Index for baff

Baffelli, S. * 2018: Polarimetric Calibration of the Ku-Band Advanced Polarimetric Radar Interferometer
* 2020: Geostatistical Analysis and Mitigation of the Atmospheric Phase Screens in Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar Interferometric Observations of an Alpine Glacier

Baffour, A.A.[Adu Asare] * 2021: Spatial Self-Attention Network with Self-Attention Distillation for Fine-Grained Image Recognition

Baffy, B.[Benjamin] * 2023: Handling dataset dependence with model ensembles for skin lesion classification from dermoscopic and clinical images
Includes: Baffy, B.[Benjamin] Baffy, B.[Benjámin]

Index for "b"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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