3.13.4 A.1. Multiscale methods

Chapter Contents (Back)

Califano, A., Kjeldsen, R., Bolle, R.M.,
Data- And Model-Driven Multiresolution Processing,
CVIU(63), 1996, pp. 27-49. BibRef

Bertin, E., Bischof, H., Bertolino, P.,
Voronoi Pyramids Controlled By Hopfield Neural Networks,
CVIU(63), 1996, pp. 462-475. BibRef

Olkkonen, H., Pesola, P.,
Gaussian Pyramid Wavelet Transform For Multiresolution Analysis Of Images,
GMIP(58), 1996, pp. 394-398. BibRef

Florack, L.,
The Gaussian Scale-Space Paradigm And The Multiscale Local Jet,
IJCV(18), 1996, pp. 61-75. BibRef

Ip, H.H.S., Lam, S.W.C.,
Alternative Strategies For Irregular Pyramid Construction,
IVC(14), 1996, pp. 297-304. BibRef

Mallat, S.,
Wavelets For A Vision,
P-IEEE(84), 1996, pp. 604-614. BibRef

Li, B.,
Repeatedly Smoothing, Discrete Scale-Space Evolution And Dominant Point Detection,
PR(29), 1996, pp. 1049-1059. BibRef

Kubota, T., Alford, C.O.,
Computation Of Orientation Filters For Real-Time Computer Vision Problems Ii: Multi-Resolution Image Decomposition,
RTI(2), 1996, pp. 91-116. BibRef

Jackway, P.T.,
Gradient Watersheds In Morphological Scale Space,
T-IP(5), 1996, pp. 913-921. BibRef

Jackway, P.T., Deriche, M.,
Scale-Space Properties Of The Multiscale Morphological Dilation-Crosion,
T-PAMI(18), 1996, pp. 38-51. BibRef

Anh, V., Shi, J.Y., Tsui, H.T.,
Scaling Theorems For Zero Crossings Of Bandlimited Signals,
T-PAMI(18), 1996, pp. 309-320. BibRef

Bangham, J.A., Ling, P.D., Harvey, R.,
Scale-Space From Nonlinear Filters,
T-PAMI(18), 1996, pp. 520-528. BibRef

Bangham, J.A., Chardaire, P., Pye, C.J., Ling, P.D.,
Multiscale Nonlinear Decomposition: The Sieve Decomposition Theorem,
T-PAMI(18), 1996, pp. 529-539. BibRef

Park, K.R., Lee, C.N.,
Scale-Space Using Mathematical Morphology,
T-PAMI(18), 1996, pp. 1121-1126. BibRef

De Floriani, L., Marzano, P., Puppo, E.,
Multiresolution Models For Topographic Surface Description,
VC(12), 1996, pp. 317-345. BibRef

Bangham, J.A., Harvey, R., Ling, P.D., Aldridge, R.V.,
Nonlinear Scale-Space From N-Dimensional Sieves,
ECCV(A), pp. 189-198. BibRef

Kothe, U.,
Local Appropriate Scale In Morphological Scale-Space,
ECCV(A), pp. 219-228. BibRef

Lindeberg, T., Fagerstrom, D.,
Scale-Space With Causal Time Direction,
ECCV(A), pp. 229-240. BibRef

Finkelstein, A., Jacobs, C.E., Salesin, D.H.,
Multiresolution Video,
SIGGRAPH 96(281-290). BibRef

Cong, G., Ma, S.D.,
Nonlinear Diffusion For Early Vision,
ICPR(A), pp. 403-406. BibRef

Sporring, J.,
The Entropy Of Scale-Space,
ICPR(A), pp. 900-904. BibRef

Garcia-Silvente, M., Fdez-Valdivia, J., Garcia, J.A.,
A Multi-Channel-Based Approach For Extracting Significant Scales On Gray-Level Images,
ICPR(B), pp. 231-235. BibRef

Chinveeraphan, S., Takamatsu, R., Sato, M.,
A Hierarchical Description Of Digital Grayscale Images Based On Image Dipoles,
ICPR(B), pp. 246-250. BibRef

Astrom, K., Heyden, A.,
Stochastic Analysis Of Scale-Space Smoothing,
ICPR(B), pp. 305-309. BibRef

Yoshii, H.,
Pyramid Architecture Classification Tree,
ICPR(B), pp. 310-314. BibRef

Cong, G., Ma, S.D.,
Dyadic Scale Space,
ICPR(B), pp. 399-402. BibRef

Rougon, N., Preteux, F.,
Understanding The Structure Of Diffuse Scale-Spaces,
ICPR(B), pp. 844-848. BibRef

Weickert, J.A., ter Haar Romeny, B.M., Viergever, M.A.,
Conservative Image Transformations With Restoration And Scale-Space Properties,
ICIP(A), pp. 465-468. BibRef

Dibos, F.,
Projective Invariant Multiscale Analysis,
ICIP(A), pp. 485-488. BibRef

Chapter on Rosenfeld Bibliography for 1996 continues in
A.1. Geometric operations; estimation, etc. .

Last update:Jun 7, 2018 at 10:14:50