Update Dates 9205

9205 * 3-D object recognition using passively sensed range data
* Active perception using DAM and estimation techniques
* Adaptive Determination of Filter Scales for Edge Detection
* Adaptive Pyramid: A framework for 2D Image Analysis, The
* Algebraic Description of Curve Structure
* Analysis Of Template Matching Thinning Algorithms
* Apparatus for converting handwritten characters onto finely shaped characters of common size and pitch, aligned in an inferred direction
* Applying two-dimensional delaunay triangulation to stereo data interpolation
* Boundary detection in piecewise homogeneous textured images
* Combining intensity and motion for incremental segmentation and tracking over long image sequences
* Comparative Evaluation of Fast Thinning Algorithms on a Multiprocessor Architecture
* Complete and Extendable Approach to Visual Recognition, A
* Computing Shape Description Transforms on a Multiresolution Architecture
* Continuous Skeleton Computation by Voronoi Diagram
* Contour extraction by mixture density description obtained from region clustering
* Critical sets for 3D reconstruction using lines
* Depth Computations from Polyhedral Images
* Detection of general edges and keypoints
* Detection of Rotationally Symmetric Shape Orientations by Fold-Invariant Shape-Specific Points
* Deterministic pseudo-annealing: Optimization in Markov-Random-Fields an application to pixel classification
* Distributed belief revision for adaptive image processing regulation
* Dynamic Scene Analysis Using Path and Shape Coherence
* Edge Expression Based on Tree Structure
* Edge Reinforcement Using Parameterized Relaxation Labeling
* Ellipse based stereo vision
* Fast Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Fast Perceptual Learning in Visual Hyperacuity
* Features extraction and analysis methods for sequences of ultrasound Images
* Finding clusters and planes from 3D line segments with application to 3D motion determination
* Finding Half Boundaries and Junctions in Images
* Finding Neighbors of Equal Size in Linear Quadtrees and Octrees in Constant Time
* Gaussian Decomposition of Two-Dimensional Shapes: A Unified Representation for CAD and Vision Applications
* Geometric and Radiometric Analysis of a CCD-Camera Based Photogrammetric Close-Range System
* Geometric Aspects of Visual Object Recognition
* Geometric Structure for Two-Dimensional Shapes and Three-Dimensional Surfaces, A
* Hardware support for fast edge-based stereo
* Harmonic Models of Shape Transformations in Digital Images and Pictures
* Hierarchical shape recognition based on 3-D multiresolution analysis
* Hybrid Approach Toward Model-Based Texture Segmentation, A
* Hybrid coding system for moving image
* Image compression and reconstruction using a 1-D feature catalogue
* Indexicality and dynamic attention control in qualitative recognition of assembly actions
* Integrated skeleton and boundary shape representation for medical image interpretation
* Intrinsic surface properties from surface triangulation
* Limitations of Non Model-Based Recognition Schemes
* Method and apparatus for reducing image noises
* method for the 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes from monocular images, A
* Methods for Fast Morphological Image Transforms Using Bitmapped Binary Images
* Monocular Pose of a Rigid Body Using Point Landmarks
* Motion analyzing/advising system
* Multidimensional Processing of Video Signals
* Möbius strip parameterization for line extraction, The
* New Algorithms for Maximum Entropy Image Restoration
* New and Efficient Cellular Algorithms for Image Processing
* new topological classification of points in 3D images, A
* On visual ambiguities due to transparency in motion and stereo
* Optimization of Length Measurements for Isotropic Distance Transformations in Three Dimension[s]
* Parallel algorithms for the distance transformation
* parallel implementation of a structure-from-motion algorithm, A
* Parameter Estimation and Restoration of Noisy Images Using Gibbs Distributions in Hidden Markov Models
* Procedure for Generating Template Masks for Detecting Variable Signals
* Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters via Short Line Segments
* Relative Motion and Pose from Arbitrary Plane Curves
* Robust and fast computation of unbiased intensity derivatives in images
* Robust Segmentation of Noisy Images Using a Neural Network Model
* Selective Perception for Robot Driving
* Simultaneous Estimation of Shape and Reflectance Map from Photometric Stereo
* Stereo Vision Technique Using Curve-Segments and Relaxation Matching, A
* Surface Reconstruction Using Deformable Models with Interior and Boundary Constraints
* Symbolic and Geometric Connectivity Graph Methods for Route Planning in Digitized Maps
* Testing computational theories of motion discontinuities: A psychophysical study
* Texture Modeling Using Gibbs Distributions
* theory of 3D reconstruction of heterogeneous edge primitives from two perspective views, A
* Toward 3D Vision from Range Images: An Optimization Framework and Parallel Networks
74 for 9205

Index for "9"

Last update:15-Sep-24 16:55:52
Use price@usc.edu for comments.