6.17.5 D.5. Estimation, etc.

Chapter Contents (Back)

Chaudhuri, B.B., Kundu, P.,
Optimum Circular Fit To Weighted Data In Multi-Dimensional Space,
PRL(14), 1993, pp. 1-6. BibRef

Rosin, P.L.,
A Note On The Least Squares Fitting Of Ellipses,
PRL(14), 1993, pp. 799-808. BibRef

Unser, M., Aldroubi, A., Eden, M.,
The L28 Polyunomial Spline Pyramid,
T-PAMI(15), 1993, pp. 364-379. BibRef

Keren, D., Werman, M.,
Probabilistic Analysis Of Regularization,
T-PAMI(15), 1993, pp. 982-995. BibRef

Chen, M.H., Chin, R.T.,
Partial Smoothing Splines For Noisy Boundaries With Corners,
T-PAMI(15), 1993, pp. 1208-1216. BibRef

Li, M.,
Minimum Description Length Based 2d Shape Description,
ICCV(93), pp. 512-517. BibRef

Kanatani, K.,
Renormalization For Unbiased Estimation,
ICCV(93), pp. 599-606. BibRef

Taubin, G.,
An Improved Algorithm For Algebraic Curve And Surface Fitting,
ICCV(93), pp. 658-665. BibRef

Figuereido, M.A.T., Leitao, J.M.N.,
Simulated Tearing: An Algorithm For Discontinuity-Preserving Visual Surface Reconstruction,
CVPR(93), pp. 28-33. BibRef

Olsen, S.I.,
Estimation Of Noise In Images: An Evaluation,
GMIP(55), 1993, pp. 319-323. BibRef

Hoppe, H., DeRose, T., Duchamp, T., McDonald, J., Stuetzle, W.,
Mesh Optimization,
SIGGRAPH(93), pp. 19-26. BibRef

Chapter on Rosenfeld Bibliography for 1993 continues in
E. Feature Detection, Segmentation, Image Analysis .

Last update:Jun 7, 2018 at 10:14:50