histogram of colors with gridding to improve tracking accuracy
* Exploiting Unsupervised and Supervised Constraints for Subspace Clustering
* Exploratory Product Image Search With Circle-to-Search Interaction
* Exploring Spatial Scale, Autocorrelation and Nonstationarity of Bird Species Richness Patterns
* Extracting 3D Layout From a Single Image Using Global Image Structures
* Eyes in the Back of Your Head: Robust Visual Teach and Repeat Using Multiple Stereo Cameras
* Face photo-sketch recognition based on joint dictionary learning
* Face recognition on large-scale video in the wild with hybrid Euclidean-and-Riemannian metric learning
* Face recognition under varying illumination based on adaptive homomorphic eight local directional patterns
* Face Retrieval on Large-Scale Video Data
* Facial Analysis With a Lie Group Kernel
* Fast and quality-efficient scheme for asymmetric multi-view video plus depth coding under the bitrate constraint
* Fast and Robust Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation
* Fast discrimination by early judgment using linear classifier
* Fast Edge Detection Using Structured Forests
* Fast Image Interpolation via Random Forests
* Fast Representation Based on a Double Orientation Histogram for Local Image Descriptors
* Fast single image dehazing through Edge-Guided Interpolated Filter
* FDQM: Fast Quality Metric for Depth Maps Without View Synthesis
* Feature Ranking in Dynamic Texture Clustering
* Field-Based Parameterisation of Cardiac Muscle Structure from Diffusion Tensors
* Fine-grained classification of identity document types with only one example
* Fingerprint Indexing Approach Using Multiple Similarity Measures and Spectral Clustering, A
* Finite Element Simulations Explore a Novel Strategy for Surgical Repair of Congenital Aortic Valve Insufficiency
* Fire Detection in Videos of Violent Crowds Acquired with Handheld Devices
* FLCNDEMF: An Event Metamodel for Flood Process Information Management under the Sensor Web Environment
* Flexible High-Resolution Real-Time Low-Power Stereo Vision Engine, A
* Fluid-Structure Interaction Model of Human Mitral Valve within Left Ventricle
* Fractal analysis for natural resources management
* Framework for Determination of Heart Valves' Mechanical Properties Using Inverse-Modeling Approach, A
* fresh look at assessing structural performance using imaging techniques, A
* Full-Reference Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images by Learning Binocular Receptive Field Properties
* Full-waveform data for building roof step edge localization
* Fuzzy Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac MRI Using Physiological Constraints
* G-SHOT: GPU accelerated 3D local descriptor for surface matching
* General Object Tip Detection and Pose Estimation for Robot Manipulation
* General-purpose road boundary detection with stereo camera
* Geometric interpretation of Fisher's linear discriminant analysis through communication theory
* Geometrical-based lip-reading using template probabilistic multi-dimension dynamic time warping
* Geostatistics for Context-Aware Image Classification
* Global Approach for Solving Edge-Matching Puzzles, A
* Graph Structuring of Skeleton Object for Its High-Level Exploitation
* GridSAR: Grid strength and regularity for robust evaluation of blocking artifacts in JPEG images
* Ground-Level Classification of a Coral Reef Using a Hyperspectral Camera
* Grouped outlier removal for robust ellipse fitting
* Guest Editorial
* Handling Inter-object Occlusion for Multi-object Tracking Based on Attraction Force Constraint
* Hardware architectures for the H.265/HEVC discrete cosine transform
* Head Pose Classification Using a Bidimensional Correlation Filter
* Hemodynamics in Aortic Regurgitation Simulated Using a Computational Cardiovascular System Model
* Hidden Markov Model for Vehicle Detection and Counting, A
* Hierarchical summarization for easy video applications
* High Dynamic Range Image Compression by Optimizing Tone Mapped Image Quality Index
* High-frame-rate real-time imaging of speech production
* High-Performance Video Condensation System
* High-resolution nowcasting and its application in road maintenance: experiences from the INCA Central European area project
* High-resolution satellite radar for mapping changes in global forest cover
* How Good Is Kernel Descriptor on Depth Motion Map for Action Recognition
* How to Choose Myofiber Orientation in a Biventricular Finite Element Model?
* Human Action Recognition Using Dominant Motion Pattern
* Human Action Recognition Using Dominant Pose Duplet
* Human arm pose modeling with learned features using joint convolutional neural network
* Human motion prediction considering environmental context
* Human movement analysis around a view circle using time-order similarity distributions
* Humans versus Computers: Impact of Emotion Expressions on People's Decision Making
* Hybrid 3D Rendering of Large Map Data for Crisis Management
* Hybrid Age Estimation Using Facial Images
* hybrid approach to pedestrian clothing color attribute extraction, A
* hybrid wavelet and temporal fusion algorithm for film and video denoising, A
* HybVOR: A Voronoi-Based 3D GIS Approach for Camera Surveillance Network Placement
* Hyperspectral image classification using discontinuity adaptive class-relative nonlocal means and energy fusion strategy
* I Can Already Guess Your Answer: Predicting Respondent Reactions during Dyadic Negotiation
* Illuminant classification based on random forest
* Illumination Robust Facial Feature Detection via Decoupled Illumination and Texture Features
* Image annotation via deep neural network
* Image Categorization Using a Heuristic Automatic Clustering Method Based on Hierarchical Clustering
* Image denoising via local and nonlocal circulant similarity
* Image Saliency Applied to Infrared Images for Unmanned Maritime Monitoring
* Image segmentation via image decomposition and fuzzy region competition
* Image Sensor Modeling: Noise and Linear Transformation Impacts on the Color Gamut
* Image-Derived Human Left Ventricular Modelling with Fluid-Structure Interaction
* Impact of ITS on CO2 emissions: the contribution of a standardised assessment framework
* Improved capabilities of the Chinese high-resolution remote sensing satellite GF-1 for monitoring suspended particulate matter (SPM) in inland waters: Radiometric and spatial considerations
* Improved Method for Producing High Spatial-Resolution NDVI Time Series Datasets with Multi-Temporal MODIS NDVI Data and Landsat TM/ETM+ Images, An
* Improved Non-Local Means Algorithm Based on Dimensionality Reduction
* Improved Threshold Selection by Using Calibrated Probabilities for Random Forest Classifiers
* Improved Topographic Normalization for Landsat TM Images by Introducing the MODIS Surface BRDF
* Improving FREAK Descriptor for Image Classification
* Improving Image Quality of Tiled Displays
* Improving Segmentation Boundaries with Nonparametric Image Parsing
* Improving the Recognition of Occluded Faces by Means of Two-dimensional Orthogonal Projection into Local Subspaces
* Improving vehicle tracking techniques with a new qualia-based model
* Including 3D-textures in a Computer Vision System to Analyze Quality Traits of Loin
* Increasing the precision of junction shaped features
* Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Kinect Sensor
* Individual Tree Segmentation from LiDAR Point Clouds for Urban Forest Inventory
* Inexact Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Constrained Diffeomorphic Image Registration, An
* Inferior alveolar canal segmentation in cone beam computed tomography images using an adaptive diffusion flow active contour model
* Influence of hybridisation on eco-driving habits using realistic driving cycles
* Influence of Polivinylalcohol Cryogel Material Model in FEM Simulations on Deformation of LV Phantom
* Informative Logistic Regression for Cross-Domain Image Classification, An
* Inner and Inter Label Propagation: Salient Object Detection in the Wild
* innovative of pyramid-based fusion for generating the HDR images in common display devices, An
* Integrated System for Mapping Red Clover Ground Cover Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Case Study in Precision Agriculture, An
* Integrating Free and Open Source Solutions into Geospatial Science Education
* Integration of UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Three-Dimensional Mapping and Monitoring of Open-Pit Mine Areas
* Intelligent autofocus with adaptive depth of field
* Intelligent Open Data 3D Maps in a Collaborative Virtual World
* Inter-Calibrating SMMR, SSM/I and SSMI/S Data to Improve the Consistency of Snow-Depth Products in China
* Inter-Comparison of High-Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products over Central Asia
* Interesting components detection for space satellites from inverse synthetic aperture radar image via feature probabilistic estimation
* Introduction to the Best of ACII 2013 Special Section
* Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography: Estimating the Location of Cardiac Ischemia in a 3D Realistic Geometry
* Issues in Modeling Cardiac Optical Mapping Measurements
* Joint movement similarities for robust 3D action recognition using skeletal data
* Kalman Filtering Perspective for Multiatlas Segmentation, A
* KCRC-LCD: Discriminative kernel collaborative representation with locality constrained dictionary for visual categorization
* Kernel collaborative face recognition
* Kernel-based sliding mode control for visual servoing system
* Knot detection in X-ray images of wood planks using dictionary learning
* Label Fusion for Multi-atlas Segmentation Based on Majority Voting
* Lane detection in surveillance videos using vector-based hierarchy clustering and density verification
* Large scale crowd analysis based on convolutional neural network
* Latent SVM for Object Localization in Weakly Labeled Videos
* Leaf Area Index Retrieval Combining HJ1/CCD and Landsat8/OLI Data in the Heihe River Basin, China
* Learning a Global Descriptor of Cardiac Motion from a Large Cohort of 1000+ Normal Subjects
* Learning Appearance Features for Pain Detection Using the UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive Database
* Learning Discriminative Collections of Part Detectors for Object Recognition
* Learning Human Priors for Task-Constrained Grasping
* Learning LBP structure by maximizing the conditional mutual information
* Learning predictable binary codes for face indexing
* Learning salient visual word for scalable mobile image retrieval
* Least Squares Collocation Method for Accuracy Improvement of Mobile LiDAR Systems, A
* Left and Right Atrial Contribution to the P-wave in Realistic Computational Models
* Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gated Magnetic Resonance Angiography
* lens collar auto-inspection system, A
* Leveraging image based prior for visual place recognition
* Lie Algebra-Based Kinematic Prior for 3D Human Pose Tracking
* Local behavior modeling based on long-term tracking data
* Log-Euclidean bag of words for human action recognition
* Long Term Subsidence Analysis and Soil Fracturing Zonation Based on InSAR Time Series Modelling in Northern Zona Metropolitana del Valle de Mexico
* Longitudinal driving behaviour on different roadway categories: An instrumented-vehicle experiment, data collection and case study in China
* Low-Dimensional Non-Rigid Image Registration Using Statistical Deformation Models From Semi-Supervised Training Data
* Lung Nodule Classification Using Deep Features in CT Images
* Manufactured object sub-segmentation based on reflection motion estimation
* Mapping of Asbestos Cement Roofs and Their Weathering Status Using Hyperspectral Aerial Images
* Mapping paddy rice planting areas through time series analysis of MODIS land surface temperature and vegetation index data
* Mapping Priorities to Focus Cropland Mapping Activities: Fitness Assessment of Existing Global, Regional and National Cropland Maps
* Mapping the Socio-Economic and Ecological Resilience of Japanese Coral Reefscapes across a Decade
* MCL-V: A streaming video quality assessment database
* Measuring random sensor noise in cameras
* Measuring soil water potential using IR thermal imaging
* Measuring the complexity of two-dimensional binary patterns: Sub-symmetries versus Papentin complexity
* Meta-Parameter Free Unsupervised Sparse Feature Learning
* Metamerism-based shading illusion
* method based on view-directional consistency constraints for robust 3D object recognition, The
* Method for Global Non-rigid Registration of Multiple Thin Structures, A
* Metrics and statistics of frequency of occurrence of metamerism in consumer cameras for natural scenes
* METU dataset: A big dataset for benchmarking trademark retrieval
* Micro Genetic and Evolutionary Feature Extraction: An Exploratory Data Analysis Approach for Multispectral Iris Recognition
* Microstructural Characterization of the Pia-Arachnoid Complex Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* Microstructural Remodelling and Mechanics of Hypertensive Heart Disease
* Mobile 3D Gaze Tracking Calibration
* Mobile 3D wood pile surveying
* Mobile real-time single image 3D corridor reconstruction using J-Linkage
* Model-Based Adaptive 3D Sonar Reconstruction in Reverberating Environments
* Modeling a 3D City Model and Its Levels of Detail as a True 4D Model
* Modeling aboveground tree woody biomass using national-scale allometric methods and airborne lidar
* Modeling and recognizing action contexts in persons using sparse representation
* Modeling Obstruction and Restoration of Urban Commutation Networks in the Wake of a Devastating Earthquake in Tokyo
* Modeling the stone floor based on excavation information using implicit polynomial
* Modeling Top of Atmosphere Radiance over Heterogeneous Non-Lambertian Rugged Terrain
* Modelling of Building Interiors with Mobile Phone Sensor Data
* Modelling of Subjective Radiological Assessments with Objective Image Quality Measures of Brain and Body CT Images
* Monitoring Earthquake-Damaged Vegetation after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in the Mountainous River Basins, Dujiangyan County
* Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Flood Regimes and Their Relation to Wetland Landscape Patterns in Dongting Lake from MODIS Time-Series Imagery
* Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars, The
* Moving object detection and tracking from video captured by moving camera
* Multi-dimensional SAR tomography for monitoring the deformation of newly built concrete buildings
* Multi-genomic curve extraction
* Multi-level adaptive switching filters for highly corrupted images
* Multi-Level Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Application to Large Scale Image Classification
* Multi-organ segmentation by minimization of higher-order energy for CT boundary
* Multi-Region Active Contours with a Single Level Set Function
* Multi-task proximal support vector machine
* Multi-view hypotheses transfer for enhanced object recognition in clutter
* Multi-View Stereo: A Tutorial
* Multifrequency Impedance Imaging with Multiple Signal Classification
* Multimodal learning for facial expression recognition
* Multiple-constraint variational framework and image restoration problems
* Multiple-organ segmentation based on spatially-divided neighboring data energy
* Multiscale Image Blind Denoising
* Mutibiometric System Based on Game Theory
* Myocardial Stiffness Estimation: A Novel Cost Function for Unique Parameter Identification
* Near-Lossless PCA-Based Compression of Seabed Surface with Prediction
* Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness and Stress: Physiological Correlates
* new Chebyshev polynomials descriptor applicable to open curves, A
* New high-performance reversible data hiding method for VQ indices based on improved locally adaptive coding scheme
* New Look at Image Fusion Methods from a Bayesian Perspective, A
* new method to detect nystagmus for vertigo diagnosis system by eye movement velocity, A
* No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment in Autoregressive Parameter Space
* Non-contact pulse transit time measurement using imaging camera, and its relation to blood pressure
* Non-local Means for Stereo Image Denoising Using Structural Similarity
* Non-Local Retinex: A Unifying Framework and Beyond
* Non-parametric image transforms for sparse disparity maps
* Nonparametric Multiscale Blind Estimation of Intensity-Frequency-Dependent Noise
* Normalized Compression Distance of Multisets with Applications
* Novel Markov Logic Rule Induction Strategy for Characterizing Sports Video Footage, A
* Novel method to obtain the optimal polygonal approximation of digital planar curves based on Mixed Integer Programming
* novel multi modal tracking method based on depth and semantic color features for human robot interaction, A
* novel set of image morphological operators using a modified vector distance measure with color pixel classification, A
* Novel spatio-temporal features for fingertip writing recognition in egocentric viewpoint
* novel spiral addressing scheme for rectangular images, A
* novel visual codebook model based on fuzzy geometry for large-scale image classification, A
* Object Detection and Terrain Classification in Agricultural Fields Using 3D Lidar Data
* Object detection in surveillance video from dense trajectories
* Object Detection Using a Combination of Multiple 3D Feature Descriptors
* Object-Based Greenhouse Horticultural Crop Identification from Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery: A Case Study in Almeria, Spain
* Observing Land Subsidence and Revealing the Factors That Influence It Using a Multi-Sensor Approach in Yunlin County, Taiwan
* Occlusion-free appearance modeling of body parts for human pose estimation
* OKIRAKU search: Leaf images based visual tree search system
* OLED panel defect detection using local inlier-outlier ratios and modified LBP
* On Attribute Thresholding and Data Mapping Functions in a Supervised Connected Component Segmentation Framework
* On robust image spam filtering via comprehensive visual modeling
* On the Bertozzi-Esedoglu-Gillette-Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Logarithmic Nonlinear Terms
* On the number of holes of a 2-D binary object
* On the Optimality of Shape and Data Representation in the Spectral Domain
* On Visual Servoing to Improve Performance of Robotic Grasping
* Online Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering and Its Application for Background Suppression, An
* Online Kernel Slow Feature Analysis for Temporal Video Segmentation and Tracking
* Online Re-calibration for Robust 3D Measurement Using Single Camera: PantoInspect Train Monitoring System
* Online Unsupervised Feature Selection and its Application for Background Suppression, An
* Open Source WebGIS Application for Civic Education on Peace and Conflict, An
* Optical Flow Based Approach for Automatic Cardiac Cycle Estimation in Ultrasound Images of the Carotid
* Optimising a vehicle's approach towards an adaptively controlled intersection
* Optimization of LED light spectrum to enhance colorfulness of illuminated objects with white light constraints
* Optimized Selective Encryption for Video Confidentiality, An
* Orbital SLAM
* Order Preserving Sparse Coding
* ordinal relation preserving binary codes, The
* Orthogonal Shape Modes Describing Clinical Indices of Remodeling
* Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction from Large Point Sets for Infrastructure Inspection
* Pairwise-Distance-Analysis-Driven Dimensionality Reduction Model with Double Mappings for Hyperspectral Image Visualization
* Parallel selective sampling method for imbalanced and large data classification
* Part-segment features for articulated pose estimation
* Particle filter framework for salient object detection in videos
* Patient-Specific Biomechanical Modeling of Cardiac Amyloidosis: A Case Study
* Pedestrian detection in thermal images using adaptive fuzzy C-means clustering and convolutional neural networks
* Penalization-Regularization-Operator Splitting Method for Eikonal Based Traveltime Tomography, A
* People re-identification using two-stage transfer metric learning
* Perception and Automatic Recognition of Laughter from Whole-Body Motion: Continuous and Categorical Perspectives
* Perceptual Depth Shape-based CRF Model for Deformable Surface Labeling, A
* PerSEE: A central sensors fusion electronic control unit for the development of perception-based ADAS
* Person Re-identification Based on Multi-directional Saliency Metric Learning
* Person Re-Identification by Iterative Re-Weighted Sparse Ranking
* Personal identification from degraded and incomplete high resolution palmprints
* Personalization of Atrial Electrophysiology Models from Decapolar Catheter Measurements
* Phase retrieval for multiple objects from their averaged diffraction
* Pipeline for the Generation of Realistic 3D Synthetic Echocardiographic Sequences: Methodology and Open-Access Database, A
* PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures With Edge-Preserving Coherence
* Pixel-wise radiometric line scanner calibration
* Plant identification using leaf shapes: A pattern counting approach
* Polarimetric First-Order Model of Soil Moisture Effects on the DInSAR Coherence, A
* portable 6-DOF motion tracker using high-accuracy AR markers: First report on the feasibility, A
* Portable, automatic water level estimation using mobile phone cameras
* Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in Stereoscopic Movies
* Pose estimation of textureless objects in cluttered environments
* Posed Facial Expression Detection Using Reflection Symmetry and Structural Similarity
* Potential of VIS-NIR-SWIR Spectroscopy from the Chinese Soil Spectral Library for Assessment of Nitrogen Fertilization Rates in the Paddy-Rice Region, China
* Power histogram for circle detection on images
* practical classifier for photographs and non-photographic images based on local visual features, A
* Practical One-Shot Multispectral Imaging System Using a Single Image Sensor, A
* Pre-registration of latent fingerprints based on orientation field
* Predicting Mood from Punctual Emotion Annotations on Videos
* Prediction of Clinical Information from Cardiac MRI Using Manifold Learning
* Preprocessing Realistic Video for Contactless Heart Rate Monitoring Using Video Magnification
* Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Method for Semiconvex Splittings, The
* Principal Component Analysis for the Classification of Cardiac Motion Abnormalities Based on Echocardiographic Strain and Strain Rate Imaging
* Probabilistic Edge Map (PEM) for 3D Ultrasound Image Registration and Multi-atlas Left Ventricle Segmentation
* Probabilistic nodes for modelling classification uncertainty for random forest
* Process of Data Formation for the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) in Solar Orbiter, The
* Programmable Low-Power Multicore Coprocessor Architecture for HEVC/H.265 In-Loop Filtering
* Propagation of Myocardial Fibre Architecture Uncertainty on Electromechanical Model Parameter Estimation: A Case Study
* Provenance Information Representation and Tracking for Remote Sensing Observations in a Sensor Web Enabled Environment
* Proximal Strictly Contractive Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method for Convex Programming with Applications to Imaging, A
* Quantification of Gaps in Ablation Lesions Around the Pulmonary Veins in Delayed Enhancement MRI
* Quantifying Structural and Functional Differences Between Normal and Fibrotic Ventricles
* Quantifying the Effect of a Colored Glove in the 3D Tracking of a Human Hand
* Quantitative Analysis of Lead Position vs. Correction of Electrical Dyssynchrony in an Experimental Model of LBBB/CRT
* Quantitative Analysis of Surface Reconstruction Accuracy Achievable with the TSDF Representation
* Querying 3D Data by Adjacency Graphs
* Radiometric normalization and cloud detection of optical satellite images using invariant pixels
* Random Geometric Prior Forest for Multiclass Object Segmentation
* Rapid Assessment of Crop Status: An Application of MODIS and SAR Data to Rice Areas in Leyte, Philippines Affected by Typhoon Haiyan
* Re-Identification in the Function Space of Feature Warps
* Real Time Vision System for Obstacle Detection and Localization on FPGA
* real-life dangers of augmented reality, The
* Real-Time Framework for Detection of Long Linear Infrastructural Objects in Aerial Imagery, A
* Real-time processing for long-range imaging
* Real-Time Speed-Limit Sign Detection and Recognition Using Spatial Pyramid Feature and Boosted Random Forest
* Recognition improvement through the optimisation of learning instances
* Reconstruction of 3-D Density Functions from Few Projections: Structural Assumptions for Graceful Degradation
* Reconstruction-Classification Method for Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Region-of-Interest Retrieval in Large Image Datasets with Voronoi VLAD
* Regional Urban Extent Extraction Using Multi-Sensor Data and One-Class Classification
* Registration of Noisy Point Clouds Using Virtual Interest Points
* Relationship Between Cardiac Electrical and Mechanical Activation Markers by Coupling Bidomain and Deformation Models
* Reliable background prediction using approximated GMM
* Reliable Multiscale and Multiwindow Stereo Matching
* Remote Sensing and GIS Approach to Study the Long-Term Vegetation Recovery of a Fire-Affected Pine Forest in Southern Greece, A
* Remote Sensing and GIS for Habitat Quality Monitoring: New Approaches and Future Research
* Research opportunities in creating medical images
* Resolution Guarantees in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Resolving Ambiguous Hand Pose Predictions by Exploiting Part Correlations
* Respiratory motion prediction from CBCT image observations using UKF
* Restoring lost resolution of plenoptic images
* Retinal Blood Vessels Differentiation for Calculation of Arterio-Venous Ratio
* Retrieval and Multi-scale Validation of Soil Moisture from Multi-temporal SAR Data in a Semi-Arid Tropical Region
* Retrieval of Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth under Day and Night Conditions from MODIS Collection 6 Cloud Property Data
* Retrieval of High-Resolution Atmospheric Particulate Matter Concentrations from Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Thickness over the Pearl River Delta Area, China
* Revealing Differences in Anatomical Remodelling of the Systemic Right Ventricle
* Revisiting Robust Visual Tracking Using Pixel-Wise Posteriors
* RKLT: 8 DOF Real-Time Robust Video Tracking Combing Coarse Ransac Features and Accurate Fast Template Registration
* Road Detection in Urban Areas Using Random Forest Tree-Based Ensemble Classification
* Road sign-aided estimation of visibility conditions
* Robust Facial Feature Localization using Data-Driven Semi-supervised Learning Approach
* Robust Geometry Estimation Using the Generalized Voronoi Covariance Measure
* Robust Low-Dose CT Perfusion Deconvolution via Tensor Total-Variation Regularization
* Robust Marker-Based Tracking for Measuring Crowd Dynamics
* Robust Nuclear Norm Regularized Regression for Face Recognition with Occlusion
* Robust object tracking using semi-supervised appearance dictionary learning
* Robust people counting using sparse representation and random projection
* Robust tracking using visual cue integration for mobile mixed images
* Robust Video Object Cosegmentation
* Robust visual analysis for planogram compliance problem
* Role of Endocardial Trabeculations in Low-Energy Defibrillation, The
* Safe Close-Proximity and Physical Human-Robot Interaction Using Industrial Robots
* Saliency-based keypoint selection for fast object detection and matching
* Saliency-Guided Deep Framework for Image Quality Assessment
* Saliency-Guided Object Candidates Based on Gestalt Principles
* Salient object detection via global and local cues
* Salient views and view-dependent dictionaries for object recognition
* Scale parameter selection by spatial statistics for GeOBIA: Using mean-shift based multi-scale segmentation as an example
* Scattering Mechanism Extraction by a Modified Cloude-Pottier Decomposition for Dual Polarization SAR
* Scene retrieval by unsupervised salient part discovery
* Seasonal Variations of the Relative Optical Air Mass Function for Background Aerosol and Thin Cirrus Clouds at Arctic and Antarctic Sites
* Secure watermarking scheme against watermark attacks in the encrypted domain
* Segmented minimum noise fraction transformation for efficient feature extraction of hyperspectral images
* Self-Adaptive Gradient-Based Thresholding Method for Coal Fire Detection Using ASTER Thermal Infrared Data, Part I: Methodology and Decadal Change Detection
* Self-taught learning of a deep invariant representation for visual tracking via temporal slowness principle
* Semantic mapping for mobile outdoor robots
* Semantic rich ICM algorithm for VHR satellite images segmentation
* Semantic Scene Classification with Generalized Gaussian Mixture Models
* Semidefinite Programming Based Search Strategy for Feature Selection with Mutual Information Measure, A
* Sensitivity Analysis of Diffusion Tensor MRI in Simulated Rat Myocardium
* Sensitivity of a Floodplain Hydrodynamic Model to Satellite-Based DEM Scale and Accuracy: Case Study: The Atchafalaya Basin
* Sensitivity of the Electrocardiography Inverse Solution to the Torso Conductivity Uncertainties
* Sequential State Estimation for Electrophysiology Models with Front Level-Set Data Using Topological Gradient Derivations
* Shape Dependency of ICP Pose Uncertainties in the Context of Pose Estimation Systems
* Shape, Illumination, and Reflectance from Shading
* Shrink Wrapping Small Objects
* Silhouette Analysis for Human Action Recognition Based on Supervised Temporal t-SNE and Incremental Learning
* Similar handwritten Chinese character recognition based on adaptive discriminative locality alignment
* Simple View-Based Software Architecture for an Autonomous Robot Navigation System, A
* Simultaneous Scene Reconstruction and Auto-Calibration Using Constrained Iterative Closest Point for 3D Depth Sensor Array
* Single Image Superresolution Based on Gradient Profile Sharpness
* Single-image super-resolution in RGB space via group sparse representation
* singular-value-based semi-fragile watermarking scheme for image content authentication with tamper localization, A
* Situational Awareness for Manufacturing Applications
* Sketch Matching on Topology Product Graph
* Sleep Pose Recognition in an ICU Using Multimodal Data and Environmental Feedback
* Snow Cover Variations and Controlling Factors at Upper Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China
* Social Attribute-Aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness of Interaction for Abnormal Crowd Detection
* Soil Surface Roughness Using Cumulated Gaussian Curvature
* Solution to Face-to-Face Contact in Tele-presence Systems, A
* Sparse image reconstruction by two phase RBM learning: Application to mine planning
* Sparse-based reconstruction of missing information in remote sensing images from spectral/temporal complementary information
* Sparsity and Biomechanics Inspired Integration of Shape and Speckle Tracking for Cardiac Deformation Analysis
* Spatial codification of label predictions in multi-scale stacked sequential learning: a case study on multi-class medical volume segmentation
* Spatial Variability Mapping of Crop Residue Using Hyperion (EO-1) Hyperspectral Data
* Spatially-Adaptive Reconstruction in Computed Tomography Using Neural Networks
* Spatio-temporal descriptor for abnormal human activity detection
* Spatio-Temporal Tensor Decomposition of a Polyaffine Motion Model for a Better Analysis of Pathological Left Ventricular Dynamics
* Spatio-temporal texture-based feature extraction for spontaneous facial expression recognition
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forest-Heathland Communities over 60 Years in Fontainebleau, France, The
* Specular Reflectance Suppression in Endoscopic Imagery via Stochastic Bayesian Estimation
* Speeding up the cyclic edit distance using LAESA with early abandon
* Speedy Character Line Detection Algorithm Using Image Block-Based Histogram Analysis
* SPOT-Based Sub-Field Level Monitoring of Vegetation Cover Dynamics: A Case of Irrigated Croplands
* Stable Camera Motion Estimation Using Convex Programming
* Standardized Time-Series and Interannual Phenological Deviation: New Techniques for Burned-Area Detection Using Long-Term MODIS-NBR Dataset
* Statistical Textural Distinctiveness in Multi-Parametric Prostate MRI for Suspicious Region Detection
* Steps Towards Quantification of the Cardiological Stress Exam
* Stochastic Blind Motion Deblurring
* Stratified Sampling Voxel Classification for Segmentation of Intraretinal and Subretinal Fluid in Longitudinal Clinical OCT Data
* Structural inpainting of road patches for anomaly detection
* Structural Representations for Multi-modal Image Registration Based on Modified Entropy
* Structural Similarity Optimized Wiener Filter: A Way to Fight Image Noise
* Structural Similarity-Based Optimization Problems with L1-Regularization: Smoothing Using Mollifiers
* Structure Tensor Total Variation
* Study of automatic prediction of emotion from handwriting samples
* study on the robustness of shape descriptors to common scanning artifacts, A
* Subject Independent Reference Frame for the Left Ventricular Detailed Cardiac Anatomy
* Subjective Perceptions in Wartime Negotiation
* Surface defect detection in low-contrast images using basis image representation
* Surface object recognition with CNN and SVM in Landsat 8 images
* Surface Reconstruction from Intensity Image Using Illumination Model Based Morphable Modeling
* Survey of Current YouTube Video Characteristics, A
* Survey of Interactive Remote Rendering Systems, A
* Survey on Implicit Surface Polygonization, A
* Teach it Yourself: Fast Modeling of Industrial Objects for 6D Pose Estimation
* Template-Free Wavelet-Based Detection of Local Symmetries
* Temporal-spatial validation of knot-tying procedures using RGB-D sensor for training of surgical operation
* Tensor rank selection for multimedia analysis
* Three-dimensional simulation method of fish-eye lens distortion for a vehicle backup rear-view camera
* Three-DoF pose estimation of asteroids by appearance-based linear regression with divided parameter space
* Time Dependent Variational Approach to Image Restoration, A
* topology-based approach to computing neighborhood-of-interest points using the Morse complex, A
* Toward Improved Daily Cloud-Free Fractional Snow Cover Mapping with Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data in China
* Towards 3D human posture estimation using multiple kinects despite self-contacts
* Towards a Robust System Helping Underwater Archaeologists Through the Acquisition of Geo-referenced Optical and Acoustic Data
* Towards an Automatic Clinical Classification of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
* Towards Automatic Assessment of the Mitral Valve Coaptation Zone from 4D Ultrasound
* Tracking a table tennis ball for umpiring purposes
* Tracking image features with PCA-SURF descriptors
* Tracking Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in Cloud Prone Areas Using Moderate Resolution Satellite Data: A Case Study in Central Africa
* Training-free moving object detection system based on hierarchical color-guided motion segmentation
* Transfer learning method using multi-prediction deep Boltzmann machines for a small scale dataset
* Tree Topology Estimation
* Tri-subjects kinship verification: Understanding the core of a family
* Tsai camera calibration enhanced
* Uncertainty Reduction via Heuristic Search Planning on Hybrid Metric/Topological Map
* Unified Sparse Recovery and Inference Framework for Functional Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Random Effect Model, A
* Unsupervised figure-ground segmentation using edge detection and game-theoretical graph-cut approach
* Unsupervised learning via mixtures of skewed distributions with hypercube contours
* Unsupervised muscle region extraction by fuzzy decision based saliency feature integration on thigh MRI for 3D modeling
* Unsupervised Sub-graph Selection and Its Application in Face Recognition Techniques
* Using an OBCD Approach and Landsat TM Data to Detect Harvesting on Nonindustrial Private Property in Upper Michigan
* Using binarization and hashing for efficient SIFT matching
* Using Landsat Vegetation Indices to Estimate Impervious Surface Fractions for European Cities
* Using Multi-Attribute Decision Factors for a Modified All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment
* Using polynomials to correct non-uniform backgrounds in thermal images caused by uneven heating
* Using RapidEye and MODIS Data Fusion to Monitor Vegetation Dynamics in Semi-Arid Rangelands in South Africa
* Using statistical characteristics of gradient phases for robust face recognition under illumination variations
* Using Tree Detection Algorithms to Predict Stand Sapwood Area, Basal Area and Stocking Density in Eucalyptus regnans Forest
* Validation and Performance Evaluations of Methods for Estimating Land Surface Temperatures from ASTER Data in the Middle Reach of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
* Validation of CM SAF Surface Solar Radiation Datasets over Finland and Sweden
* Validation of Land Cover Products Using Reliability Evaluation Methods
* Variants of seeded region growing
* Variational Feature Representation-based Classification for face recognition with single sample per person
* Vehicle Detection Using Approximation of Feature Pyramids in the DFT Domain
* Vehicle routing problem solution considering minimising fuel consumption
* Very High-Resolution Imaging of Post-Mortem Human Cardiac Tissue Using X-Ray Phase Contrast Tomography
* VHR satellite image segmentation based on topological unsupervised learning
* Video Error Correction Using Soft-Output and Hard-Output Maximum Likelihood Decoding Applied to an H.264 Baseline Profile
* Video Inpainting With Short-Term Windows: Application to Object Removal and Error Concealment
* Video rate control strategies for cloud gaming
* Video super-resolution with registration-reliability regulation and adaptive total variation
* View extension for teleoperated MAV
* Viewpoint Recognition in Cardiac CT Images
* Vision-Based Collision Avoidance for Personal Aerial Vehicles Using Dynamic Potential Fields
* vision-based collision warning system for unmanned aerial vehicles, A
* Vision-Based System for Movement Analysis in Medical Applications: The Example of Parkinson Disease, A
* Visual data denoising with a unified Schatten-p norm and lq norm regularized principal component pursuit
* Visual detection and species classification of orchid flowers
* Visual Estimation of Attentive Cues in HRI: The Case of Torso and Head Pose
* Visual feature coding for image classification integrating dictionary structure
* Visual Hull-Based Geometric Data Compression of a 3-D Object
* Visual words for automated visual inspection of bulk materials
* Visually salient features for highway scene analysis
* Watching photons on the fly
* Weighted Hough Forest for object detection
* What Your Face Vlogs About: Expressions of Emotion and Big-Five Traits Impressions in YouTube
* WM-SBA: Weighted multibody sparse bundle adjustment
* Zero-Aliasing Correlation Filters for Object Recognition
* Zero-Shot Object Recognition Using Semantic Label Vectors
* Zigzag persistent homology for processing neuronal images
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.