Index for bagg

Bagga, A. * 2002: Multi-source combined-media video tracking for summarization
* 2003: Identifying story and preview images in news web pages

Bagga, S.[Sheetal] * 2017: Implementing set operations over moving regions using the component moving region model
* 2022: HierMatch: Leveraging Label Hierarchies for Improving Semi-Supervised Learning
Includes: Bagga, S.[Sheetal] Bagga, S.[Shaurya]

Baggenstoss, P.M. * 2000: Theoretically Optimal Probabilistic Classifier Using Class-specific Features, A
* 2002: chain-rule processor: Optimal Classification Through Signal Processing, The
* 2004: Image Distortion Analysis Using Polynomial Series Expansion
* 2004: Speech music discrimination using class-specific features
* 2016: EEF: Exponentially Embedded Families with Class-Specific Features for Classification
* 2021: Discriminative Alignment of Projected Belief Networks
Includes: Baggenstoss, P.M. Baggenstoss, P.M.[Paul M.]

Baggett, L.P. * 2013: Hyperion Image Optimization in Coastal Waters

Baggetto, P.[Pablo] * 2023: Study and Automatic Translation of Toki Pona

Baggiani, G. * 2001: Advanced Man-machine Interface for Cultural Heritage

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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