2.12.3 D.3. Operations

Chapter Contents (Back)

Pei, S.C., Lai, C.L., Shih, F.Y.,
An Efficient Class Of Alternating Sequential Filters In Morphology,
GMIP(59), 1997, pp. 109-116. BibRef

Xiong, Y., Shafer, S.A.,
Moment And Hypergeometric Filters For High Precision Computation Of Focus, Stereo And Optical Flow,
IJCV(22), 1997, pp. 25-59. BibRef

Robin, F., Privat, G., Renaudin, M.,
Asynchronous Relaxation Of Morphological Operators: A Joint Algorithm-Architecture Perspective,
IJPRAI(11), 1997, pp. 1085-1094. BibRef

Nakamura, A., Rosenfeld, A.,
Digital Calculus,
IS(98), 1997, pp. 83-98. BibRef

Vanrell, M., Vitria, J.,
Optimal 3 X 3 Decomposable Disks For Morphological Transformations,
IVC(15), 1997, pp. 845-854. BibRef

Crespo, J., Schafer, R.W.,
Locality And Adjacency Stability Constraints For Morphological Connected Operators,
JMIV(7), 1997, pp. 85-102. BibRef

Dougherty, E.R.,
Optimal Binary Morphological Bandpass Filters Induced By Granulometric Spectral Representation,
JMIV(7), 1997, pp. 175-192. BibRef

Shi, H.,
Two Image-Template Operations For Binary Image Processing,
JMIV(7), 1997, pp. 269-274. BibRef

Sivakumar, K., Goutsias, J.,
On The Discretization Of Morphological Operators,
JVCIR(8), 1997, pp. 39-49. BibRef

Van Droogenbroeck, M., Talbot, H.,
Fast Computation Of Morphological Operations With Arbitrary Structuring Elements,
PRL(17), 1996, pp. 1451-1460. BibRef

Sarkar, D.,
Operations On Binary Images Encoded As Minimized Boolean Functions,
PRL(18), 1997, pp. 455-463. BibRef


Kubota, T., Alford, C.O.,
Computation Of Orientational Filters For Real-Timecomputer Vision Problems Iii: Steerable System And Vlsi Architectures,
RTI(3), 1997, pp. 37-58. BibRef

Heijmans, H.J.A.M.,
Composing Morphological Filters,
T-IP(6), 1997, pp. 713-723. BibRef

Lee, K.H., Morales, A., Ko, S.J.,
Adaptive Basis Matrix For The Morphological Function Processing Opening And Closing,
T-IP(6), 1997, pp. 769-774. BibRef

Gevorkian, D.Z., Astola, J.T., Atourian, S.M.,
Improving Gil-Werman Algorithm For Running Min And Max Filters,
T-PAMI(19), 1997, pp. 526-529. BibRef

Sussner, P., Ritter, G.X.,
Decomposition Of Gray-Scale Morphological Templates Using The Rank Method,
T-PAMI(19), 1997, pp. 649-658. BibRef

Boykov, Y., Veksler, O., Zabih, R.,
A Variable Neighborhood Approach To Early Vision,
IUW 97(1453-1457). BibRef

Teo, P.C., Hel-Or, Y.,
A Computational Approach To Steerable Functions,
CVPR 97(313-318). BibRef

Heijmans, H.J.A.M.,
Connected Morphological Operators And Filters For Binary Images,
ICIP(B), pp. 211-214. BibRef

Ikenaga, T., Oguna, T.,
Real-Time Morphology Processing Using Highly Parallel 2d Cellular Automata Cam2,
ICIP(B), pp. 562-565. BibRef

Deforges, O., Normand, N.,
Recursive Morphological Operators For Gray Image Processing: Application In Granulometry Analysis,
ICIP(B), pp. 672-675. BibRef

Chapter on Rosenfeld Bibliography for 1997 continues in
D.4. Processes .

Last update:Jun 7, 2018 at 10:14:50